Lesson 3

Industrial Biotechnology
Lecturer Dr. Kamal E. M. Elkahlout
Assistant Prof. of Biotechnology
Preservation of Microorganisms Collections
Culture Preservation
• Streptomyces aureofaciens NRRL 2209 was
the first microorganism deposited in a culture
collection in support of a microbially based
patent application.
• Preservation of microbial cultures was critical
for all individuals and firms engaged in the
search for patentable products from and
patentable processes by microorganisms.
Culture Preservation
• Preservation of cultures by freezing, drying, or
a combination of the two processes is highly
influenced by resistance of the culture to the
damage caused by rapid freezing, the
dehydrating effects of slow freezing, or
damage caused during recovery.
• To minimize damage, agents have been used
that protect against ice formation by causing
the formation of glasses upon cooling.
Culture Preservation
• Methods to protect against the negative
effects of dehydration include adaptation to
lower effective water activity by preincubation in high osmotic pressure solutions.
• Damage caused by thawing after freezing can
be minimized by rapid melting and by the
composition of the medium used for growth
after preservation.
Culture Preservation
• There are various preservation methods .
• To date, preservation in liquid nitrogen is still
the most successful long-term method.
Serial Transfer
• Based upon its ease of use, serial transfer is
often the first “preservation” technique used
by microbiologists.
• The disadvantages of relying upon this
method for culture maintenance include
contamination, loss of genetic and phenotypic
characteristics, high labor costs, and loss of
Preservation in Distilled Water
• This method (Castellani method, 50 years
ago) was extensively tested on 594 fungal
• 62% of the strains growing and maintaining
their original morphology.
• In another study, 76% of yeasts, filamentous
fungi, and actinomycetes survived storage in
distilled water for 10 years.
Preservation in Distilled Water
• The pathogen Sporothrix schencki concluded
that even though long-term survival was good
when this procedure was used, there was a
noted loss in virulence.
• Castellani technique should be considered as
one of the options for practical storage of
fungal isolates.
Preservation under Oil
• One of the earlier preservation methods was the
use of mineral oil to prolong the utility of stock
• Mineral oil has been found to prevent
evaporation from the culture and
• Decrease the metabolic rate of the culture by
limiting the supply of oxygen.
• This method is more suitable than lyophilization
for the preservation of non-sporulating strains.
• One of the best methods for long-term culture
preservation of many microorganisms is freezedrying (lyophilization).
• The commonly used cryoprotective agents are skim
milk (15% [wt/vol] for cultures grown on agar slants
and 20% for pelleted broth cultures) or sucrose
(12% [wt/vol] final concentration).
• It should be noted that some plasmid--containing
bacteria are successfully preserved by this method.
• Storage over Silica Gel
• Neurospora has successfully been preserved over silica
• Preservation on Paper
• Drying the spores on some inert substrates can
preserve spore-forming fungi, actinomycetes, and
unicellular bacteria.
• Fruiting bodies of the myxobacteria, containing
myxospores, may be preserved on pieces of sterile filter
paper and stored at room temperature or at 6°C for 5
to 15 years.
• Preservation on Beads
• The method involving preservation on beads (glass,
porcelain) , developed by Lederberg, is successful for
many bacteria.
Liquid Drying
• To avoid the damage that freezing can cause, a liquid—
drying preservation process is applied.
• It has effectively preserved organisms such as
anaerobes that are damaged by or fail to survive
• This procedure was preferred over lyophilization for
the maintenance of the biodegradation capacity of six
gram--negative bacteria capable of degrading toluene.
• Malik’s liquid-drying method was also found to be
markedly superior to lyophilization for the preservation
of unicellular algae.
• Microorganisms may be preserved at - 5 to 20°C for 1, to 2 years by freezing broth
cultures or cell suspensions in suitable vials.
• Deep freezing of microorganisms requires a
cryoprotectant such as glycerol or dimethyl
sulfoxide (DMSO) when stored at -70°C or in
the liquid nitrogen at -156 to -196°C.
• Broth cultures taken in the mid--logarithmic to
late logarithmic growth phase are mixed with
an equal volume of 10 to 20% (vol/vol)
glycerol or 5 to 10% (vol/vol) DMSO.
• Alternatively, a 10% glycerol-sterile broth
suspension of growth from agar slants may be
Preservation in Liquid Nitrogen
• Storage in liquid nitrogen is clearly the
preferred method for preservation of culture
Protocol for Cryopreservation with Cryoprotectants by
a Two-stage Freezing Process, and Revival of Culture
• After centrifugation the supernatant is removed
and the pellet, consisting of microbial cells, is
dissolved in an ice-cold solution containing
polyvinyl ethanol (10% [wt/vol]) and glycerol (10%
[wt/vol]) in a 1:1 ratio.
• Due to the presence of polyvinyl ethanol, a viscous
thick cell suspension is obtained, which is kept for
about 30 minutes in an ice bath for equilibration.
Protocol for Cryopreservation with Cryoprotectants by
a Two-stage Freezing Process, and Revival of Culture
• During equilibration, an aliquot of 0.5 to 1.0 ml of
the cell suspension is dispensed into each plastic
cryovial or glass ampoule.
• They are tightly closed, clamped onto labeled
aluminum canes, and placed at -30°C for about 1 h
or for a few minutes in the gas phase of liquid
nitrogen to achieve a freezing rate of about 1°C/min.
• The canes are then placed into canisters, racks, or
drawers and frozen rapidly at -80°C or in liquid
Protocol for Cryopreservation with Cryoprotectants by
a Two-stage Freezing Process, and Revival of Culture
• For revival of cultures, the frozen ampoules are
removed from the liquid nitrogen.
• For thawing, they are immediately immersed to the
neck in a water bath at 37°C for a few seconds.
• The thawed cell contents of the ampoule or vial are
immediately transferred to membranes to form a
thick layer.
• The resulting bacterial membranes with immobilized
cells are used as a biological component of a
biosensor for activity measurements.
Inoculum Development
• The primary purpose of inoculum development is to provide
microbial mass, of predictable phenotype, at a specific time,
and at a reasonable cost for the productive stage of a
microbial activity.
• Until now, inoculum development has been more art than
science. There remains a need, especially at the shake flask or
spore-generating stages of the process, for time and “it looks
good” criteria to be replaced with biochemical, physiological,
or morphological markers as both descriptors of an optimum
inoculum and indicators for optimum timing of inoculum
• Inoculum Source
Inoculum development
• When fungal spores are used as the inoculum
source, it is common for conidia produced on
an agar slant to be dispersed in sterile distilled
water containing 0.01 to 0.1 % Tween 80.
• Spore formation of Streptomyces coelicolor on
agar was dependent upon the type of agar
used, the inclusion of trace elements, the
nitrogen source, and a C/N ration between 40
and 100 (68).
Inoculum development
• Nabais and de Fonseca have optimized a medium for
sporulation by Streptomyces clavuligerus.
• Spore storage, however, could be a problem, since the
spores lost 72% of their viability after storage for 1 week in
buffer at 4°C.
• Many strains isolated from nature and often strains that
have been subjected to a mutation program result in an
“unstable” culture, whose productivity can be rapidly lost.
• For such strains, a single spore selection step or its
equivalent is a necessity for maintenance of productivity.
• A number of commercial-level microbiological
processes use as the inoculum, at least in part,
culture growth that has been part of a previous
“production phase.
• For fermentation processes involved in the
degradation of waste materials, a very important
variable is the extent of acclimatization of the
inoculum source.
• The process lag before initiation of biodegradation
decreases with increased numbers of competent
• High degradation rates are obtained when
acclimated sewage sludge operated in a plant with
low retention times is used as the inoculum.
Acclimatization h
• The use of an acclimatized inoculum has been
reported to result in significant improvements
in operational efficiencies for xylose
conversion to xylitol by Candida guilliermondii
grown on a sugar cane hemi-cellulosic
• In the brewery industry, the reuse or pitching
of yeast is a common practice.
• The effect of serial pitching of the yeast
inoculum on subsequent re-fermentation has
not been well characterized.
• The condition of the yeast cell surface as
measured by flocculation can be predictive
before subsequent fermentation performance.
• The production of microbial inoculum for use in
bioremediation, agricultural applications, and
waste treatment is limited by the ability of the
microorganism to compete in these
environments and to be metabolically effective.
• One of the methods by which microbial inocula
are being improved for these applications is the
use of immobilization technology.
The unique characteristics of immobilized inocula include
(i) enhanced inoculum viability,
(ii) protection from stress during manufacture,
(iii) enhanced ecological competence,
(iv) increased metabolite production,
(v) UV resistance,
(vi) the opportunity to use immobilized cells as a source of
continuous inoculum,
• (vii) the opportunity to introduce mixed culture inocula into
a process.
• Storage of the immobilized inoculum is
enhanced if cells in beads are incubated in
nutrient or supplemented with nutrient when
• A protocol for alginate immobilization is
required as homework?
• Microbial contaminant detection usually relies
upon the use of differential media and
conditions to encourage the growth of likely
contaminant in the presence of the inoculated
• It is difficult to detect of contamination in
mixed culture fermentation.
• PCR has provided a rapid, effective technique
for the detection of a contaminant present at
low levels in a sample.
• PCR protocols can be applied to mixed culture
fermentations either for the detection of a
particular contaminant of interest (Listeria
• or for the detection of an indicator organism,
such as the detection of E. coli as an indicator
of fecal contamination..
• Phage contamination is a constant threat to the
productivity of any bacterial fermentation
process, particularly in fermentations of dairy
• How to overcome such a problem?
• Selection of plasmids that confer phage
resistance ( e. g. for lactic streptococci).
• Selection of phage-resistant strains (preffered).
• The report that alginate-immobilized
streptococci were protected from attack by
phages is potentially an interesting alternative
• They can devastate a culture source or a series
of culture sources either by eating the cultures
and leaving no viable source or,
• more commonly, by causing marked levels of
bacterial and fungal cross contamination.
• Often the first indication of a problem is agar
plates with bacterial or fungal tracks forming
in a random-walk pattern across the plate.
• Treatment of incubators with acaricides on a
preventative-maintenance schedule is also
worth considering.