EGYPT Ministry of education EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT The education system in Egypt The education system in Egypt is state sponsored and set up in three stages : primary school ( 6 years ) , preparatory school ( 3 years ) , and secondary school ( 3 years ). Basic education consists of the first two stages and is obligatory for all students in the country. Dividing primary education into two stages : first stage : the first three grades , second stage : the second three grates .The purpose of this division is the acquisition of basic skills in reading , writing , and mathematics at the end of the first stage . At the end of the second stage , we are sure that the pupils are able to use these skills and apply them freely in the life daily activities. Preparatory education represents in particular the middle stage of the education phases. EGYPT Ministry of education EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT It is a medium stage between the primary which is the large basis of education and the secondary stage where the pupils identify their specialization in order to continue their university education. Secondary education consists of three different types : general , technical , and vocational. General secondary education : The general secondary education extends over three years . EGYPT Ministry of education EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT Technical Secondary Education : Technical education, which is five-year programs, includes schools in three different fields: industrial, commercial, and agricultural. Vocational Secondary Education : Technical education, which is given in three-year and five-year programs, includes schools in three different fields: industrial, commercial, and agricultural. EGYPT Ministry of education EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT The education system in Egypt The main concern of Egypt is providing a place in the school for every child. Advanced schools have been equipped with multi – media labs , computers and programs for pupils of special needs. Schools have been equipped with advanced science labs. Advanced schools have been linked with the internet. An electronic library has been established. The Ministry of education has undertaken a new policy targeting comprehensive development of education in the primary , preparatory and secondary stages. Constant development of curricula and teaching methods of primary education to meet the modern requirements of education , scientific and technological progress. EGYPT Ministry of education EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT Training program for teachers Training program for teachers organized by ministry of education through training centers. Ministry of education has been equipped with all necessary technological installation needs for the implementation of efficient training plans 27 branch technological centers has been established in other educational , all of them are equipped with multi media labs. Target groups are trained through distance training centers ( video conference ). Optic fibers and satellites are for remote areas this network consists of a site in each governorate in addition to the main hall in the ministry. About (12913) teachers have received International Computer Driving License (ICDL). The plan of Ministry Of Education is giving all teachers ICDL at the end of 2008 with training them on using ICT in schools. EGYPT Ministry of education EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT The Egyptian Education Initiative ( EEI ) The Egyptian Education Initiative ( EEI ) was launched by Mrs. Suzanne Mubarake , Egypt's First Lady on the opening day of the World Economic Forum taking place in Sharm EL Sheikh on 20 – 22 may 2006. The strategic objective of the forum is to improve the education in Egypt through the effective use of information and communication technology ( ICT ). The EEI will focus on four tracks : pre – education , higher education , lifelong learning and e-learning industry development. The first phase of the EEI will impact 820,000 students in 2000 schools, and over 30 colleges. EGYPT Ministry of education e-learning project EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT e-learning project ( Ministry Of Education in its great steps to follow the new era of technology established the e-learning project. Proto type for this project started Jan 2003 , the real operation began in the academic year 2003/2004. E-LEARNING project allow the all Egyptian schools and students to connect concurrently with the system either through the ministry intranet or the internet. E-learning is divided into two main parts : Virtual classroom and self paced. Virtual classroom is synchronous learning which provides audio and visual communications and interactivity between students and teachers through the internet. EGYPT Ministry of education EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT e-learning project Self-paced is Asynchronous learning , it is a web based educational content that which availing the curricula online for students to access from their home and get the chance to study on their own using multimedia enhanced materials that improves their motivation and increases their retention rates Ministry of education EGYPT EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT e-learning statistics Virtual learning studios 9 9 8 8 7 6 5 4 4 3 2 1 0 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Ministry of education EGYPT EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT e-learning statistics Virtual learning schools 5400 6000 5000 4000 4000 3000 2400 2000 1000 0 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Ministry of education EGYPT EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT e-learning statistics Virtual learning Events 2400 2500 1920 2000 1500 960 1000 500 0 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 Ministry of education EGYPT EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT e-learning statistics Virtual learning teacher 45 45 40 40 35 30 20 25 20 15 9 8 4 10 5 0 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 EGYPT Ministry of education EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN EGYPT Thank you