Resumenew -

Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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Technical Skills
“In a knowledge-dependent,
boundaryless global economy, it is
postulated that people’s competencies
will be the true currency of the 21st
Terry Meyer
Summary of Capabilities
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Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
I can make a significant difference; I can add a real
value; I just need the opportunity
To learn how, please navigate my resume by clicking on any
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Career Objectives
• Education
• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
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Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Personal Information
Career Objectives
Below is a high-level summary of the environment and
the role I would like to perform in order to meet my
career objectives and achieve my self actualization:
 A Consulting Manager position
with systems’ implementation
 Appreciation of change
management and human
performance capability
 Growth, challenge, hard working,
and team work environment
 Value driven work place
 Encouragement of innovation and
 Empowerment to implement new
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
Personal Information
• Career Objectives
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• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Personal Information
 Ph.D. of Business Administration, Kennedy Western University, California, U.S.A. (GPA
4.00), 06/1997-05/2000. Dissertation Title:
"Evaluating the Effectiveness of New Online
Promotional Tools in Conducting E-Commerce“
 Masters of Business Administration (GPA 4.00),
New Mexico State University (fully accredited by
A.A.C.S.B.), Las Cruces, USA, 01/1995-12/1995
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
 Bachelor of Arts Degree with Honors (GPA
3.45), the American University in Cairo, Egypt,
09/1987-06/1992 (Major: Business
Administration, Minor: Computer Science)
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
Personal Information
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• Languages
Personal Information
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
 ARABIC : Mother tongue
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
 ENGLISH : Excellent
Summary of Capabilities
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Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Reading, Writing,
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
Personal Information
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Work Experience
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• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
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University Researches
Completed Training
 Petroleum Development Oman - Shell (PDO), Muscat, Toronto,
HR/Payroll SAP R/3 Upgrade (4.6B to 4.7)
 Total E&P (TotalFinaElf), Canada, France, EP Global Implementation of
SAP R/3 and BW
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
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Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
Work Experience after Accenture
Petroleum Development Oman - Shell (PDO), Muscat, Toronto
(Feb. 2005-Present), HR/Payroll SAP R/3 Upgrade (4.6B to 4.7),
Role: Change Manager
Commissioned to help bringing the SAP upgrade project (USD$6.5 million) that
experienced a significant delay back on track to upgrade the SAP R/3 (used in HR
and Finance Departments) from its old version 4.6B to the latest SAP version 4.7
and to undertake business process re-engineering activities of all HR and Payroll
processes. Updated the project implementation plan and defined milestones and
critical path of the severely delayed project which started in May 2004 and has not
progressed Reported status of progress on weekly basis and managed identified
issues. Supervised execution of change and communication activities. Defined all
types of strategies and approaches used in project including: process re-design
approach, change management strategy, communication strategy, user and training
strategy, controls framework and role mapping approach, and end user support
strategy. Designed all necessary tools to implement the defined strategies
including: role mapping tools and job aids, organizational readiness assessment
tools, stakeholders analysis tools, user satisfaction tools. Conducted quality
assurance reviews on timely basis
University Researches
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Work Experience after Accenture
Total (TotalFinaElf), Canada, France (Jul. 2004-Mar. 2005), EP
Global Implementation of SAP R/3 and BW. Role: Project Manager
Lead the project to implement SAP R/3 4.6c and Business Warehouse (BW)
in Total Canada. Coached the affiliate management and the project team
members to achieve project objectives. Defined all types of strategies used
in project including: change management and communication strategy, user
and training strategy, and end user support strategy. Maintained all project
management tools: different planning tools (level-3 detailed, high-level,
resources), several scheduling tools (blueprint workshops, integration
testing, user testing, training, cutover, dry run), different reporting tools
(weekly, monthly, regional, weekly meetings), different controlling tools
(budget and cost, control cards, progress curves, issues database, risk
register, QA reviews, steering committee meetings). Supervised solution
preparation activities including: detailed design documentation (papers and
workflows), configuration, development work (SAP Scripts, Bespoke,
Forms), and testing (unit, integration, user acceptance, and non-regression).
Executed change management activities including: communication, change
resistance management, role mapping, organization readiness, end user
training program, KPI development, and controls framework.
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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Work Experience with Accenture
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(formerly known as Andersen Consulting)
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Shell Netherlands
Qatar InternationalQatar Petroleum
(NAM) Central
Islamic Bank
World Bank
Qatar National Bank
Qatar Minister of
Foreign Affairs
Saadiyat Internationa
Qatar Ministry
Stock Exchange
of Finance
Saudi Holland
Qatar Fertiliser
al Group
St. Charles Professional
Education Center
Shell Houston
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Shell Total
Gabon Yemen
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
List of Major Engagements
Abu Dhabi
List of Minor Engagements
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
Personal Information
• Career Objectives
• Education
• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Work Experience with Accenture
List of Major Engagements
 Total E&P (TotalFinaElf), Syria, Yemen, France, UAE, Iran, Qatar, EP
Global Implementation of SAP R/3 and BW
 Shell Company, Nigeria, US, Netherlands, EP Global Implementation of
SAP R/3 ver. 4.6C
 Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Muscat, Implement Competency
Model in SAP
 Shell Company, Gabon, Global Implementation of SAP R/3 ver. 4.6C
 Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Muscat, Implementation of SAP
R/3 version 4.6B
 Qatar Ministry of Finance, Doha, Assessment for Oracle Financial
 Abu Dhabi Finance Department, UAE, Implementation of Oracle
 Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Muscat, HR/Payroll SAP R/3
 Center for Professional Education, Accenture, St. Charles, IL, USA,
Design, Development and Delivery of Various Training Schools
 Halliburton Company, Houston, USA - Dubai & Abu Dhabi, SAP R3
 Doha Securities Market, Qatar, Central Registration and Electronic
Settlement & Clearing
 Doha Securities Market, Qatar, Establishment of Securities Market
List of Minor Engagements
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
Personal Information
• Career Objectives
• Education
• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Work Experience with Accenture
List of Minor Engagements
 Al-Marai, Saudi Arabia, Organization Performance Assessment (May 2002)
 H.E. Minister of Foreign Affairs, Qatar, Establishment of New Holding
Company (Nov. 1998)
 Qatar Fertilizers Company (QAFCO), Qatar, Critique for the New Appraisal
System (Oct. 1998)
 Emirates Bank International Group, Abu Dhabi, Business Diagnosis (Jul. 1998)
 Qatar Telecommunication (Q-Tel), Qatar, Assessment of Business Improvement
Opportunities (Aug. 1998)
 Qatar Petroleum (QP), Qatar, Assessment for BPR and SAP Implementation
(Mar. 1998)
 Securities Group, Qatar, User Manual and Demonstration of Brokerage System
(Jan. 1998)
 The World Bank, Qatar, Privatization Program for Qatar (Oct. 1997)
 Saudi-Holland Bank, Saudi Arabia, Marketing Strategy Survey (Oct. 1997)
 Saadiyat International Stock Exchange, Abu Dhabi, Establishment of Securities
Market (Jul. - Sep. 1997)
 Qatar International Islamic Bank, Qatar, Demonstration of Brokerage System
(Sep. 1997)
 Doha Bank, Qatar, Detailed Assessment for BPR (Jul. - Aug. 1997)
 Qatar National Bank, Qatar, Call Center Implementation Preparation (Jul 1997 Oct. 1998)
 VIP Property Management, Qatar, Assessment to Implement Accounting
System (Jun. 1997)
List of Major Engagements
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
Personal Information
• Career Objectives
• Education
• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Work Experience with Accenture
Total (TotalFinaElf), Syria, Yemen, France, UAE, Iran, Qatar (Jul.
2003-Jun. 2004), EP Global Implementation of SAP R/3 and BW.
Role: Project Manager
Lead the project to implement SAP R/3 4.6c and Business Warehouse
(BW) in several Total affiliates in the Middle East. Coached the various
teams in different project locations simultaneously and provided necessary
development feedback to team members (formal and informal) including
being a subject matter expert for supply chain processes. Defined all types
of strategies used in project including: change management strategy,
communication strategy, user strategy, training strategy, and end user
support strategy. Maintained all project management tools: different
planning tools (level-3 detailed, 10-week look ahead, high-level, resources,
cutover), different reporting tools (weekly, monthly, regional, weekly
meetings), different controlling tools (budget, control cards, progress
curves, issues database, risk register, QA reviews, steering committee
meetings). Supervised solution preparation activities including: detailed
design documentation (papers and workflows), configuration, development
work (SAP Scripts, Bespoke, Forms), and testing (unit, integration, user
acceptance, and regression). Supervised change management activities
including: communication, change resistance management, role mapping,
organization readiness, end user training program, and controls framework.
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Languages
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• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Work Experience with Accenture
Shell Company, Nigeria, US, Netherlands (May 2002-Jul.2003),
Global Implementation of SAP R/3 ver. 4.6C Using Blueprint
Design. Role: Organization Alignment Lead
Lead the change management activities including the job design (SAP user
strategy and how SAP will be used across the different organizations, SAP
role definitions, mapping roles to jobs, allocating jobs to users, drawing roles
& jobs on the process flows, re-deploying non-SAP positions, organizational
impact assessment, job change guides, system authorization and access
rights, designed and developed role mapping maintenance tool in Excel and
MS Access), controls framework development (update manual of authority,
define segregation of duties rules, determine third party access strategy,
define system release strategy, defined PO automation strategy, defined
system tolerances, determined required controls and monitoring reports).
Subject Matter Expert for the Supply Chain and Work Management
processes (MM, OLM, PM, PS modules). Managed the development and
maintenance of the training plan (assignment of users to training courses,
training schedule, and managed roles & responsibilities training including
material development and training delivery) as well as maintaining users'
profiles to SAP system. Developed support strategy and organizational
readiness assessment strategy and tools.
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Career Objectives
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• Languages
Work Experience
Work Experience with Accenture
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Muscat, Oman (Jan.
2002-May 2002), Design, Develop and Implement Competency
Model in SAP. Role: Project Manager
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Lead a team to design, develop and implement competency
model in SAP. Helped Departments/ Functions to develop their
specific functional competencies within the corporate proficiency
scale, which were incorporated in SAP. Developed a training
program to help the organization to use SAP as a tool for
assessment, defining gaps in competencies, training, and
documentation of career progression. Defined and standardized
professional qualities (interpersonal competencies) across all
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Languages
Work Experience
Work Experience with Accenture
Shell Company, Gabon (Mar. 2002-Apr. 2002), Global
Implementation of SAP R/3 ver. 4.6C Using Blueprint Design.
Role: Training Manager
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Lead the team to develop training material for SAP Blueprint
Academy (centered in Shell Malaysia) that provides training to
new global project team members and members of the local
implementation teams of all Shell Operating Units worldwide.
Also, developed the training program (strategy, plan, curriculum,
material) for Gabon implementation.
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Work Experience with Accenture
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Muscat, Oman (May 2000-Jan. 2002),
Implementation of SAP R/3 version 4.6B, Role: Change Manager
During the design phase of the project, developed a Training Strategy (design
tools, development methods, delivery approaches for 3,000 users, training
evaluation tools, training curriculum and courses design), a Change Management
Strategy (communication planning, commitment curve, stakeholders analysis),
and a Job Design Strategy (task analysis, job design approach, role design, role
mapping) for the implementation of 8 major modules of SAP. Contributed to the
design of Supply Chain and work management processes. Also, managed the
development, scheduling and delivery of training to the deployment team that is
composed of 100 members. During the construction and delivery phases, led the
change management activities including the job design (SAP role definitions,
mapping roles to jobs, allocating jobs to users, drawing roles & jobs on process
flowcharts, re-deploying non-SAP positions, organizational impact assessment, job
change guides, system authorization and access rights), communication
activities (communication planning and execution: newsletters, awareness
booklets, web site, glossary, posters, road-show (SAP Souq), managing change
(stakeholder analysis, commitment curve management). During the
implementation phase, managed the development and maintenance of the
training plan (assignment of users to training courses, training schedule, and
managed roles & responsibilities training including material development and
training delivery for 1,300 critical users) as well as maintaining users’ profiles to
myS@Portal and SAP system. Also, conducted organizational readiness
assessment and evaluated the end user readiness for the go-live.
u s t a q b a l
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Work Experience with Accenture
Qatar Ministry of Finance, Industry & Trade, Doha, Qatar (Nov.
2001-Jan. 2002), Assessment for Oracle Financial Implementation,
Role: Project Manager
Lead the efforts in conducting an assessment to identify current
gaps in the Ministry’s processes with Oracle Financial. Provided
recommendations and strategic decisions to be taken by the
Minister to overcome obstacles to facilitate the online connection
between the Ministry of Finance and other Qatari Ministries using
Oracle Financial software.
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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Work Experience with Accenture
• Languages
Abu Dhabi Finance Department, Abu Dhabi, UAE (Dec. 2000-Apr.
2001), Implementation of Oracle Financials, Role: Deployment Lead
Work Experience
The objective of the project was to implement and link the financial
system that Accenture developed for the Finance Department using
Oracle Financial at three other major governmental departments and
then to the rest of the departments. Activities included the involvement of
governmental department senior management to get their buy-in.
Managed deployment by developing change strategy, training strategy,
training program (design training curriculum, approach, delivery
methods, schedule, training delivery, and evaluation). Contributed to the
design of Procurement Processes. Managed organization and end user
preparation and readiness assessment, developed a deployment guide
for deployment at next governmental departments, and developed a
physical and electronic library that includes online links to all project
deliverables and can be accessible by all users. Managed
communication activities (developed newsletters to end user community,
communication plan, project awareness booklets, system
troubleshooting and Q&A booklets, memos, posters). Provided client
with a detailed deployment guide, lessons learned, and
recommendations for next deployments at various governmental
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Work Experience with Accenture
Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Muscat, Oman (Sep.- Nov.
2000), HR/Payroll SAP R/3 Upgrade (3.1 to 4.6B), Role: Project
The objective of the project was to upgrade the SAP R/3 (used in
HR and Finance Departments) from its old version 3.1 to the latest
SAP version 4.6B. Lead a team to design, develop and deliver
training of the new system. Training approach included instructorled sessions, Simulation Training Tool courses (CBT), and live
practice sessions on the SAP system. Change and communication
activities were accomplished including publishing a web site for the
project on the company Intranet. Web site was maintained on
weekly basis to reflect project progress and to update PDO
community with the latest project information and included links to
all training material. In addition to several communication channels,
articles were also prepared for the company monthly newsletter.
Managed training development of 20 courses and 10 workshops,
scheduling and delivery to more than 300 trainees.
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Work Experience with Accenture
Center for Professional Education, Accenture, St. Charles, IL, USA (Apr. 99 - May
2000), Design, Development and Delivery of Various Training Schools, Role:
Training Consultant
Participated in designing, developing and delivering various training schools at the
Center for Professional Education in St. Charles which hosts Accenture trainees at
all career levels to help developing their skills based on their competencies and
market demand. Responsible of delivering 3 training courses that vary in duration
between 1 and 3 weeks. These schools are: Human Performance Design School
(competency model development, selection tools, performance evaluation tools,
performance support & on-line help, performance analysis, communication
management, solution design & testing), Design Performance Change
(organization design, competency management, recruitment process, performance
appraisal process, career development planning, sourcing options), and Business
Analysis and Design School (business performance analysis, solution
development, integration of business elements: strategy, process, people, and
technology). In addition to these three training courses, helped design, develop,
pilot and deliver a new school called Change Essentials for Organization & Human
Performance analysts. The process included the conceptual design (identifying the
learning objectives, specifying instruction strategy, and delivery vehicles), detailed
design, cases & training material, teaching guidelines and job aids, and testing and
piloting the school. The school had classroom instructor-led type of training
instruction strategy including many case studies. Topics taught included: ecommerce introduction, web site usability, business diagnosis and financial
analysis and interpretation, performance analysis, communication planning, and
learning design and development.
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Work Experience with Accenture
Halliburton Company, Houston, USA - Dubai & Abu Dhabi, UAE
(Dec. 98 - Jan. 99), SAP R3 Deployment in the Middle East, Role:
Organization Readiness Specialist
Managed change activities (developed project organization
structure, org. readiness strategy, deployment publications,
organization readiness detailed activities, people readiness
approach, and deployment model). Conducted role mapping
(mapped current positions and users to SAP roles and
authorization profiles). Developed training plan (end user (EU)
training material, site logistical requirements, EUs training courses
description, EUs training plan & schedule: assigning instructors,
functional experts, & EUs to different courses & training rooms).
Prepared training material for MM and PM modules
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
alco 21
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Education
• Languages
Work Experience with Accenture
Doha Securities Market, Development and Deployment of Central Registration
and Electronic Settlement & Clearing System and Establishment of New
Department, Doha, Qatar (May 97 - Sep. 98), Role: Deployment Lead
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
System Implementation: prepared functional procedures and forms, organizational
structure, job descriptions, recruitment requirements, regulatory framework,
IPO\floatation instructions, conference room pilot & training material, market
awareness material, business integration test plan & simulation material, parallel
run plan & material, and system manuals. Conducted site visits to monitor the
progress of listed companies in preparing shareholders information and assist them
in solving associated problems.
Feasibility Study: Conducted market survey of all listed companies in the securities
market to acquire specific information about shareholders departments. Also,
developed a cost \ benefit analysis (B.E.P. analysis) and a projected budget to
establish and operate these departments by DSM or a bank (shareholder
Data Conversion: Developed a detailed plan as well as high-level plans for
converting data of all listed companies’ shareholders to fit the system requirements
of central registration. Developed data structure and modeling, required information
model, data forms, and designed the data conversion process and planned parallel
run stages. Developed a risk analysis of downloading shareholders information of
listed companies to the central registration system.
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
Work Experience with Accenture
Doha Securities Market, Doha, Qatar (Apr. - Jun. 1997), Establishment of
Stock Exchange, Role: Organization & Process Designer
Participated in the development of the procedural design, design of the data
flow diagrams, financial bylaws, and design of the mutual fund for the stock
Market Simulation: Participated in the design of the different scenarios as
well as in the implementation of the market simulation to train brokers and
employees of the trading process. Participated in the market awareness
seminars that was held to educate investors on securities trading.
Training Program: Developed and implemented a training program on the
stock trading and MS Office for the employees of the stock exchange.
Functional Support: Participated in the functional support stage after the
stock exchange went live including: the modification of deliverables,
explanation of materials and processes, clarification of detailed work flow,
and supervision of the trading process at the trading floor. Reported on daily
basis on both technical and functional operations to the project management,
and forwarded important comments to the concerned departments for
required actions after providing recommendations.
University Researches
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Career Objectives
• Education
• Languages
Work Experience
Work Experience prior to Accenture
Western Bank,
Data Services
White Sand
Missile Range
Naser Medical
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
New Mexico
State University
• Prior to Accenture
American University
in Cairo
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Sowaidco Construction
& Trade
Journal of Business
& Entrepreneurship
Ministry of
Foreign Affairs
Palace Co.
ZAS Airline
of Egypt
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
List of Major Engagements
List of Minor Engagements
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
Personal Information
• Career Objectives
• Education
• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Work Experience prior to Accenture
List of Major Engagements
 Qatar Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Re-engineering Program
 Western Bank-Western Data Services Inc., Las Cruces, NM,
USA, Marketing Strategy
 White Sand Missile Range Facility, Las Cruces, NM, USA,
Marketing Strategy to Private Sector
 Sowaidco Construction & Trade, Qatar, Administration
 ALMUFTAH Construction & Industrial Services Company
(ALMUFTAH Group), Qatar, Management Information System
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
List of Minor Engagements
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
Personal Information
• Career Objectives
• Education
• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Work Experience prior/after Accenture
List of Minor Engagements
 Syrian Ministry of Finance\Damascus Stock Exchange, Syria,
Preparation for the Establishment of the Securities Market
(Aug.-Sep. 2004)
 Journal of Business & Entrepreneurship, Las Cruces, NM,
USA, Developing and Implementing Filing System (Aug. - Dec.
 New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM, USA, University
Research Assistant, (Jan. - Dec. 1995)
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
 Curtains Palace Co., Qatar, Feasibility Study for a Computer
Software House (Feb. - Apr. 1997)
 Naser Medical Institute, Egypt, Build New Information System
(Jan. - May 1992)
 The American University in Cairo, Egypt, academic teaching
assistance in the courses: Financial Accounting and MicroEconomics Theory (Sep. - May 1992)
List of Major Engagements
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Career Objectives
• Education
• Languages
Work Experience
• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Work Experience prior to Accenture
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, (MOFA of the State of Qatar) Doha,
Qatar (Feb. - Apr. 1997), Department Re-engineering, Position:
Organization Designer
Developed a reengineering program for the Information and
Decision Support Section of the Information and Research
department at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The project covered:
organizational structure, job descriptions, departmental goals and
objectives, functional plans and strategies, human resources
requirements and planning, employee evaluation and control, data
flow diagrams, and change management. Also, a survey was
conducted to get the requirements and needs of other departments
in the ministry.
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Work Experience prior to Accenture
Western Bank-Western Data Services Inc., Las Cruces, NM, USA
(Nov. 1995 - Jan. 1997), Development of Marketing Strategy,
Position: Marketing Specialist/Data Analyst
Participated in the development and implementation of the
marketing strategy for Western Bank to manage promotional tools
for all banking products. Participated in the design and
development of marketing tools like brochures, advertising
samples, and direct mail for other major clients which are New
Mexico, Arizona and Texas banks. Also, supervised database
development and maintenance, PC network maintenance,
production planning and scheduling of the direct mail marketing
Other Information
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Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
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Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Work Experience prior to Accenture
White Sand Missile Range Facility) Las Cruces, NM, USA (Jan. May 1995), Developing a Marketing Strategy to Target Private
Sector, Position: Marketing Strategist
Participated in a marketing development team to establish a
marketing strategy to fit the new market trends. A reengineering
proposal was developed and implemented. Important topics
covered: SWOT analysis, organizational structure, organizational
mission, goals definition, customer analysis, competition analysis,
unique products\services analysis, promotional tools, marketing
campaign, campaign budget, selling techniques, survey and
competitive advantage analysis.
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Professional Activities
University Researches
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• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Work Experience prior to Accenture
Sowaidco Construction & Trade, Doha, Qatar (Jun. 1992 - Nov.
1994), Administration Management, Position: Administration
Managed the progress of all projects and developed procedures
and reports to evaluate employees performance and to follow up
projects progress, actual costs, and variances of actual to
budgeted costs. Defined new a competitive marketing strategy.
Summary of Capabilities
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University Researches
Completed Training
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Summary of Capabilities
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Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Work Experience prior to Accenture
ALMUFTAH Construction & Industrial Services Company
(ALMUFTAH Group) Doha, Qatar (Feb. - May 1994), Management
Information System, Position: Systems Analyst
Human Resources: developed a reengineering program
(organizational structure, job descriptions, human resources
requirements and planning, recruitment and interviewing process,
evaluation and appraisal process, and design of all required forms)
Information System: investigated symptoms of structural deficiency
(decision making process, flexibility & responding to environmental
changes, ineffective communication lines among organizational
layers, wide departmental goals conflicts … etc). Analyzed and
designed an information system for tracking the progress of
construction projects as well as for locating the suppliers of
industrial machines, equipment, and spare parts to compete in
tenders of different projects. Developed all levels of data flow
diagrams and relational data base design after analyzing the client
problems\requirements through interviewing, observing, and
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Summary of Capabilities
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Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Technical Skills
ERP Solutions: Systems, Applications, Products (SAP) and
Simulation Training Tool (STT), ASAP Methodology, Oracle
Application Software: Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel,
and Access), Other Microsoft applications (Project, Publisher,
Imager, Money, Outlook, and Schedule), Corel Word Perfect Suite 7
(Word Perfect, Quattro Pro, Presentation, and Data Base Engine),
Lotus Applications (Lotus Notes, Lotus 1-2-3, Freelance Graphics,
Ami Pro, Screen Cam, Organizer, and Approach), Harvard
Graphics, SPSS, CorelDraw, and Visio
Database Analysis & Design: dBASE programming and data base
analysis & design, R:Base, HyperCard (Apple Macintosh)
Hardware Platforms: Apple Macintosh, IBM - PC & Compatibles
System Software: Macintosh, MS DOS, PC DOS, Windows (NT,XP)
Programming languages: Basic, Pascal, Turbo Pascal, Knowledge
of concepts of programming languages (COBOL, FORTRAN, C)
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
 ERP Experience: SAP (more than 15 implementations in 10 countries for 3 giant global
oil companies: Total (Canada, Yemen, Syria, Qatar, UAE), Shell (Nigeria, Oman,
Netherlands, US, Gabon), Halliburton (US, UAE), and Oracle Financials for Ministries of
Finance (Qatar and UAE)
 Project Implementation Management: management of multi-million dollars projects,
client relationship management, project planning, risk management, budgeting,
progress reporting, issue resolution and monitoring, quality assurance, resources
management, integration
 Process Definition: business process re-engineering, supply chain subject matter
expert, business model, procedures and policies development, process modeling and
integration, controls and process risks assessment (system & procedural), testing and
data migration planning
 Strategy Definition: mission statement, vision statement, strategic objectives,
operational objectives, culture definition and alignment, leadership development,
feasibility study and business case development
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
 Change Management: communication planning and execution, stakeholder analysis,
business involvement, change resistance management, organizational readiness
assessment (user, organizational, data, technical), user strategy definition, support
strategy formulation
 Human Performance Design: competency management, career and succession
planning, performance measurement (KPI's and balance scorecards)
 Organization Design and Development: role design, team design, task analysis, role
mapping, job design, work load analysis, recruitment management, organization
structure, job descriptions, controls framework design
 Training Design and Delivery: training curriculum design, training development, training
scheduling, training delivery, knowledge management, eLearning management
 Industry Knowledge and Experience: oil/resources, banking, stock exchange, brokerage
services, governmental finance
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• Prior to Accenture
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Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
 Published an Arabic book by the American University in
Cairo Press
 Winner of the first prize of the Annual Egyptian National
Cultural Competition for 5 consecutive years (1988-1992)
 President of Arabic Poetry Club at the American University
 Merit Scholarship from the American university (1989-1990)
 Dean's List at the American University in Cairo (1989-1992)
 Member of Business Graduate Students Association at New
Mexico State University
 Member of the Business Club at the American University
 Member of the International Students Association
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
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Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Other Information
Professional Activities
 Member of the Project Management Institute
 Member of Certified Management Accountants (CMA), Institute
of Management Accountants, Las Cruces, NM, USA (04/95Present)
 Human Performance Service Line Lead for Accenture in the
Middle East practice
 Mentor/Coach for staff deployed to Human Performance Service
 Member of the Middle East Practice Executive Team of
 Participated in the establishment of Accenture in Doha, Qatar.
Set up various computer software, network and applications.
Developed a one year marketing campaign and business
development plan for the office including promotional tools and
techniques to use, costs, effectiveness, and scheduling of these
activities in an integrated plan.
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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University Researches
Completed Training
Other Information
University Researches & Studies
 Performance Evaluation of Egyptian Commercial Banks - Ratio Analysis
Methodology, Egypt.
 Guidelines for Process Re-engineering and Developing an Automated
System including a Change of the Layout and Restructure of the
organization - ZAS Airline of Egypt, Egypt.
 What an American Marketer Needs to Know about the Arabic Culture
before he targets the Arabic Consumer, USA.
 Evaluating Effectiveness of Organizational Objectives - New Model: Rate
Scale Effectiveness Model, USA.
 Applying Just-In-Time Operation Methodology in the U.S., USA.
 Comprehensive Feasibility Study for a New Construction & Architecture
Company (including cost \ benefit analysis, projected income statement
and balance sheet, estimated cash budget, forecasted sales and marketing
strategy), USA.
 A New Product Introduction and a Complete Marketing Strategy, USA.
 Product Cost Accounting and Budgeting: ET Company, USA.
 The Power of Advertising Tools: TV, Radio, Telemarketing, Newspaper and
Magazines, USA.
 The Consumer Behavior: Decision Making Process in the Arabic Family,
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
Personal Information
Other Information
Completed Training Courses
• Career Objectives
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• Languages
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• After Accenture
• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
Technical Skills
Summary of Capabilities
Other Information
Honors & Social Activities
Professional Activities
University Researches
Completed Training
Accent on C, Computer Based Training (CBT), completed 04/14/97
Accent on Client/Server, CBT, completed 04/14/97
Enacts CBT, CBT, 8 hours, completed 05/13/98
Business Practices Course, CBT, 38 hours, completed 05/13/98
Business Processes Overview, CBT, 38 hours, completed 06/08/98
Testing Overview V1.0 (Product Testing), CBT, 4 hours, completed 06/28/98
Testing the Vision V1.0A (Package Testing), CBT, 4 hours, completed 06/28/98
FSU 100: Detailed Design (Product Design), CBT, 6 hours, completed 06/29/98
Foundation of Business Systems Draft Chapters, CBT, 2 hours, completed
Usability Court, CBT, 4 hours, completed 07/08/98
IBSS: Implementing Business Solutions School, 40 hours, completed 07/17/98,
Eindhoven, Holland
Business Integration Methodology Rollout, 16 hours, completed 09/17/98, Abu
Dhabi, U.A.E
FSU 721: Organization Change and Framework, 8 hours, completed 11/02/98.
Benchmarking, 4 hours, completed 11/03/98
Issue Based Problem Solving, CBT, 6 hours, completed 11/03/98
Interactive Negotiation Training, CBT, 10 hours, completed 11/07/98
Coach, CBT, 40 hours, completed 11/04/00, St. Charles, USA.
Accenture Executive Seminar, 24 hours, completed 11/00, Cannes, France
Ethics - Insider Trading, online, completed 11,02
Dr. Majdi Sabeg
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• With Accenture
• Prior to Accenture
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Summary of Capabilities
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University Researches
Completed Training
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