NORMALIZATION INFO 1700 DATABASE CONCEPTS AND DESIGN NAME: __Tobias Kiuntke_______ DIRECTIONS: Complete the following question/problems. The actual questions are on pages AC A28 – AC A31. Embed your answers into this document. When you need to draw an ERD use Visio 2010 and paste your response into this document. Upload this saved document to the assignment area for grading. 1. What are the formal names for a table, for a row, for a column? What are the popular names for a row and for a column? Relation, tupile, attribute. Record and field. 2. What is a domain? Set of values permitted for a field. 3. What is an entity? Something you want to store and process data for. 4. What is the relationship between a primary key and a candidate key? A primary key is a column or columns that have values that uniquely identify each row in a table. A candidate key is a column or columns that have unique values and can qualify as primary keys. 5. What is a composite key? A multiple column primary key. 6. What is a foreign key? A column or columns that have values that must match the primary key of another table or they must be null. 7. Look for an example of a one-to-one relationship, an example of a one-to-many relationship, and an example of a many-to-many relationship in a newspaper, magazine, book, or everyday situation you encounter. For each one, name the entities and select the primary and foreign keys. 8. When do you use an entity subtype? Either when you have to have employees access differing fields in a table or when you might have nulls in a field. 9. What is a composite entity in an entity-relationship diagram? A relationship that has the characteristics of an entity. 170normal.doc Page 1 10. What is the entity integrity constraint? The primary key can’t be null. 11. What is referential integrity? A constraint that says any non-null foreign key value must match a primary key value in the primary table. 12. What does the cascades option, which is used with referential integrity, accomplish? When you make a change it updates the matching foreign key value to the new primary key value. 13. What are partial and transitive dependencies? Partial is a functional dependency on part of the primary key value. Transitive is functional dependency between two non-key values that are dependent on a third field. 14. What three types of anomalies can be exhibited in a table, and what problems do the cause? Insertion, deletion and update anomalies. They result in misrepresented data, loss of data and inconsistent data. 15. Figure A-24 on page AC A29 shows the Employee, Position, and Employment tables with primary keys EmployeeNum, PositionID, and both EmployeeNum and PositionID, respectively. Which two integrity constraints do these tables violate and why? 16. Skip 17. Complete this problem by reading the scenario posed on AC A29-AC A30. First Normal Form Dancers (DanceID, DanceName, DanceAdd, DancePhone, ClassID) FK: ClassID to Classes Table Classes (ClassID, ClassDay, ClassTime, InstrID) FK: InstrID to Instructors Table Instructors (InstrID, InstrName) 18. Complete this problem by reading the scenario posed on AC A30. Use Visio to create the ERD. a. Publishers, Authors, Borrowers, Books, Borrowed Books, Catalog b. Authors (AuthCode, AuthName) Books (BookNum, Book Title, BookCopies, LoanDate, PubCode) FK: PubCode to Publishers Table Publishers (PubCode, PubName, PubAdd) Borrowers (BorrCardNum, BorrName, BorrAdd) Catalog (BookNum, AuthCode) FK: BookNum to Books Table FK: AuthCode to Authors Table BorrowedBooks (BookNum, BorrCardNum) FK: BookNum to Books Table FK: BorrCardNum to Borrowers Table 170normal.doc Page 2 Books PK BookNum BookTitle BookCopies LoanDate FK1 PubCode Borrowed PK,FK1 BookNum PK,FK2 BorrCardNum Catalog PK,FK1 BookNum PK,FK2 AuthCode Publishers PK PubCode PubName PubAdd Authors Borrowers PK AuthCode PK BorrCardNum AuthName BorrName BorrAdd 19. Complete this problem by reading the scenario posed on AC30. EmployeeID 20. Complete this problem by reading the scenario posed on AC31. a. Patient (PatientID, DoctorID, ServiceCode, PatientName, BalanceOwed, DoctorName, ServiceDesc, ServiceFee, ServiceDate) b. Patient (PatientID, PatientName, BalanceOwed) Doctor (DoctorID, DoctorName, PatientID) FK: PatientID to Patient Table Service (ServiceCode, ServiceDesc, ServiceFee) BilledService (PatientID, ServiceCode, ServiceDate) FK: PatientID to Patient Table FK: ServiceCode to Service Table 21. Complete this problem by reading the scenario posed on AC31. a. Climber (ClimberID, ClimberFirst, ClimberLast, ClimberNat, ClimberBirth, ClimberDeath, ClimberNote) Expedition (ExpID, ExpName, ExpLead, ExpNote, PeakID) FK: PeakID to Peak Table Peak (PeakID, PeakName, PeakHeight, PeakNote, FaceID) 170normal.doc Page 3 FK: FaceID to Face Table Face (FaceID, FaceName, FaceNote, AscID) FK: AscID to Ascent Table Ascent (AscID, AscHeight, AscDate, AscNotes) Note (ClimberID, ExpID, Notes) FK: ClimberID to Climber Table FK: ExpID to Expedition Table PK FaceID FK1 FaceName FaceNote AscID Expeditions Peak Face PK PeakID FK1 PeakName PeakHeight PeakNote FaceID PK ExpID FK1 ExpName ExpLead ExpNote PeakID Note PK,FK2 PK,FK1 ClimberID ExpID Note Ascent PK Climbers AscID PK AscHeight AscDate AscNote ClimberID ClimberFirst ClimberLast ClimberNat ClimberBirth ClimberDeath ClimberNote How will I be graded on these assignments? Rubric Scoring Guide Criteria 1. Ratings The assignment meets all the requirements as specified in the case problem. a. Documentation saved using Word 2010 2. The completed assignment is of professional quality. A 170normal.doc Page 4 professional assignment would be an asset in an employment portfolio and would be what employers would expect from an employee. 3. The assignment demonstrates a strong understanding of the database and clearly communicates the intended message to the intended audience. This includes how the assignment is organized, explained, presented or displayed. 4. The assignment has good mechanics (i.e., spelling, grammar, meaningful file names, and effective file organization) and is submitted on-schedule. Late assignments will be at least a 5 point deduction. Total Points Possible 100: 0 Comments: 170normal.doc Page 5