Howard Zinn - Gabriel Buelna

Chapter 16: A People’s War?
Howard Zinn during World War II
Ovsanna Mouradiyan-CH S 245 OL-14003
 To what extent was World War II truly “A People’s
War”? How much of this support was manufactured?
 What actions did the United States take to provoke
their involvement in the war?
 Was it an imperialist war or a humanitarian war? What
issues in the United States would debunk the notions
that the war was for humanitarian reasons?
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“…if the entrance of the United States into World War II was (as so many Americans believed at the
time, observing the Nazi invasions) to defend the principle of nonintervention in the affairs of other
countries, the nation’s record cast doubt on its ability to uphold that principle.” (409)
The United States has a long history of intervening in other countries for their own personal,
political, or economic gain. Had WWII not provided some sort of domestic or foreign interest, the
U.S. may not have been so adamant about joining. In pages 408-409 Zinn states some of these
Opposed Haitian revolution for independence
Instigated War with Mexico and took more than half of their land
Pretended to help Cuba, only to set up military bases and investments there instead
Seized Hawaii, Guam and Puerto Rico
Declared “Closed Door” in Latin America to every other country except the U.S.
Created independent state of Panama so that it can have full control of the Canal
Intervened in wars in the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Haiti, and Cuba, all for
personal interests
Half of Latin America’s finances were being in some way controlled by the United States
by 1924
Sent thousands of troops to Russia to intervene with Bolshevik Revolution
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The United States had declared “Open Door” Policy in China only to exploit Chinese
 The Open Door Policy was conceptualized by Secretary of State John Hay. He sent
out a note to the other European Nations regarding this “Open Door” in 1899. Hay
proposed that China would be open to trade with all countries equality so that no
one international power could take control over China.
 The Open Door Policy was not an issue until Japan’s interests in the
area threatened U.S. interests.
The Japanese attempted to takeover China and
Chinese industries of tin, rubber and oil (All of
which are major U.S. interests.)
 In 1941, the United States placed an embargo on
Chinese scrap iron and oil.
Secretary of State John Hay
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United States declared an embargo on ammunition for Italy, but did not stop U.S. businesses from
sending oil.
U.S. declared neutrality in Spanish Civil War and cut off aid, while Hitler helped fund Franco.
The U.S. took a pro-Soviet stance during WWII although they had been against Russia during WWI.
Hitler invaded Austria, took over Czechoslovakia and attacked Poland—none of these actions
persuaded the United States into joining the war.
Japanese interest in China and Chinese resources prompted the U.S.’s attention to the war.
The United States antagonized the attack on Pearl Harbor. Zinn states, “Pearl Harbor was presented
to the American public as a sudden, shocking, immoral act. Immoral it was, like any bombing – but
not really sudden or shocking to the American government.” (411)
Bombing of Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941
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Franklin D. Roosevelt used Pearl Harbor as a way to deceive Americans into entering the
The United States promised to help France restore its power in overseas colonial
territories such as Indochina.
U.S. diplomats were working to ensure that the United States would have the greatest
amount of economic power in the world after the war.
An “Open Door” policy was created for the U.S. throughout Europe and the Middle East.
England and the U.S. set up the International Monetary Fund and The International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development to help countries destroyed by the war.
 Russian Ambassador Averell Harriman states “Economic assistance is one of the
most effective weapons at our disposal to influence European political events in the
direction we desire…” (414)
The United Nations was created to act as an international police in order to prevent any
future wars yet it was dominated by only 4 countries: the U.S., England, France and the
Soviet Union.
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The extermination of Jews was not a primary concern for FDR and he therefore passed it to the State
Department to find a solution.
Hitler’s notions about Aryan supremacy were not so different from
America’s notions at home. Segregations and racism were just as
prominent in the states and blacks faced it on a daily basis.
“Roosevelt was as much concerned to end the
oppression of Jews as Lincoln was to end slavery during
the Civil War; their priority in policy was not minority
rights, but national power.” (410)
The interment of 110,000 Japanese in the west coast was
also a prime example of the racism that persisted in the U.S.
Interment Locations included: Amache, Colorado, Heart
Mountain, Wyoming, Topaz, Utah, Tule Lake, California and
many others.
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Japanese-Americans forced to move
to Manzanar, CA with only the
items they could carry.
The United States provided England and France large amounts of supplies beginning in 1940 (prior to
the U.S. entering the war)
The U.S. government spend almost $1 Billion on contract manufacturing and research and
approximately $400 million of that money went to only 10 large companies.
During the War, over 14,000 strikes occurred. Workers saw their wages being frozen or depleted while
manufacturing companies were setting record profits.
There were also over 25 million workers who gave their pay for war bonds. (407)
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43,000 men refused to fight the war who were drafted; 6,000 of whom were later imprisoned.
Many blacks refused to fight as well; they were placed in segregated units.
Zinn quotes a black journalist stating “The Negro…is angry, resentful, and utterly apathetic about the war. ‘Fight
for what?’ he is asking. ‘This war doesn’t mean a thing to me. If we win I lose, so what?’”(419)
There were groups of pacifists and anarchists such as the Women’s International League for Peace and
The group that suffered the most was the Socialist Workers Party. Under the Smith Act of 1940,
anyone suspected of notions or involvement to overthrow the government would be arrested.
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British and American aerial attacks on German and Japanese civilian cities were far more atrocious
than any of the German attacks.
“The destruction and dislocation of the German military, industrial and economic system and the undermining
of the morale of the German people to the point where their capacity for armed resistance is fatally weakened.”
The bombing of Dresden in 1945 killed more than 100,000 people, mostly civilians.
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2 Atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in order to avoid an invasion of the country. The first was on
the town of Hiroshima, killing over 100,000 and the second on the city of Nagasaki killing over
The United States claimed that the atomic bombing of Japan was necessary in order to save money and lives of
General George Marshall stated that the Japanese should be informed of the atomic bomb so that the areas could
be cleared of civilian population, but that was ignored by the U.S. government.
The U.S. already knew through interpreting Japanese code messages that the
Japanese planned to surrender and even knowing this, the plan to drop the
atomic bombs were followed through with.
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The manufacturing during the war effort increased profits from $6.4 billion to $10.8 billion.
Corporations, such as General Motors wanted to continue the same model of economy and Truman
The years after World War II, the Cold War against the Soviet Union would encapsulate the American
economy and ideologies.
A constant fear of Soviet Communism kept wartime manufacturing running.
The United States established itself as the world leader after the War. They became involved in issues
all across nations including Greece, China and Korea. They poured money into governments and
leaders that were against Communist regimes and takeovers, even if they had no connection to the
Soviet Union.
Senator Joseph McCarthy led the fear of Communism back home in America. He declared lists of
people whom he believed to be Communist and working secretly for the Communist Party.
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World War II had a greater amount of participation from the American public than any other war in
it’s history. Over 18 million men served in the armed forces; 10 million of which served overseas.
However, much of this support was manufactured by the government. After the U.S.’s involvement in
WWI, Americans did not want to be dragged into another international war. Support for the war
changed with the bombing of Pearl Harbor.
The Open Door Policy in China had not been an issue until WWII. All the nations who participated
in the policy with China had done so peacefully. It was not until Japan wanted to have more control
of China and it’s industries that the U.S. became involved. In order to stop Japanese advancement in
China, the U.S. placed an embargo on Chinese industries, putting Japan in a position to attack. The
U.S. government awaited an attack on Pearl Harbor. FDR and his cabinet knew the attack would be
coming weeks in advance as they had cracked the Japanese codes.
WWII was an imperial war. It was a way in which the 4 major players (Great Britain, France, the
Soviet Union and the United States could establish themselves as the world powers, especially the
U.S. The U.S. had no humanitarian interests in the war. Back home, African Americans were faced
with racism, segregation, violence and denied basic human rights. During the war, the Japanese were
taken away from their homes and interned in camps for months and years without any justified
reason. The United States played a hero for humanitarian rights by fighting the war in Europe, yet
showed no sign of the same humanitarian efforts at home.
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Howard Zinn, A People’s History of the United States (New York: Harper Perennial: 1999) 407-442.
“List of Detention Camps, Temporary Detention Centers, and Department of Justice Internment
Camps” CLPEF Network, assessed April 1, 2014.
“Secretary of State John Hay and the Open Door in China, 1899–1900” US Department of State,
assessed April 1, 2014.
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