Cognitive Level of Analysis SL-Prep 3.1 Outline the 3 principles that define the cognitive level of analysis and explain how these principles may be demonstrated in research 1. Human beings are information processors and mental processes guide behavior: a. Explain b. Research to support your explanation 2. The mind can be studies scientifically a. Explain method used to study b. Research that supports your explanation: 3. Cognitive processes are influenced by social and cultural factors a. Explain b. Research to support your explanation Research studies to consider: Darley and Gross (1983); Loftus and Palmer (1974) Bartlett (1932); Cole and Scribner (1974); Corkin et al (1999); 3.2 Evaluate schema theory – Strengths and limitations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Define schema Possible ways in which schema effect memory Possible ways in which societal norms effect schema Strengths and limitations of schema theory Research: a. Bartlett b. Darley and Gross c. French and Richards – Clock d. Brewer and Treyens (1981) Picnic Basket 3.3 Evaluate two models or theories of one cognitive process with reference to research studies 1. The Multi-store model of memory – (Atkinson and Shiffrin, 1968): humans as informational processors Rehearsal 2. Sensory input→ Sensory memory Selective Attention→ ↓Decay Case study H.M. – evidence of multi-store model a. Strengths b. Limitations Short-term memory ↓Displacement Encoding→ ←Retrieval Long-Term memory ↓Loss (not available) 3. The Working memory model (Baddeley and Hitch, 1974) The central Executive The episodic Buffer The phonological loop Articulatory control – inner voice Phonological store – inner ear The visuo-spatial sketchpad Central Executive ↓↑ Phonological Loop Visuo-Spatial Sketchpad Episodic Buffer ↑↓ ↓↑ ↑↓ Long Term Storage Memory a. Strengths b. limitations Similarities Multi-store model 1. Working memory model 1. 2. 2. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. Differences Evaluation 3.4 Explain how biological factors may affect cognitive process 1. Damage to hippocampus and amnesia 2. What can be learned from about the relationship between the brain and memory from the cae of HM 3. What effect does high levels of cortisol have on memory (Newcomer et al., 1999) 3.5 Discuss how social or cultural factors affect one cognitive process (i.e. memory) 1. Cole and Scribner (1974) – memory strategies of different cultures 3.6 Evaluate the extent to which a cognitive process is reliable 1. Loftus and Palmer 2. Bartlet – reconstructive memory 3. Neisser and Harsch, 1992. Flashbulb memory 3.7 Discuss the use of technology in investigating cognitive processes 1. Strengths and limitations of types of technology Technology fMRI EEG MEG PET Invasive Techniques Strength Limitation Support with evidence 3.8 To what extent do cognitive and biological factors interact in emotion? 1. 2. 3. 4. LeDoux’s theory of the emotional brain Schachter–Singer two factor theory of emotion Lazarus - Appraisal Theory Big Connection: Damasio (2000) Emotional arousal is a form of stress that activates the stress hormone adrenaline and cortisol. This is useful for survival. Memory of fearful experience is stored in the cortex (explicit memeory) and the emotional memory of the experience is stored in the amygdala (implicit memory). Normally humans can control irrational fear reaction, in some cases it may elicit anxiety, panic attack , over stimuli may produce PTSD – inability for the brain to control the fear reaction. Interesting – humans with damage to the amygdala do not experience fear in dangerous situations. 3.9 Evaluate one theory of how emotion may affect one cognitive process. 1. Brown and Kulik (1977) The Theory of flashbulb memory (FM) 2. Neisser and Hrsh (1992) Testing FM 3. Strengths and limitations of FM Exam Questions: SAQ 1. Outline two principles that define the cognitive level of analysis. 2. Describe one research study that has investigated schema theory. 3. Describe one theory or study that demonstrates how biological factors may affect memory. 4. To what extent is memory reliable? 5. Explain how one biological factor may affect one cognitive process. 6. Describe how one particular research method is used in one study at the cognitive level of analysis 7. Discuss the use of one research method (e.g. experiments, case studies) in the cognitive level of analysis. Use relevant research studies in your response.