Bacteria Quiz

Prokaryote/Bacteria Quiz
All questions are short answer, be sure to answer completely. Answer in complete sentences and
underline or circle the important words.
1. What type of cell are all bacteria considered? Describe the characteristics of this type of
2. Define the word Pathogenic and Beneficial. Give an example for each (doesn’t have to be
bacteria related)
3. Explain three things you learned about YOUR bacteria from your poster.
4. List 3 Pathogenic (harmful) Bacteria you learned about and at LEAST 1 symptom.
1. Bacteria: ________________________________________
Symptoms: _______________________________________
2. Bacteria: ________________________________________
Symptoms: _______________________________________
3. Bacteria: ________________________________________
Symptoms: _______________________________________
5. List 2 Beneficial (good) Bacteria you learned about and what their benefit is
1. Bacteria: _____________________________________________
Benefit: ______________________________________________
2. Bacteria: _____________________________________________
Benefit: ______________________________________________
6. Describe at LEAST two foods that are created with Bacteria: Be Specific
7. Describe at LEAST three reasons why Bacteria have a hard time surviving in the body?
8. Describe the procedure for sampling Bacteria: Be sure to include all steps.
9. When observing your bacteria, what two main observations did you have to make daily
and why?
10. Describe the results of your Bacteria Cultures. Include the following information:
 Explain what a Bacteria Colony is.
Which Bacteria Sample had the most bacteria growth?
Were your “Clean” Samples actually clean?
Were you surprised by the results of the bacteria growth?
Using the observation sheet Mrs. Pilgreen gave you and your daily observations,
describe the shape, size, color, and texture of at LEAST two of your bacteria Colonies
In the future, what could be done to improve the bacteria unit and lab?
Write your answers below:
The End! Go back through your Quiz and make sure that all your questions have an answer
(even if you had to guess, something is always better than nothing) 