The health and social outcomes of people with acquired hearing loss Anthony Hogan National Centre for Epidemiology & Population Health Overview • The social position of people with acquired hearing loss •The health and social impacts of hearing loss • Barriers to providing assistance • A comprehensive treatment model The social position of people with acquired hearing loss People with hearing loss have endured stigmatisation Deafness in ancient Greece • a curse • an absence of intelligence • an inability to reason • dull wittedness • excluded from participation in community life People with hearing loss have endured stigmatisation Deafness in Biblical times • Stubbornness of heart, the refusal to listen, co-operate and obey. • People with hearing loss and disabilities generally in biblical times, were poor outcasts, dependent on the charity of others for survival. • Deafness = dumb = stupid People with hearing loss have endured stigmatisation Deafness in medieval times • An absence of reason • People with disability seen as fools • A person unable to speak was not allowed to inherit the family fortune • Not allowed to receive the sacraments of the Church, which reflected one of the primary elements of full participation in community life • Speech associated with citizenship rights People with hearing loss have endured stigmatisation Deafness during the industrial revolution • Lost traditional work on the land Unemployment soared as communication was central to work in cities • Social revolutions – ‘society’ feared for its safety • People with disability were institutionalised in large numbers – work houses • Bell and the remaking of deaf people as hearing people Still stigmatistised today Labels BHA members say people apply to them: • Deaf, heedless, snobbish, inattentive, stupid, idiot, not with it, dumb, ignorant, useless, retarded, boring, arrogant, stubborn, slow, vague and psycho Still stigmatistised today And labels some BHA members applied themselves: • I’m a nuisance, I’m hard to include • I don’t matter, I don’t fit in • I feel depressed, isolated, I’m difficult • I feel less of a person, I am invisible • I feel left out. to Has society consistently considered having hearing problems as being an inherently bad thing! How would you feel about going to a BBQ where you didn’t know many people? Front Door Fireplace Stereo Lounge BATHROOM LOUNGEROOM KITCHEN Lounge FAMILY ROOM Stereo Spotlight DECK Stereo BAR Spotlight BBQ The health and social impacts position of people with acquired hearing loss Health impacts of hearing loss • elevated unadjusted male six year mortality rate among older males for those with uncorrected loss • male elevated risk rates for diabetes • high blood pressure • a higher incidence of stroke • increased rates of heart attack • higher use of prescribed medications. Health impacts • Higher use of prescribed medications • Those with moderate to severe hearing loss are • three times more likely to see their doctor than members of the general population • up to seven times more likely to require assistance in the home • 15 times more likely to need assistance in activities of daily living. Lots of HIPs present with reduced HRQoL 30 20 10 Std. Dev = .28 Mean = .52 N = 239.00 0 -.06 .06 0.00 .19 .13 .31 .25 .44 .38 Median AQOl at baseline .56 .50 .55 .69 .63 .81 .75 .94 .88 1.00 Health impacts Physical (Population) Physical (HI) Mental (Population) Mental Severe Profound 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 No communication limitation Mild Moderate The Relationship Between Stress and SWB Dominant Source of SWB Control Homeostasis DISTRESS High 75 SWB Threshold Low No stress High stress Stress Level of environmental challenge Socio-economic impacts of hearing loss •Less likely to be in paid work by a minimum of at least two percentage points for adults of working age • With this rate potentially being much higher in harder economic times where people with disabilities are more vulnerable to the impacts of economic downturns • More likely to be on lower income than the population. Social impacts of hearing loss • Increased effort and fatigue • Stress and anxiety • Difficulties in family relations • Social isolation • Negative self image Workplace impacts for HIP people • Lost of confidence • Working twice as hard • Varied frustrations • Hanging on • Job hunting • Innovating • Skills development • Looking for accommodations Next steps Front Door Do we need to learn to be affected? Fireplace Stereo Lounge BATHROOM LOUNGEROOM KITCHEN Lounge FAMILY ROOM Stereo Spotlight DECK Stereo BAR Spotlight BBQ Sometimes aids and devices aren’t enough We may need to change • But at the population level the evidence shows that technology alone is not enough For individuals we need psycho-social rehabilitation But society needs to change too 1 in 6 really? We need change at a societal level • Accessible communication venues • Captions • Acceptance and support for new ways of talking with each other • Community education It’s no longer just a man’s world • Nor is it just a hearing world either! Psycho-social barriers to action • Mis-perceive affects of hearing loss • Reluctant to acknowledge hearing loss • Fear of being stigmatised (stupid or old) • Need for an engagement strategy Rehabilitation Overview Engagement Audiology Patient Decision Making & Case Conference ENT Technology based Rehabilitation Communication Strategies Therapies & Group Work Referrals Closure