MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) REQUEST FOR APPLICATION (RFA) RFA No: M4D: 2015-001 Issuance Date: MAY 7, 2015: 12.00noon Closing Date for Questions: MAY 22, 2015: 12.00noon Due Date: MAY 26, 2015: 12noon, at M4D Offices in Kano, Kaduna and Jigawa Mobilising for Development (M4D) is a 5 year local governance programme funded by the Department of International Development (DFID) and implemented in 9 LGAs across Kano, Kaduna and Jigawa states by a consortium of partners led by GRM International. M4D is DFID Nigeria's contribution to strengthening demand and supply side actions to improve governance and the experience of service delivery at the local level towards achieving the MDGs + in the areas of health, education, water and sanitation and livelihoods. M4D will also leverage existing service delivery and accountability structures such as the Conditional Grant Scheme (CGS) if any. M4D intends on scaling up technical and capacity support for local government authorities (LGAs) and local-level civil society and community-based organisations (CSOs and CBOs). M4D’s overall outcome is: Policy Makers (PMs) and Service Providers (SPs) more accountable to citizen’s entitlements and articulated demands, especially those of excluded groups. In order to achieve this, M4D has 5 outputs: Output 1. CBOs organised, engaged and aiding community demands for equitable delivery of basic services and accountability. Output 2. PWD CBOs and Platforms of girls organised, engaged and demanding equitable basic services and accountability. Output 3. Increased capacity of policy makers and service providers to design and deliver basic services and operate accountably Output 4. Better-fit approaches to basic service delivery and accountability on targeted issues identified, developed and tested Output 5. Solutions, Innovative and better fit approaches promoted and shared to targeted stakeholders Pursuant of this desire to support innovative, better-fit approaches that are able to support M4D achieve its objectives, M4D calls for community groups, CBOs/CSOs, organizations from the private sectors, Policy makers and Service Providers, to identify and develop proposals for innovative ‘better-fit’ approaches to service delivery and accountability (from both public and private sectors) contributing to M4D’s overall outcome , within the specified M4D LGAs (Namely; Garun Malam, Sumaila and Dawakin Tofa, LGAs in Kano State; Miga Malam Madori, and Ringim LGAs in Jigawa State; and Kudan, Igabi and Kachia LGAs in Kaduna State). New initiatives will be funded once there are strong justifications aligned with M4D mandate. Realistic and focused efforts to expand into these particular areas are welcomed. The call is open specifically for developing innovative approaches and mechanisms to improve on existing models to strengthen service delivery and accountability. Activities should ultimately lead to the strengthening of communities’ ability to demand quality services, while at the same time enabling PMs/SPs to deliver better services. M4D is funded by DFID and is subject to applicable donor regulations and provisions. This RFA does not obligate GRM and M4D to award a grant nor does it commit GRM and M4D to pay any cost incurred in the preparation and submission of an application. MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) RFA No: 2015 - 001 1 Name: Santosh Clare Title: Team Leader Project Name: Mobilising For Development (M4D) May 7th, 2015 Page Date: I. M4D GRANTS PROGRAM AND ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS M4D’S GRANTS PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Through the grant program, the project hopes to achieve the following objectives: Support individual programme outputs, as well as work across related outputs to incentivize, innovate and practice processes which enable the actualization of the M4D’s outcome, (policy makers and service providers more responsive and accountable to citizen’s entitlements and better articulated demands, especially of marginalized groups). Support communities, marginalized groups (including women and girls), policy makers and service providers to: - test the processes that will increase the realization of articulated and agreed service delivery and accountability priorities; - facilitate the institutionalization of processes, through practice, that entrench participation, dialogue, negotiation, co-funding and engagement as core aspects of the demand-supply equation that promote sustainable and equitable service delivery; - enable hitherto marginalised groups (including women and girls) to articulate and realize service delivery and accountability needs that engender greater, sustainable engagement over time; - encourage policy makers and service providers to think outside the box and both improve services as well as create new ways of service provision and accountability - Provide, through testing of innovations and new approaches, the ‘demonstration effect’ (or proof of concept) that convinces decision-makers to adopt and fund these new approaches in a sustainable way.) A. START DATE AND PERFORMANCE PERIOD The anticipated performance period of this grants is June 1, 2015 and end December 31, 2015. However, this may be subject to amendment if required. B. ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS (WHO TO APPLY) ORGANIZATIONS AND GROUPS (OTHER THAN CBOS WITHIN THE FOCUS LGAS) CBOs, Groups, Individuals and organizations (both public and private organizations other than CBOs within the focus LGAs) are eligible to apply for a grant under M4D, if they meet the following criteria (where applicable): Be a legally registered organization in Nigeria and authorized to work in Kano, Kaduna and/or Jigawa states with offices in the states that they operate. Have a clear mandate and a defined organizational structure, with personnel and policies (groups and organizations only). Have experience as an organization with capacity to carry out the project, including adequate financial, administrative and oversight structures and staff/members. Have experience in facilitating social inclusion and equitable delivery of Public and private based services. Undertake programs and services or be ready to undertake program and services consistent with M4D, DFID strategy in Nigeria and the Kano, Kaduna and Jigawa States Stakeholders. Page 2 MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) RFA No: 2015 - 001 Have an active membership, constituency or client base with outreach to that membership for consultation on issues of relevance to M4D (Groups and organizations only). Have a bank account in the name of the organization/group. Ability to report in English (oral and written). Faith-based organizations will receive equal opportunity for funding in accordance with the mandated guidelines of this RFA except for faith-based organizations whose objectives are for discriminatory and religious purposes, and whose main objective of the grant is of a religious nature. Organizations of marginalized groups will also receive equal opportunity for funding in accordance with the mandated guidelines of this RFA. Able to show documented impact/results of interventions and provide 3 professional references that can attest to these results. Contact information is required as part of the concept paper form template included as Annex B to this RFA FOR CBOs (within the Focal LGAs): Existence and recognition is the first criteria. While existence is important, recognition of the CBO by its members, local authorities of its activities and recognition by the community, including marginalized groups, that the CBO exists also matters. This will mean that the CBO is known for working and supporting wider community development issues, including issues that are of priority to marginalized groups (including women and girls). Evidence of documentation looks at the existence of structure and minimal set of documented proof of existence like; Some form of registration: either with LGA Social Welfare department, state social development Ministry or even Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) Constitution (with clear vision, mission, values, area of intervention etc) Elected or appointed officials (as stipulated by the constitution) Membership records Minutes of meetings and documentation of deliberations Office (optional) but must have a place of operation where meetings hold Activities implemented and evidence of documentation (reports, pictures, video, banners, bills/flyers, used flip charts, old card board messages) Bank account (optional) but have local treasury like Adashe, etc Evidence of books of accounts/book keeping (income and expenditure analysis book) as evidence they can retire funds/grants Demonstrable evidence it can mobilize volunteers amongst its members to support its planned activities including to ask and get local town hall for meetings free of charge Leveraging plans or demonstrable ability to mobilize community resources, wide reach and understanding of community issues Ability to lead and bring about change, scale and spread using local innovative ideas Comply with all of the Assurances listed in the Grant Award MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) RFA No: 2015 - 001 Page M4D aims at ensuring that policy makers and service providers (including private sector service providers) are more responsive and accountable to citizens' better articulated demands and entitlements, including that of marginalized groups, such as girls (aged 13-17) and people with disabilities. 3 C. THEMATIC AREA OF WORK APPLICANTS should indicate how they propose to address one of the following broad areas: AREAS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Strengthening communities to engage and demand services and accountability: Working with legitimate local grassroots CBOs in 45 wards across the nine LGAs, M4D is strengthening their capacity to mobilize communities responsibly to engage and demand for equitable services and accountability while discharging their civic responsibilities as citizens as well. With a focus on strengthening capacity for participatory mobilization, needs analysis, and evidence gathering, CBOs are supported to engage and advocate effectively with service providers and policy makers around identified priorities. Strengthening organizations of girls and persons with disability to engage and demand the equitable delivery of services and accountability): M4D is achieving this through a twin track strategy of; (1) supporting girls through a program of Life Skills Clubs (LSCs) and Forums that strengthen their skills, knowledge and confidence as well as build the livelihood capacity of the girls; and (2) Identifying and strengthening organizations of PWDs and platforms for girls to have the capacity to mobilize and engage the wider community as well as service providers to address their service and accountability needs. This strategy is strengthening girls and PWDs to improve their ability to engage the wider community and service providers to provide equitable access to services as well as introduce relevant and appropriate services for marginalized groups. Supporting better service delivery and accountability: M4D is working with policy makers and service providers at the LGA and State level to strengthen capacity in key areas that can improve their ability to deliver relevant services and accountability. Focusing on areas such as participatory planning and budgeting, the development of locally relevant standards and service agreements and improving feedback, M4D is strengthening the ability of policy makers and service providers to design appropriate services and become more responsive to citizens and their needs and demands. Nurturing Innovative better–fit approaches to service delivery and accountability: Bringing together local knowledge and experience with new ideas and technology, for example, M4D is finding ways of supporting communities and service providers to innovate new and more effective ways of delivering services and accountability. M4D is generating ideas from within its focal areas and beyond, adapting successful practices in ways that better-fit the local context and can work sustainably. Sharing and spreading Ideas that work with others at local, state and national level: M4D is working intensively in its focal states to generate learning and share this widely in order to create critical mass and build larger tipping point impact. M4D is achieving this by disseminating its learning (both successes and failures), supporting specific advocacy initiatives that spread important evidence, working with key institutions at the state and national level, and working creatively with media institutions to showcase success and inspire belief. Page 4 6. Promoting equity and inclusion: MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) RFA No: 2015 - 001 In order to facilitate the equitable delivery of services and accountability, M4D is working with demand and supply side actors to address underlying causes of inequities experience by a wide array of socially excluded groups within communities. SECTORS The sectors within which the areas mentioned above are to be situated are: a) b) c) d) Health Education Water and Sanitation Livelihood The project is looking for innovative ideas including those that show some potential for raising PMs/SPs engagement with the demand side, using any locally acceptable platform and address sustainability issues. II. INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS Please submit grant applications, in English, by 12noon on May 26, 2015 address to: Grants Manager: Mobilizing For Development (M4D) No 6 Maitama Sule Close Off Race Course Road, Nassarawa GRA, Kano. OR 29B Aliyu Muhammad Road, (Former ABU Teaching Hospital Doctors Quarters) Tafawa Balewa Layout, Kaduna. OR No. 69 Yinka Sule Road, G9 quarters, Adjacent to Naisa Stores, Dutse, Jigawa. Email: MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) RFA No: 2015 - 001 Page A. TECHNICAL APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS 1. Cover letter: One page maximum identifying writers of the application, the name and duration of the project proposed and the amount requested. The cover letter should also include the following general information: 5 Application and submission: The application should be submitted in both hard and soft copies. The hard copy of the RFA application written using the format provided by M4D (with attachments) should be delivered in sealed envelope and addressed to the above mentioned person and address. The envelope should contain two copies of the application with all the necessary attachments; one should be spiral bound and the other loosely held together and copy ready. The soft copy of the application should be sent to the above-mentioned email addresses. Where email access is poor, applicant can forward the soft copy saved in a CD. The applications should not be more than 10 pages excluding appendices. Organization/Individual/Group Name: Address: Authorized Contact Person and Title: Telephone: Email (If Applicable): Organization registration number (If Applicable): Executive Summary: Summarize key elements of the applicant’s strategy and approach. Technical Description: Taking into account M4D’s Grant Program Objectives, please respond to the following: a. Problem analysis b. Description of grant objective(s) c. Strategy and approach including: geographic reach, target beneficiaries (disaggregated by age and sex), stakeholder involvement, dissemination of results, etc. d. Specific activities e. Plan for coordinating/collaborating with other donor funded projects in the state especially DFID funded projects (Please specify) f. Description of verifiable results g. Plan for disseminating/communicating deliverables to beneficiaries and/or the general public. Implementation Plan: Identify tasks over the activity’s duration. A sample implementation plan is provided as attachment 1 in the annexes. Monitoring & Evaluation: Monitor and evaluate activities that are listed in the work plan. More importantly, have a clear articulated M&E Plan that includes a performance monitoring plan (PMP) which will include the following items: Indicators (disaggregated by age and sex), definitions of indicators and targets Data sources and method of data acquisition Methodology for measuring indicators and results Roles and responsibilities of each team member Timelines Staffing/Membership: Describe overall staffing/membership and management. Organizational/Individual Experience and Capability: Provide information on the following: General organizational/Individual background information Institutional strengths of the applicant and experience to receive and utilize grants from local and international donors as well as organizations/Individual own driven initiatives. Previous or ongoing experience implementing similar activities related to M4D intervention areas List three references with contact information Attachments: The following attachments are to be completed and appended as part of the technical application: Certification of registration (where applicable). Implementation Plan. Staff CVs (where applicable). 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. B. COST APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS: The cost information should be in Nigerian Naira: 1. Budget: Provide summary and detailed budgets. Budget must be prepared using excel template provided by M4D and in the format provided. The budget template is found in annex 3 and soft copy excel version can be obtained from all M4D LGA and State offices or by sending a request to and also from M4D website at a. Exclusion of VAT. b. Funding Restrictions. The Project will not fund the cost of securing office spaces or staff MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) RFA No: 2015 - 001 Page 2. 3. 6 2. residence and international travel will not be covered. The grantee cannot budget or purchase any ineligible or restricted goods such as vehicles etc. c. Indirect Costs. Any organization budgeting for indirect costs should provide the indirect cost rate statement verified by a reliable independent auditing body and or that approved by DFID. Budget Notes: Budget notes should explain each cost associated with the application budget. This is very important and should be done in Microsoft word. This should be included as attachment to this application. Cost Share/Resource Leverage Statement: Cost share/Resource leverage and/or in-kind contributions should be included in the budget and budget notes. Organizational/Community cost share should not be less than 10% of the entire budget. III. EVALUATION CRITERIA Responsive applications are submitted on time and include all information requested. Non-responsive applications may be disallowed from further consideration. Applications will be evaluated on the basis of 100 maximum points. The technical application will be evaluated on the basis of 80 total possible points; the cost application will be evaluated on the basis of 20 possible points. The relative weighting of the various sections of the grant application will be according the below values: Evaluation Category Problem Analysis and Grant Objective(s) Proposed Results Target Beneficiaries (including girls and PWD) Equity and Inclusion Monitoring & Evaluation Implementation Plan Innovativeness Experience & Capability Cost Effectiveness Total Possible Points Maximum Points (100 total) 10 points 20 points 7.5 points 7.5 points 10 points 10 points 15 points 10 points 10 points 100 points Problem Analysis and Grant Objective; (10 points maximum) – The extent to which the stated grant objective(s) supports or contributes to the overall Project grant program objective(s), as defined in the RFA. Proposed Results (20 point maximum) – The soundness and clarity of the linkage of results to the grant objective (s), and verifiable indicators of achievement. The expected results should be linked to measures around planned activities and achievements against milestones. Target Beneficiaries (7.5 points maximum) – The viability and clarity of the relationship of beneficiaries to results Equity and Inclusion (7.5 Points maximum) - How this initiative will address underlying causes of inequities experienced by a wider array of socially excluded groups as regards to service delivery and accountability. MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) RFA No: 2015 - 001 Page Implementation Plan (10 points maximum): The plan will be evaluated for: Completeness and soundness 7 Monitoring and Evaluation (10 points maximum) – This refers to data /evidence gathering and performance monitoring plan (PMP) to show how the implementation of the grant objective meets M4D’s outputs. This will be qualitative and quantitative measures of expected outcomes. Integration and scheduling of dependent tasks Assignment of responsibilities Viability of the proposed milestones of achievement. The grant program implementation plan will be analyzed on two levels. On the macro level, the key word is cohesiveness: Do the various tasks of the plan work together and support each other in a logical way to achieve the overall grant objective(s)? At the individual task level, is there a realistic, logical connection between what is to be done, who is to do it, and the amount of time required? Innovativeness (15 points maximum): How innovative is the idea to bring about a better way(s) of service delivery and accountability at the local government level. The innovation must be central to transforming both the relationships between citizens and excluded groups on the one hand and policy makers and service providers on the other Experience & Capability (10 points) – The Individual’s/Group’s/organization’s proven track record, references, and experiences in implementing similar activities. Cost Effectiveness (10 points maximum) – The degree to which costs are allowable, allocable, and reasonable for the proposed tasks as well as the proof of how the applicant plan to obtain maximum benefit with the available resources At the conclusion of the evaluation process and when final approval is obtained, M4D will notify all applicants of their review status. Successful applicants may enter negotiation at this phase. This does not guarantee that a grant will be obtained. Unsuccessful applicants will receive notification in writing. IV. 1. TERMS OF APPLICATION Deadline Applications should be received by the designated deadline, or they may not be considered. Late applications may be reviewed at the discretion of the Project. 2. Questions or Clarification Interested Individuals/groups/organizations should direct any questions about the RFA in writing not later than the date specified on page 1. All questions should be sent by email to and should be followed up with a call to 08063385148; 08037038571 if acknowledgement is not received within 2 days excluding weekends and public holidays or meet any M4D official in all the 3 states and LGA offices. Responses will be distributed to all RFA recipients if question received are relevant to all. Answers to specific/peculiar issues will be sent to only the requestor. All correspondence with the Project pertaining to this RFA must reference the contact person and RFA number written on the first page. 3. Application Validity Your application must remain valid for a minimum of 90 days. Applications should be signed by an official authorized to do so. MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) RFA No: 2015 - 001 Page 5. Negotiations It is anticipated that grants will be awarded solely on the basis of information received. The Project reserves the right to request additional information and conduct negotiations with any potential applicant prior to awarding a grant. 8 4. Language The application, as well as correspondence and related documents should be in English. 6. Rejection of Applications This document is a request for applications only, and in no way obligates M4D, GRM International or other partners in the M4D consortium, or DFID to make an award. The Project reserves the right to reject any and all offers received and/or to cancel the RFA. Applicants whose application is not selected will be notified. 7. Incurring Costs M4D is not liable for any costs incurred during preparation, submission, or negotiation of an award for this RFA. The costs are solely the responsibility of the applicant. 8. Representations and Certifications The application shall be accompanied by any requested representations and certifications completed and signed by an official authorized by the applicant. 9. Financial Responsibility Applicants should certify as to the financial viability and resources to complete the proposed activities within the period of performance. M4D reserves the right to request and review the latest financial statements and audit reports as part of the basis of the award (where necessary). 10. Executive Order on Terrorism Finance The applicant is reminded that U.K. laws prohibit transactions with, and the provision of resources and support to, individuals and organizations associated with terrorism. It is the legal responsibility of the recipient to ensure compliance with such laws. ANNEX 1 ANNEX 3 Page 9 ANNEX 2 MOBILISING FOR DEVELOPMENT (M4D) RFA No: 2015 - 001