The Egyptian and Nubian Empires

The Egyptian and
Nubian Empires
Chapter 4, Section 1
Two empires along the Nile, Egypt
and Nubia, forge commercial,
cultural, and political connections.
Nomadic Invaders Rule Egypt
• About 1640 B.C., Asian warriors, the Hyksos,
use chariots to conquer Egypt.
Hebrews Migrate to Egypt
• Hebrews move to Egypt from Canaan around
1650 B.C.
• Egyptians resent the presence of Hebrews and
Hyksos in Egypt.
Expulsion and Slavery
• Egyptians drive out the hated Hyksos
• Hebrews lose protection of Hyksos; are
The New Kingdom of Egypt
Technological Advances
• About 1570 to 1075 B.C. pharaohs
create the New Kingdom, a powerful
• Army uses bronze weapons and chariots
to conquer other lands.
Hatshepsut’s Prosperous Rule
• Hatshepsut—pharaoh whose reign most
noted for her trade expeditions, not
The New Kingdom of Egypt
Thutmose the Empire Builder
• Thutmose III, Hatshepsut’s stepson,
expands Egypt’s empire.
• Invades Palestine, Syria, and Nubia—
region around the upper Nile River.
• Egypt is most powerful and wealthy
during reign of the New Kingdom
The New Kingdom of Egypt
The Egyptians and the Hittites
• Around 1285 B.C. Egyptians battle the Hittites
in Palestine
• Egypt’s pharaoh, Ramses II, and the Hittite
king sign a peace treaty.
An Age of Builders
• New Kingdom pharaohs build great palaces,
magnificent temples.
• Valley of the Kings near Thebes is home to
royal tombs.
• Ramses II builds impressive temples with
enormous statues of himself.
The Empire Declines
Invasions by Land and Sea
• “Sea Peoples (possibly Philistines) cause
great destruction in Egypt.
• Libyan raids on villages and rebellions in
Palestine weaken the empire.
Egypt’s Empire Fades
• Weakened empire breaks into smaller
• From around 950 B.C. to 730 B.C.
Libyan pharaohs rule Egypt and erect
The Kushites Conquer the Nile
Egypt and Kush
• From 2000 to 1000 B.C., Egypt
dominates the kingdom of Kush in
The People of Nubia
• Live south of Egypt near division of the
Blue Nile and the White Nile.
• Nile River is a great trade route for
goods and ideas.
• Nubians link Egypt and Mediterranean
to African interior through trade.
The Kushites Conquer the Nile
Region (continued)
The Interaction of Egypt and Nubia
• Egyptian culture influences Nubia and
beyond to southern Africa.
• About 1200 B.C., Nubia gains
independence but keeps Egyptian
Piankhi Captures the Egyptian
• In 751 B.C., Kushite king Piankhi
conquers Egypt, ousts Libyans.
The Golden Age of Meroë
• Kushites settle in Meroë; join in trade with Africa,
Arabia, and India
The Wealth of Kush
• Meroë becomes important center of iron weapons and
• Iron products transported to Red Sea, exchanged for
luxury goods.
The Decline of Meroë
• Meroë thrives from about 250 B.C. to A.D. 150, then
• Aksum, 400 miles southeast, dominates North African
• Askum has port on the Red Sea, and defeats Meroë in
A.D. 350.