Programme Details

Volunteer, Work & Learn
US: Work & Travel Brochure Training
In Detail
Global Land Product
Fast facts, brochure layout & suppliers
What you need to know about our Work & Travel products
Travel the world and push your limits
Learn more about Work & Travel products to help your customer work abroad
Programs offer much more than just a tourist experience
Opportunity to work alongside locals
Working abroad funds further travel
International experience looks fantastic on a CV
Learn new cultures and live day-to-day in another country
Earn a living whilst overseas
Products will differ in each division so check your brochure!
25+ programs
Bookable through STAy and B2Bs
5 suppliers
Some programs offer visa assistance
Spanning multiple countries
Group flight options
Commission vary from $50
Differing age restrictions
And commission from 20 – 25%
Some require specific experience
24/7 support in home/host country
Some programs require skill sets
An brief
overview of the
programme and
what to expect
best bits! Its
unique selling
Fairly important!
range from age,
nationality, skill
set, qualification
and language
Take note!
range from days
of the week to
date, months
and even
Product Code =
important! Code
will be
through 1Source
(April 2012)
Duration – min &
Understand the
bigger picture.
involve multiple
steps within the
Break it down.
Keen to know
how life pre and
during the
works day by
A large part of
Work & Travel
is all about
BUNAC (The British Universities North American Club)
Work Australia
BUNAC (The British Universities North American Club)
Work New Zealand
BUNAC (The British Universities North American Club)
Intern In Britain
BUNAC (The British Universities North American Club)
Work Ireland
BUNAC (The British Universities North American Club)
Work Canada
Australian Backpackers Work & Travel
Australian Starter Packages: Perth, Darwin, Cairns,
Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide
Australian Backpackers Work & Travel
Farm Familiarisation
Australian Backpackers Work & Travel
Australian Internships (Paid & Unpaid)
Base Backpackers Auckland
New Zealand Working Holiday Packages
Camp Europe
Camp Europe
i-to-i TEFL
Teach English Abroad (TEFL)
BUNAC: in detail
BUNAC provide a whole range of products in the Canada, Ireland, the UK, Australia and New
Zealand which we have previously not had access to. And while we do already sell Working
Holiday programmes to Australia and New Zealand, BUNAC product has USPs such as the
IEP Work Exchange Visa for New Zealand - available exclusively through BUNAC for people
18-35 years old.
As the only agency that has access to BUNAC's products, it puts STA Travel in a unique and
very exciting position. It's a great step forward in establishing ourselves in the broader
'work and study abroad' markets.
Unique Selling Points:
- Market leader with 50 years of experience
- Great reputation with employers and Universities
- Offers full support packages
STA Commission
See Cheat Sheets
BUNAC: Work Canada
Snapshot: Live, work and travel in Canada with help & guidance through whole process –
travelling on the Open Work Authorization
Duration: Up to 12 months
Departures: Year-round
Eligibility: 18-30 yrs / US passport / full-time student enrolled for fall 2011 or spring 2012
at US-accredited college or university
Inclusions: Open Work Authorization, jobs guidance, insurance, orientation, tax/banking
help, walk-in centers (YYZ, YVR), phone card, social events
Local Partner: SWAP
Programme Fee: US$405 including the CA$150 Canadian visa fee (also inc US$50 referral)
Other Fees: Flights/travel to Canada & support funds
Flights: STA can assist with the best deals!
BUNAC: Intern in Britain
Snapshot: Intern in Britain with sponsorship under the Government Authorised Exchange
(GAE) programme – available exclusively through BUNAC!
Duration: 1 to 6 months
Salary: Subject to National Minimum Wage – £4.98 per hour (up to 21 yrs) or £6.08 per
hour (22+ yrs)
Eligibility: 18+ yrs / US resident (or US resident studying abroad) / full-time degree level
student or graduated within last 12 mths
Inclusions: Visa sponsorship, visa assistance, orientation, walk-in center (BUNAC’s London
office), tax/banking/NI, social events
Program Fee: US$750 (inc US$50 referral)
Other Fees: UK Visa fee (£190), insurance (fr US$189), flights & support funds (US$1500
for paid internship / US$2500 for unpaid)
Flights: STA can assist with best deals!
BUNAC: Work Ireland
Snapshot: Explore the ‘Emerald Isle’ with a 4-month Letter of Eligibility (work permit) or
12-month working holiday visa
Eligibility: 18 yrs (& max 30 yrs on 12-month visa) / US citizen & passport / full-time uni
or college student, or graduated in last semester
Inclusions: Work permit (4 months) or visa assistance (12 months), arrival transfer & 1st
night accomm., orientation, walk-in center (Dublin), banking/tax, phone card
Local Partner: USIT
Program Fee: US$430 (4 mths inc permit) or US$340 (12 mths) - inc US$50 referral
Other Fees: Visa fee on 12-month program (US$250), immigration fee on arrival (€150),
insurance (fr US$239), flights & support funds
Flights: STA can assist with the best deals!
BUNAC: Work Australia
Snapshot: Gap year support package for those travelling on a ‘416’ (‘Youth from the US’
visa) or ‘462’ (‘Work & Holiday’ visa)
Duration: 4 mths (‘416’) or 12 mths (‘462’)
Departures: Year-round
Eligibility: 18-30 yrs / US citizen & passport (those applying for ‘462’ visa must also be a
high school graduate)
Inclusions: Visa application, jobs database, arrival transfer, 2 nts accomm, walk-in centers
(SYD, MEL, BNE, PER), orientation
Local Partner: Work ‘n’ Holiday
Program Fee: US$544 (4 months) or US$499 (12 months) – inc US$50 referral
Other Fees: ‘416’ visa fee (US$305) or ‘462’ visa fee (US$270), travel insurance (fr
US$329), flights & support funds
Flights: STA can assist with best deals!
BUNAC: Work New Zealand
Snapshot: Ultimate working holiday support package for those travelling on a Working
Holiday Visa or IEP Work Exchange Visa (exclusive to BUNAC)
Duration: Up to 12 months
Departures: Year-round
Eligibility: 18-30 (Working Holiday Visa) or 18-35 (IEP Work Exchange Visa) / US citizen
Inclusions: Visa application, jobs database, arrival transfer, 2 nts accomm, orientation,
walk-in center (AKL), social events, tax/bank
Local Partner: IEP (BUNAC’s sister company)
Program Fee: US$450 (Working Holiday Visa) or US $550 IEP Work Exchange Visa) – inc
US$50 referral
Other Fees: Insurance (fr US$479), flights & support funds
Flights: STA can assist with best deals!
BUNAC: How To Book
1. STA agent checks applicant’s eligibility for chosen program (e.g. age, student status if
applicable, correct passport)
2. STA agent checks program is ‘open’ for sale – most are available year-round
3. ‘Intern in Britain’ candidates must prove to BUNAC they have their own internship agreed
before application and visa process can start)
4. Customer registers with STA agent and pays our referral fee: USD $50
5. STA agent captures basic passenger information on a white-label version of BUNAC’s
6. No further requirements for STA … but we can sell add-ons later!
7. BUNAC contacts customer within 2 working days to take payment of remaining fee &
complete program application
8. BUNAC assists customer with visa application, pre-departure planning and help with job
9. STA assists with flights and insurance (if required)
Australian Backpackers:
Starter Packs
Snapshot: City starter packs perfect for anyone wanting a stress free start in Perth,
Darwin, Cairns, Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide. With guided orientation, hostel
accommodation, job search access and job offers sent for entire duration of stay!
Programme Details: Perth (2n), Darwin (2n), Cairns (2n), Brisbane (2n), Sydney (2, 4,
6n), Melbourne (2, 4n) and Adelaide (2n)
Clients are met at the airport, transferred to their hostel accommodation and equipped with
a comprehensive work and travel pack, and 12 months membership to the Australian online job agency and Woodduck Australian Backpackers job agency
Departure Dates: daily
Duration: 3-7 days
Inclusions: hostel accommodation and transfers, comprehensive work and travel pack,
2x12 months Job Club membership, set up of: mobile phone/SIM card/bank
account/Medicare card/mail forwarding/holding service/tax/file number; and variety of
excursions and planned social activities.
Programme Fee: fr $390
Other Fees: visa, food and other personal support funds
STAy Commission: 25%
Australian Backpackers:
Australian Internships
Snapshot: Australian Internship placements (paid and unpaid) with a focus on the
hospitality industry. From 6 weeks to 6 months in SYD, MEL, BNE, OOL, ADL and PER. Ideal
for linking university studies & graduate qualifications with career dreams.
Programme Details:
-3 months & 6 months paid placement options with pre-departure and in-country support
assistance, welcome pack, host company induction and arranged social events.
Remuneration from AU$13 to AU$18 (average $15-16) and weekend rates AU$20 to AU$28.
-6 weeks to 6 months un-paid placements - to gain valuable experience in anything fr
marketing, finance, media to fashion.
Clients to provide 8 weeks before intended start date: CV, cover letter and application
(including STAy booking reference). Clients will then undergo an interview.
Departure Dates: daily (exact start date will depend on the internship offered)
Australian Backpackers:
Australian Internships..continued
Duration: 6 weeks – 6 months
-Have a strong level of English (min IELTS 7.0)
-Be 18-30 years of age
-Have full-time availability throughout the internship period
-Be eligible for a Working Holiday Visa (417)
Inclusions: 6 week – 6 month placement, pre-departure and in-country support and
assistance, welcome pack and in-depth induction with host company, organised social
events/weekends, reference or statement of service from host company on completion of
Programme Fee: fr $1,214
Other Fees: visa, arrival transfer, insurance, accomm and other personal support funds
STAy Commission: 20%
Australian Backpackers:
Farm Familiarisation
Snapshot: Farm Familiarisation packages ex Sydney – terrific opportunity for those wanting
to gain farm hand experience in Australia’s outback. Varying package options, some with
the onwards employment that count towards a second year visa!
Programme Details: 9 nights Gold, 6 nights Silver and 6 nights farmstay (basic). All 3 are
aimed at educating the participant in the Australian outback way of life and they offer the
opportunity for participants to learn to drive 4x4 vehicles, horse ride, muster, sheep shear,
pick cotton and work with polo-cross horses (just to name a few). Completion of learning
modules leads to certification and possible onwards employment.
Departure Dates: Gold - Thursdays (Farm Course starts Mondays), Silver & Farmstay Sundays (Farm Course starts Mondays).
Duration: 3-7 days
-Understand, speak and write fluent English
-Possess the correct working holiday visa
-Have an Australian reciprocal Medicare Card, if not eligible, then comprehensive
personal/Travel Insurance
-Be fit and able to complete the course
-Notify any medical conditions/medication, prior injuries, dietary conditions or learning
-Possess a drivers’ license
Australian Backpackers:
Farm Familiarisation continued…
*Gold - Sydney airport pick up and transfer out to the farm, 3 nights accomm in Sydney, 6
nights station accomm and all meals, learning modules, work shirt, activities, local pub
dinner, guaranteed 3-4 job offers after successful course completion, assistance with bank
account, tax file and mail redirection set up, 12 months emergency assistance
*Silver - one way transfer out to the farm, 6 nights station accommodation and all meals,
learning modules, work shirt, activities, local pub dinner, guaranteed 1 job offer after
successful course completion, assistance with bank account set up.
*Farmstay - one way transfer out to the farm, 6 nights station accommodation and all
meals, learning modules, work shirt, activities, local pub dinner, assistance with bank
account set up
Programme Fee: fr $912
Other Fees: visa, onward travel - funds of at least at least AU$500 to cover travel
expenses, other personal support funds.
STAy Commission: 20%
How to book: city starter & farm
1. Refer to STAy Product Information Pages –
Sydney/Melbourne/Adelaide/Brisbane/Cairns/Darwin for Starter Pack departure date
and duration details. And Sydney for Farm packages.
2. Availability Search - enter search criteria: Packages (or All Accommodations as
default), departure date, # nights, 1 room and 1 pax. Click on ‘Search’.
3. Results – 1. Click +sign (next to details) to glean further details and then click on
the ‘hyperlinked product name’
4. Room Details - various information tabs will appear. Ensure you read through each
carefully as terms & conditions/cancellation policies are not to be taken lightly.
Enter 1 ‘room’, tick that acceptance of all errata, terms and conditions and click on
5. Transfer Details – add in clients flight arrival details (failure to do this and the client
will not be met at their chosen Australian airport)
6. Item Set Details - skip additional services by clicking on ‘Skip’
7. New Overview – click on Book to add passenger details
8. Passenger Details – Enter all relevant details, DOB and then click on ‘Proceed’
9. New Overview – Pending new booking with passenger details.
Click on ‘Book’
10. Booking Overview – Confirmation of new booking with STAy reference
How to book: Australian internships
1. Refer to STAy Product Information Pages – Sydney /Melbourne/Brisbane/The Gold
Coast/Adelaide/Perth – for departure dates, duration and any important information
required as part of the booking process (eg client’s email address must be added as
a memo).
2. Availability Search - enter search criteria: Other (or All Items as default), departure
date, # pax and city code. Click on ‘Search’.
3. Item Set Detail Results - Click on the ‘hyperlinked product name’
4. Item Detail Results – Click on the desired blue arrow and note deposit requirement!
5. Book Item – various information tabs will appear. Ensure you read through each
carefully as terms & conditions/cancellation policies are not to be taken lightly.
Tick that the errata, T&Cs have been read, select the number of adults required and
then click on ‘Proceed’.
6. New Booking Overview – click on ‘Book’
7. Additional Pax Details – complete all section and then click on ‘Proceed’
8. New Overview – Click on ‘Book’
9. New Booking Overview – confirmation of new booking with STAy reference
10. Continuation of booking (post STAy):
Step 1 – Clients to provide Australian Backpackers with client's CV, cover letter and
application (including STAy booking reference). This must be done at least 8 weeks
prior to the intended start date of the internship. Australian Backpackers will then
respond advising if they can assist the customer
Base Backpackers Auckland
Snapshot: The perfect package for backpackers travelling to New Zealand on a Working
Holiday Visa - The package includes help setting up an NZ bank account and an NZ Tax File
Number and A GUARANTEED JOB OFFER, as well as loads of other handy additions.
Programme Details: Clients will be met at Auckland airport, transferred to BASE
backpackers and, from there, equipped with all necessary details to get the off to a cracking
working start. Package available for 3, 5, 8 days.
Departure Dates: Daily
Duration: 2, 4, 7 nights
Eligibility: min 18 years and a New Zealand working holiday/tourist visa
Base Backpackers
Inclusions: Accommodation in shared dorm, airport pick up transfer, breakfast, Vodafone
SIM card, one hour Internet access, a drink voucher for Globe Bar
- Work package
x 12 months registration with NZ Job Search
x Orientation Session / Job Placement Service
x Applying for IRD (NZ tax number)
x Opening a bank account
x CV / Cover Letter hints and advice
x Arranging interview times with employers
24 contact number, access to discounted NZ travel products, luggage storage, mail and fax
service; and work NZ Handbook.
Programme Fee: fr $323
Other Fees: flights, visa, travel insurance, return transfer, meals and any other personal
support funds
STA Commission: 25%
How to book: Base Backpackers
1. Refer to STAy Product Information Pages – Auckland for departure dates and duration
2. Availability Search - enter search criteria: Packages (or All Accommodations as
default), departure date, # of nights, # rooms/beds and # of pax. Then double click
on the Accommodation Name field and a pop up window/field will appear. Type in
Base Auckland: and click on ‘Search’
3. A list of products and their related STAy code will result. In this case only the one.
Select the product by clicking on the ‘hyperlinked name’
You will be taken back to the Availability Search page and the Accommodation name
field will be correctly populated. You can choose to also include the city code, but as a
particular supplier has been selected it is not mandatory that a city be selected too
4. Click on ‘Search’
5. Search Results – click on the ‘hyperlinked product’ name
6. Room Details – various information tabs will appear. Ensure you read through each
carefully as terms & conditions/cancellation policies are not to be taken lightly.
Enter 1 ‘room’, tick that acceptance of all errata, terms and conditions and click on
7. Transfer Details – time and flight number MUST be added at this point before
proceeding otherwise the client will not be met at the airport.
Click on ‘Proceed’
8. Item Set Detail Results – skip additional services by clicking on ‘Skip’
9. New Overview – click on ‘Book’ to add passenger details
10. Additional Details – populate all fields
11. New Overview – Pending new booking with passenger details.
Click on ‘Book’
12. New Booking Overview – confirmation of new booking with STAy reference
13. Transfer Voucher – it is essential you print off the necessary transfer vouchers from
the STAy product pages, for the client before they depart.
Camp Europe
Snapshot: Unique camp counsellor experiences in any one of 20 European summer camps.
Programme Details: Week 1 – language course in Hamburg/Munich, week 2 – Camp
Adventure Academy and counsellor certification, weeks 3 to 8 – counsellor placement in any
one of 20 camps (depending on where the programme requires additional hands)
Departure Dates: Hamburg – 08 June 2012. Munich – 15 June 2012.
Duration: 4-8 weeks
Eligibility: min 19 years of age and experience working with children
Inclusions: 1 wk language/culture learning in Hamburg or Munich, 1 week camp counsellor
course, 2 to 6 week camp placement, room & board (half board during language course, full
board during counsellor course and placement), ground transport in camp country (transfer
from Munich or Hamburg to chosen camp are not included and clients not arriving to Munich
Airport must arrange their own transport to the package departure point), further language
training, full insurance coverage during placement and Camp Counsellor
Programme Fee: fr $3,444
Other Fees: European/Schengan visa, flights, travel from Germany to camp placement and
additional support funds
STA Commission: 20%
How to book: Camp Europe
1. Refer to STAy Product Information Pages – Hamburg/Munich for eligibility, departure
dates, duration details and booking procedure.
2. Availability Search - enter search criteria: All Accommodations, departure date, #
nights, # pax and supplier name. And ‘Search’.
It is also possible to add in the City Code, to further refine the search results but as ‘Camp Europe’ only have two
programmes in Germany, adding a city code is not a necessity.
3. Results – 1. Click +sign (next to details) to glean further details and then click on
the ‘hyperlinked product name’
4. Room Details - various information tabs will appear. Ensure you read through each
carefully as terms & conditions/cancellation policies are not to be taken lightly.
Enter 1 ‘room’, tick that acceptance of all errata, terms and conditions and click on
5. Item Set Details - skip additional services by clicking on ‘Skip’
6. New Overview Page – click on ‘Book’
Passenger Details – Enter all relevant details, DOB and then BEFORE clicking on
‘Proceed’, consultants must click on the ticked ‘menu’ and add a ‘special request’ in
order to advise client’s arrival and departure details at time of booking to ensure
transfer is included
Failure to do this and the client will be required to source own transfers and at an extra
Click on ‘update’
8. Passenger Details – Enter all relevant details, DOB and then click on ‘Proceed’
9. Booking Overview – Confirmation of booking with STAy reference
10. Once the booking is confirmed it is mandatory that consultants access the “Camp
Europe Application Form” (from the STAy Product Pages)
The application form must be printed off, filled out in full and emailed direct to:
After receiving the completed application form, Camp Europe will contact the client
within 4 weeks and arrange a Skype interview.
A full background check on the client will be required. Camp Europe will provide
information on this as required.
Clients' application form must be accepted by Camp Europe to complete this activity. If
the applicant isn't approved, all monies will be refunded.
i-to-i TEFL
Snapshot: i-to-i is the world’s leading online and short course TEFL provider (Teaching
English as a Foreign Language)
Learn the skills you need and gain the confidence to earn money while you travel abroad.
Or get a guaranteed job with one of their internships in China or Thailand.
Programme Details, Departure Dates, Durations, Eligibilty, and Inclusions:
Programme Fee: fr $239
STA Commission: TEFL Courses
How to book: TEFL
1. Go to:
2. Enter all information in required fields. Then click complete.
How to book: TEFL..continued
3. Note: If the date appears then spaces ARE available on the weekend course – if the
date is not there then call Rachel on 01144 113 205 4575
4. Once the form is filled out and sent through, i-to-i will confirm the booking and send
the customer a confirmation email (An i-to-i member of staff will also call you and
your customer once their course is activated.). You need to take full payment at the
time of booking. They’ll receive an email to let them know when they can start their
Note – Booking Amends: Within seven days of booking - free of charge. However this
does not apply if you book a Classroom TEFL Course within seven days of the course
start date. In this case you will not be able to make any changes and tutees are not
entitled to any refund for non-attendance at the course.
** How to Book TEFL- Book Over the Phone:
Call 01144 113 205 4575 to book your customers over the phone.
End short version of W&T training
Contact - for BUNAC queries - for STAy product queries
US Product Managers – for i-to-i product queries