Gender Roles in Things Fall Apart
Gender Roles?
• In order to talk about gender roles in Things
Fall Apart, we have to understand the
difference between three different concepts:
– Sex
– Gender
– Sexuality
Let’s Talk About Sex
• Someone’s sex is defined by their biological
components. One’s sex is (generally)
determined at birth.
– Women develop breasts that lactate milk.
– Men, generally speaking, have denser bones.
– Genital differences determine sex.
– Usually defined as either male or female (although
third sexes do exist [intersex])
• Gender is a societal construction.
– The characteristics of a gender are determined by
the society.
• Gender determines roles, attitudes, and
behaviors that are deemed acceptable for
masculine and feminine roles.
• Many societies recognize third genders (Twospirit in NDN tribes)
Sexual Orientation
• While sounding similar to both sex and
gender, and often times being related to the
two, sexual orientation is related to attraction.
• It is a way individuals identify themselves, but
is unimportant to our discussion.
Sex vs Gender Roles
• “Male” and “Female” are sex categories.
• “Feminine” and “Masculine” are gender categories.
– What is a “real man?” What is a “real woman?”
• Gender Roles
– In many parts of the world, women do more housework
than men.
– In many parts of the world, men are the primary moneyearners.
– In Saudi Arabia, women are not allowed to drive cars.
– In Vietnam, men traditionally smoke and women do not.
Why Should I Care?
(cuz I say so)
• Gender roles are a part of society, and
conformity/nonconformity influences and
affects our lives.
• QUICK WRITE: in Things Fall Apart, how do
gender roles affect Okonkwo? Nwoye? The
Okonkwo’s Greatest Fear
What is Okonkwo’s greatest fear?
How do you know this?
How Okonkwo characterized?
How is his father characterized?
How might gender roles have effected who
Okonkwo became?
Srsly, y should i care???
• How do gender roles affect us today?
– Politically? At home? At work? At school? In Public? In
Private? Economically?
1. Define a “real woman.”
2. Define a “real man.”
3. Write a solid paragraph describing how gender roles affect
you in your daily life.
4. What can we learn from Okonkwo (in regards to gender
Your Group’s Task
• Find an advertisement from a magazine that
uses gender roles to promote a product
(blatant example: AXE commercials)
• Create a small poster with you ad being sure
to answer the following questions
– Who is the target and how are they being
– What is the message being conveyed by the
– Do you agree with the message? Why or why not?
– Be prepared to compare to TFA (don’t put this on