DESIGN AND ANALYSES OF EXPERIMENTS Prof. Dr. Ahmed Farouk Abdul Moneim WHY do we perform EXPERIMENTS? In order to DEVELOP and ENHANCE 1) PRODUCTS / SYSTEMS 2) PROCESSES HOW do we perform EXPERIMENTS? 1) PHYSICAL EXPERIMENTS 2) COMPUTER SIMULATION DYNAMIC SYSTEMS Mechanical Vibrations Plane Takeoff distance Maneuverability Cars Braking distance Ships and Cars Cruising Circles Ship motions INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS Inventory Control Production Order Quantity Reordering Point Probability of getting out of Stock Line Efficiency Flexibility Robustness Efficiency MARKETING SYSTEMS Market Share Market Size Customer Satisfaction Productivity PROCESSES METALLURGICAL Proper Percentage of Alloying Elements In order to achieve a specified Property MACHINING Select Depth of Cut and Tool Feed for Optimum SURFACE FINISH WELDING Optimum WELDING SEQUENCE in order to Minimize Welding Deformations MAINTENANCE Decide the OPTIMUM Maintenance Policy Determine the OPTIMUM FREQUENCY Of Preventive Maintenance In order to Design an Experiment whether Physical or Simulation, we have to decide at the very beginning: 1) What is THE PERFORMANCE MEASURE PROPERTY OR to be Optimized. This we call: THE RESPONSE 2) What are THE FACTORS That SIGNIFICANTLY affect THAT RESPONSE System / Product / Process Response Variables SALES Price Marketing System Factors Promotion Mix Distribution Channels Response PRODUCTIVITY Technology utilized Production System Factors Layout Degree of Automation Response Stainless Steel Factors Response Passenger ship CORROSION RESISTANCE % Nickel % carbon SEA WORTHINESS Sea State: Waves height and lenght Factors Ship Geometry, VCG and LCG Number of screws STRATEGIES OF EXPERIMENTATION 1) ONE FACTOR-AT-A-TIME STRATEGY The Oldest Strategy The Experiment is conducted in Several Runs. In each Run ONE Factor only is changed and the others are kept Unchanged The main SHORTCOMING of this strategy is that the INTERACTION of the different Factors CANNOT be obtained 2) COMPLETE RANDOMIZED DESIGN 3) RANDOMIZED COMPLETE BLOCK DESIGN LATIN SQUARE DESIGN [ Nuisance Factors] 4) COMPLETE FACTORIAL DESIGN 5) FRACTIONAL FACTORIAL DESIGN METHODOLOGIES ADOPTED IN EXPERIMENTATION 1) REPLICATION Experiments are repeated for the same level of factors. 2) RANDOMIZATION Samples and test tools are selected randomly COMPLETE RANDOMIZED DESIGN Nuisance Factors Block Design Prof. Dr. Ahmed Farouk Abdul Moneim These are Factors influencing the Response But They are not of Immediate interest. Such as Response: Productivity of steel Cutting Processes Factor of interest: Type of the Cutting Process with three levels Mechanical Cutting Oxy-Acetylene Cutting Plasma Cutting Nuisance Factor : Worker Skill levels Required to SEPARATE effects of Nuisance Factors from that of the Factors of Interest Prof. Dr. Ahmed Farouk Abdul Moneim