Economic Value Added (EVA) Business Model: Is it Sustainable ? Dr. Lim Mah Hui INTI College, Penang July 21, 2012 1 Introduction What’s the raison d’etre of a firm or company? Experience of EVA workshop 2 EVA Model Maximization of Returns to Shareholders EVA = (r-c).K = (rate of return – cost of capital) x capital employed OR Maximize NPV of FCF ( Net Present Value of Free Cash Flow) FCF = EBIT +Depreciation – Changes in Working Capital – Capital Expenditure 3 EVA applied to banking at every level Bank wide Department Individual Way to increase EVA is to reduce costs and usage of capital – best way is to leverage, trading and fee based activities Banks become NON-LENDING banks 4 EVA Relate experience in Indonesia during the Asian Financial Crisis Banks withdrew from lending to SMEs Concentrate on foreign exchange trading Banks, companies focused on short term gains rather than long term growth 5 Banks – systemic crisis Larry Summers – after GFC we need change in conceptual approach from one based on fallacy of composition – that in regulating each individual entity, you are regulating the whole system – to one based on what is necessary for systemic stability 6 Fallacy of Composition Methodological flaw in which understanding of and conclusion on an economic or social fact is based on analysis of its individual components Rational Expectation Theory in Economics But the whole is > sum of its parts 7 Fallacy of Composition Each individual or part acting to maximize its self interest instead of contributing to collective good can lead to systemic dysfunction 8 Examples Keynes Paradox of Savings Tragedy of Commons Jobless Growth 9 Business Ethics and CSR Icing on the cake Cant create responsible business when over-arching value and principle is maximize profits at all costs Reward and performance structure more powerful than “individual morality” Cant depend on business to self regulate esp with externalities 10 Role of State (government) State not only to provide legal, social and physical infrastructure for business Role of state also to regulate, to provide checks and balance, to guard social interest Mega trend of 21st century – relationship btw state and market 11 Externalities –definition and examples Action of private actor’s benefit individual but generate social and economic costs that are passed on to society Manufacturing industry – pollution Banking industry – over leverage and lending > financial crisis and tax payers carry costs of bail out 12 Externalities – Housing Industry Property construction industry developers profit maximization – build to maximum density causing traffic congestion Hill slope cutting causing erosion Housing treated as means of investment and speculation rather than consumption (living) Create international demand 13 Externalities Impact on domestic prices – house price increase outstrip wage increase > unaffordability Health industry – private hospitals suck up resources from public hospitals resulting in deterioration – 70% of specialists cater to only 30% of population. 14 New Business Model Social Enterprise Consider other stake holders Socially Acceptable Rate of Return (SARR) rather than EVA Job creation and job satisfaction Employees have say in business Workers participation in production 15 THANK YOU 16