UNIVERSITY OF KENT MODULE SPECIFICATION TEMPLATE SECTION 1: MODULE SPECIFICATIONS 1. Title of the module Business Skills for E-Commerce (KBC529) 2. School or partner institution which will be responsible for management of the module Canterbury College 3. Start date of the module September 2013 4. The number of students expected to take the module 75 5. Modules to be withdrawn on the introduction of this proposed module and consultation with other relevant Schools and Faculties regarding the withdrawal None 6. The level of the module (e.g. Certificate [C], Intermediate [I], Honours [H] or Postgraduate [M]) Intermediate (I) 7. The number of credits and the ECTS value which the module represents 15 credits (7.5 ECTs) 8. Which term(s) the module is to be taught in (or other teaching pattern) Autumn & Spring 9. Prerequisite and co-requisite modules None 10. The programmes of study to which the module contributes HND Business (Marketing), HND Business (Law), HND Business (Finance), HND Business (Human Resource Management), HND Business (Retail Management) 11. The intended subject specific learning outcomes 11.1 Develop knowledge and critical understanding of successful E-Commerce 11.2 Critically analyse the structure and aims of business organisations 11.3 Develop knowledge and critical understanding of the importance and the impact of eCommerce 11.4 Be able to design e-Commerce solutions. 12. The intended generic learning outcomes 12.1 Critical evaluation of approaches to solving problems 12.2 Critically analyse information and utilise the results of that analysis 12.3 Ability to apply underlying concepts and principles 1 UNIVERSITY OF KENT 13. A synopsis of the curriculum The Indicative content will include topics such as: Organisations: aims, market share, growth, customer service Political, Economic, Social and Technological (PEST) analysis Business Functions Stake Holders: identification, role and objectives Consumer impact of e-Commerce Business Impact of e-Commerce Creative e-Commerce solutions and developments Markets and market research for e-Commerce Electronic Payment Security E-Commerce legislation 14. Indicative Reading List Beynon-Davies P, (2012) E-Business 2nd edition Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Chaffey D (2011) E-business and E-Commerce Management, Fifth Edition London:FT Prentice Hall, Courtland B, Thill J (2010) Business in Action London:Pearson Laudon K, Guercio Traver C (2013) E-Commerce 2010: International Version: Business, Technology, Society 9th Edition London:Pearson, Malmsten E, Leander K, Portanger E and Drazin C (2011) Boo Hoo: A Story from Concept to Catastrophe London:Cornerstone Rich J (2008) Design and Launch an eCommerce Business in a Week Entrepreneur Magazine's Click Starts Entrepreneur Press Ridderstrale J and Nordstrom K (2007) Funky Business Forever London:Prentice Hall Stanwick P, Stanwick S (2008) Understanding Business Ethics London:Prentice Hall Vise D (2008) The Google Story Pan Other Sources Business Review Magazine (Phillip Allan Publishers – see The Economist (The Economist Newspaper Group, Inc) 15. Learning and Teaching Methods, including the nature and number of contact hours and the total study hours which will be expected of students, and how these relate to achievement of the intended module learning outcomes: Hours Subject LOs Generic LOs Lectures 21.5 11.1, 11.2, 11.3 12.2 Seminars 21.5 11.1, 11.2, 11.3, 11.4 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 2 11.4 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 Independent study 105 11.1-11.4 12.1-12.3 Total hours 150 Workshops There will be approximately one and a half hours of class contact time per week consisting of an appropriate mix of 1 hour or 45 minute lectures, 30 or 45 minute seminars and 1.5 hour practical sessions over the year (total 45 hours). Seminars will typically include discussions, problem-solving and case-studies to which students will be expected to contribute both as individuals and as part of a group. In addition, practical work may be incorporated. 16. Assessment methods and how these relate to testing achievement of the intended module learning outcomes Individual Essay – 2000 words Weighting Subject LOs Generic LOs 50% 11.1-11.3 12.1, 12.2 Students will complete an essay related to E-Commerce. 2 UNIVERSITY OF KENT Individual Report – 2000 words 50% 11.1-11.4 12.3 A report focused on the design of an E-Commerce solution to an industry related problem. 17. Implications for learning resources, including staff, library, IT and space No additional resources are required to deliver this programme. 18. The Collaborative Partner recognises and has embedded the expectations of current disability equality legislation, and supports students with a declared disability or special educational need in its teaching. Within this module we will make reasonable adjustments wherever necessary, including additional or substitute materials, teaching modes or assessment methods for students who have declared and discussed their learning support needs. Arrangements for students with declared disabilities will be made on an individual basis, in consultation with the Collaborative Partner’s disability/dyslexia support service, and specialist support will be provided where needed. 19. Campus(es) where module will be delivered: Canterbury College If the module is part of a programme in a Partner College or Validated Institution, please complete the following: 20. Partner College/Validated Institution: Canterbury College 21. University School responsible for the programme: Kent Business School SECTION 2: MODULE IS PART OF A PROGRAMME OF STUDY IN A UNIVERSITY SCHOOL Statement by the School Director of Learning and Teaching: "I confirm I have been consulted on the above module proposal and have given advice on the correct procedures and required content of module proposals" ................................................................ .............................................. Director of Learning and Teaching Date ………………………………………………… Print Name Statement by the Head of School: "I confirm that the School has approved the introduction of the module and, where the module is proposed by School staff, will be responsible for its resourcing" ................................................................. .............................................. Head of School Date ……………………………………………………. Print Name 3 UNIVERSITY OF KENT SECTION 3: MODULE IS PART OF A PROGRAMME IN A PARTNER COLLEGE OR VALIDATED INSTITUTION (Where the module is proposed by a Partner College/Validated Institution) Statement by the Nominated Officer of the College/Validated Institution: "I confirm that the College has approved the introduction of the module and will be responsible for its resourcing" 5th June 2013 Nominated Responsible Officer of Partner College Anna Webber Print Name Head of HE Post Canterbury College Partner College Module Specification Template Last updated January 2013 4 Date