Unit Review Game

• Essential Question:
–What were the important themes
of the Cold War from 1945 to 1991?
Unit 13 Review: Cold War
■Groups compete against each other:
–Teams will be presented a prompt &
asked to provide as many correct
answers as possible within 1 minute
–Groups earn 1 point per correct answer
–If any part of the response is incorrect,
teams receive no points for that round
1. Name 3 ideologies (beliefs) of the United
States during the Cold War
2. Name 3 ideologies of the Soviet Union
3. Name 3 leaders of the Soviet Union during
the Cold War years (1945-1991)
4. Name 3 leaders of the United States during
the Cold War years
5. When the Cold War began, the United States
wanted to…
1. Democracy, Capitalism, Freedom,
2. Totalitarianism, Socialism, Equality,
3. Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Gorbachev
4. Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Nixon,
*(There are more, but these are the ones we discussed in class)
5. …stop the spread of communism
(containment policy)
What was the program that the USA
created in 1947 that offered military &
economic aid to nations threatened by
What was the program that the USA
created in 1947 that $13 billion to help
Europe recover from World War II?
What was the military alliance formed by
the USA and democracies in W. Europe?
How did the USA respond to the Berlin
Blockade in 1948?
1. Truman Doctrine, 1947
2. Marshall Plan, 1947
3. North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO), 1949
4. Brought supplies to West Berlin
using airplanes (Berlin Airlift, 1948)
1. What did Stalin agreed to at the Yalta
Conference during WWII, that he failed to
do when the Cold War began?
2. What were the Eastern European
communist nations called that Stalin
created as a “buffer zone”?
3. What is the name of the imaginary line
that divided communist & democratic
nations in Europe?
4. Why was the Cold War a “cold” fight
between the USA & USSR and not “hot”?
1. Self-determination (free elections) in
2. Soviet satellites
3. Iron Curtain
4. The USA and USSR never actually fought
each other; It was a war of ideas
1. What is the difference between
Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai-shek?
2. Why was Mao so popular among
peasants? (What did he promise?)
3. What was Mao’s “Great Leap
4. What program did Mao create after the
failure of the Great Leap Forward that
re-educated people to strict communist
ideas & attacked old Chinese ideas
1. Mao was communist; Chiang was the
democratic leader of China; Mao beat
Chiang in the Chinese Civil War
2. Mao offered equality & land to peasants
3. Program of collective farms & factories to
produce industry & agriculture
4. Cultural Revolution
5. The fear by the USA that when one
country fell to communism, its neighbors
would fall to communism too
1. What happened in 1950 that caused the
USA to send troops to Korea?
2. Why could the United States consider
the Korean War to be a success?
3. What was a “non-aligned nation”
during the Cold War?
4. Who was Ho Chi Minh?
5. What was the outcome of the Vietnam
War from 1965 to 1973?
1. Communist North Korea invaded
democratic South Korea; The USA worried
about the spread of communism
2. The USA stopped the spread of
communism into South Korea
3. A neutral nation that did not become
allied with either the USA or USSR
4. The communist leader of Vietnam who led
the independence movement from France
5. The USA was unable to win the 9-year war
& removed troops; South Vietnam fell to
communists & unified with North Vietnam
Cause-Effect Relationships
1. ___  USA developed a hydrogen bomb
2. ___  USA re-focused on math/science
3. ___  USA tried the Bay of Pigs invasion
4. USA discovered ICBMS in Cuba  ____
5. Nixon begins détente with USSR  ____
Vocabulary Terms
1. USSR tested an atomic bomb USA
developed a hydrogen bomb
2. USSR launched sputnik USA re-focused
on math/science
3. Castro came to power in Cuba USA tried
the Bay of Pigs invasion
4. USA discovered ICBMS in Cuba  US began
blockade of Cuba; Cuban missile crisis;
USA removed ICBMs in Europe
5. Nixon begins détente with USSR  USA &
USSR signed the SALT treaty
1. USA willingness to use ICBMs & policy of
threatening to use nuclear
2. USA threat that if nuclear weapons were
used, we would hit all major Soviet cities &
military targets
3. Belief that if the USA or USSR launched
nuclear missiles, the other side would
launch their missiles too; Everyone dies
4. Name the 2 spy agencies created by the
USA and USSR during the Cold War
Vocabulary Terms
Massive retaliation
Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD)
1. What was Khrushchev’s “de-Stalination”
2. Why did Khrushchev order the
construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961?
3. Why did Khrushchev send Soviet ICBMs to
Cuba in 1962?
4. Name 3 Cold War events that the
Soviet Union “won”
5. Name 3 Cold War events that the USA won
1. Plan to end the harshness of Stalin; Eased
censorship & freed some political prisoners
2. He was angered that communists in East
Germany/East Berlin were moving to West Berlin;
JFK threatened to defend W. Berlin
3. The USA tried to overthrow Castro in 1961; ICBMs
in Cuba might get the U.S. to remove their missiles
in Europe
4. Satellites in Eastern Europe; Creation of ICBMs;
Spread of communism into China, Korea, Vietnam,
Cuba; Sputnik; Berlin Wall; Invasion of Afghanistan
5. Containment; Truman Doctrine; Marshall Plan;
NATO; Berlin Airlift; Korean War; Moon landing;
Cuban Missile Crisis; SALT; Star Wars/SDI; Fall of
Berlin Wall; Free election in E. Europe; Fall of USSR
1. What is détente?
2. What event during the Nixon presidency
pressured the Soviet Union to negotiate
with the USA?
3. What event by the USSR in 1979 ended
4. Name 2 ways Ronald Reagan helped win
the Cold War against the Soviet Union
1. Easing of tensions between the USA & USSR
(to “chill out” …get it? Cold War!!)
2. Nixon visited & recognized communist China
3. Soviet invasion of Afghanistan
4. Reagan called the USSR an “evil empire,”
created SDI (“Star Wars”), spent $2 trillion on
the military, ordered Gorbachev to “tear
down that wall,” negotiated arms reduction
1. Name 2 USSR weaknesses by the 1980s
2. What was Gorbachev’s glasnost policy?
3. What was Gorbachev’s perestroika
4. Name 2 ways Gorbachev tried to save
money for the USSR in the 1980s
5. What event signaled the Cold War’s end?
1. Low production; No incentives for hard
work; Expensive war in Afghanistan; Too
much money spent on military; Having to
compete with SDI
2. Policy of “openness” that allowed free
speech, criticism, & reform in the USSR
3. Policy that relaxed strict gov’t controls
over factories & collective farms; Allowed
people to open small businesses
4. Did not compete with SDI; removed army
from E. Europe; Ended Afghan War;
Perestroika; End of medium-range ICBMs
5. Fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989