September 7, 2004 - Emerson Spanish Immersion Learning Center

August 26, 2015
Dear families,
¡Bienvenidos a Emerson School!
My name is Megan Unger ("Maestra Megan"). This will be my 18th year at Emerson, and
I'm so excited to begin the year!
I'm from Madison, Wisconsin, and I received my teaching degree from Macalester
College in St. Paul. I received my bilingual/bicultural license from Hamline University,
and my master's degree in Second Languages and Cultures from the University of
Minnesota. I also was a Peace Corps volunteer in Paraguay for three and a half years.
I live in Minneapolis with my husband Michael, our daughter Eliana who is a second
grader right here at Emerson, our three-year-old son Miguel, and our dog Emma. I love
biking and baking!
I am passionate about immersion education and feel so lucky to be at Emerson. I can't
wait to get to know you and your family!
My name is Claire Undis (“Maestra Claire”). This is my eighth year teaching kindergarten
at Emerson, and I’m really looking forward to working with you and your child!
I grew up in Minnetonka, Minnesota and received my undergraduate degree in Spanish
and Elementary Education from the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. As a part of my
Spanish degree, I lived and studied in Mérida, Venezuela for 3 ½ months. I received my
teaching license and Master’s Degree in Elementary Education and Spanish at Hamline
University in St. Paul.
I live in Minneapolis with my husband, Andy, our 5 month old daughter, Amelia, our two
cats, Mish Mish and Honda, and our Chihuahua Andre.
I have learned A LOT and have had a ton of fun during my last 7 years at Emerson. I
really enjoy 5 and 6 year olds and LOVE speaking in Spanish all day! I am looking
forward to an even greater year this year with your child!
My name is Diana Merrigan. I am from Cuernavaca, Morelos Mexico.
It will be my 10th year as an Associate Educator in Emerson.
I am currently working to obtain my license as an Early Childhood Educator.
Dancing is my passion, I was a dance instructor in my church and for "La Semana"
cultural camp for 7 years.
I am very excited for this coming year that I am sure will very successful.
Children may arrive between 7:15 and 7:30 a.m. The afternoon buses leave at 2:00
Maestra Megan and Maestra Claire are Job-sharing this year, so that they can spend a
few days at home each week with their young children Maestra Claire will teach in
Room 19 Mondays, Tuesdays and every other Wednesday, and Maestra Megan will
teach every other Wednesday, Thursdays and Fridays. Maestra Diana will be in Room
19 every day
Emerson is a Spanish immersion school, which means that we speak to the children and
teach them in Spanish almost all day. In Kindergarten, we only have 30 minutes of
“English Time.” As your child moves up through the grades, his/her day will be less and
less in Spanish and more and more in English. By the time he/she reaches 5th grade,
his/her school day will be taught half in English and half in Spanish. After graduating
from 5th grade (Bilingual and Biliterate!), your child can continue his/her Spanish
immersion education at Anwatin Middle School and Roosevelt High School.
Please send your child to school with his or her backpack every day. Your child’s
backpack should be large enough to accommodate his or her “Pasaporte”, the folder
we will use to send homework, school papers, field trip permission forms, etc. Please
check your child’s Pasaporte on a daily basis! We also check Pasaportes every day for
notes from you.
Strong communication is a key ingredient to a successful kindergarten experience! If
you have any questions or concerns about what is happening in kindergarten or have
important information to share with us, feel free to leave a message at 612-668-3610
and we will return your call as soon as possible. You may also send a note in your child’s
pasaporte or email us at or
If you need to discuss transportation for the day, please call the school office at
Your child’s bus tag is pinned to his or her back pack, another very important reason to
make sure your kindergartner has his or her backpack every day. Bus tags help ensure
the safety of your child and prevent confusion in case of a substitute bus driver. Please
check your child’s bus tag to make sure the information is accurate and contact
Emerson Transportation at 612-668-3623 ASAP if we need to make changes.
If you are picking up your child during or after school, please send a note with him or
her that morning or call the office BEFORE 12pm and then sign him or her out in the
office/at the welcome desk before you leave. If you have given your child permission
to go to a friend’s house, or leave school with another adult, you must write a note for
or call the school office. Again, these rules are for your child’s safety.
It is very important for your child to be in school on time every day (by 7:30a.m.)
Kindergarten is the beginning of your child’s development of school habits and routines.
Attendance also affects student achievement, and for this reason the district
attendance goal is 95%. This means your child should miss no more than one day of
school per month! If your child arrives to school after 7:45am, he/she will receive a tardy
and 3 tardies equal an unexcused absence.
If your child does miss a day of school, please call the school attendance line (612-6683629). You may also send a note explaining the absence. Excused absences include
illness, doctor appointments and family emergencies. Any extended absences (for
trips, etc.) need to be reported in advance so that your child’s place at Emerson may
be reserved.
Please help your child be prepared for school by making sure he or she is well-rested.
Kindergartners need an average of 10-12 hours of sleep each night. Because Emerson
is an early-start school, that means an early bedtime!!
Birthdays are important days for kindergartners, and we celebrate these special days
together as a class. Please contact us to give me a heads up about when you would
like to celebrate. The district prohibits celebrating with food, but your child is welcome
to share a birthday prize with his/her classmates, i.e. stickers or pencils!
Please have your child wear gym/tennis shoes every day for gym class, recess, and
neighborhood walks. Gym shoes are required for physical education class; platform
shoes and/or shoes with heels are not acceptable for safety reasons. We
enthusiastically recommend tennis shoes that slip on or close with Velcro or zippers. 50+
untied shoes can be VERY overwhelming – not to mention unsafe!
Please write your child’s name on any articles he/she brings to school: clothing, lunch
boxes, backpacks, mittens, coats, etc. NO TOYS, LOOSE JEWELRY, MONEY (other than
lunch money) GUM, or CANDY SHOULD BE BROUGHT TO SCHOOL. Personal snacks and
drinks other than water are also unnecessary. This will help prevent loss and confusion
about ownership AND distractions from learning. Thank you for your cooperation!
Please send in an extra change of clothes for your child to keep to school, in case of a
bathroom accident
Please select at least 2 activities from the upcoming HOMEWORK GUIDE every night to
complete with your child. Record which activities you complete and turn the guide in
each Monday.
Please help your child with his/her homework by setting a routine time of day and a
place for him/her to work. Please keep pencils, crayons, scissors, and glue in a
convenient place for your child to use while doing homework. Please let us know if you
do not have access to these supplies.
Soon, your child will carry a few books home in a black book bag. These books are
checked out from a special classroom collection. Your child is invited to return those
books and exchange them on a TBD day each week.
Soon, your child will bring home a hardcover library book. Please return library books
every (Day TBD).
Breakfast is free of charge and should be eaten as soon as your child arrives at school
(Before she/he even goes to the classroom!). The kindergartners eat lunch at 10:00.
Your child may bring a lunch from home, or purchase school lunch for $2.10 per day.
Lunch is served on a “pre-pay” basis. Please fill out an application in the kitchen to
qualify for free or reduced-price lunches, if you have not already done so.
Students will be provided a fresh fruit or veggie snack every afternoon!!
If your child has special dietary considerations, please let me know right away.
Each week, one student will be the “Star of the Week”. Please reference the upcoming
Star of the Week packet for your child’s week. A few weeks before your child’s turn, I will
send home an “All About Me” poster for you to help your child complete, along with an
English translation to help you. The Monday of his or her week, you may return the
poster to school. We encourage you to visit the classroom sometime during the week
to share the poster, read a book and/or do a special activity with the class.
Field trip permission forms will be sent home in the “Pasaporte” take home folders.
Please sign and return forms as soon as possible, along with any required fees. Students
without signed permission forms cannot attend field trips Please also consider
chaperoning field trips. The more chaperones we have, the safer students will be!
District policy dictates that siblings ARE NOT allowed on field trips. Siblings ARE invited to
classroom events, like the Thanksgiving Feast, Winter Party, etc! Field trips will likely
occur on Fridays.
I realize that this is a lot of information all at once. Please contact me if you have any
questions or concerns. I’m looking forward to a wonderful year in kindergarten!
Maestra Megan, Maestra Claire and Maestra Diana
Room 19
Emerson Spanish Immersion Learning Center