7I Energy Resources 6 double lessons. All page references given are taken from the Framework Science 7 textbook Worksheet references are from Framework Science Teacher’s Guide CDrom and Exploring Science CDroms. All linked worksheets are in the folder containing this SOW. Prior Learning Links to Yr6 Reversible and Irreversible changes when materials burn new materials are formed. the changes are nonreversible. Identify hazards with burning. Lesson 1 Vocabulary Fuels, fossil fuels, renewable energy resources, biomass, geothermal, energy transfer, nuclear, butane, chemical energy, coal, decay, diesel, liquid petroleum gas, natural gas, non-renewable energy, organic, paraffin, peat, petrol, propane, Biofuel, generator, hydroelectric power, solar power, tidal power, turbine, wave power, wind power Learning Objectives Consider factors involved in making a fair comparison between different fuels understand that fuels are substances that burn to release energy. Page refs 100101 ICT Opportunities Lesson 3 requires online research (renewable energy) 2 good sites for general research on renewables (UK bias): http://www.therenewableenergycentre.co.uk/educational-resources/ http://www.scienceonline.co.uk/energy/renewable-energy.html Another good site on renewables, American, with lesson plan: http://sciencenetlinks.com/lessons/renewable-energy-sources/ Homework Opportunities Food label research Webquest on renewables Textbook questions Expl Sci worksheets Framework Sci HW sheets at end of lesson plans Answers to textbook questions Activities Additional information Comparing fuels Starter: quiz on prior learning Y6 reversible/irreversible changes: eg in pairs write 2 reversible 2 irreversible Use eye protection. Main: Experiment Review safety hazards, independent and dependent variables. Experiment (see Framework Sci lesson plan) Students record temp rise of water when heated by burning fuel Plenary: Discuss how to improve experiment Show step by step how to light a Bunsen burner. Remind them that the Bunsen burner should be lit with the air hole open and should always be left on the yellow flame if not being used. Framework Science burning fuels lesson plan Or alternative if you have other fuels to burn safely: (“fair test”, controls, reducing errors) Expl Sci worksheet for more able Expl Sci worksheet less able 2 Use secondary info to form and justify a conclusion Explain how fossil fuels are formed from organic material over many years how they are used as a resource about the need to conserve fossil fuels. 102103 Fossil Fuels Starter: Pictures to sequence (in Framework Sci lesson plan use 7I.b.1 and 7I.b.2) In groups use the information sheet to correctly sequence the pictures Main: Use source material in resources 7I.b.3, 7I.b.4 (available in hard copy only) and students’ book pp. 102–103 to answer and make judgments about the following questions: (Note: this lesson practises the communication skills that will be assessed in the level assessment task) Name three forms of fossil fuels and explain how they are used. State the advantages and disadvantages of using fossil fuels. Describe the impact extracting and using fossil fuels has on the environment. Explain why a more environmentally friendly form of energy isn’t used. Homework: bring in a food label with energy content Framework Science lesson plan for fossil fuels Expl Sci pictures to sequence easy Expl Sci pictures to sequence harder Expl Sci Gap fill exercise on making of fossil fuels easy Expl Sci qualities of fossil fuels questions harder Plenary Students stand on line (and justify) representing contimuum of opinion from Fossil fuels can only benefit our society to Fossil fuels can only do harm. 3 Explain that energy resources can be used to generate electricity and how devices that use renewable energy to produce electricity work. 104105 Renewable Energy Groupwork: Students research a renewable resource to produce a fact sheet Framework Sci lesson plan renewable energy Starter: Brainstorm questions they could investigate (see egs in Framework Sci lesson plan) or do gap-fill/truefalse sheets from Expl Sci Expl Sci gap fill on energy resources easy Main Groupwork to produce factsheet Book ICT facility for this lesson! See weblinks above Expl Sci true false explain on energy resources harder Plenary: 2 min presentations Expl Sci hydro power and water cycle exercise 4 Energy in Food 108109 Expl Sci rotting veg demo Demo: rotting veg (Expl Sci expt) Expt Energy in food (for more expt details see http://www.nuffieldfoundation.org/practical-biology/how-much-energy-therefood ) 5 Energy transfer Energy comes from Sun 106107 Starter: Use the starter in Framework Sci lesson plan to introduce energy transfer and Sun as origin Or try Expl Sci cut-outs sheet on origin of energy Analyse food labels they have brought in (homework) Use Expl Sci workshhet on food labels (or Framework Sci lesson plan) Classify into high/med/low content (venn dig. In Fr Sci lesson plan) Energy in foods charts at http://www.healthyeatingclub.com/info/booksphds/books/foodfacts/html/data/data2a.html Expl Sci energy in food expt easy Expl Sci energy in food harder Explain to the pupils that a concept map is like a brainstorm, because it has key words that link together, but unlike a brainstorm the connecting lines are written on to explain why the connections have been made. Expl Sci worksheet food labels easy Expl Sci worksheet food labels harder Framework Sci lesson plan F 6 Levelled assessment on “communicating and collaborating “ Badger Nuclear Power Students use an info sheet to argue a conclusion (use secondary evidence critically) (Note differentiated sheets) Starter: intro discussion using Badger ppt Main: students work on task Plenary: Teacher notes Task levels 3-6 level ladder 3-6 Task levels 6-8 level ladder 6-8 Info sheet 4-8 Info sheet 3-4 Access sheet 1 Access sheet 2