Chapter 1: Introduction Systems analysis is a process of collecting factual data, understand the processes involved, identifying problems and recommending feasible suggestions for improving the system functioning. This involves studying the business processes, gathering operational data, understand the information flow, finding out bottlenecks and evolving solutions for overcoming the weaknesses of the system so as to achieve the organizational goals. System Analysis also includes subdividing of complex process involving the entire system, identification of data store and manual processes. The major objectives of systems analysis are to find answers for each business process: What is being done How is it being done, who is doing it, When is he doing it, Why is it being done and How can it be improved? It is more of a thinking process and involves the creative skills of the System Analyst. It attempts to give birth to a new efficient system that satisfies the current needs of the user and has scope for future growth within the organizational constraints. The result of this process is a logical system design. Systems analysis is an iterative process that continues until a preferred and acceptable solution emerges. In this phase we are going to take in chapter 2 about the interviewers that we have made it and the result of questionnaire. In chapter 3 we are going to take about the requirement analysis and show the functional and non-functional of the system. I chapter 4 we create the Date flow diagram of the system and we write some process specification in chapter 5. In chapter 6 we draw the Entity Relation Diagram and create mapping. In chapter 7 we take about date directory and explain some of dataflow, data structure, element, and date store of the system. 1|Page Chapter 2: Requirements Collection 2.1 Interviews An interview is a conversation between two people (the interviewer and the interviewee) where questions are asked by the interviewer to obtain information from the interviewee and to collect some requirement of the system. In the following table there is some information about interviews that we have make. Interviews 1 Interviewer Mohammed Hassan , Ali Abbas and Ismail Khalil Location S40 Objective Conference management systems problems Agenda Date: 19\10\2011 Time: 15:00 Duration: 40 minutes He was friendly and has a lot of information about conferences. Interviewee Miss. Ejlal Al-khuzaie Question Note and answers Q1. Did you attend conference before? Yes Q2. How do you register in the conference? Although Google form they send Q.3 Did you face any difficulty when you No, but wasn't secure register in conference? Q4. If yes, what is the difficulty and how we That I have an account and only special list 2|Page can fix it? people can see them. Q5. Did you attend conference as speaker? Yes Q6. If yes how do you give your review? From Facebook, friend and newspaper, Youth spirit controls it, but it was ok. Q7. what about services provided by the They have Facebook pages that announce about organizer of the conference? their activity and people who like attend ,and some photos Q8. What are the things that you don't like Boring speakers and the registration is offline. in the conference? Q9. What are your suggestions to fix it? Having a system that will organize event notification, more exiting feature. Q10. What are the most Important things Attending, guest list and contacts that should be in the organization of the Sponsors list and their contacts conference? Hall reservation, equipment Album of event Handout and presentation slide Video of conference Ads which get ….. Interviews 2 Interviewer Mohammed Hassan & Ismail Khalil Location Main Hall Objective Conference management systems problems Agenda Date: 9 NOV 2011 Time: 13:00 Duration: 45 minutes 3|Page He was friendly and has a lot of information about conferences. Interviewee Prof. Dr. Waheeb Essa Alnasser Question Note and answers For the Management part Q1. What positions that you have Manager ,Reviewer and Attended taken in the conferences “manager, reviewers, attended “? Q2. What major challenges and Main problem are logistic services, sponsorship, problems did you face when you are organization committee, international corresponding, manager of the conference? human resources, team work. Q3. How you communicate with your By E-mail. team / contact with him? Q4. How you distribute the task Use technical committee and sub technical committee between the team “there is a Director for manage all work. Team, registration team and reviewer team”? Q5. What are tools you have used to By E-mail for all author and reviewer and use telephone contact with author / reviewers? only with keynote speaker. Q6. How you manage the schedule of We put poster session for big conference but in small the conference/ is there is any conference we use parallel session and the problem problem you have faced? occurs when they attended want to attend more than one conference. Q7. How the acceptance process of By accepting email form the author than we send it to papers was done / is there is any reviews to chick the rule of the paper. If it acceptable problem you have faced? we contact with the author to notify him about that. 4|Page Q8. Did you put a certain rule for Sure, ever session the conference take about some idea accepting paper? that should be belong to the conference title. Q9. How did you contact with First we contact with him personally, that we email the sponsors “by email, ads, meeting”? famous company. Q10. Did you use the traditional Before we use it, but now we always use the technical technique “manual way “for way. registration? Q11. Did you use an on-line system or Yes, we use it now. process the registration task? Q12. Which one is better “traditional Definitely. / online “and why? Q13. How you are looking for Fast communication , conferences after 5 or 10 years “New technologies will be used”? For attending conference Q14. How you hear about Magazine, Email, all social networks. conferences? Q15. How did you register in the By online registration, than in the conference they give conference “steps”? us a card to premise us to attend the session and activity. Q16. Did you face and difficulty while The visa problem you are registering? Q17. What is your suggestion to solve Double check everything. this problem? Q18. Did you attend a conference as Yes. They contact with me by email speaker “presenter “/ how they are 5|Page contact with you? Q19. What is the main thing that you -Good organization team. wish to change it help the conferences -Good research paper. to be better? -Full support -Fast respond -Reduce humanity error 6|Page 2.2 Questionnaires A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents. Although they are often designed for statistical analysis of the responses, this is not always the case. We have done an online questionnaire 1- Did you attend any conference before? Figure 1: question 1 Yes 8 No 0 100% 0% 2- How do you complete registration and payment? “simple of answer” I have use traditional way, so I have to Conference organizer and fill a paper than submit it to the employee there. Registered and pay in conference office personally. I go to the office of the conference in a hotel and get a paper and write all my information and return it to the employee again and pay for them and it get from me a lot of time because I cannot take the paper and return it after they take it in the same time and also they get their money I fill out a form and give the necessary cash and documents to a representative. University I write my name and student... 7|Page 3- Online registration is better than the traditional way? Figure 2: question 3 Yes No 7 88% 1 13% 4- I take a lot of time in registration? Figure 3: question4 Yes 5 No 3 63% 38% 5- I feel comfortable using online registration? Figure 4: question 5 Yes 7 88% No 1 13% 8|Page 6- It is easy and safe to register and pay online ? Figure 5: question 6 Yes 6 No 2 75% 25% 7- I was informed of the conference news? Figure 6: question 7 Yes 5 63% No 3 38% 8- I was informed of the conference schedule? Figure 7: question 8 Yes 6 75% No 2 25% 9|Page 9- I was having speakers (CV)? Figure 8: question 9 Yes No 3 38% 5 63% 10- List most negative aspect(s) in the conferences that you have attend? “simple of answer” 1- long process to register 2- no social network to support them 3- no online website show his news .-delay in getting news -not much info about the conference -the postpone cuz the poor info not very good ID cards-Some systems are left unattended for a long time, often leads to taking much longer to register without knowing. -Does not feel as good as coming in person. -Many ways the transaction can be intercepted (key loggers, spyware, phishing, etc).-- risk of not knowing the contact information of a representative to ask questions. it take a lot of time to make a request it is not ac... 11- List most positive aspect(s) in the conferences that you have attend: “simple of answer” 1- Friendly user 2- good organized many -Makes registration easy for both the user and the registration people. -- easier registration - easier payment - easy update of information more safe in term of payment you speak with the employees face to face (can explain the request better)- Send to student messages about any important thing like time of start the conference the hall was very comfortable learn new lesson 10 | P a g e Chapter 3: Requirements Analysis 3.1 functional requirements Functional requirements capture the intended behavior of the system. This behavior may be expressed as services, tasks or functions the system is required to perform. Process requirements relate the entities and attributes from the data requirements to the users’ needs. State the functional process requirements in a manner that enables the reader to see broad concepts decomposed into layers of increasing detail. Functional Requirement 1 F1 Description: Create new conference This function will help the manager to create new conference contain all information about the conference e.g. time, activity, session. Activities: It shell allow Manager to create new conferences. Date: Every conference. Source of requirement : Interview Priority : This function should be the main function in the system, it create the conferences. Functional Requirement 2 F2 Description: Add activity This function will take all the activity details and add it to the conference. Activities: It shell allow Manager to add activity details. Date: Every conference. Source of requirement : Interview Priority : This function will help the attendee to know the activity in the conferences. 11 | P a g e Functional Requirement 3 F3 Description: Add session This function will take all the session details and add it to the conference. Activities: It shell allow Manager add conferences session. Date: Every conference. Source of requirement : Interview Priority : This function will help the attendee and the author to know the sessions in the conferences. Functional Requirement 4 F4 Description: Create schedule This function to manage the time table of the sessions, also it show start and end time for the session. Activities: It shell allow Manager to organize the session time table. Date: Every conference. Source of requirement : Interview Priority : This function should be the main function in the system, it create the conferences. Functional Requirement 5 F5 Description: Send notification This function will help the users of the system to communicate with each other , they can send a message to each other , the message will saved in the website and a copy will send to email , also it may send a notification by SMS . Activities: It shell allow the users of the website to communicate with each other Date: Source of requirement : Interview Priority : This function will make the communication 12 | P a g e between the manager and director and other stuff in the conferences more easier . Functional Requirement 6 F6 Description: Add director This function will give the manager the ability to add new director or to upgrade the user to director level. Activities: It shell allow the manager to add new director Date: Source of requirement : Interview Priority : This function will help the manager to organize the team in the conference. Functional Requirement 7 F7 Description: Add reviewer to paper This function will help the director to retrieve the reviewer list and select one or more reviewers to each paper. Activities: It shell allow the director to select reviewer to each paper . Date: Source of requirement : Interview Priority : This function will help the director to organize the team of reviewer . 13 | P a g e 3.2 Non-Functional Requirement Non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. Non-Functional Requirement 1 Non-functional requirement type Explanation Browser based The user can access the system from any ware; just he/she need a good internet connection. XHTML compatible The interface will be same for all internet browsers, so the user can access the system by any browser. Email interaction between system users The system user will receive notification by email or SMS. Ability to support customized reports The system has the ability to generate deferent type of reports. Able to run different Server Operating System: The system can be run in Linux / Windows Windows / Linux based system because it creates using PHP and only need an apache and MySql database which can be run in different OS. Privacy The system shall protect the privacy of user, by using groups. 14 | P a g e Chapter 4: Data Flow Diagram (DFD) 4.1 context diagram The Data Flow Diagram is commonly used also for the visualization of structured design data processing. The normal flow is represented graphically. A designer typically draws context level DFD first showing interaction between the system and the outside entities. Then this context level DFD will then be exploded in order to further show the details of system being modeled. A DFD is one of the three essential perspectives of Structured Systems Analysis and Design Method (SSADM). In this method, both the project sponsors and the end users need to collaborate closely throughout the whole stages of the evolution of the system. Having a DFD will make the collaboration easy because the end users will be able to visualize the operation of the system, the will see a better perspective what the system will accomplish and how the whole project will be implemented. 15 | P a g e Login info authorization Proposal Author Notification about paper Paper Presenter name 0 Conference dates Presentation time Conference schedule Manager Director list Paper Rules Account info Bank New sponsor info Report Author credit card info Authorization JERS Conference Management System Ads in website Registration info Director Paper list Selected paper to reviews Conference activity and schedule Attendee Reviews list Selected reviewer Selected event Reviews commnet Credit card info Notification about paper Bill Reviewer Paper list Comment Login info Sponsor Notification about paper Respond Sponsored activity list MOI Data Flow Diagram 1 In the context diagram level it shows the scope of the system, the manager will create the conferences, than the authors will send a proposal to the system. Than the system will send a notification to the manager, the manager will select the director team. The director will select the reviewer team and add for each proposal one of more review. The reviewer will see the proposal and add a comment in the proposal. The director will see the reviewer comment. If the paper accepted, the director will send a notification to the author to send the paper .Also; the authors will send the name of the speaker, to present the paper in the conference. The attendee will register in the website and register in the activity or sessions of the conference. The Bank will take care with all payment process for online payment, And MOI “Ministry of interior “will take care with Visa process. 16 | P a g e 4.2 Level zero Level 0 diagram is result of breaking down the context diagram. proposal paper 1 Author authorization Proposal Notification about paper Paper Presenter name Submit author paper D20 papers D1 Login info users Progress stat D21 Reviewers Presentation time Notification to director + Director D12 notifications Data Flow Diagram 2 Level zero –author It show how the author will have a one process will take care with all his needed in the system. Also, it show the data store related with the author. Account info Bank Author credit card info 2 Maintain payment process Credit card info D9 Registration Authorization Data Flow Diagram 3 Level zero – bank It shows that the bank will take care with payment process in the system. 17 | P a g e D9 Registration payment Registration info D5 conferences Conference event 3 Attendee Conference activity and schedule Selected event D1 Attendee info Maintain attendee process users D8 Registration_content Event list Credit card info Bill Attendee info D4 contact Data Flow Diagram 4 Level zero – attendee It shows that the maintain attendee process will take care with registration process in the system. Notification about paper Reviewer Paper list Comment 7 Maintain reviewer process paper D20 Comment Notification about paper papers D12 notifications Progress stat D21 Reviewers Data Flow Diagram 5 Level zero – reviewer It shows that the maintain reviewer process will take care with registration process in the system. Sponsored activity list Sponsor requist Activation Email Sponsor Login info Sponsored activity list 4 Maintain sponsor process D17 Sponsor_session Login info D18 sponsors Activity list Data Flow Diagram 6 18 | P a g e Level zero – sponsor It shows that the sponsor will need only two data store and one mine process in this level. D9 Registration Visa Visa 8 Maintain MOI process Notification about visa Respond MOI Data Flow Diagram 7 Level zero – MOI It shows that the ministry of interiority will take care with visa process in the system and use registration data store. 19 | P a g e D6 conferences D1 users Name +descr Director list Director info D2 Email_template Attendee report Review info Author info 5 Sponsor list Title+body+desc+key D18 sponsors Sponsor info Maintain management process Sponsor list D3 Conferences_setting New sponsor info Manager Conference dates Conference schedule Sponsor info Director list Paper rule Group name + title + desc Selected director Paper Rules D22 Groups Date + email id Notification to director schedule D12 notifications D19 Title +start date +end date +desc Title + location + date +desc + location session D16 D11 Sent_email D15 Schedule Director id + conference id Activity D23 director Data Flow Diagram 8 Level zero – Manager It shows Manager Data store and one main process for level zero. 20 | P a g e D10 Paper_authors D12 notifications Presenter name paper Present time Notification to reviewer D1 D7 D20 D13 presenters Notification users news papers Reviewer list 6 Ads + news Maintain director process Paper list Notification about paper Reviews list Selected reviewer Ads in website Director Paper list Selected paper to reviews Reviews commnet Paper list D21 Reviewers Date + email id D11 Sent_email Data Flow Diagram 9 Level zero – Director This diagram show the main process that will contain all the function need to the director, also the data store need. 21 | P a g e 4.3 Level one 5.1 Email Group id D1 users Director info Add new user Name +type +descr +manager 5.9 Add conference info Author info Review info D2 Title +body +desc +key Email_template 5.2 Add new email template D18 sponsors D19 5.10 Add session Email template 5.3 Add new sponsor Sponsor info Sponsor list Manager D3 Conferences_setting D22 Groups D11 Start_date_reg +end_date_reg +start_date_revw 5.4 +end_date_revw Add +star_sub_papr conference +end_sub_papr setting +rules Group name + title + desc 5.6 Send email Notification D1 users 5.12 Add schedule Report Report type Director list Director list Tite + content +from id + to id +date 5.7 Send notification to director 5.11 Add activity Director 5.13 Add director Email D16 Activity Activity detail Schedule Group info Sent_email Date + email id Create new conference Sponsor info Dates 5.5 Add group 5.8 Conferee info + session info + activity detail +schedule + director Paper rule session Title + start date + end date + descr + location +sponsor Conference info Session info Name +company name + phone +email D6 conferences Title +time + descr +type +room D15 Title +date + descr + location Schedule Conference id + director id 5.14 Create report D23 director Report Report Report D9 Registration D1 users Account info Bank Data Flow Diagram 10 Level one – Manager Show the different process can the Manager use it to control the system. E.g. add new sponsor to add new sponsor information, create new conference to create new conference and call with other function related to the conference 22 | P a g e D7 D11 Tile + intro +body +thumb +date +draft +user id +record news 6.1 Add news and ads Ads + news Sent_email D13 presenters 6.2 Send email Date + email id Email Name + time + paper id Review list D1 users Send notification to review 6.10 Present time paper Notification 6.3 Review list Tite + content +from id + to id +date Presenter name Add presenter Director Notification about paper D10 Paper_authors Tite + content +from id + to id +date 6.9 Send notification about paper 6.4 Send notification to authors D21 Reviewers Notification Paper list Paper id + user id D20 papers 6.5 Add paper for each reviewer Paper list Reviews commnet Selected paper to reviews 6.8 Read reviewer comment Selected reviewer D20 papers Comment Paper list 6.6 Retrieve paper list Reviewer list Paper list D1 users 6.7 Retrieve reviewer list D21 Reviewers Reviewer list Data Flow Diagram 11 Level one – Director This show the director process that generated from Previous process in level 0 , it consist of needed process to help directors to contact with the reviewer and manager , also it show the data store related with the Director . 23 | P a g e D12 notifications Notification 1.1 authorization Accept author Notification to director + Director Proposal Proposal D20 1.2 Send proposal papers Author Paper Paper 1.3 D12 notifications Send paper Paper notification D13 presenters D12 notifications 1.4 Send Presenter name presenter info Presenter name paper 1.5 Paper id D21 Reviewers Show paper progress Progress value Progress stat Data Flow Diagram 12 Level one – Author This level for Author in DFD show the main process that help the author to communicate with the system ,such as send paper to provide the needed tools to make the submission of paper more easer 24 | P a g e D1 users 3.1 Attendee info D4 Registration info Registration new attendee contact Activation Email Contact info Activation code D9 Registration Registration info 3.2 Registration info Attendee D5 conferences Conference event D8 Registration_content Registered event activity Registration +session schedule in conference payment Selected event Credit card info Attendee info Authorization Credit card info Credit card info Bank 3.3 Process payment Bill Authorization Data Flow Diagram 13 Level one – Attendee This diagram show the process of attendee .Attendee will register in system and he will pay to attend the conference after he select the wanted activity and session. 25 | P a g e Sponsor request 4.1 Notify manager D12 notifications Notification Sponsor Activation Email Session Login info Login info Manager 4.2 Accept sponsor request Activation Email Login info 4.4 Sponsored activity Session to sponsored 4.3 Show sponsored activity D18 sponsors Sponsor id Sponsored activity list Session list D17 Sponsor_session D17 Sponsor_session D19 session Data Flow Diagram 14 Level one – Sponsor Show the main function that the sponsor needs to communicate with the system, such as notify manager to send notification to the manager. D12 notifications Notification about paper 7.2 Update paper status Progress stat + paper id Reviewer 7.1 Paper notification Receive / send notification Respond Respond Progress value Comment paper D21 Reviewers Paper list D20 papers Comment + paper id 7.3 Add comment to paper Data Flow Diagram 15 Level one – Reviewer This diagram show the functions and data stores will be used by the reviewer 26 | P a g e Chapter 5: Process Specification Structure English Process Specification refers to a description of the procedure to be followed by an actor within an elementary level business activity, as represented on a process model such as a dataflow diagram model. A common alias is mini space short for miniature specification. 5.1 Defining Process Process ID : 5.1 Process Name : add new user Process Description: add new user to user list. Input: user info. Logic : IF all user information correct add new user to database Else Re-enter user information EndIf Remark This process will used only by manager. Process ID : 5.2 Process Name: add new email template. Process Description: add new email template to send it latter with other process. Input: email title and content. Logic : IF email and title not empty Add new Email template Else 27 | P a g e Re-enter Email title and content EndIF Remark This process will used only by manager. Process ID : 6.6 Process Name : retrieve paper list. Process Description: show list of paper that need to reviewer. Input: request paper list. Logic : While there are paper in paper table IF paper didn’t has a reviewer. Add paper to paper list End while Retrieve paper list Remark This process will used only by director. Process ID : 6.8 Process Name: read reviewer comment. Process Description: show paper and comment of reviewer. Input: request paper list. Logic : While there are paper in paper table IF paper has a comment. Add paper to paper list End while 28 | P a g e Retrieve paper list Remark This process only retrieve paper has been commented by reviewer. Process ID : 1.2 Process Name: send proposal. Process Description: form to send proposal. Input: Author id. Logic : IF all proposal information correct Send notification to director Else Re-Enter proposal information EndIF Remark This process will used by Author to send proposal . Process ID : 1.5 Process Name: show paper progress. Process Description: show the remaining time for paper to be finish from reviewer. Input: paper id. Logic : Search for paper with author id in reviewer table IF paper found Retrieve paper progress value. Else Print “paper not reviewed yet“ Remark 29 | P a g e These processes will used by Author to show progress that represent the value of time taken while the reviewer review the paper. Process ID : 3.3 Process Name: process payment. Process Description: this process will take the credit card information and retrieve the bill. Input: the credit card information. Logic : IF credit card number valid and date not expired Send request payment to the bank. Retrieve bill from bake Else Re-enter payment information End IF. Remark This process will be used by the system to take the payment form the bank , if the payment is done the process will retrieve the bill , else it will require the attendant to re-enter payment information . Process ID : 3.1 Process Name: Registration new attendee. Process Description: Attendees register to attend to the conference. Input: registration information. Logic : IF all attendee information correct add new attendee to database Else 30 | P a g e Re-enter attendee information EndIf Remark Process ID : 5.14 Process Name: create report. Process Description: show report for the manger about conference Input: report type. Logic : IF report type Display report type Else Re-enter report type EndIF Remark This process will used only by manager. Process ID : 6.10 Process Name: add presenter. Process Description: add presenter for a paper Input: presenter name, presenter time and paper. Logic : While there are paper in paper table IF paper didn’t has a presenter. Add presenter and time to paper End while Remark This process will used only by director. 31 | P a g e 5.2 Decision Table A decision table lists causes and effects in a matrix. Each column represents a unique combination. Decision Table 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Country I O I O I O I O I O I O Visa - Y - N - Y - N - Y - N E E E L L L O O O E E E Registration due Early Registration price X X X X X Late Registration price On-Site Registration price X X X X X X Table key : I : in the country . O: out of the country . N: no. Y: yes. E: Early. L: late. O: on the conference time. 32 | P a g e Chapter 6: Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) An entity-relationship diagram is a data modeling technique that creates a graphical representation of the entities, and the relationships between entities, within an information system. This ERD shows all entity and relationship between the user of the system and the system. the table of user will contain all the user information , the user are Attendee , Manager , Director , Author and reviewer , the user can take a permission from group table which has all user title and levels . Paper table will store the paper submit it by the Author, and the director will use notify relationship to sort notification about the paper to reviewer .Reviewer will see the paper from paper table and add comment about the paper in review relation .The attendee will register in the system and all information related with him will stored in registration and user table. Conference table will contain general information about the conference, more conference information will stored in session, activity, schedule and conference setting. News table will store the news and Announcement of the website. 33 | P a g e Num_page title uid deleted pid End_time End_date attachment size date Start_time title Start_date title sid description sid description language type Paper M Schedule puplish 1 Part of Session subject room location M type M Visa Belong to 1 M Present M Reviewed Created by amount 1 M 1 sid phone email 1 M M Sponsored by 1 communt M progress Submit_paper date Sponsor deleted N Company_name password date name address cid job 1 M Director uid name Conference description email Visa contact User payment M type N Register fname 1 Has Last_date_review lname date Payment_type country 1 1 1 gender Last_date_register Mange Reset_pass Last_date_submit_ paper password Conference_ setting M M date Notifications deleted nid Start_accept_review content 1 activate Autor_rule From_uid Start_registration title To_uid Is_read Has Start_accept_paper M M record Has Add M M Draft Ci_session Activity Member_of aid M deleted user_data description location date title 1 session_id Send date deleted ip_address nid user_agent title News last_activity M Group body Email_template Description level intro thumb date gid name description eid Email_key title body Entity Relationship Diagram 1 34 | P a g e 6.1 Mapping Entity Relationship Diagram 2- Mapping 35 | P a g e Chapter 7: Data Dictionary A data dictionary, or metadata repository, as defined in the IBM Dictionary of Computing, is a "centralized repository of information about data such as meaning, relationships to other data, origin, usage, and format." 7.1 Defining Dataflow Defining Dataflow 1 ID: F1 Name : Ads + news Description Contain advertisement and news Source : external entity (Director) Destination: Process 6.1 Type: Form Volume/Time 1/Day Comments: Contain advertisement and news that will be added to the website. Defining Dataflow 2 ID: F2 Name : Presenter name Description Contain Presenter name Source : external entity (Director) Destination: Process 6.10 Type: Form Volume/Time 4/Day Comments: Contain Presenter name that will be added to the schedule. 36 | P a g e Defining Dataflow 3 ID: F3 Name : Credit card info Description Contain Credit card info Source : Process 3.2 Destination: Process 3.3 Type: Internal Volume/Time 10/Day Comments: Contain Credit card info that will be sent to the process to complete payment process. Defining Dataflow 4 ID: F4 Name : Bill Description Contain Bill information Source : Process 3.3 Destination: External entity (Attendee) Type: Form Volume/Time 10/Day Comments: Contain Billing information after complete payment process. Defining Dataflow 5 ID: F5 Name : Respond Description Contain value accept or reject of the request. Source : external entity (Reviewer) Destination: Process 7.1 Type: report Volume/Time 3/Day Comments: Contain reviewer accept or reject. 37 | P a g e 7.2 Defining Data structures Email_template = eid + title + body + email_key + (description). Groups = gid + title + description + level + [deleted] News = nid+ title + intro + body + thumb + date + draft +[ deleted ]+ user_id + record sponsors = Sid + name + Company_name + phone + email + password + deleted Schedule = sid + title + start_time + end_time +room+ (description). Conference = cid +name+ type + description Activity = aid+ title + location+ date+ (description)+ [deleted]. Session = Sid+ title + start_time + end_time + location+ (description). 38 | P a g e 7.3 Defining Elements Defining Elements 1 is_read Name Alias Read , status Description Show where the notification is read or not Length 1 Input Format 9(1) Output Format 9(1) Default Value 0 Continuous/Discrete Discrete Type Bit Base or Derived Derived Upper Limit 1 Lower Limit 0 Comments This element will work as a Boolean value Defining Elements 2 Name Num_page Alias Page_num , number_of_pages, Description Number of pages in the paper Length 6 Input Format 9(6) Output Format 9(6) Default Value Continuous/Discrete Discrete Type Numeric Base or Derived Derived Upper Limit <6000 Lower Limit 1> Comments This element for the number of pages. 39 | P a g e Defining Elements 3 Name title Alias headline Description Show the title of Activity Length 6 Input Format X(6) Output Format X(6) Default Value Continuous/Discrete Discrete Type string Base or Derived Base Upper Limit <999999 Lower Limit >18 Comments - Defining Elements 4 Name location Alias site Description The location of the session Length 6 Input Format X(6) Output Format X(6) Default Value 0 Continuous/Discrete Discrete Type string Base or Derived Base Upper Limit <999999 Lower Limit >18 Comments - 40 | P a g e Defining Elements 5 Name Description Alias Details , more info , information Description The location of the session Length 300 Input Format X(300) Output Format X(300) Default Value Continuous/Discrete Discrete Type string Base or Derived Base Upper Limit <9999999 Lower Limit >20 Comments - 7.4 Defining Data Stores Defining Data Stores 1 ID D1 Name Users Alias - Description Store user information File type Compute File format Database Record size 150 Maximum record 40000 Average record 35000 Percent growth/years 10% Data set/table name User Data structure User record Primary key uid 41 | P a g e Secondary keys - Comments This data store will used to store the users information Defining Data Stores 2 ID D19 Name Session Alias - Description Store session information File type Compute File format Database Record size 150 Maximum record 40000 Average record 35000 Percent growth/years 10% Data set/table name Session Data structure Session record Primary key sid Secondary keys Comments This data store will used to store the Session information Defining Data Stores 3 ID D15 Name Schedule Alias Time table Description Store the Schedule of the conference File type Compute File format Database Record size 150 42 | P a g e Maximum record 40000 Average record 35000 Percent growth/years 10% Data set/table name Schedule Data structure Schedule record Primary key SID Secondary keys - Comments This data store will used to store the Schedule of the conference Defining Data Stores 4 ID D21 Name Reviewer Alias Paper reviewer Description Store reviewer and paper information File type Compute File format Database Record size 150 Maximum record 40000 Average record 35000 Percent growth/years 10% Data set/table name Reviewers Data structure Reviewers record Primary key User_id + paper_id Secondary keys User_id , paper_id Comments This data store will used to store the reviewer and paper information Defining Data Stores 5 ID D22 Name Groups Alias Groups info 43 | P a g e Description Store group information File type Compute File format Database Record size 50 Maximum record 200 Average record 100 Percent growth/years 2% Data set/table name Groups Data structure groups record Primary key Gid_id Secondary keys Comments This data store will used to store the groups information Defining Data Stores 6 ID D7 Name News Alias Website news , ads , advertisement , Description Store news and advertisement File type Compute File format Database Record size 90 Maximum record 10000 Average record 8000 Percent growth/years 10% Data set/table name News Copy Member Data structure News record Primary key Nid Secondary keys User_id , Comments This data store will used to store the news and advertisement of the website 44 | P a g e References: de Wilde, Decision Tables, [ppt],13-feb-2010, Available at: sion.ppt%2B%26hl%3Den%26pid%3Dbl%26srcid%3DADGEEShawEj813IiUj1U5t7eLApsI5ynf NQiZDPkSicsHmH5n7iBD3VPm2PUxtjpFIrrfZ9h6Q0Xn9eJYtfFS030Hv1T9j2WXKmq3KEj0tW8_71JK2juFNKrngDpFlgoXV4HNHl OV6W%26sig%3DAHIEtbTrEoXp8Ksgw-RSzPzCbVdPIxVmw&ei=gr7QTtK6G6Xe4QTTppQl&usg=AFQjCNGqEx_-H39IclZ4UrsO8GbeatBbiA , 26-Nov-2011. jiludwig, Functional Requirements Document ,[doc],12-Aug-2006, , 26-Nov-2011. Available at: Dr. Chung , ER Diagram , [html] , , Available at: , 26Nov-2011. Kenneth E. Kendall, Julie E. Kendall, March 11, 2004, Systems Analysis and Design (6th Edition), Saddle River. V.Rajaraman, “Analysis and Design of Information Systems”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2002. Most of the material in this module is based on Chapter 8 and 9 of the above book. The book is perhaps the only one which has extensive discussion on error detection in Decision Tables. 45 | P a g e