Teaching is . . . a psychological endeavor. a social science. a profession rather than a job. APA is used to provide a consistent format across a discipline. APA stands for American Psychological Association The conventions of APA notation have been employed to provide unity in the knowledge base across the field. Related fields, like teaching, are increasingly adopting APA notation. Why Use APA Style? • APA style has been adopted by all 27 APA journals (Msetfi,2009) and 1000 psychology journals worldwide (plus others) – very important! Why Use APA Style? To provide a consistent format across a discipline To allow for readers to easily cross reference your work To lend credibility to your writing To protect yourself from plagiarism If we get all the correct information in there, why can’t we just cite our references any old way we choose? It saves you, the researcher, time and toil when the writer uses convention in the citation process. Research: Proper APA formatting helps a researcher (you) follow the thread of an idea back to it’s source. The references at the end of the material you are using can provide great leads to other source material. Others have done this for you, Shouldn’t we pay it forward? Use APA to protect yourself from Plagiarism! The penalties for plagiarism can be severe but so can the consequences for the victim. That’s Great . . . so where do I start? Now that you know why APA or another approved style of citation is required when doing research and other writings in academia . . . Let’s talk about the how. There are 4 main parts in an APA paper Title page Abstract / Author’s Note Main Body References Cover Sheet The cover sheet and the title page are not the same thing. A separate title page should be placed after the cover sheet and before the body of the paper. Items included on the cover sheet vary as per instructor requirements (Stoner M., 2006). Page Numbers &Running Head Do not put your name in the header. Instead place it after the Main Title with any university affiliations. The first numbered page is the title page (not the cover sheet) beginning with the number 1. The short title you will be using throughout the paper must be less than 50 characters. Title Page The “short title” that reflects the basic focus of the paper should be included in the upper left of the header in ALL CAPS, along with running page numbers in the upper right of the page. These items should be separated by at least 3-5 spaces. This is also the page for an authors note if applicable. So we have a page looking something like this: New conventions! • No underlining . . . Anywhere. • Use Italics to denote book, magazine, journal and dissertation titles both in the text and in references. New conventions! Punctuation Issues • Use one space after sentence ending punctuation in the body of the paper. • Use “single quotes for ‘quotes’ within a quote”. • Block quotes are indented from the body and do not require quotation marks but are to be included only if they are absolutely necessary. • Do not end a sentence with a URL unless it is enclosed in parenthesis. Here are some common mistakes to avoid . . . Don’t cite a source of one type as a source of a different type. Know what material you are working with. This is especially true with sources that were retrieved from electronic databases. A book found online is not cited the same way as a paper copy. Reference Page Use a hard page break inserted at the end of the body of the paper to ensure that the reference page(s) begin on a new page. Basic Source Choice • • • • Books Trade or academic magazines Journals Periodicals • NO popular magazines • NO encyclopedias • NO Wikipedia articles Main Areas Of Concern References **(Book)** Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title of the Book. Location: Publisher **(Electronic version of a Print Book)** Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title of the Book[ XXX reader version]. Retrieved from http://www.nameofsite.xxx Journal Article References **(Journal Article)** Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title of the Journal, volume(issue), pages. (If the journal paginates continuously by volume no issue number is needed.) **( Electronicly retrieved Journal Article with no doi )** Last name, First initial. (Year published) Title of the Article. Title of the Journal, Volume(issue), page numbers. Retrieved from http://www.nameofsite.xxx **( Journal Article with doi )** Last name, First initial. (Year published). Title of the Journal, Volume, page numbers doi:xx.xxxxxxxx Academic and Trade Magazines **(Magazine Article)** Last name, first initial. (Year published/month). Title of the Article. Title of the Publication, Volume(edition), page numbers. **(Electronically retrieved Magazine Article)** Last name, first initial. (Year published/ month) Title of the Article. Title of the Publication, Volume(edition), page numbers. Retrieved from http://www.nameofsite.xxx When citing a source in text: • • • • (Last name, year of publication) Do not rename the author in the citation if you have attributed the work in the sentence. (Incorrect) Joseph Robertshaw said in his Power Point presentation that double naming an author was not acceptable (Robertshaw, 2010). (Parenthetical) Joseph Robertshaw said in his Power Point presentation that double naming an author was not acceptable (2010). (Textual) In 2010, Joseph Robertshaw said in his Power Point presentation that double naming an author was not acceptable. Why not use the full name? • Elimination of gender and racial biases. • Gender and racial anonymity are now preferred. Use last names for in-text citations. Use initial of first names and last names for references rather than full names. The ideas of Steven Smith Shirley Smith and Shivani Smith all deserve equal consideration based upon their work. Green, Sean P., Shriberg, Donna, & Farber, Samuel. L. (2008). What’s Gender Got To Do With Teachers’ Perception of Situation Severity and Requests for Assistance. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 18, 346-373. Holtgraves, T. Interpreting Questions and Replies: Effects of Face-Threat, Question Form, and Gender. (1991)Social Psychology Quarterly, 54, 15-24. Meyerhoff, M. (1998). Accommodating your data: the use and misuse of accommodation theory in sociolinguistics. Language & Communication, 18, 205-225. Otnes, C., Kim, K. & Kim, Y. C. (1994). Yes, Virginia, There is a Gender Difference: Analyzing Children’s Requests to Santa Claus. Journal of Popular Culture, 28. Oliver, B. (2000). Freud and the question of mediated social behaviour. Society in Transition, 31, 163-174. Phillipsen, L. C. (1999) Associations Between Age, Gender, and Group Acceptance and Three Components of Friendship Qualities. Journal of Early Adolescence, 4(1), 438-464. Ruzickova, E. (2007). Strong and mild requestive hints and positive-face redress in Cuban Spanish. Journal of Pragmatics,vol. 39, 1170-1202. Seargeant, P. (2009). Language ideology, language theory, and the regulation of linguistic behaviour. Language Sciences, 31, 345-359. Wilson, D. W. (1980). Ambiguity and Helping Behavior. New York:Penguin, The Journal of Social Psychology, 112, 155-156. Wilson, T. P. (1970). Conceptions of Interaction and Forms of Sociological Explanation. American Sociological Review, 697-710 Things to look for in a guide • Second printing sixth edition or later! (August 2009) • Examples of each type of reference • Easy to read and search format • Spiral binding so that the book can lay open on a flat surface. • Size: Most people like portability. ONLINE Reference Guides List of helpful links to online APA style guides • • • • • • • • http://www.apastyle.org/manual/ http://www.cws.illinois.edu/workshop/writers/citatio n/apa/ http://www.docstyles.com/archive/apacrib.pdf http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/word-help/createa-bibliography-HA010067492.aspx http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ http://www.lib.wsc.ma.edu/apastyle.htm http://www.uwsp.edu/PSYCH/apa4b.htm http://www.capilanou.ca/programs/psychology/stu dents/apa/quick-apa.html References Dr. Crazy (2005, Nov 30) Why I bother to teach MLA Style even though . . .[text blog] Http://crazyphd.blogspot.com/2005/11/why-i-bother-to-teach-mla-styleeven.html Msetfi R. Phd. (2009) APA style, literature searching and EndNote [Power Point Slides] www.lancs.uk/ihr/courses/dclinpsy/documents20089/researchDocs/teachingMaterials/APAlitSearchEndNote.ppt Stoner, M. (v 4.0, 2006) Most common APA& PERRLA Mistakes. Retrieved 1/14/2009 from nursestoner.com/courses/APA%20and%20PERRLA.doc (mstoner@csusb.edu)