Surname: Given Names: Rapid Access to Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (RAGE) Referral Form For further information please review the Rapid Access to Endscopy Pathways and other clinical information available here Patient details Referring doctor details Name: Date of Birth: Sex: Address: Suburb: Phone (Home) Mobile: Medicare Number: Name: Practice: Practice Address: Suburb: Phone: Provider number Date: Postcode: Phone (Work) Is an interpreter required? No Yes Language: Postcode: Fax: Signature Request for endoscopy: Gastroscopy – Indications provide details below Colonoscopy – Indications provide details below BLEEDING Haematemesis Melaena Iron deficiency anaemia (attach FBE / Fe studies) BLEEDING Positive FOBT NBCSP Other Blood in stools Bright Dark / mixed Iron Deficiency Anaemia (attach FBE / Fe studies) SUSPECTED MALIGNANCY Unintentional weight loss Dysphagia Persistent nausea or vomiting Loss of appetite Epigastric pain Abnormal imaging (attach report) Other (details below) SUSPECTED MALIGNANCY Change in bowel habit (constipation or loose stools) Unintentional weight loss Rectal or abdominal mass Abdominal pain Abnormal imaging (attach report) Known large polyp requiring removal (attach colonoscopy and path reports) Other (details below) Additional clinical information to assist with determining urgency of the procedure: Please include details about risk factors (family history of gastro-intestinal malignancy, personal history of alcohol excess or smoking), relevant personal past medical history (e.g. Barrett’s oesophagus, inflammatory bowel disease, DVT in last year, previous malignancy) GP Name: Patient Name: Referral Date: Page 1 of 3 Anti-Coagulation / Anti-Platelet Therapy*: None Clopidogrel Warfarin Dabigatran (Pradaxa), Rivaroxaban (Xarelto) Apixaban (Eliquist) Prasugrel (Effient), Ticagrelor (Brilinta) Can it be stopped Comments Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure Yes No Unsure *Aspirin can nearly always be continued Current Medications Relevant Past Medical History Allergies Has the patient had a previous colonoscopy? No Yes – Date: (please attach colonoscopy report and pathology report) Has the patient had a previous gastroscopy? No Yes – Date: (please attach gastroscopy report and pathology report) Does this patient have an increased risk for sedation or anaesthetic? No Yes – Comments: What is the patient’s Body Mass Index (BMI)? Does the patient suffer from constipation? (This will help determine the appropriate bowel preparation) No Yes Please fax referral to 8345 7378. Incomplete referrals will be returned to the referring doctor. All referrals made using this RAGE referral form will be triaged by a Western Health Medical Practitioner to determine whether the patient meets the criteria for a category 1 procedure or whether they will be waitlisted for an outpatient clinic review. Patients will be sent a health questionnaire – this must be completed before a booking will be made. For any booking enquiries phone 8345 6015. For clinical queries please contact the Endoscopy Registrar via switch 8345 6666 GP Name: Patient Name: Referral Date: Page 2 of 3 GP Name: Patient Name: Referral Date: Page 3 of 3