Injuries as Public Health Threats


Chapter 3

Public Health

National EMS Education

Standard Competencies

Public Health

Applies fundamental knowledge of principles of public health and epidemiology including public health emergencies, health promotion, and illness and injury prevention.


• EMS providers have an important role to play in injury and illness prevention.

– Injury and illness prevention are an important part of public health.

Role of Public Health

• Public health

• Practice of preventing disease and promoting good health within groups of people

• Health and wellness have become a focus of the US health care system.

Injuries as Public Health


• Injuries

• Intentional or unintentional damage to the person resulting from exposure to energy or absence of essentials

• Injuries historically reported under distinct umbrellas

© Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

Injuries as Public Health


• May be intentional or unintentional

– EMS usually has a greater impact on preventing unintentional injuries.

Injuries as Public Health


• Many health experts consider injury the largest problem facing the

US today.

• It is important to understand how injury affects different age groups.

Injuries as Public Health


• Years of potential life lost

– Assume a productive work life until age 65.

– Deduct the year of death from that age.

• It is easier to measure death rates than morbidity rates.

Illness and Disease as Public

Health Threats

• Each year, 7 out of

10 Americans die from a chronic disease.

• Causes include:

– Poor nutrition

– Excessive alcohol intake

– Tobacco use

– Sedentary lifestyle

Illness and Disease as Public

Health Threats

• Health threats include:

– Asthma

– Influenza

– Water supply or seafood contamination

– Lack of sanitary conditions following a natural disaster

Public Health Efforts

© Capifrutta/ShutterStock, Inc.

• The APHA recommends three reforms:

– Policies/funding

– Strengthen public health system

– All-access system

• Public health efforts can impact many levels of society.

Public Health Efforts

• Preventing adverse outcomes is a major goal of public health programs.

– Education campaigns have promoted:

• Disease screening

• Injury prevention

• Prenatal care

Public Health Laws,

Regulations, and Guidelines

• Public health laws or regulations include:


– State laws

– WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco


– FDA regulations

EMS Interface With Public


• Joint agreement on medical and public health response to terrorism:



– National Association of State EMS Directors

EMS Interface With Public


• September: National

Preparedness Month

– Get Ready Day

• H1N1 safety

• Floods

• Heat waves

• Power outages

• Winter storms

• Earthquakes

Courtesy of the American Public Heath Assocation.

Photographed by David Fouse .

Injury and Illness Prevention and EMS

© Dewitt/ShutterStock, Inc.

• EMS providers can lead or support interventions.

– EMS is an advocate and practitioner.

• Illness and injury prevention have similar techniques.

Common Roots

• “ Accidental Death and Disability: The

Neglected Disease in Modern

Society ”

• Injury prevention always included


– Primary

– Secondary

• There is a role for every provider.

© Steven Townsend/Code 3 Images

Why EMS Should Be Involved

• There are a number of reasons EMS is especially suited to be involved. Providers:

– Reflect community composition

– Are medically sophisticated

– Are high-profile role models

– Have access to community

Principles of Injury and Illness


• Risk

– A potentially hazardous situation in which the well-being of people can be harmed

• Four E s of Prevention

Courtesy of Captain

David Jackson,

Saginaw Township

Fire Department

The 4 Es of Prevention

• Education

– Inform people about potential dangers, persuade them to change behaviors

– Effective messages are:

• Tailored to specific groups

• Reinforced with meaningful rewards

• Enforcement

– Legislation and regulation

Formulates rules that require people, manufacturers, and governments to comply with safety practices

– Litigation can also lead to enforcement.

The 4 Es of Prevention

• Engineering/environment

– Passive interventions

– Can be social, legal, political, or cultural

• Economic incentives

– Economic self-interest provides monetary incentives to reinforce safe behavior.

The Value of Automatic


• Passive interventions are often the most successful.

– Provide constant protection without conscious action from user

• A combination of approaches is still the most effective strategy.

Models for Injury and Illness


• Visual models describe a health problem and how to approach it.

– Focuses on: host, agent, environment

The Haddon Matrix

• Added factor of time to previous models to address causes of injury

• The host, agent, and environment interact over time to cause injury and correspond to:

– Pre-event

– Event

– Post-event

The Haddon Matrix

• Matrix uses nine components to analyze the injury

– Encourages creative thinking

• Injury prevention requires broad and innovative thinking to be most successful.

Injury and Illness Surveillance

• Data are collected, disseminated to people/ organizations that can effect change

– Applied to interventions

• Strong surveillance is fundamental to effective programs.

Getting Started in Your


• To be effective, you need to understand:

– Injury and illness patterns

– Characteristics of the population, environment

– The types of risks present

• Your regional/state EMS department/public health office will have the most information.

Getting Started in Your


• Intentional injuries

– Assaults are more likely to be fatal in the US.

– There are risk factors connected with intentional violence.

– EMS providers:

• Reporting data

• Note risk factors

© Mikael Karlsson/On Scene Photography

Getting Started in Your


• Unintentional


– “ Accidents ”

• In Children:

– 20 million annually

– Children are:

• At higher risk

• More likely to be seriously affected

– “ Pass-along effect ”

© SuperStock/age fotostock

Getting Started in Your


• Risk factors for children

– Lower socioeconomic status

– Injuries are more likely to occur where there is:

• Water

• Heat

• Toxic agents

• High potential “ energy ”

Getting Started in Your


• Risk factors for children (cont ’ d)

– Unintentional injuries are greatest threat

– School injuries are not uncommon.

– 45% of cases are severe injuries.

• Priority prevention efforts are injuries with highest:

– Mortality rate

– Hospitalization rate

– Long-term disability rate

– Effective countermeasures

Getting Started in Your


• Illness Prevention

– Illness prevention is gaining attention.

– Example: poor health in adolescents

• Tobacco/alcohol/oth er drugs

• STDs/unplanned pregnancies

• Unhealthy diet

Sedentary lifestyle

• Community


– Implementation plan, should include:

• Identify a leader.

• Build support base.

• Create a timeline.

Gather data, facts.

• Choose goals.

Establish funding.

• Be positive, persist.

Getting Started in Your


• Five steps of a prevention program

– Conduct community assessment.

• Bring people and groups together.

• Represent the community at large.

• Include survivors, their families.

• Identify partners.

Getting Started in Your


• Five steps of a prevention program (cont ’ d)

– Define problem.

• In specific, quantifiable terms

– Set goals and objectives.

• Goals: broad, general, long-term

• Objectives: specific, time-limited, quantifiable

– Process or outcome

Getting Started in Your


• Five steps of a prevention program (cont ’ d)

– Plan and test interventions.

• Actions to accomplish your goals, objectives

– Implement and evaluate interventions.

• Must be able to measure results quantitatively

Getting Started in Your


• Funding a prevention program

– Consider innovative ways to fund programs.

– Partner with the media.

– Look for grants and sponsorships.

– Network with other prevention programs.

How Every Provider Can Be


• Paramedics can, and should, be involved in prevention to some extent.

– Be a role model.

• Responding to the call

– Very few calls require the use of lights and sirens.

– Dispatchers can be a resource.

How Every Provider Can Be


© Craig Jackson/

• Education for EMS providers

– Understand the fundamentals of prevention

• “ Teachable moment ”

– Articulate and reinforce safety messages.

– Use good judgment.

– Be sensitive.

How Every Provider Can Be


• Collection/analysis of data and research

– Vital for:

• Measuring trends

• Validating interventions

• Assessing resources

• Persuading others to act

How Every Provider Can Be


• Collection/analysis of data and research

(cont ’ d)

– Starts with prehospital care reports

– Be a leader by:

• Being a role model

• Reaching out in your community


• Public health encompasses health promotion and disease prevention for groups of people.

• Federal, state, and international rules, regulations, guidelines, and laws govern public health.

• Every September is National Preparedness



• Many paramedics have been motivated by their field experience to work actively on prevention.

• The 1966 National Academy of

Sciences/National Research Council study,

“ Accidental Death and Disability: The

Neglected Disease of Modern Society, ” noted that EMS could help with trauma after an event, and injury prevention could help prevent an accident before it happens.


• The 1996 Consensus Statement on the

EMS Role in Primary Injury Prevention emphasized that primary injury prevention is an essential activity of EMS.

• EMS can play a supporting role in preventing intentional injuries and can have an even larger impact in preventing unintentional injuries.


• The years of potential life lost concept is another way to measure the cost of unintentional injury to society.

• The 4 Es of prevention are education, enforcement, engineering/environment, and economic incentives.

• Automatic protections do not require a conscious decision to act; an example is including air bags in automobiles


• The Haddon matrix uses nine separate components to analyze injury.

• Surveillance is the ongoing systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of data essential to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice.

• Paramedics need to triage their focus on prevention —do not let the headlines be your guide.


• The five steps to developing a prevention program are: conduct a community assessment, define the problem, set goals and objectives, plan and test interventions, and implement and evaluate interventions.

• Primary prevention begins at home by taking care of yourself and presenting a role model for others in your service and in the community.


• The best teachable moments are those that convey positive reinforcement.

• The importance of collecting data in measuring trends, validating interventions, assessing resources, and ultimately persuading others to act cannot be overestimated.


• Chapter opener: © National Museum of Health and

Medicine, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology,


• Backgrounds: Green – Courtesy of Rhonda Beck;

Blue – Courtesy of Rhonda Beck; Orange – © Keith

Brofsky/Photodisc/Getty Images; Purple – Courtesy of Rhonda Beck.

• Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs and illustrations are under copyright of Jones & Bartlett

Learning, courtesy of Maryland Institute for

Emergency Medical Services Systems, or have been provided by the American Academy of

Orthopaedic Surgeons.
