Diversity Technology Project

Diversity Technology Project
Heather Peppers
Becky Belcher
ED 301-02
Dr. Helms
Age Activities
Teach an adult how to read.
Visit a local senior center and collect oral histories.
Have a fund raiser to donate large-print materials and
books on tape.
Read a fairy tale to a little kid.
Ask them questions and get to know them.
Have a group discussion with your friends about
stereotypes kids face today, and whether or not you
think they are true.
Child Abuse Prevention Services
Child Abuse Prevention Services (CAPS)
is a not for profit, volunteer organization
to respond to the growing problem of
child abuse and neglect on Long Island,
New York.
Missing and Exploited Children
This site provides information on if you sight a
person who is missing and how to report if a
person is missing
There is also plenty of legal information for the
parents and families of missing children
Children’s Defense Fund
Nationally recognized advocate for children's
The mission of the children’s defense fund is to
leave no child behind and to ensure every child
a healthy start, head start, fair start, safe start,
and moral start in life and successful passage
into adulthood with the help of caring families
and communities
Helping Children
This site helps children of divorce and adopted
children with emotional problems
There are video training tapes and a clinical
therapy program
Age Discrimination in the
This web site is designed to help
students, businesses and organizations
learn about preventing age
discrimination, successfully managing an
age diverse workforce and increasing
productivity by effectively utilizing older
Belief System/Religion
Develop a school/classroom calendar that respects
and celebrates religious diversity
Attend a variety of churches, synagogues, and temples
to learn about different faiths
Inform the class on the facts behind atheistic groups
and Scientific Pantheism, and discuss some feelings
and responses the students would like to share.
Read Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl, and discuss
feelings on religious persecution, and the effects the
holocaust had on Jews.
Organize a non-denominational prayer service to hold
before school one a month.
Facts About Religious
This website goes over facts regarding
religious discrimination
Talks about Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of
Mostly talks about employment discrimination
Religion Watch
A newsletter monitoring trends in contemporary
How religion really affects, and is affected by,
the wider society
unique because it focuses on long-range
developments that lead to, and result from,
world current events
Religion Online
religion online
Overview of several religions, teachings and
Topics include Old and New Testament,
Theology, Ethics, History and Sociology of
Religion, Communication and Cultural Studies,
Pastoral Care, Counseling, Homiletics,
Worship, Missions and Religious Education.
Eliminating Religious Intolerance
"All religions teach that we should love one
another; that we should seek out our own
shortcomings before we presume to condemn
the faults of others; that we must not consider
ourselves superior to our neighbors.“
welcome initiatives designed to increase
respect for different beliefs and understanding
among religions
Religious Movements
Homepage:The Amish
This website profiles the Amish giving the
history of Amish people and their beliefs
There is also a section dedicated to current
controversies regarding Amish people
Class Activities
List all the stereotypes you can concerning classes – positive and
negative- Are these stereotypes reflected in your actions?
Have a “first class first?” discussion, on whether or not class first
class passengers on “The Titanic” should have had a priority
Listen to songs like “Factory” by Bruce Springsteen, “Mr.Wendal”
by Arrested Development, and “Seek Up” by Dave Matthews
Band.” Discuss the messages you think the artists are trying to
get across in the song.
Organized a school food drive to distribute to homeless people in
your local community.
Volunteer for a local Habitat for Humanity organization to help
build a house for a needy family.
Cyber Herald
Weekly News and Views on Poverty In America
National Coalition for the Homeless
Our mission is to end homelessness
There are sections for breaking news, hot topics, and
“did you know?”
There are many other links provided to explore
different directions
What’s new
Facts about Homelessness
Personal experiences
ERIC- Poverty and Learning
A site that helps in the effort to offset the
profound difficulties children from economically
and socially disadvantaged backgrounds
encounter when they enter our public schools.
Talks about how many children are living in
poverty, the costs, and what is being done
Commission on Homelessness &
Developing policies and resources that will
help enhance pro bono (homeless programs)
Educating members of the bar and the public
to legal and other problems of poor and
homeless people and ways in which lawyers
can assist in solving or ameliorating them
National Low Income Housing
Study that shows the problems with housing
Dedicated to ending America’s affordable
housing crisis
Gender Activities
Organize a girls sports day for sports that girls do not have at your school.
Conduct a “diaper equity” survey of local establishments. Commend
managers who provide changing tables in men’s as well as women’s
Write a few paragraphs about some childhood memories, and what it
meant to be a “boy” or a “girl.” Who sent these messages to you, and
how do you feel about them today?
Listen to the songs “Boys Don’t Cry” by The Cure, “I’m Just a Girl” by No
Doubt, and “Shaking the Tree” by Peter Gabriel. Have students discuss
their reactions and interpretations on these songs about oppressed men
and women.
Visit a local women’s center and discover issues that many women are
forced to deal with daily. Discuss the things that surprised the male
students, as well as female students.
Men’s Issue Page
 Our mission is to cover the several
men's movements
 This website deals with abuse, false rape and
molestation, battered men, physical health, and
fatherhood among other things
Gender Shock
Exploding the Myths of Male and Female
Latest research in psychology, genetics,
neurology, and sociology
Looking through three lenses of gender identity
- behavior, appearance, and science
The Fatherhood Project
national research and education project that is
examining the future of fatherhood and
developing ways to support men’s involvement
in child rearing
longest-running national initiative on
UTM- Women's/Gender Studies
Designed to give students an appreciation
of theories, issues, and methods relevant to
the study of women and gender
Promote increased awareness among men
and women
Celebrating Women’s
This site focuses on womens achievements in
various areas
Language Activities
Learn some American Sign Language, or at least the alphabet.
Learn to say “I love you” in five different languages.
Visit a local ethnic restaurant and try ordering food using the
authentic names. Ask your server about correct pronunciations
and definitions.
Invite a bilingual adult of teenager to talk with the class about the
challenges they have face in their community.
Invite a foreign exchange student to talk with the class about their
culture, and have them share a few common phrases from their
native language.
This site can be used to help translate words,
phrases, and web pages in English, German,
French, German, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, and
National Directory of Early Foreign
Provides public and private elementary and
middle schools in the United States and
provide foreign language studies before grade
Helping the World Communicate
Whether you need an intensive week-long
course in Spanish, or just a business card
translated into Japanese, Conversation
Language Center can help - quickly and
Online you can watch videos or take class or
just have something translated
Central Institute for the Deaf
A unique network of resources central to
knowledge and the progressive treatment of
adult and childhood deafness.
Serve people with hearing loss
Deals with your children, current research, and
Hyperlexia and Language Disorders
This site provides information on Hyperlexia
and other language disorders
There are also links for you to explore things in
other directions
Race/Ethnicity Activities
Create a mural about cultural composition and heritage
in your community.
Create a bilingual (or multilingual) calendar highlighting
school and community activities.
Invite bilingual students to give morning
announcements on the PA system in their home
Start a pen pal program to get in touch with students in
different parts of the community, world, or country.
Hold a “diversity potluck” lunch in your classroom.
Encourage students to bring in dishes that reflect their
cultural heritage.
World Wide Arts Resources
Links to art around the world
Countries and Cultures
Links to provide information on different
countries and cultures
Allows people to learn about the customs and
history of their ancestors
Eating Lessons From the Past
Talks about early nutrition, traditional diets, and
lessons from the past
Link to contemporary diets
Interracial Voice
Promote tolerance of diversity through
Dedicated to special interests of the mixed
race interracial community
Corporate Diversity Search Inc.
Specializes in placement of women and
minorities into professions
Links for career opportunities
General Activities
Have students pick a partner and discuss their definitions and
expectations of “respect.” This can be used as a basis for all later
Work toward bringing the stories of individuals to the fore in the
multicultural experience. Have participants write and share stories about
their names and nicknames, what they mean, why they were given them,
and how they relate to them.
Explore definitions. language is a vital aspect of multicultural education
and awareness. Participants discuss how they define words such as
prejudice, discrimination, racism, sexism, classism and homophobia.
Assign kids to go to www.DoSomething.org and select an activity they
find interesting. Assign the activity and a reaction paper.
Invite guest speakers to your class who represent diversity in gender,
race and ethnicity, even if the topic itself does not deal with multi-cultural
or diversity issues.
Celebrating Women’s
This site focuses on womens achievements in
various areas
UTM- Women's/Gender Studies
Designed to give students an appreciation
of theories, issues, and methods relevant to
the study of women and gender
Promote increased awareness among men
and women
The Fatherhood Project
national research and education project that is
examining the future of fatherhood and
developing ways to support men’s involvement
in child rearing
longest-running national initiative on
Gender Shock
Exploding the Myths of Male and Female
Latest research in psychology, genetics,
neurology, and sociology
Looking through three lenses of gender identity
- behavior, appearance, and science
Men’s Issue Page
 Our mission is to cover the several
men's movements
 This website deals with abuse, false rape and
molestation, battered men, physical health, and
fatherhood among other things
Resources Activities
Test for hidden biases you may have, and read about what you can do
about them at http://www.tolerance.org/hidden_bias/index.html
Learn five interesting facts about the city or town you live in. Appreciate
your "hometown.“
Use a random system for asking general questions or soliciting class
participation so that every student has the same chance of participating.
If a difficult classroom situation arises based on a multicultural or diversity
issue (or any difficult, value or judgment-based situation), ask for a time
out while everyone writes down his or her thoughts/opinions about the
incident. This allows everyone to cool down and allows you to collect your
thoughts and plan a response.
Initiate a “Do Something” club, or start a local Key Club chapter at your
school to help organize students in various different volunteer activities.
Do Something
This websites provides ways for you or your
school to get involved in various activities
This site gives information on how to start a
“Do Something” club at your own school
Promote Tolerance
Test for hidden biases you may have, and read
about what you can do about them
Provides activities you can do in your school to
promote tolerance
Awareness Activities
Provides numerous links for teachers including
activities and lessons for creating multicultural
The Behavior Home Page
Working to make a difference for children with
challenging behavior
Provides relevant links to professional
organizations you may find helpful in dealing
with the difficulties of a child with challenging
I Love Teaching
This site has resources for new teachers that
include encouraging words, getting a teaching
job, your first classroom, teachers and
technology, mentoring teachers, and
educational links
Exceptionality Activities
Speak to your guidance counselor about careers/jobs you're interested in.
What do you have to do to get there?
Read the book Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick, and discuss the
different challenges the gifted character and learning disabled character
Open a book on a desk or table in front of a mirror and ask your students
to try to read the text by looking only at the mirror and not the book itself.
This activity simulates the challenges learning disabled students
Visit a special education or gifted classroom to discover the similarities
and differences these students have with your student’s daily activities.
What myths about these classroom were true or not true?
Guide a “Walk in Another Character’s Shoes” activity. Imagine you have
a learning disability, or have a gifted intelligence. How would your life
have been different today? Would you have been treated differently?
Freak the Mighty
Lesson plan for “Freak the Mighty” book
Clearinghouse on Disabilities and
Gifted Education
Provides links for activities for disabled and
gifted children
Gifted Education/Dual
Provides links to fact sheets, articles, and other
resources regarding gifted education/dual
Gifted Development Center
A service of the Institute for the Study of
Advanced Development
Serves parents, schools, and advocacy groups
with information about identification,
assessment, counseling, learning styles,
programs, presentations, and resources for
gifted children and adults
The National Research Center on
the Gifted and Talented
Allows you to ask questions
Provides educational resource links, online
resources, and videotapes
Disabilities Activities
Organize a class project to improve your school’s compliance American with
Disabilities Act
In a group of 4-5, assign each member with a disability such as being blind, unable
to talk, loss of use of thumb, and loss of use of thumbs. Instruct the group to
construct the highest free-standing structure they can with only drinking straws and
scotch tape. Discuss the difficulties they experienced.
Select a volunteer to experience what it is like to have a muscular mobility
disability. Place two heavy winter socks on their hands, and instruct them to tie
their shoes and button their shirt.
Ask a local organization to donate a few wheelchairs to your classroom for a week.
Select a few students each day that must stay in the wheel chair and experience
life as a wheelchair bound person. Discuss the obstacles they ran into while in the
Select items to place in a bag that will require the use of many senses to identify.
Choose different students to be blindfolded, and ask them to identify an object y
using senses other than sight.
Job Accomodation Network
The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is
a free consulting service
that provides information about job
the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),
and the
employability of people with disabilities.
Deaf Children in Public Schools
Information concerning deaf Children in Public
Schools Placement, Context, and
Consequences by Claire L. Ramsey.
Gallaudet University is leading the world in
education for dead, hard of hearing, and
hearing students.
Attention Deficit Disorders,
Hyperactivity & Associated Disorders
A Handbook for Parents and Professionals
concerning ADD, hyperactivity, and associated
Preparing Children with Disabilities for
Information on preparing children with
disabilities for the transition from home to
Preparing Children with Disabilities
for School
This digest summarizes information on the
roles of the Federal Government, the family,
and teachers in preparing young children with
disabilities for school.
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Orientation Activities
Write a journal response imagining what your life might be like if you were
a person of another gender or sexual orientation. How might “today”
have been different?
Listen and read lyrics to song like Rod Stewart’s “The Killing of Georgie”
and Indigo Girls, “Shaming of the Sun.” Discuss the meaning of the
songs and your feelings about them.
Research “The Kinsey Scale,” a survey and scale reflecting an
individual’s human sexual experience. Invite students to take the survey
if they are curious.
Co-sponsor an activity with a minority, women's, gay, lesbian, or bisexual
focused organization.
Stay silent for a day to demonstrate how the needs of LGBT people have
gone unheard for so long, by wearing black and handing out "Day of
Silence" cards. The National Day of Silence is April 10th.
Sexual Orientation Discrimination
A web site that describes what you can do
when you have been discriminated against
because of your sexual orientation
Provides laws regarding discrimination and
things you can do if you have been
discriminated against
Bisexual Resource Center
Access to such resources as the bi-bookstore,
video store, and music store, and access to
related links
I Think I Might Be a Lesbian
 A Brochure for Young Women Information
written by lesbian youth for lesbian youth and
young women questioning their sexuality
This addresses issues that women might be
facing when they think they might be a lesbian
Memphis Gay and Lesbian
Coalition for Justice
This site combats laws, policies, and attitudes
that segregate, discrimination. or foster
prejudice against people based on sexual
There are links to newsletter, government
contacts, or how to get involved
Empire State Pride Agenda
Winning equality for lesbian and gay New
“It shall be unlawful to discriminate against any
individual because of sexual orientation.”