eagle news - Airline Park Academy for Advanced Studies

Our mission: Airline Park Academy provides a safe, secure, caring environment where with
high expectations all students are challenged to develop academically, socially and emotionally.
Airline Park Academy for Advanced Studies
February 2015 Newsletter
From the Principal’s Desk –
Mrs. Tiffani E. LeBouef, M.Ed.
It’s hard to believe that it is February already. The
teachers are working very hard to provide challenging,
meaningful lessons that will engage our students and
the students are working very hard to meet their grade
level objectives. We appreciate all that you do to
support the school. Your involvement is critical to
your child’s success. You can help by reading with
your child each day. Practice math facts daily. Car
rides are always a great time for a few minutes of
practice. Ask your child about his/her day and what
he/she has learned that day. Please check the green
folders each night for notes and notices. Check to
make sure your child completes his/her homework and
has all needed school supplies. Make sure your child
is regular in attendance, arrives on time, and is not
checked out of school early unless absolutely
necessary. Doing these things lets your child know
how important you think school is and how much you
value his/her education. You can make a difference.
Please be aware that Phase One of the PARCC test will
take place the week of March 16, 2015. Please keep
these dates in mind when scheduling appointments. It
is important that students be in attendance and on time
each day.
Please be sure to keep the lines of communication
open. I am here daily with an open door policy. I can
also be reached by phone or email –
Lunch Times:
11:05 3rd
11:20 2nd
11:35 4th
11:50 1st
12:05 Pre-K
12:20 K
12:35 5th
Important Phone Numbers
Child Care
Social Worker
Office Hours
7:30 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.
Dates to Remember
02/16/15 –
03/16/15 03/20/15
Interim Reports Sent Home
Class/Group Pictures (Uniforms)
Papa John’s Pizza Night
5th Grade Field Trip to BizTown
PBIS Dress Down
School Parade
No School – Mardi Gras Break
(Holiday Childcare is Available)
TOPS on Tuesday
PBIS Dress Down
Sock Hop @ 6:30 (3rd – 5th Only)
APAAS Gala at The Crossing @ 7
3rd Quarter Ends
Grandparent’s Club Bake Sale
PBIS Dress Down
PARCC Phase 1 Testing
(3rd – 5th Grades)
Report Cards Sent Home
Afternoon Report Card Conferences
Spring Pictures
PTO Meeting at 6:00 pm
Spring Fest
Our mission: Airline Park Academy provides a safe, secure, caring environment where with
high expectations all students are challenged to develop academically, socially and emotionally.
The start of the New Year has been very cold and we
are really tired of being stuck inside so much. We are
looking forward to the sunshine and warmer weather
that spring will bring.
This month we celebrated 100 days of being in school.
In August, we started our 100 day chart and it seemed
like 100 days were A LOT but now that we’ve past
that number we don’t think it really is that many days.
During our first 100 days in Pre-K we were amazed at
how much smarter we have become.
We are beginning to add and subtract in Math. We’ve
also become really good at blending sounds together
to form words. Our Spelling tests are not as bad as we
thought –they are actually pretty easy. We presented
our first book report. Our teachers were very proud of
us for speaking so clearly to our classmates.
We are eagerly looking forward to the rest of the
school year!!
Thank you for all of your help and support.
The Kindergarten classes had a wonderful time at the
Global Wildlife Center in Folsom. We loved seeing
the animals and feeding them too! Parents expressed
that they had even more fun than the kids!!
Kindergarten has completed the Children Around the
World Projects. The students did an amazing job. We
traveled to all seven continents and have stickers in our
passports to prove it!
It was a wonderful learning experience. There are so
many places that we want to visit now. How many
countries have you visited? Ask us about our favorites.
We are learning to subtract through 20. We are using
ten frames, mental math and common core strategies
to help us learn subtraction facts. Numbers can be
magical. We love Math! Do you?
Kindergarten is so much fun. We are reading stories
and naming the story elements. It is so fun to name
the characters and the unique traits of each character.
We love when the story has a twist such as an ending
that we did not expect.
Hooray for Kindergarten!!!
First Grade News
Upon January’s arrival, students began to set personal
goals for themselves on what they want to achieve this
year. The goals will be readily visible in the classroom
so the children can be reminded of what they’re
working towards. The frigid weather brought wishes
and dreams of snow. The Snowy Day was read, and
the class discussed the fun aspects of snow. This also
led to a discussion of different weather problems that
parts of the country experience based on location.
Students used information from the book to make a
foldable on cause and effect and had fun making a
picture of the main character in the story. The first
graders also played matching games to display their
knowledge of synonyms and multiple meaning words.
We will continue to work on verb tenses the remainder
of this month.
The children should be memorizing the basic addition
and subtraction facts using flash cards, games, etc. in
order to be able to do well adding one-digit and twodigit numbers and adding two-digit and two-digit
numbers. We have spent a great deal of time
developing strategies such as using manipulatives, a
number line, and then the algorithm for adding
numbers. We will continue to review addition and
then move onto subtraction of two-digit and one-digit
numbers and two-digit and two-digit numbers.
In science clusters, we are studying the three states of
matter and how to use a balance to measure mass and
how to use a scale to measure weight. We all love
doing science experiments! The children have really
learned a great deal about the scientific process.
Thanks so much for all that you do for your children!
Second Grade News
February is rolling in with tons of EXCITEMENT!!!
WOW, we have Mardi Gras Break, the APAAS Gala,
and only 3 months of this AMAZING school year
left!!! We can't believe how fast this 2014-2015 year
is flying by. We are so thankful for all the GREAT
events that January gave us. We LOVED the visits for
We received some awesome
correspondences from FLAT STANLEY. We had a
wonderful time at the Uptown Parent Social, Movie
Night, and at the Grandparent's Bake Sale! We are so
fortunate to teach at this fantastic school. We look
forward to learning new material, mastering skills, and
preparing for advancement to 3rd. We will utilize our
Anchor Texts this month and also do some activities
and projects on our PRESIDENTS! Spring will be
upon us soon and we have a couple of cool field trips
in the works. We are also so very pleased to be
utilizing the Computer Lab in our hall. It's such an
Our mission: Airline Park Academy provides a safe, secure, caring environment where with
high expectations all students are challenged to develop academically, socially and emotionally.
enrichment and resource tool to enhance lessons!!!
THANK YOU to everyone who got it up and
running!!! We continue to ENJOY Enrichment
Clusters and always welcome visitors to join in on the
learning and fun. We LOVE 2nd grade and are so
FORTUNATE to be in your children's lives!!!!
Third Grade News
“Be-cause it’s carnival ti-iii-ime,
Oh its Carnival tiii-iiiime…”
The festivities continue with carnival season and talk
of king cake, parades, beads and costumes! And, these
are DEFINITELY some topics that we will be talking
about in reading. We are continuing our work with
non-fiction reading and writing and we are doing so
with Mardi Gras…if ya can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em right?
With that in mind, we are going to be working harder
and harder on some writing using textual evidence
(whether the text is fiction or non-fiction). Have no
fear, we will also be writing some Mardi Gras poetry
for fun and creative expression.
And guess what’s happening in math?!?!?! It’s
FRACTION time! Kids will be splitting whole pieces
into equal parts, comparing those parts, ordering
fractions and working with equivalent fractions. We
all know this can get confusing, but with a little effort,
practice, and patience, we know the kids will get it. As
always, study those math facts; that will help with the
bigger concepts.
As we get back to social studies after exciting lessons
in science, we will be moving up to the next piece in
government, delving more into our nation’s
government. Kids will even be participating in a mock
election, so this will be a lot of fun.
Wrapping up…as we celebrate Mardi Gras, we will be
learning about some culturally significant traditions,
including the Mardi Gras Indians. As previously
mentioned, kids will be making their own Indians and
we will lead the Mardi Gras parade as a cool walking
club. We can’t wait! Making the Indians is always one
of our most fun, messy, and sparkly activities!
Happy Mardi Gras Y’all!!!!!
Fourth Grade News
We are continuing to work hard in fourth grade. It is
hard to believe that we are in the third nine weeks of
school. State testing will be here before we know it!
In reading we have been working on poetry. We
learned how to analyze poems and all about the
different types of poems. We had so much fun writing
poems for our poetry books. We have recently started
the novel Wonderstruck by Brian Selznick. We are
having so much fun with this book! We can’t wait to
come to class and find out what happens next in this
In English we have been focusing on writing. We
learned how to use a compare-contrast frame to help
us write a compare/contrast essay. We learned some
fantastic transitional words to use in this type of
writing. We are also writing narratives and sharing
them with our classmates. We love giving each other
feedback on our writing. Most of us are really tough
critics. Writing is a lot of work. We are getting better
and better each time we write.
In Math, we have been learning to add and subtract
fractions. We will continue to do work on this adding
small steps each day to make sure we understand these
concepts. We will also start working on how to put
our answers on the new scantron answer section for
the test. Wow, we have come so far this year already
and still have half of the year left. We know we can
do this!!
Fifth Grade News
We cannot believe it is already February! January
flew by but was certainly full of knowledge! This
month we will begin prepping for testing in all
subjects. We will also be visiting BizTown, which we
are excited about!
In Social Studies we will begin working on
geography skills and going back through the book to
focus on important skills. We will not necessarily be
sticking to the book’s order. We will also be doing
more writing and taking more detailed tests.
In English we will be doing much more writing and
focusing on editing skills. We will perfect the skill of
timed essay writing, which will be a challenge, but
we are up for it!
In Reading, we will read The Witch of Blackbird
Pond and do several cross-curricular activities with
the novel. We are very excited to also be doing a
Poetry Project that will be done both at home and in
class. The due date for this project is February 26 th.
Our mission: Airline Park Academy provides a safe, secure, caring environment where with
high expectations all students are challenged to develop academically, socially and emotionally.
In Science, we will continue our journey through the
book. We will be discussing weather and climate and
doing several exciting experiments and activities.
Please be sure to continue checking Edmodo for
weekly updates and schedules. February is a broken
up month due to the holiday, so we need to make sure
we stay focused and attentive.
Parents, please be on the lookout for the permission
slip for BizTown and consider volunteering for the
day. We could use all the help we can get.
Gifted & Talented Programs
First, second, and third grade gifted students have
learned about the three main learning styles: visual,
auditory, and kinesthetic. As you can probably guess,
many of the students have discovered that they learn
best through “doing” (kinesthetic learners). Next, we
will research multiple intelligences. Additionally,
each grade level has begun reading a novel from the
Junior Great Books series. Fourth and fifth graders
have continued working on their critical and creative
thinking skills. They have completed activities and
research on the Ecosystem. They are learning to play
the Academic Game Linguishtik and learning the
techniques in Propaganda E.
Media Center News
@ Your Library
I would like to give a big THANKS to Dr. Fox for
writing/receiving a grant from Entergy, New Orleans,
in the amount of $1900.00. This money will be used
for our new Robotics Enrichment Cluster run by Mr.
Camp Invention
In partnership with the National Inventors Hall of
Fame, Airline Park Academy is pleased to offer the
nationally-acclaimed Camp Invention program to
children entering grades one through six. It’s an
exciting, weeklong summer adventure in Science,
Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) that’s all
about big ideas. Children will work together to seek
innovative solutions to real-world problems and
sharpen critical 21st century learning skills as they
rotate through four modules that reinvent summer fun.
This unforgettable week begins on May 25, 2015,
when Mr. Matranga will direct the Camp Invention
program at APAAS. This program will end on
Friday, May 29.
(Our regular summer camp will begin on June 1, 2015.)
Your APAAS teachers will facilitate program modules
and enthusiastic high school and college students will
serve as Leadership Interns – ensuring that one staff
member is in place for every eight children.
* Thursday, February 19, 2015 is the start of the
Chinese Year of the Sheep (or Goat). People born in
this year are believed to be very good artists. Sheep
people ask many questions and like nice things. They
are gentle, charming, and very wise. You might be a
sheep if you were born in 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979,
1991, 2003, or 2015. Happy Lunar New Year!
Register in March 2015 to receive $ OFF the base
price. Every registration includes a complimentary
Camp Invention t-shirt. Availability is limited, so visit
www.campinvention.org or call 800.968.4332 to
reserve your child’s spot today!
*At APAAS Library, READERS RULE! Remember
that the Dawn Busters Reading Program is still in
effect, so continue to read and earn your tickets now
for another prize drawing in the spring! Be sure to
keep a log of the books you read and see Ms. Eckerle
in the library for details.
Incentives for Good Behavior
Students may receive “Eagle” coupons for good
deeds or behavior. These coupons are placed in grade
level containers, and names are drawn weekly for
Dress Down days (jeans & spirit shirts) and other
special events will be held throughout the year to
reward positive behavior.
*Did you know that your child can access the World
Book Web from home for FREE?
This resource is available on any computer with
Internet service. Go to: www.worldbookonline.com
Type in user ID “jppss” and password “library”.
Please like us on Facebook. Our school page is
very informative and contains downloadable files of
all documents that are sent home. Pictures are posted
Our mission: Airline Park Academy provides a safe, secure, caring environment where with
high expectations all students are challenged to develop academically, socially and emotionally.
of school events, parents can ask questions and receive
answers from school staff, and others choose to
communicate and share great things about APAAS!