AMORPHOUS SOLIDS a- amorphous GLASSES v- vitreous c- crystalline - subset of amorphous solids Definitions 1. A glass is an inorganic product of fusion which has cooled to a rigid condition without crystallisation 2. A glass is a material which exhibits the glass transition phenomenon 1. Ignores organic and metallic glasses and other formation routes such as solution synthesis, vapour sources, metamict. 2. Unhelpful Better: A glass is a solid that possesses no long-range atomic order and which undergoes the glass transformation from solid to supercooled liquid on heating. (Not all amorphous solids exhibit the glass transition – these are not glasses) • • Solid-like Liquid-like - rigid, hard, fractures (rapid processes) - flows (high T or long t) (slow processes) - structure 1 Natural Glasses: Meteorite impact Volcanic/magma Obsidian; viscous melts Pumice; gassy, low viscosity melts Used as Arrow tips, scrapers, etc. from 75,000 BC (Paleolithic) Metamict Manufactured Glasses: Egyptian glasses 9000 years ago; Phoenecian sailors cooking on blocks of Natron noticed glass melts formed in beach sands around the cooking fires. Sand (SiO2) + Natron (Na2O) + Sea Shells (CaO) (Same three components as modern window and container glasses) Glass windows Optical glass 1400s 1500s Thermometers 1800s Laboratory Glass 1800s → microscopes (Huygens) revolutionised biology → telescopes (Galileo) revolutionised astronomy → underpinned thermodynamics. → chemical revolution (Michael Faraday) Optical fibre; lasers; non-linear optics; display panels; device packaging 2 Stability - there are NO conditions under which glasses are thermodynamically stable -glasses exist over geological timescales -thermodynamically metastable Gravitational analogy Stable – c.o.g. at lowest point Unstable – c.o.g. already at highest point – any change will move it to stable position Metastable – c.o.g. has to rise before it falls G Ea glass G crystal Glass at high G wrt crystal but needs to acquire activation energy Ea before it can convert by rearranging structure. 3 Change in V or H with T Cooling liquid TL - liquidus/crystallisation temperature Most liquids crystallise below TL with change in vol Some continue as supercooled liquids Depends on structure and cooling rate dV/dT of supercooled liquid same as liquid until Tg gradual inc in until material can no longer rearrange its structure on a reasonable timescale Tg – glass transition temperature - below Tg, supercooled liquid behaves like solid - GLASS V liquid supercooled liquid faster cooling glass slower cooling crystal Tg Tg T TL Value of Tg depends on cooling rate If glass held at a temperature near Tg, V will decrease towards equilibrium value which supercooled liquid would have had (arrow) – v.slow. 4 Tg glass-transition temperature • At Tg, so high that freedom of liquid lost and glassy state is formed supercooled liquid • dV/dT now as for crystal. glass • Value of Tg depends on cooling rate (therefore not a true thermodynamic function) • Faster cooling higher Tg energy required for structural reorganisation being removed faster Tg • Tg actually a T range 5 Supercooling • possible because of v. high Ea for phase transformation from liquid/glass to crystal • Tg important parameter in technology - lower limit of use of rubber - upper limit of use of thermoplastics - annealing – stress relief – just below Tg • ALSO liquid structure closer to glass than crystal Ea for transformation from liquidglass less than for liquidcrystal • Ea depends on strength and directionality of bonds in glass electron-pair>ionic>metallic metallic glasses - need cooling rates of > 106 K s-1 soda-lime-silica - “ “ “ “ ~ 10 K s-1 SiO2 - “ “ “ “ ~ 0.1 K s-1 B2O3 - will not crystallise at normal pressures 6 Crystallisation If the glass is given enough thermal energy, bonds can break and rearrange to a crystal phase but this may not be the expected phase Structure of glass often closer to that of a high temperature polymorph of crystal and will convert to that phase if heated to T which is high enough for structural rearrangement but which may be below stability Ttr of polymorph. Ea(total) Ea(1) G G(1) Ea(2) glass G(total) G(2) Metastable Crys 1 T < Ttr (stable > Ttr) Stable Crys 2 (stable < Ttr) 7 ROLE OF DIFFERENT OXIDES IN GLASS STRUCTURE network formers alone - can form a glass network O O - e.g. SiO2, B2O3 -O-M-O-M-O- strong, directional e-pair bonds network modifiers glass - e.g. Na2O, CaO O O - break the M-O-M links in the -O-M-O- Na+ Na+ -O-M-O ionic bonds network intermediates - repair the breaks - e.g. Al2O3 -O-M-O-Al-O-M-O 8 Na+ BO Si NBO Na Network former SiO2 all bridging oxygens (BO) Add network modifier Na2O form non-bridging oxygens (NBO) 9 form [AlO4]- Na+ groups with all BO If Na2O = Al2O3 all NBO removed Add intermediate oxide Al2O3 remove non-bridging oxygens (NBO) 10 GLASS STRUCTURE •range of M-O-M bond angles •range of ring sizes crystal long-range order glass short-range order same structural units 11 Theories of glass structure Tend to be devised for one glass type only e.g. Random Network Model – oxide glasses Bernal (sphere packing) Model – amorphous metals Random Network Theory (Zachariasen 1932) Empirical rules derived from observation of oxide glasses AnOy 1. 2. 3. 4. O not coordinated to more than two atoms of A Coordination of A small (Si 4; B 3 or 4) coordination polyhedra of A must share corners not edges or faces at least 3 corners of each polyhedron must be shared to give a 3D network and at least 2 corners must be shared for a glass to form Implies 1st coordination sphere about A is well-defined and nearly identical to crystal (SHORT RANGE ORDER - SRO) Most common coordination polyhedron found in oxide glasses is the tetrahedron (rule 2) e.g. [SiO4], [GeO4], [PO4], [AlO4], [BO4], Octahedron – edge and face sharing breaks rules 1, 2 and 3. 12 Origin of disorder Consider two tetrahedra from network C3 • Rotation of tetrahedron A about C3 axis of B can occur in melt by bond breaking at other oxygens. A B • On cooling, bonds reform at random and resulting orientations are frozen in. Ordering to give crystal would require breaking of bonds. • Disorder results in range of dihedral angles, , from 120o – 180o with max probability at ~140o. SHORT RANGE ORDER (SRO) Tetrahedron But no LONG RANGE ORDER (LRO) 13 Categories of oxides 1. Glass (network) former – can form a glass as the pure substance e.g. SiO2, B2O3, GeO2, P2O5 2. Intermediates – can substitute for network formers but cannot form glasses independently e.g. Al2O3, TiO2 3. Network modifiers – disrupt network by breaking interpolyhedral linkages e.g. alkali metal oxides, alkaline earth oxides If enough linkages are broken, network cannot be maintained and melt will crystallise rather than form glass on cooling Si-O-Si + Na2O Si-O- Na+ Na+ -O-Si Bridging oxygen (BO) non-bridging oxygens (NBO) Na+ closely associated with NBO for charge balance 14 Na2O-SiO2 system SiO2 4BO/Si 3D network 33.3Na2O 66.7SiO2 (3BO+1NBO)/Si 2D network – sheets 50Na2O 50SiO2 (2BO+2NBO)/Si 1D network – chains and rings Q4 Q3 Q2 66.7Na2O 33.3SiO2 (4NBO)/Si ions SiO44- 60Na2O 40SiO2 (1BO+3NBO)/Si dimers Si2O76- Q0 Q1 Qn - tetrahedral (quaternary) species with n bridging oxygens (BO) 15 Q species Q4 – 3D network Q3 – 2D network sheets Q1 – dimeric ions Q2 – 1D network chains and rings Q0 – monomeric ions NB – in reality, these are 3D entities. As x increases, number of NBO increases, connectivity of network decreases and glass becomes less stable. Zachariasen – need at least two BO per Si to form glass Question – what combination of species will occur for a given composition 16 (x)? Distribution of species – xM2O (1-x)SiO2 100 Binary Model 90 80 70 % species NBO repel - no more than two species present at any composition 4 60 50 40 30 xM2O (1 x )SiO2 20 10 total Si 1 x total O 2 x NBO 2 x BO 2 3 x e.g. 0.33 x 0.5 0 0.0 total Si 1 x Q Q 3 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 x - mole fraction M2O 0 x 0.33 Q3 Q2 2 NBO 2 x Q 3 2Q 2 Q2 3x 1 Q 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q 0 Q 0.33 x 0.5 0.5 x 0.6 Q3 2 4x 0.6 x 0.66 1 3 x %Q 4 =100 1 x 2 4x %Q3 =100 1 x 3 5x %Q 2 =100 1 x 4 6x %Q1=100 1 x 2x %Q 3 =100 1 x 3 x 1 %Q 2 =100 1 x 4x 2 %Q1=100 1 x 5x 3 %Q0 =100 x 1 17 Statistical model 2 3x %Q 4 100 2 2x 4 100 90 80 4 70 % species NBO do not repel. Distribution of species depends only on composition and statistics. xM2O (1-x)SiO2 Q 3 Q 2 Q 1 Q 0 Q 60 50 40 30 20 x 2 3x %Q 3 100 4 2 2x 2 2x 3 2 x 2 3x %Q 2 100 6 2 2x 2 2x 10 2 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 x - mole fraction M2O 3 x 2 3x %Q1 100 4 2 2x 2 2x x %Q 100 2 2x 0 4 2 3x BO probability 2 2x x NBO probability 2 2x 18 Structural techniques for glasses Magnetic resonance Diffraction - NMR - ESR - X-ray diffraction - Neutron diffraction Vibrational spectroscopy - EXAFS – Infra-red - Raman Mössbauer spectroscopy Modelling Need techniques which will be sensitive to changes in local environment (SRO) and which do not depend on LRO 19 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) • Requires nuclear spin I > 0 16O I=0 no NMR; 17O I=5/2 (0.037% abundant!) I = 1/2 -1/2 E no field +1/2 H0 Zeeman interaction 0 • Degeneracy of nuclear spin states lifted in presence of a magnetic field – Zeeman interaction • Transitions between states E = h0 0 - Larmor frequency - rf energies • E depends on magnitude of applied field H0; magnetic properties of nucleus; local environment E = hH/2 resonance (Larmor) frequency 0 = H/2 • is the gyromagnetic ratio of the nucleus and H is the field at the nucleus 20 Chemical shift • H differs from the applied field H0 because local fields exist due to chemical environment (motion of electrons in bonds and on neighbouring atoms) • H = H0(1-) • 0 = H0(1-)/2 - chemical shielding tensor frequency depends on local environment • is an indicator of the local environment and therefore is useful for glasses as well as crystals • Difficult to measure H accurately in practice measure difference in resonance frequency of sample and a standard reference • Chemical shift = 106 (sample - standard)/ standard (ppm) 21 Quadrupole Interaction Nuclei with I>1/2 have a quadrupole moment which interacts with electric field gradient at nucleus I = 1/2 (e.g. 29Si) I = 3/2 (e.g. 11B) -3/2 E -1/2 E no field -1/2 E +1/2 +1/2 E +3/2 I = 3/2 -3/2 E E + 2 -1/2 E E +1/2 E E - 2 +3/2 Zeeman interaction Zeeman interaction 1st order quadrupole interaction 0 0 0 22 (a) xLi2O (1-x)SiO2 29Si spectra Q Q Q Q Q 0 1 2 3 fit peaks for each species and integrate under peak for concentrations 4 (b) NB glasses made by roller-quenching x= 0.375 0.444 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 ppm Q3 100 0.5 Q2 Q1 Q0 abundance % 80 0.545 0.583 predicted binary JNCS 116 (1990) 148 " " 60 40 Q4 20 0.615 0 0.2 0.643 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 x - mole fraction Li2O -40 -60 -80 -100 ppm wrt TMS chemical shift (ppm wrt TMS) -120 Close to binary distribution n-1 disproportionation 2Qn Qn+1 + Q 23 29Si xPbO (1-x)SiO2 NMR Close to statistical distribution Pb-O bonds mostly electron-pair whereas Li-O bonds ionic x= 100 0.333 Q4 0.444 Q0 0.5 80 0.667 0.71 0.75 % species 0.6 60 Q1 Q3 Q2 40 0.78 0.8 20 0.818 0.833 0 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 -110 -120 -130 -140 -150 chemical shift (ppm wrt TMS) 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 x - mole fraction PbO 24 Diffraction roller quenched Sb2O3 60 c-Sb2O3 senarmontite 50 Conventional diffraction * * Intensity 40 Diffraction from planes of atoms 30 20 In glasses there is no LRO therefore no planes of atoms 10 Consider diffraction from pairs of atoms instead 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 2 (degrees) 25 Radial distribution function Radial distribution function RDF J(r) - the number of atoms lying between r and r + dr from the centre of a given atom J(r) = 4r2(r) where the density function (r) is the atomic pair correlation function (r) = 0 at distances less than the nearest neighbour distance (r) = 0, the average value of density at very large values of r Diffraction pattern is sum of patterns for all possible central atoms The area under a given peak gives the coordination number for that shell of atoms. The width of the peak reflects thermal motion and topological (static) disorder 2 = T2 + D2 26 SnO – SiO2 neutron diffraction Diffraction from pairs of atoms - superposed Si-O Sn-O O-O FT Diffraction pattern Total correlation function Q = 4sin/ 27 (related to Radial distribution function) Obtain - interatomic distances – bond lengths - bond angles calculated from distances - coordination numbers from areas under peaks distances (Å) Si-O 1.6 Sn-O 2.1 O-O 2.6 Sn-Sn 3.5 rSi-O rSi-O rO-O sin /2 = rO-O/2rSi-O = 108.7o i.e. close to tetrahedral 28 X-ray versus neutron diffraction 7 Sn-Sn 6 T(r) (barns Å-2) 5 Si-O O-O 4 3 Sn-O 2 HEXRD ND 1 0 -1 0 2 4 r (Å) 6 8 X-ray scattering depends on atomic number Sn scatters much more strongly than O and Si Neutron scattering changes irregularly between nuclei 29 Pb9Al8O21 - glass (red) - crystal (black 3.0 LRO -1 T(r) (Barns Å ) 2.5 SRO 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 r (Å) SRO of glass and crystal very similar LRO very different 30 EXAFS Extended X-ray absorption fine structure for a given element in the glass. Measure absorption coefficient (), as a function of energy , on going through an absorption edge (core-level electron being excited) I Io exp ( ) x Fine structure arises from diffraction of out-going electron by neighbouring atoms. The central atom is fixed and therefore get a single distribution function. 31 Raman spectroscopy The three main scattering processes in Raman spectroscopy. An incident photon of frequency 0 excites an electron which then either: (a) relaxes back to its initial state releasing a photon of frequency 0 – Rayleigh scattering (b) relaxes to an excited state releasing a photon with a lower frequency - Stokes (c) or induces photon emission with a higher frequency – anti-Stokes. v v0 v E f Ei h 32 Absorptions due to vibrations of groups of atoms – therefore get information about SRO and sometimes about medium range order (MRO). B2O3 – unusual in having MRO in form of ring structures Boroxol group (B3O3 ring) gives characteristic absorption at ~ 800 cm-1 due to “breathing mode” of oxygens in the ring. O4 B1 O5 O1 B3 B4 O6 O2 O7 33 xLi2O (1-x)SiO2 Q mol% Li2O 3 37.5 Q 44.4 2 Q 50.0 Q 3 3 Q 54.5 4 58.3 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 -1 Raman Shift (cm ) 600 800 1000 -1 Raman Shift (cm ) 1200 1400 1600 1800 100 3 NMR Q 3 Raman Q Raman (Umesaki [21]) 80 3 60 %Q 400 40 20 0 35 40 45 50 mol% Li2O 55 60 65 34