Political Taboo! You are going to work in groups of two and create 40 cards (per team) over Chapters 7, 13 and 16. Create great clues so that the person who uses your card will find it very hard to give other clues sufficient enough to have others guess your word. In Taboo, the person giving the clues cannot use any word (or form of the word) on your card—including the word itself obviously. Other rules: 1. No more than 2 words per clue 2. write legibly 3. once your partner says a part of the word, you may say that part 4. clues MUST be relevant to government and politics (buzz them if they break this rule) 5. Can’t say, “we just did this one…” etc. 6. After 3 passes, each additional pass is -1 pt. 7. Each “buzz” is -1 pt. 8. saying any PART, of ANY word on the card is a “buzz”. Ch. 7 The Mass Media and the Political Agenda Taboo® Linkage institution Agenda setting (Gatekeeper) Scorekeeper Watchdog Blogs “Fourth Branch” Spin doctor White House Press secretary White House Press Corps Prior restraint Near v. Minnesota (1931) Federal Communications Commission Sound bites Equal time rule Trial Balloon Loaded language Selective attention Adversarial press Narrowcasting Investigative journalism Ch. 13 The Presidency Taboo® Bully pulpit Cabinet Divided government Impeachment Lame duck Line-item veto Pocket veto “Advice and consent” Agenda setting Diplomatic recognition Executive privilege Executive agreements Executive orders Presidential succession War Power Resolution 22nd Amendment 25th Amendment Commander-in-Chief Chief Legislator Chief of State Chief Diplomat National Security Council Presidential Coattails Ch. 16 The Judiciary Taboo® Amicus curiae Brief Class action suit Concurring opinion Courts of appeals Dissenting opinion Constitutional courts District courts Judicial review Writ of certiorari Marbury v. Madison Rule of 4 Senatorial courtesy Adversarial system Justiciable dispute Political question Judicial Activism Judicial Restraint Plaintiff Stare decisis Political question Original intent Teams 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. Meryl/Ericka/Jenny Seo Pavel/Renet Adam/Diane Kate/Brandon James/Stefan Nance/Samyra Stephanie/Catherine Mardi/Subin Erin/Joshy Will/Trina Brian/Daniel/Karl Caitlin/Aaron Lana/Kyle Emily/Kayla Thomas/Shereen/Victoria Daquiri/Walker