COURSE INFORMATION OUTLINE CODE & COURSE : EC301 – COMPUTER NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS PRE-REQUISITE(S) : NONE LECTURER DEPARTMENT DELIVERY METHOD CREDIT HOURS : NUR HIDAYAH MOKHTAR / MAHATHIR BIN JOHAR : ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT : THEORY & PRACTICAL : 2 TOTAL THEORY HOURS : 30 TOTAL PRACTICAL HOURS : 30 PROGRAMME LEARNING OUTCOMES (PLO) Upon completion of the programme, graduates should be able to: 1. Apply knowledge of mathematics, science and engineering fundamentals to well defined electrical and electronic engineering procedures and practices. 2. Demonstrate practical skills which includes the ability to troubleshoot, repair and do maintenance work for electrical and electronics equipment with specialization in communications. 3. Communicate effectively with the engineering community and the society at large. 4. Apply creative and critical thinking in solving problem related to assigned tasks. 5. Demonstrate awareness and consideration for societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities, taking into account the need for sustainable development. 6. Recognise the need for professional development and engage in independent acquisition of new knowledge and skill. 7. Recognise the need for entrepreneurship. 8. Demonstrate an understanding of professional ethics, responsibilities and norms of electrical and electronic engineering practices. 9. Function individually or in teams, effectively, with a capability to be a leader. SYNOPSIS COMPUTER NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS course introduces students to the concepts and principles of data transmission and computer networks. This course enables students to correctly use standard terminology in describing the main Local Area Network (LAN) topologies, hardware and software components used in networking. This course provides students with the knowledge and skills to build a network infrastructure using copper cabling, fiber optic cable and wireless devices. Students also learn to troubleshoot and secure the network. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: 1. Explain the hardware and network devices to build Local Area Network (LAN) for a specific implementation. (C1) 2 .Apply networking connection using straight-through or crossover UTP cable complying to TIA/EIA-568-B wiring standard. (C3) 3. Select addressing scheme of TCP/IP in Local Area Network (LAN) properly using network configuration tool. (C4) 4. Create a simple network connection using Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) in accordance to IEEE 802.11 protocols. (P7) 5. Adhere to norm practice of professional bodies such as IEE E or TIA/EIA-568-B during practical work session. (A3) IMPLEMENTATION PARTICULARS RTA CLO COURSE WORK Remarks WEEK ( Duration ) 1 2 3 INTRODUCTION TO NETWORKING Introduction to networking. Network topologies, principle of network communication, various network classifications of network (LAN, WAN, MAN), organization network standards, advantages of network computing and functions of networking hardware and devices. The topic also explains the setup of peer-to-peer network and a simple LAN THE OPEN SYSTEM INTERCONNECTION (OSI) MODEL AND NETWORK PROTOCOLS OSI Model and the functions of its layers, logical address of a computer, network protocol suites (TCP/IP, IPX/SPX, NetBios and NetBeui, AppleTalk), and addressing schemes for TCP/IP. Network services DATA TRANSMISSION AND NETWORKING MEDIA Basics of data transmission, transmission flaws affecting data signals (noise, attenuation, latency). Characteristics of various transmission media and its limitations in terms of throughput, Noise immunity, size and scalability, and cost are also covered in this topic. Network cabling preparation is included as well. 06 : 06 CLO 1 LAB 1, QUIZ 1 1 ,2&3 06 : 06 CLO 2 & CLO 4 LAB 2, QUIZ 2 4, 5 & 6 06 : 06 CLO 3 & CLO 4 LAB 3, MINI PROJECT 7, 8 & 9 Page 1 of 2 EC 301 –COMPUTER NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS INTERNET CONNECTION THROUGH ISP Basic concept of internet service provider, internet protocols and internet connectivity 4 02 : 02 CLO 2 & CLO 4 LAB 4, QUIZ 3 RTA CLO COURSE WORK 10 IMPLEMENTATION No. PARTICULARS Remarks WEEK ( Duration ) 5 WIRELESS TECHNOLOGIES Various types of technologies in wireless and the configuration of wireless LANs including the standards and components. Security on a wireless LAN is also discussed. 04 : 04 CLO 3 & CLO 4 6 BASIC SECURITY Various types of threats and methods of attack in a network environment. It also covers basic security policies in networking. 02 : 02 CLO 4 7 NETWORK TROUBLESHOOTING Common faults of network connectivity. The topic discusses various ways to troubleshoot a network system, including the purpose of the Helpdesk. 04 : 04 CLO 5 LAB 5, QUIZ 4 11 & 12 13 LAB 6 14, 15 & 16 TYPES OF ASSESSMENT The course is assessed through 100% Continuous Assessment CONTINUOUS ASSESSMENT (CA): Continuous assessment is carried out throughout the semester and comprises the following: a. Theory Quiz (minimum 4) 20% b. Practical work (minimum 6) 50% c. Theory Test (minimum 1) 20% d. Project (minimum 1) 10% [ Assessment Task above ( a-d ) to be executed during Lecture / Practical / Tutorial hour ] REFERENCES 1.Todd Lammle. (2007). CCNA Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide (6th Edition), Wiley Publishing. (ISBN: 978-0-470-110089) 2. Andrew S. Tanenbaum. (2003). Computer Networks Fourth Edition. Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 0-13-066102-3) 3. Cisco System. (2005). CCNA 1 and 2 Companion Guide, Revised (Cisco Networking Academy Program), 3rd Edition. Cisco Press (ISBN: 978-1-58713-150-9). 4. Tamara Dean. (2005). Network + 2005 in Depth. Thomson Course Technology. (ISBN: 1-59200-792-9) 5. Wendell Odom, Thomas Knott. (2006). Networking Basics CCNA 1 Companion Guide (Cisco Networking Academy). Cisco Press. (ISBN: 978-1-58713-164-6) RULES : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Attendance is compulsory for every student. Students are required to have at least 80% attendance. Punctuality is essential. Every student is required to be in the lecture hall/lecture room/ workshop 5 minutes before class starts. Student should submit all quizzes and assignments on time. All students must take part in every exercise/ task in class. Plagiarism and cheating will be severely dealt with. Students should conduct themselves in an appropriate manner following the policies and guidelines of the polytechnic. Prepared by : ……………………………….. NUR HIDAYAH BINTI MOKTAR I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT I HAVE RECEIVED AND READ THE COURSE INFORMATION OUTLINE AND WILL COMPLY WITH THE RULES STATED. ……………………………….. Name : Student registration no. : Date : Page 2 of 2 EC 301 –COMPUTER NETWORKING FUNDAMENTALS