NCVPS Physical Science Announcement Ideas_Physics_Mods1

NCVSP Physical Science Announcement Ideas
Mods 1-9: Physics
Mod1 – Process of Science
Mon– BrainPop video to review scientific method: Click here to watch a BrainPop
video to review the scientific method. When you have finished watching the video, take
the quiz to test yourself.
Tues– Scientific method in a pic:
Wed– Metric System Use in the US:
The United States is now the only industrialized country in the world that does not use
the metric system as its predominant system of measurement. This government report
will answer your questions as why and what the plan is for converting.
Most Americans think that our involvement with metric measurement is relatively new.
In fact, the United States has been increasing its use of metric units for many years, and
the pace has accelerated in the past three decades.
Thurs– Graphing Can be Fun:
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Fri– Finishing Module 1 work reminders: Take your Mod1 test today if you have not
already completed on Thurs. (even if you have not completed all assignments). You
have this weekend to catch-up, or better, to work ahead on Mod 2 work that opened
today. It is very IMPORTANT that you follow the pacing guides for each module and
stay on track with your work. If you do this, passing this course will not be a problem.
Mod 2 - Motion
Mon– Create a Voki: Motion is one of the key topics in physics. Everything in the universe
moves. It might only be a small amount of movement and very very slow, but movement does
happen. Don't forget that even if you appear to be standing still, the Earth is moving around the
Sun, and the Sun is moving around our galaxy. The movement never stops. From
Tues– Motion is relative to the observer
Plane flying with a tailwind. A tailwind is a wind
that approaches the plane from behind, thus
increasing its resulting velocity.
Plane flying with a headwind. A headwind is
a wind that approaches the plane from the
front and this wind would decrease the
plane's resulting velocity.
Wed– Vectors
A vector is a numerical value in a specific direction, and is used in both math and physics.
Thurs– Momentum
Momentum is a commonly used term in sports. A team that has the
momentum is on the move and is going to take some effort to stop. A
team that has a lot of momentum is really on the move and is going to
be hard to stop. Momentum is a physics term; it refers to the quantity of motion that an object
has. A sports team that is on the move has the momentum. If an object is in motion (on the
move) then it has momentum.
Fri – Momentum Toon
Mod 3 - Forces
Mon– Voki: Physicists have uncovered four basic forces that act between matter particles gravitation, electromagnetism, the strong and the weak nuclear force. Only the first two can be
directly seen. The gravitational force keeps us on the ground and the moon in orbit around the
earth. We can ourselves exert forces when we push something and, by engineering, get some
of the energy content in oil to produce a force on the wheels of a car to move it.
Forces act on big structures in many ways. Click on one of the actions in this linked simulation
to explore the forces at work and to see real-life examples.
Wed– How Does Gravity Work?
Every time you jump, you experience gravity. It pulls you back down to the ground. Without
gravity, you'd float off into the atmosphere -- along with all of the other matter on Earth. Watch
this video on Understanding Gravity at the bottom of this linked page.
Thurs– Freefall
A free falling object is an object that is falling under the sole influence of gravity. Any
object that is being acted upon only by the force of gravity is said to be in a state of free
fall. There are two important motion characteristics that are true of free-falling objects:
Free-falling objects do not encounter air resistance.
All free-falling objects (on Earth) accelerate downwards at a rate of 9.8
m/s/s (often approximated as 10 m/s/s for back-of-the-envelope calculations)
Fri– Friction
Friction is the "evil" of all motion. No matter which direction something moves in, friction pulls it
the other way. Move something left, friction pulls right. Move something up, friction pulls down. It
appears as if nature has given us friction to stop us from moving anything.
Mod 4 – Newton’s Laws of Motion
Tues.– Science of NFL Football:
Newton's First Law says that if an object is at rest it requires an unbalanced force to
make it not be at rest or similarly, if an object is in motion, it tends to stay in motion in a
straight line at a constant velocity unless an unbalanced force acts on it.
In football, we see unbalanced forces whenever one player exerts a force on another
and causes him to change his direction and/or speed.
Click on the Video entitled Newton’s First Law of Motion and watch how this scientific
law is a part of the game of football.
Wed. - Science of NFL Football:
Newton’s Second Law says that if you have an object with a mass that is accelerating
– and accelerating means a change in velocity – that is equal to the amount of force
applied to the object. The way we say it with words is F is equal to MA.
This also means that in order for an object, like a football, to accelerate, a force must be
Click on the Video entitled Newton’s Second Law of Motion and watch how this
scientific law is a part of the game of football.
Thurs. - Science of NFL Football:
An important part of Newton's Third Law is the concept of momentum, which in football
is the mass of a player, multiplied by his velocity, represented by the formula P equals
MV. NFL players may not know the formula, but they're keenly aware of the role
momentum plays in tackling.
Click on the Video entitled Newton’s Third Law of Motion and watch how this scientific
law is a part of the game of football.
Fri. More about Sir Issac Newton
Watch this short 1 min video summarizing Newton’s scientific work. There is a short
commercial at the beginning of the video.
Mod 5 – Types of Energy
Mon.– Create a Voki: Overview of Energy
Energy is one of the most fundamental parts of our universe. We use energy to do work.
Energy lights our cities. Energy powers our vehicles, trains, planes and rockets. Energy warms
our homes, cooks our food, plays our music, gives us pictures on television. Energy from the
sun gives us light during the day. It helps plants grow. Energy stored in plants is eaten by
animals, giving them energy. Everything we do is connected to energy in one form or another.
Tues– Potential/Kinetic Energy
Energy is either potential (stored) or kinetic (moving).
Potential energy is the energy that a body has because of its
position, composition, or state. For example, potential energy is
contained by a raised ball (by virtue of its position), a stick of
dynamite (by virtue of its composition), and a compressed spring
(by virtue of its state).
Kinetic energy is the energy a body has because of its motion or
activity. When a raised ball is dropped, its potential energy
changes into kinetic energy as it falls; as it bounces up from the
ground, some of its kinetic energy changes back into potential
Wed– What is Thermal Energy?
Thermal energy is generated and measured by heat of any kind. It is caused by the increased
activity or velocity of molecules in a substance, which in turn causes temperature to rise
accordingly. There are many natural sources of thermal energy on Earth, making it an important
alternative energy (PIC-Geothermal is one
example of an alternative thermal energy).
The laws of thermodynamics explain that
energy in the form of heat can be
exchanged from one physical object to
another. For instance, putting fire under a
pot of water will cause the water to heat up
as a result of the increased molecular
movement. In that way, the heat, or
thermal energy, of the fire, is partially
transmitted to the water.
Thurs– Energy Terms (Wordle)
Fri– Energy Is Neither Created Nor Destroyed
To scientists, "conservation of energy" does not mean saving
energy. Instead, the law of conservation of energy says that
energy is neither created nor destroyed.
When we use energy, it doesn't disappear. We change it from one
form of energy into another.
A car engine burns gasoline, converting the chemical energy in
gasoline into mechanical energy. Solar cells change radiant
energy into electrical energy. Energy changes form, but the total
amount of energy in the universe stays the same.
Source: National Energy Education Development Project (Public
Mod 6 – Work and Power
Work and Power have mathematically formulas:
Work equals the Force times the Distance an object MOVES. W = F x D
Work is measured in Joules.
If something is sitting/standing still, no work is being done.
Power is equal to Work divided by the Time it takes to do the work. P = W / T
Power is measured in Watts.
To calculate power you may need to calculate the WORk done first.
everything you need to know:
Doing Work: When you do work, real work, you get tired.
If you are smart, however, just exerting forces, shouldn't
get you tired. Does holding a rubber band stretched get
you tired? If someone told you to hold a rubber band
stretched for a day, you might get tired but not because
you did any work. What if you used a stick or a pencil to
hold the rubber band stretched? Does the stick get tired?
Just applying a force isn't work, only when you apply a
force through a distance, do you do work.
How much power can you develop? You could run up a flight of stairs rapidly or you could
climb the same stairs very slowly. Either way, you do the same amount of work because you
apply the same force (equal to your weight) through the
same distance (the height of the stairs.) Power is work
per time. That is, if you do the same amount of work in a
shorter time, it takes more power. Two cars might weigh
the same and they might climb the same hill, hence they
do the same amount of work. But if one of the cars is a
clunkey old car and the other car is a powerful sports car,
the sports car can climb the hill much faster because it
has a more powerful engine. In this experiment we are
going to see how many watts of power you can develop.
Thurs– Simple machines are tools that make work easier. They have few or no moving parts.
These machines use energy to work. Click on this link to review the simple machines:
Fri– A compound machine is a combination of two or more simple machines. There are six
types of simple machines: a lever, a pulley, an inclined plane, a wheel and axle, a wedge and a
screw. One example of a compound machine is a bicycle. The wheels and pedals each form a
separate wheel and axle system. The brakes and brake handles are levers, and the seat
adjustment is a screw. Others include tools such as an axe or a shovel, which are made of a
wedge and a lever; a typewriter or piano keyboard, which utilize a system of two or more levers;
a pencil sharpener, which is composed of a wedge and a wheel and axle; and pliers or nail
clippers, which are both made of multiple levers.
More Review of machines:
Mod 7 – Waves
Mon. Waves – What’s the Difference?
Waves are everywhere. But what makes a wave a wave? A wave can be described as
a disturbance that travels through a medium from one location to another location. A medium is
a substance or material that carries the wave. A wave transports energy and not matter.
Ocean waves (mechanical waves) - wave travels is the ocean water; Waves are seen to move
through an ocean or lake; yet the water always returns to its rest position. Energy is transported
through the medium, yet the water molecules are not transported. Proof of this is the fact that
there is still water in the middle of the ocean.
Sound waves (mechanical waves) - Typically, the medium is air, though it could
be any material such as water or steel. The medium is simply a series of interconnected and
interacting particles.
Light waves – "Is light a wave or a stream of particles?" Light exhibits behaviors that are
characteristic of both waves and particles.
Electromagnetic waves are waves that have an electric and magnetic nature and are capable
of traveling through a vacuum. Electromagnetic waves do not require a medium in order to
transport their energy.
Tues– How Surfing Works
Part of the sport of surfing is the search for big,
interesting waves that are fun to ride. These
waves can be huge, like Mavericks off the coast
of San Francisco, which can reach up to 50 feet
(15 meters). No matter how big or interestinglyshaped popular surfing waves are, they all form
because of two basic factors:
The interaction between wind and water
The interaction between water and land
A third influence is the tide.
Wed– What is Sonic Boom?
Sonic boom is an impulsive noise similar to thunder. It
is caused by an object moving faster than sound,
about 750 miles per hour at sea level. An aircraft
traveling through the atmosphere continuously
produces air-pressure waves similar to the water
waves caused by a ship's bow. When the aircraft
exceeds the speed of sound, these pressure waves
combine and form shock waves which travel forward
from the generation or "release" point.
Thurs– Visible light waves
Visible light waves are the only
electromagnetic waves we can see.
We see these waves as the colors
of the rainbow. Each color has a
different wavelength. Red has the
longest wavelength and violet has
the shortest wavelength. When all
the waves are seen together, they
make white light.
When white light shines through a
prism, the white light is broken apart into the colors of the visible light spectrum. Water vapor in
the atmosphere can also break apart wavelengths creating a rainbow.
Fri– How Rainbows Work
The fundamental process at work in a
rainbow is refraction -- the "bending" of
light. Light bends -- or more accurately,
changes directions -- when it travels from one
medium to another. This happens because light travels at different speeds in different mediums.
A prism separates white light into its component colors. The A beam of light turns when it enters
a glass prism. Light turns again when it exits the prism. A color that travels more slowly in glass
will bend more sharply when it passes from air to glass, because the speed difference is more
severe. A color that moves more quickly in glass won't slow down as much, so it will bend less
sharply. In this way, the colors that make up white light are separated according to frequency
when they pass through glass. If the glass bends the light twice, as in a prism, you can see the
separated colors more easily. This is called dispersion.
Drops of rainwater can refract and disperse light in the same basic way as a prism. In the right
conditions, this refraction forms rainbows. An individual raindrop has a different shape and
consistency than a glass prism, but it affects light in a similar way. When white sunlight hits a
collection of raindrops at a fairly low angle, you can see the component colors red, orange,
yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet -- a rainbow.
Mod 8 – Electricity
Mon. - Electricity is all throughout space, because of the
loose electrons in space. There are electrons inside stars, and on
all planets. Lightning is just one form of natural electricity. n the last
two hundred years, people have learned to use electricity for their
own purposes, to run machines. When we want to move electricity
around (like through a cord to your computer), we make a long wire
of copper atoms, because electrons move easily from one copper
atom to another. When we want to keep electricity from moving
(like out of the cord and onto your hand, where it would give you a
shock), we make a wrapper out of rubber or plastic, because
electrons don't move easily through those materials. We use
electricity to heat our houses, light up dark rooms, cook food, run washing machines, and listen
to music. Some people use electricity to run their car!
Tues– Moving Electrons and Charges
Electricity is related to charges, and both electrons and
protons carry a charge. The amount of the charge is the
same for each particle, but opposite in sign. Electrons carry
a negative charge while protons carry positive charge. The
objects around us contain billions and billions of atoms, and
each atom contains many protons and electrons. The
protons are located in the center of the atom, concentrated in
a small area called the nucleus. The electrons are in motion outside of the nucleus in orbitals.
The protons are basically trapped inside the nucleus and can't escape the nucleus. As a result,
it is moving electrons that are primarily responsible for electricity.
Wed– Direct Current (DC)
There are two main types of current in our world. One
is direct current (DC) which is a constant stream of
charges in one direction. The other is alternating
current (AC) that is a stream of charges that reverses
The current in DC circuits is moving in a constant
direction. The amount of current can change, but it will
always flow from one point to another.
The best real-life example of direct current is a battery.
Batteries have positive (+) and negative (-) terminals. If
you take a wire and connect the positive and
negative terminals on a battery, the electrons in the wires
will begin to flow to produce a current.
DC power is used all over the world. You will probably use direct current power whenever you
carry something around that uses electricity. Everything that uses batteries runs on DC power.
Thurs– Alternating Current (AC)
That electric wiring in your house is AC power and it is completely different than DC. There are
machines that can convert DC to AC power. Those machines might be used to take a DC
battery in a boat and convert the power to AC so that a refrigerator can use it.
Charges (electrons) must always be flowing to have a current. However, the flow of charges
does not always have to be in one direction. In alternating current, the charges move in one
direction for a very short time, and then they reverse direction. This happens over and over
Scientists describe the cycle of switching directions as
the frequency. Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz).
Currents that cycle more often during a specific amount of
time are said to have a higher frequency. AC power cycles 60
times per second in the US.
Since the web is a global resource, we should also mention
that there are different alternating current frequencies across
the world. While we all use alternating current, the switching
happens different amounts during a specific time period. Most
countries use AC frequencies at either 50 hertz or 60 hertz.
Why do we use AC power all over the world? It's cheaper and
easier to make devices for AC power. It is less expensive because you can increase and
decrease the current for AC power very easily. The power switches for AC power are also less
expensive to manufacture. Probably the biggest advantage of AC is that you can use high
voltages with small currents to reduce losses when you transmit power. Remember that lost
energy increases the more collisions you have, and reducing current decreases the amount of
collisions (and reduces heating in the wires).
Fri– Electrical Safety Tips
NEVER touch the outlets in your house. You will get electrocuted. There is more to
electricity than voltage. It's the current that will kill you.
DON'T plug a bunch of stuff into one outlet or extension cord. It could damage the
electrical system in your house or even cause a fire.
Make sure all electric cords are tucked away, neat and tidy. Pets might chew on
electrical cords, and people might trip and fall.
DON'T yank an electrical cord from the wall. Pulling
on a cord can damage the appliance, the plug or the
Keep electrical stuff far away from water. Most
electrical accidents around the house happen when
people use electricity near water.
Appliances that generate heat, such as clocks,
televisions and computer monitors, should be given
several inches of clearance all around for good air
circulation and cooling. Do not drape clothes, toys or other items over warm appliances.
Keep clothes, curtains, toys and other potentially combustible materials at away from
radiators, space heaters, heating vents and other heat sources.
Mod 9 – Magnetism
Mon. - What are magnets made of?
All magnets are made of a group of metals called the ferromagnetic metals. These are metals
such as nickel and iron. Each of these metals have the special property of being able to be
magnetized uniformly.
The major difference among magnets is whether they are
permanent or temporary. Temporary magnets lose their
larger magnetic field over time as the domains return to their
original positions. The most common way that magnets are
produced is by heating them to their Curie temperature or
beyond. The Curie temperature is the temperature at which
a ferromagnetic metals gains magnetic properties.
Heating a ferromagnetic material to its given temperature
will make it magnetic for a while. While heating it beyond this point can make the magnetism
permanent. Ferromagnetic materials can also be categorized into soft and hard metals. Soft
metals loses their magnetic field over time after being magnetized while hard metals are likely
candidates for becoming permanent magnets. Not all magnets are manmade. Some magnets
occur naturally in nature such as lodestone.
Tues– What are magnets used for?
Magnets are used every day in many different products. We all benefit from magnets and
magnetism daily and once you start to look closer at the use of magnets it becomes evident that
they are crucial for our way of life. In fact, we can thank the magnetic field of our Earth for being
able to live here without harm from the natural occurrences of solar storms and other attacks
from outer space. The natural processes of magnetism and magnetic fields are something we
take for granted but the more tangible areas of use are easier to pinpoint and take a closer look
at, so here we go!
Other example of magnet uses are:
Electrical Appliances - If you are reading this article on your computer you can only do so
thanks to magnets that are a part of the setup of most of your electrical equipment at home.
When you listen to music, see a DVD or record something on an old fashion tape recorder you
are relying on magnets to do their jobs! In fact, just opening a car door involves magnetism so
you basically step from one magnetic function to the other. Credit cards also work by using
magnetic stripes that contain the information that is processed by money machines and tellers.
Car motors are made with magnets and in Japan they use high speed trains that work with
magnetism. These are called Maglev trains and they are very popular and now also demanded
by many other countries including the USA.
Toys and Entertainment - Did you ever stop to reflect on how magnets are used in toys?
Some of the most popular baby toys have magnets to support electrical functions of sound and
movement. If you brush your kid’s teeth with an electric toothbrush this is also possible thanks
to magnetism. Most fun things have magnets in them and there are roller coasters that work
entirely thanks to magnetism, reaching awesome speeds.
Jewelry and Healing - Magnets can be used for healing thanks to the magnetic fields that
come from them. These fields are known to stimulate a better blood circulation with improved
health and well-being.
Wed– Is the Earth a Magnet?
Magnetic Axis And Geographic Axis
A freely suspended magnet always points in the North-South
direction even in the absence of any other magnet. This suggests
that the Earth itself behaves as a magnet which causes a freely
suspended magnet (or magnetic needle) to point always in a
particular direction: North and South. The shape of the Earth's
magnetic field resembles that of a bar magnet of length one-fifth of
the Earth's diameter buried at its center.
The South Pole of the Earth's magnet is in the geographical North because it attracts the North
Pole of the suspended magnet and vice versa. Thus, there is a magnetic S-pole near the
geographical North, and a magnetic N-pole near the geographical South. The positions of the
Earth's magnetic poles are not well defined on the globe; they are spread over an area. The
axis of Earth's magnet and the geographical axis do no coincide.
Thurs– How Magnets Work
A magnet is any object that has a magnetic field. It attracts
ferrous objects like pieces of iron, steel, nickel and cobalt.
In the early days, the Greeks observed that the naturally
occurring 'lodestone' attracted iron pieces. From that day
onwards began the journey into the discovery of magnets.
These days magnets are made artificially in various
shapes and sizes depending on their use. One of the most
common magnets - the bar magnet - is a long, rectangular
bar of uniform cross-section that attracts pieces of ferrous
objects. The magnetic compass needle is also commonly used. The compass needle is a tiny
magnet which is free to move horizontally on a pivot. One end of the compass needle points in
the North direction and the other end points in the South direction. The end of a freely pivoted
magnet will always point in the North-South direction.
Fri– How do trains use magnets? Watch this Discovery Channel Video
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