File - Mrs. Twiddy's LAC Class

Literature Unit 1: Autobiographically Speaking –
Assessment Review Sheet
Both of the memoirs we read were written by men; they are sharing their experiences from childhood
that allowed them to learn something important about themselves or their society
Know the author’s purpose for writing a memoir. What does a memoir share? Why would the writer
want to share that?
Memoir 1:
Ernesto Galarza (“Barrio Boy”) uses details to create the attitude or tone of his memoir.
He describes his new school in America in detail comparing it to his old school in Mexico to
express his attitude of awe toward the new school. He has other feelings as well: intimidation,
fear, unsureness …
The details of the setting help the reader understand the main character is coming into a new
school without knowing what to expect because he does not speak the language nor does he
know about their culture.
He writes about how tall Miss Hopley and Miss Ryan were expressing his tone of gratitude and
appreciation of them as well as acknowledging their importance in his life.
His tone throughout the excerpt we read is that of thankfulness toward this school and how
they allowed him to become “American” while staying Mexican.
Memoir 2:
Russell Baker (“No Gumption”) uses a lot of humor in his memoir to portray different things.
Exaggeration: “[Doris] positively enjoyed washing the dishes, making beds, and cleaning the
Sarcasm: “[Doris’s] salesmanship was irresistible.”
Formal language: “allowing the best in journalism, fiction, and cartoons to be swiftly extracted
and sold to a citizenry whose happiness and security depended upon us soldiers of the free
Self-criticism: “Having sized up the material the Lord had given [Russell’s mother] to mold, she
didn’t overestimate what she could do with it. She didn’t insist that I grow up to be President of
the United States.”
Repetition: “She wanted me to ‘make something’ of myself;” “Doris could have made something
of herself if she hadn’t been a girl”; “Uncle Allen had made something of himself by 1932.”
Appeal to reader assumptions: “The most desirable job on earth sprang instantly to mind. ‘I
want to be a garbage man,’ I said.”
Literature Unit 1: Autobiographically Speaking –
Assessment Review Sheet
Character behavior: “My mother replied that I was blessed with a rare determination to make
something of myself”; My mother said I was the soul of honesty”; “he certainly does,’ said my
Maxims (well-known phrases) that his mother preaches to him:
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”
“The early bird gets the worm.”
“If at first you don’t’ succeed, try, try again.”
Baker is making fun of the proverbs to point out the relationship he had with his mother. She
expected a lot from him. In the end he was able to live up to her expectations, just not the way
she expected!
Know the definition of:
Imagery: words used to paint pictures for the reader -- details
Tone: the attitude of the author toward the subject s/he is writing
Mood: the emotion a reader is to feel caused by the words/details the author uses
Theme: written in a complete sentence, theme is the universal message readers get from a piece of
Memoir: a true story relating the author’s personal experiences