2 nd Marking Period Beginning November 13 th 2012

Regents Chemistry Homework Assignments: 2nd Marking Period
Beginning November 13th 2012
Tuesday November 13th 2012: Day 48: Read Chapter 5 pages 157-165, and do the section review
questions on page 165.
Wednesday November 14th: Day 49: Read Chapter 5 pages 166- 175, and do the section review
questions on page 175.
Thursday Nov. 15th: Day 49 again (we are correcting for the superstorm Sandy day we lost. Be able to
list five energy changes that take place in the formation of an ionic compound such as NaCl (pages 167169). Read pages 170-175. Explain how to identify a compound as ionic. Give specific procedures that
could be used. You have homework over Thanksgiving break. If you don’t want HW then do it early.
Friday Nov. 16th: Day 50: Read chapter 5, section 3 pages 176-180. Memorize the first five polyatomic
ions and their formulas and charges listed in Table 2 on page 178. You WILL have a quiz on these
Monday (I promise). Answer section review questions 1-4 on page 180.
Monday Nov. 19th: Day 51: Memorize next 5 ions page 178. Do Practice problem 1 a-d on page 180,
and 5-8 of the section review on page 180.
Tuesday Nov. 20th: Day 52: Read the Element Spotlight on page181 and do end of the chapter
questions 1-41 on pages 183-187.
Monday Nov. 26th: Day 53: Memorize the remaining polyatomic ions in Table 2 on page 178.
Tuesday Nov. 27th: Day 54: Study for a test on chapters 4 and 5.
Wednesday Nov. 28th Day 55: Using your chemistry Regents reference table E, memorize all of the ions
in the left hand column, hydronium through perchlorate, many of these you already know. You will
have a quiz on them tomorrow.
Thursday Nov. 29th Day 56: Read chapter six, pages 188-198. Do the section review questions on page
Friday Nov. 30th : Day 57: Read chapter six pages 199-207 and do all of the practice exercises on pages
202, 203, and 205.
Monday Dec. 3th: Day 58: On page 207 answer questions 1-10.
Tuesday Dec. 4th: Day 59: Read pages 208-211, and do the practice problem on the bottom of page
211, and the section review on page 213, numbers 1- 11.
Wednesday Dec. 5th: Day 60: Read pages 214 and 215. Do the 31 multiple choice questions. WRITE
OUT THE STATEMENT and the correct choice and the letter of the correct choice.
Page 2
Thursday Dec. 6th: Day 61: Answer questions 32-42 on pages 219 and 220.
Friday Dec. 7th: Day 62: Answer questions 45 and 46 on page 220 and study for a test on covalent
Monday Dec. 10th: Day 63: Read chapter 7 pages 223-233. Most if not all of this should be a review.
USING FACTOR LABEL set up the Practice Problems on pages 228, 229, 231 and 232.
Tuesday Dec. 11th: Day 64: Page 233 Numbers 1-13, use and show your factor label set ups.
Wednesday Dec. 12th: Day 65: Read pages 234 to 236 and do the two practice problems on page 236.
Then continue reading pages 236-239 and do the four practice problems on pages 239 and 240.
Thursday Dec. 13th: Day 66: Do the section review on page 240 numbers 1-12, 14, 15, 16.
Friday Dec. 14th Day 67: Read chapter 7, section 3, pages 241-243, do the 4 Practice problems on the
bottom of page 243, then read page 244 and 245 and do the Practice problems on page 245.
Monday Dec. 17th : Day 68: Read pages 246-248 and do the practice problems on the top of page 248.
Tuesday Dec. 18th: Day 69: Read page 249 and do the 39 MC questions, do DO NOT have to write out
the questions, but you may if you prefer.
Wednesday Dec. 19th: Day 70: Answer the Part B-2 questions 40-51 ODDS only on pages 253-254.
Thursday Dec. 20th: Day 71: Answer 48, 50, 51 on page 254 and study for a test on chapter 7.
Friday Dec. 21th: Day 72: Read chapter 18 Nuclear Chemistry, pages 640-668 and do ALL of the sections
reviews on pages 647, 657, 666, and the Practice Problems on pages 653, 660 and 662. Also do the
questions at the end of the chapter numbers 1-54, 56-57, 61-67, and 70-74. This winter break
assignment will be worth 10 regular homework assignments, or 100 points. You will basically be doing
nuclear chemistry on your own. After break I will allow two days for you to ask any questions you have
about these questions/problems. If you decide to do the assignment early and get it done before winter
break, you can get help any 9th period or after 9th period after school, I will be here most days until 5 PM
at least. I recommend that you try some of the half-life problems and nuclear equations before break,
those are the two things that some students struggle with from this chapter. The assignment will be
due Friday January 4th 2013 at the beginning of your class period. Do this assignment on loose leaf
paper as I will not be able to get it graded overnight. Do not do it in your even day notebooks- do it on
separate paper. Do each practice set, and section review on a separate sheet of loose leaf, with the
page number included in the heading. LATE WORK WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY CREDIT.
Monday Dec. 22nd: Work on your nuclear assignment.
Tuesday Dec. 23rd: Work on your nuclear assignment.