Mass Marketing, Market Segmentation, and one

Mata kuliah : M0204 - Konsep E-Business
: 2010
Consumer Behaviour, Market Research, and
Pertemuan 9-10
Learning Objective
Learning about Consumer Behavior Online
Mass Marketing, Market Segmentation,
and one to one Marketing
The Consumer Decision Making Process
Personalization, Loyalty, Satisfaction and Trust in EC
Market Research for EC
Internet Marketing in B2B
Software Agent in Marketing and Advertising
Learning about Consumer Behavior Online
- Model of Consumer behavior online
- Independent
- Intervening
- The Decision Making Process
- The Dependent Variable
The Consumer Decision Making Proscess
- Initiator
- Influences
- Decider
- Buyer
- User
Mass Marketing, Market Segmentation,
and one to one Marketing
- Mass Marketing
- Market Segmentation
- Relationship and one to one marketing
- How one to one relationship are practiced
Personalization, Loyalty, Satisfaction and Trust in EC
Personalization in E-commerce
- Solicit information directly from consumer
- Observe what people are doing online
- Build from previous purchase pattern
- make inference
Customer Loyalty
E-loyalty = Customer loyalty to an e-tailers or loyalty
Programs delivered online or supported
Satisfaction in EC
- Information Quality
- System Quality
- Service Quality
Trust in EC
EC Trust Model
- Trust in internet merchant
- Trust in internet as shopping channel
- Trust in business and regulatory
Market Research for EC
- Methods for conducting market research online
- What are marketers looking for in EC
market research ?
- Market segment research
- Market research for one to one
- Observing customer
- Collaborative Filtering
- Limitation of online market research
and how to overcome them
- too much data
- accuracy of response
- Biometric Marketing
Biometric is individual unique
Physical or behavioral characteristic
That can used to identify individual
Precisely ( e.g fingerprint)
Internet Marketing in B2B
- Organizational Buyer Behavior
- The Marketing and Advertising process in B2B
- Methods for B2B online Marketing
-Targeting Customer
- Electronic wholesalers
- other B2B Marketing service
Web Advertising
- Overview
- Why internet advertising
- Advertising Networks
Online Advertising Methods
- Banner,Benefit and Limitation of Banner add
- Banner swapping and Banner Exchange
Pop Up and similar ads
- Interstitials
Email Advertising
- Email advertising managemnet
- Email advertising methods and succes
Advertising Strategies and Promotion online
- Affiliate marketing and advertising
- Ads and community
- Viral Marketing
- Customizing Ads
- Online event, promotion and attraction
Software Agent in Marketing and Advertising
Framework for classifying EC Agent
- Agent that support need identification (what to buy)
- Agent that support product brokering (from whom to buy)
- Agent that support Merchant Brokering and Comparison
- Agent that support buyer and seller negotiation
- Agent that support purchase and delivery
1. Describe about Consumer Behavior Online
2. Explain the definition of Mass Marketing
, Market Segmentation, and one to one Marketing
And relationship about them.
3. Explain The Consumer Decision Making Process
4. Describe Personalization, Loyalty,
Satisfaction and Trust in EC
5. What is the benefit of Market Research for EC
6. Explain Internet Marketing in B2B
7. Describe the Software Agent in Marketing
and Advertising Application and give example