a453 arithmetic quiz

Centre Number 62339
Candidate Number 3239
Andrew Appleton: 3239
The Oxford Academy: 62339
A453 Programming Task Arithmetic Quiz
Andrew Appleton
Page 1
The oxford Academy
Centre Number 62339
Candidate Number 3239
The Problem:
The requested task is for the programme of mine to be ensured to run the process of
generating random numerical questions including symbols that are used to test students at that
school’s ability in mathematics, and it to be able to store their name and correctly display
their score achieved throughout the whole test and it needed to be above a certain number.
This task is also suggesting for me to create a programme that would be used by students and
be suitable at the same time if they are being able to use it may not be only suited for students
but must be in the range of what the national students average mathematical skill level to be
appropriate enough to do.
Success Criteria:
 The programme must be able to generate random numbers
 Ask user the requested name
 It needs to hold students name
 Student name MUST only contain Alphabetical characters.
 Mathematical Answers must only contain Numerical characters.
 Must correctly store the score to later display
 Be able to display students name
 Display all wrong answers if able
 Give answers of the wrong questions to improve students’ knowledge
 Question must include two random numbers and one symbol.
 If the students answer name is incorrect it must not add 1 score
 If the students answer is correct it must add 1 score to the total.
 Successfully display text e.g. “Hello to the Maths Quiz!”
 Programme must have the correct answers to the questions.
 Questions must be displayed
My programme is going to contain the ability to contain a student’s name only in alphabetical
characters and there will be an alphabetical check that the name that’s been inputted into the textbox is
only consisting of the alphabet, python can store variables to use later as well as edit what it wants to
Legislation concerning the privacy and security of personal data and how such data can be stored and
Legislation that makes it illegal to gain unauthorized access to computers or information.
Making the best possible use of existing and future material resources so that there will still be enough
left for future generations
Until the late 9060s computers were usually supplied on a lease rather than a purchase basis. Service
and all software available were usually supplied by manufacturers without separate charge until
1969.Software source code was usually provided. Users who developed software often made it
available, without charge. Customers who purchased expensive mainframe hardware did not pay
separately for software.
In 1969, under threat of antitrust litigation, led an industry change by starting to charge separately for
mainframe software and services, ceasing to supply source code. With this in mind I shall create the
programme to
Andrew Appleton
Page 2
The oxford Academy
Centre Number 62339
Candidate Number 3239
*Note this sees very similar to the success criteria, however it is a more direct comparison on how I shall see if the
program works properly.*
How can the problem be solved?
The program will show me if it works properly if certain criteria is met, such as:
1. Successfully asks for student name
2. Holds student name and replies with “name” when congratulating or not.
3. Generates ten random number equations at a certain skill level for students and
when answered correctly the program should reply “well done!” if incorrect
answer the program should reply “Better luck next time”.
4. At the end of ten arithmetic equations have been answered it will display each
correct answer out of ten and give an option to either quit –which deletes held
names and results for next use or be used again with same details to help show
route to increase the results but no more than twice.
Vital processes of the program:
It must take inputted name
It must contain name
Use name at requested times such as “well done!”
Python Programming Software:
I will be using Python for programming the task and to handle the way the
program is operated, I have chosen to use python because it is a high-level
programming system which is seen as the best to create software that’s use by
many people at once, instead of using the very basic block programming e.g.
scratch it would be virtually impossible due to the massive limitations and the
incredibly slow efficiency of the software; however when python is used because
the format is completely made of raw text and has very little programming
limitations and is the most efficient when designing personal or public software
that it is
Andrew Appleton
Page 3
The oxford Academy