“There are two things in this world more difficult than making a

8/23 Journal:
You do not have to write the quote, but read it.
Write: 3 FEARS and 2 things that cause YOU stress
and explain why.
“According to most studies, people's NUMBER ONE
FEAR is public speaking. Number two is death.
Death is number two.
Does that sound right? This means to the average
person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the
casket than doing the eulogy.”
-Jerry Seinfeld
Tuesday, August 23
Demonstrate an understanding of the
diversity within the class by
recalling personal experiences and
abilities of your classmates.
Return Syllabus Friday
Partner Introductions
Quote Activity
Bring a QUOTE for Block Day
Quote Activity
• Use Thinkexist.com to locate ONE
meaningful or motivational quote
• Quotes can be humorous, but you must
be able to explain some sort of
• Create a poster with the quote and
• Present your board to the class by
CREATIVELY telling us about your quote
and board.
Sample quotes on next slide
On your ability to give a good speech:
“The difference between a mountain and a molehill is
your perspective.” -Al Neuharth (Who? Qualify.)
On Preparation:
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend
the first four sharpening the axe.”
-Abraham Lincoln
On the benefits of challenging yourself:
“Kites rise highest against the wind; not with it.”
-Sir Winston Churchill
On the importance of personality and emotion:
“They may forget what you said but they will never
forget how you made them feel.”
-Author unknown (Anonymous quotes not allowed)
Block Day: August 24, 25
Choose TWO of the following quotes.
Write the quote and discuss on paper how it applies to events
in your life or to you in this class.
“It is foolish to fear what you cannot avoid.”
-Publius Syrus
“One who fears failure limits his activities.
Failure is only the opportunity to more
intelligently begin again.”
-Henry Ford
“I failed my way to success.”
-Thomas Edison
Quote Posters
I can: Present information to an audience without
passing out.
Get in groups of 3 or 4
Discuss your quote and why it is relevant to the
Choose ONE quote to use on the poster.
Illustrate your poster.
Create a short presentation for the class based
on your poster focusing on your delivery style.
Present the posters in the last 15 minutes of
Friday, August 26
Write: Choose ONE quote.
1. What causes you stress
2. How stress physically affects you.
3. Strategies you’ve used in the past to deal with stress
4. Name 2 things you should be doing to prevent or alleviate
“Stress is the trash of modern life - we all generate it but if
you don't dispose of it properly, it will pile up and overtake
your life.”
-Danzae Pace
“The irony is this: Our bodies react to stress in exactly the
same way whether or not we have a good reason for being
stressed. The body doesn't care if we're right or wrong.
Even in those times when we feel perfectly justified in
getting angry - when we tell ourselves it's the healthy
response - we pay for it just the same.”
-Doc Childre and Howard Martin
Activity: Present to class. No reading word for word. Make Eye
Show Tell Speeches Monday,
August 29
Bring an item from home and share its
importance to you with the class.
Items may NOT be:
• Against school policy. Duh.
• Any item commonly found in pockets or a school
• Clothing or Jewelry
• Food or Drink
• Something you personally are not willing to keep up with
all day.
Common ways to get a 50:
• Bring nothing and tell us about your invisible item.
• Bring an item from the categories listed above.
Monday, August 29
Holding yourself, or another speaker, accountable
for their words:
“Profanity is the crutch of the conversational cripple”
-David Keuck
“The foolish and wicked practice of profane cursing and
swearing is a vice so mean and low that every person of
sense and character detests and despises it.”
-George Washington
“We speak five languages… the problem is my second
language is profanity.”
-Alan Nero
Respond on paper to one or more of the above quotes. Is
profanity wrong? Disrespectful? Allowable? When or why do
people choose words considered to be profane? Are some
words “worse” than others? (Do not make a list of bad
words, PLEASE)
Analyze the effects on an audience that the
chosen language of a speaker may have in
public speaking situations
A speaker will always be held accountable for the
words they choose, whether the language is
deliberate or accidental.
• Show and Tell Speech: No format, No time
limit, but choose your words carefully.
Explain why you chose those items, why they are
important or meaningful to you, and display them
TRY to be comfortable and confident in your presence
as a speaker.
Did the Audience respond favorably during
the speech? How do you know???
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Write one or more of the following quotes, and
relate them to this class or a time when you
overcame a fear.
“Fear of failure must never be a reason not to try
-Frederick Smith
“He who is not everyday conquering some fear has
not learned the secret of life.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Being in front of people is kind of a thrill. You get
nervous, but it's fun.”
- Lisa Sloan
Minimize the symptoms of personal
fears in times of stress.
What happens to you when you get:
• Nervous or Anxious?
• Scared?
• Stressed?
(Take the fear inventory)
How much do other people actually
What can you do about it?
• (Discuss the symptoms and remedies)
Block Day, 8/31 and 9/1
“It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think
you’re not.”
“ A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation
with the bricks that others throw at him or her.”
-David Brinkley
“ We have to learn to be our own best friends because we fall
too easily into the trap of being our own worst enemies.”
-Roderick Thorp
Analyze. Choose an option below to write about:
• Pick ONE quote and expand on its meaning with logic or
personal experience.
• Pick TWO and compare the meanings. Expand; do NOT
“Simply put, female friendships face more obstacles
because they often involve more emotion, more
expectations and more potential for conflict.”
April Masini, relationship
“Fortunately [psychoanalysis] is not the only way to
resolve inner conflicts. Life itself still remains a
very effective therapist.”
Karen Horney, psychologist
 Analyze. Choose an option below to write about:
• Pick ONE quote and expand on its meaning with logic or
personal experience.
• Pick TWO and compare the meanings. Expand; do NOT
Evaluate the role emotions play in the
communication process as it relates to
interference in the communication cycle.
What is communication?
• Draw the Comm. Cycle
Three type of interference:
• Physical Noise:__Audible_________
• Thoughts unrelated to
• Thoughts
•Write: Select 5 of the following emotions
Describe how each could cause
misunderstanding or conflict
Attracted to…
Confidence, The Great
“Nobody can make you feel inferior
without your consent.” ~Eleanor
• Perception vs. Reality: How much does your
personal perception (personal perspective) of a
situation or of yourself matter?
Define Confidence: The you feel when
you are ________________________.
• Phonophobia: _____________________.
• Topophobia: ______________________.
• (Both usually dissipate within first _____
How much does the audience
Only what you tell us to look for, and the
audience understands… they don’t want
you to have a bad experience, so try to
Fear inventory from yesterday: most are
not noticeable, are they?
3 factors that affect confidence:
• Perception of __________
• Perception of the ______________
• Perception of the ______________
Planks of Confidence
C- content _________________
O- Organization ____________
N- Notes __________________
F- Friendly _________________
I- Impression _______________
D- Dedication _______________
E- Empathy _________________
N- Newness _________________
C- Conviction ________________
E- ENTHUSIASM______________
(Sometimes the most destructive
interference can be our self perception.)
Write: Define
• List at least 10 distractions.
• Put a star next to the distractions that
are easily dealt with.
• Can you do anything to decrease the
distractions that are not easily dealt
• Define “active
• List 3 ways you can improve your active
Due Beginning of Class, Friday
September 2
Write a 5 paragraph (minimum) paper
detailing a recent conflict you have
• Include as much detail as possible.
• Discuss the role emotion played throughout
the conflict.
• Reflect and discuss anything you would change
if you had a second chance; or discuss what
resolution you would like to see if the conflict
has not been resolved.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Confidence Collage
• Create a collage with words and pictures
based on your perception of confidence.
Include words and pictures of positive
things in your life that build your selfesteem.
 Draw, write, or cut out pictures that
represent activities or beliefs that
represent you.
Friday, January 14
Demonstrate effective verbal and
nonverbal technique in front of an
Create a short presentation based on
the following questions to present to
the audience.
The best day of my life: ________
The scariest/worst day of my life:__
The funniest thing I’ve ever seen:__
3 things I’m good at:____
1 thing I’m not good at, but would
like to be:______
I’ve traveled to ________, but
REALLY want to travel to _______ to
see __________.
One thing you wouldn’t guess about
me is: ________________
Tuesday, September 7 2010
“That's one small step for a man,
one giant leap for mankind.” --Neil
 “Success makes men proud; failure
makes them wise.” –Anonymous
In what ways can the above listed
quotes be compared? Explain
Analyze a speaker’s verbal
technique by recognizing
memorable language techniques.
Discuss Superhero rubric and due dates.
Number one rule to making a memorable
speech: Use memorable language!
• Discuss the techniques on your note pages
• Listen to an exerpt of the MLK Jr. Speech.
• In groups of four or five, read the speech OUT
• Then, in groups discuss the answers.
• Everybody writes the answers.
Analyze a speaker’s use of verbal and
nonverbal cues.
(Determine why the speaker does a good
MLK Jr. “I Have a Dream” speech:
numerous memorable language
• Complete exercise from yesterday and report
in groups
• Keep worksheet and technique descriptions in
Block Days January 19 & 20, 2011
Analyze a speaker’s use of verbal and
nonverbal cues.
What needs to be done in order
to deliver a good speech?
• Divide your answers into two
categories: Pre-Delivery and
To Give A Good Speech:
Block Days January 19 & 20 2011
How to Give a good Speech
Background Components:
Choose an interesting __________.
Do your _____________ EARLY.
Do _____________ research when
Create interesting ______________.
Start well; plan an interesting
Type your OUTLINE.
How to Give a good Speech
Presentation Style:
Have a good time in front of the ______.
Follow the assignment and your ______.
Use _______ when speaking.
Remember to use eye ________.
Do NOT read to your audience.
3 E’s:
1. E- Entertaining: prepared for audience
2. E- Educational: audience finds value in the
3. E- Eloquent: audience hears evidence of
Borrow styles from good speakers!
How Is A Speech Organized?
Attention Getter
Main Point 1
Main Point 2
Main Point 3
What Does A Good Speech
Look Like?
Randy Pausch “Achieving Your Childhood
Dreams/ The Last Lecture” Presentation:
• 5 presentation techniques Randy Pausch uses
that should be copied and used by YOU.
The Elephant in the Room (Start Well)
 Scope (How the speech is organized)
 Conclude Strong
 Enthusiasm
 Get Personal
• Evaluate Randy’s Presentation.
Save evaluation as example for future evaluations.
Friday, January 21
“If you had asked me back in grade
school what I wanted to be when I grew
up, I would have said my first choice was
an actor, but if I couldn't be that, I'd want
to be a superhero.”
Vin Diesel
Write about what you wanted to be when
you grew up; what were YOUR childhood
prepare scripts or notes for
Finish viewing Randy Pausch video,
discuss his techniques based on your
written evaluations.
Begin writing superhero background
• 1 ½ page minimum
• Due Monday, beginning of class.
Monday, January , 2010
“There are three things to aim at in public speaking:
first, to get into your subject, then to get your subject
into yourself, and lastly, to get your subject into the heart
of your audience.”
Alexander Gregg
Journal Quotes:
“A hero is a man who does what he can.”
Romain Rolland
“A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the
strength to persevere and endure in spite of
overwhelming obstacles.”
Christopher Reeve
Write: Pick quote 1 or 2 and describe someone
that fits the quotes.
Demonstrate your ability to recognize the
difference between the formal components
of an outline.
Due Today: Stamp Background
Notes: How to create an effective
Write an introduction.
Title of Speech
Name, Period
________________: notes, no complete
________________: simple statement of topic
and/or purpose
Preview/Scope Statement
1.____________Main point A
2.____________Main point B
3.____________Main point C
II. Speech Body
A. Main Point Title
1. Detail
2. Detail (must reach at least this
B. Main Point Title
1. Detail
2. Detail (must reach at least this
C. Main Point Title
1. Detail
2. Detail (must reach at least this
III. Conclusion
A. Concluding remarks or one final
B. Tie-back to attention getter.
All outlines that are to be turned in
must be typed.
• 12 point text, single or 1.5 spaced
Types of attention getters
Remember the importance of a first
anecdote or personal ____.
not meant to be answered.
always credit author.
credit author, GIVE DATE.
most difficult
Thesis Statements
Simple statement of your topic to
explain your purpose to the
“Today I am going to teach you how
to make chocolate chip cookies.”
Preview Statements
Allows your audience to “preview”
your main points, and shows that
you are ___________.
B. “Today I am going to teach you how
to make chocolate chip cookies.”
C. Preview
1. ____________
2. ____________
3. ____________
Write an intro on how to make a
PB and J Sandwich
Tuesday, September 14
“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded
gold, it would be a merrier world.” --J. R. R. Tolkien
“Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.”
--Anthelme Brillat-Savarin, The Physiology of Taste, 1825
"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some
fava beans and a nice chianti.” --Hannibal Lecter
Respond to one of the quotes, then list your five
favorite foods or meals.
January 25, 2011
Analyze the effectiveness of
different types of attention getters.
• Create a correctly formatted ORIGINAL
introduction for the following topic:
“Teach the audience how to make your favorite
food (no sandwich or choc. chip cookies).”
Use: Notes from yesterday
Be prepared to present in 5 minutes.
After Group Activity, write superhero
In groups of five, deliver your introduction
to your group.
After each intro is delivered, the person
sitting directly across from the speaker
must describe the three components of
the delivered introduction by:
• “You used a (category) type of attention getter
by saying __________.
• “Your thesis statement was ________, and
your preview statement was ________.
• How was the eye contact? Enthusiasm?
Block Day, January 26-27
Outlines due.
“What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you
say.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
“The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”
Ludwig Wittgenstein
“But behavior in the human being is sometimes a defense, a
way of concealing motives and thoughts, as language can
be a way of hiding your thoughts and preventing
--Abraham Maslow
Reflect: about a time when you had a conversation (or a
conflict) with someone and you could tell they weren’t
being completely honest. How could you tell?
Analyze nonverbal signals sent during
interpersonal communication.
The End Result: Determine whether
the nonverbal portion of the message
is reinforcing or contradicting the
verbal message.
What is Nonverbal Communication?
…Everything except the _____________.
Nonverbal communication truly
communicates how you feel about the
• Physical ____________
• Hair
• Hygeine
• Facial _____________
Nonverbal Communication CAN:
Complement the ___________
Emphasize a ___________
____________ the verbal
Or _______________ the verbal
Categories of Non-Verbal Comm.
Para language:
How you say it.
Eye Contact
Personal Space
People can only detect a lie with an
accuracy rate of 54%.
What does this say about eye contact?
• _________ is not 100% foolproof… however...
How to look at your audience
Plan your ______________, so you
can engage all sections of your
Don’t look at the walls, ceiling, or the
Body Language and Gestures
Humans produce over _________
physical signs:
• 250,000 ___________
• 5,000
• 1,000
Why does this matter?
• Over ______% of all communication is
Spatial Distance: Personal Space
How close people stand to each other
in ___________ situations.
Defined by society and the nature of
the _____________.
“If the world is good, then they will
be standing close to each other.” –
Randy Pausch
What percent of adults think it is
What percent of teenagers think it
is okay to lie?
Only _____54____% of lies are
accurately detected by untrained
What can we do to detect the LIE?
Watch, instead of listen.
Cues to detect lies based on
Decreased hand activity
Increased _________ touching
Increased __________ shifting
Anything out of the ordinary.
Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication
in front of an audience for rehearsal purposes.
2. On Preparation:
• "It takes one hour of preparation for
each minute of presentation“ -Wayne
-Finish your speaker note cards
-Deliver your speech in groups. As a
group, give three constructive
remarks for each speech delivered.
3. On Introductions:
• “Once you get people laughing, they’re
listening and you can tell them almost
anything” - Herbert Gardner
After delivery, Answer on the back of your
outline: Reflect on the effectiveness of
your approach… was the feedback
positive? All speeches will need to be
polished and improved… what can you
do to improve your speech?
Making the Connection:
Who are the REAL heroes?
Read the following quotes while considering
the people in your life that you would call a
“real-life superhero”.
• NOTES: Write your chosen quote in your
journal and discuss why one of those
people is a hero to you or to those around
• COMMUNICATE: Write the person you chose
a letter. (Yes, you should give it to them…
that’s the point. No, you should not text them.
No, they cannot be a classmate.) 3 paragraphs,
write neatly. Sign and deliver. Get journal
stamped for credit.
Monday, September 20
Which of the following quotes do you
or your super hero identify with the
most? Write the quote and discuss
1. “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility
that comes with his freedom.” –Bob Dylan
2. “I think a hero is an ordinary individual who finds
strength to persevere and endure in spite of
overwhelming obstacles.” -Christopher Reeve.
3. “A hero is someone who has given his or her life to
something bigger than oneself.” –Joseph Campbell
4. “For me, the best part of the story has never been the
Superman part; it’s the Clark Kent part- the idea that any
of us, in all our ordinariness, can change the world.” –
Brad Meltzer, Book of Lies
Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal
communication in front of an audience for
rehearsal purposes.
• Deliver speeches in groups of five using NOTE
CARDS only.
• ALL group members give constructive feedback
after EACH speech using notes on next slide.
• On back of typed outline:
Reflect on the effectiveness of your
approach… was the feedback positive? All
speeches will need to be polished and
improved… what can you do to improve your
Giving Feedback
• Positive
• Constructive
• Positive
• Enthusiastic? How?
• Smooth?
• Word Choice?
• Eye Contact?
• Expressions?
Structure and Content
• Correct?
• Sufficient for
Tuesday, February 1
“Practice is the best of all instructors.”
-Publilius Syrus
“People who write about spring training not being
necessary have never tried to throw a
baseball.” -Sandy Koufax
“Practice is everything. This is often misquoted as
Practice makes perfect.”
-Periander, Ruler of Corinth 628 b.c.
Write: Pick a quote and write it down. Discuss why
people typically only like practicing what they are
already good at. Is that logical?
Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal
communication in front of an audience for
rehearsal purposes.
Power Point check, show me that it
Get out a piece of paper and title it
Superhero Feedback.
1. Deliver your speech (using a computer
if you can, if not, give it anyway) to 4
people in class, one person at a time.
2. Give your paper to each person who
listens and have them fill out the
Superhero Feedback
(You cannot deliver your speech to more than one
person at a time. No Cheating.)
Name: (of person listening)
Introduction effectiveness:
Characterization and Enthusiasm: (use
examples, don’t just say, “It was good”)
One thing to work on:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful,
committed citizens can change the world;
indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”--Margaret Mead
“For me, the best part of the story has never been the Superman part; it’s the Clark
Kent part- the idea that any of us, in all our ordinariness, can change the world.”
–Brad Meltzer
Speaker: Demonstrate effective verbal and nonverbal communication in front
of an audience.
Audience: Analyze speakers’ verbal and nonverbal cues in a formal
Turn in to me in this order at the time of your
PowerPoint Slides
Practice Evals.
You keep speaker cards unless I ask you
for them.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Demonstrate group communication
technique in forming a strategy to solve
two unrelated problems.
Use the Standard Agenda to:
• Solve the Mary Jones Problem
 Agenda from Mary Jones sheet is your daily
meeting format
 Project Managers: run every meeting based
on this format.
• On your own time: Create 15 survey questions
for your group.
Surveys and Test Groups:
Collecting and Responding to Data
Obj: Integrate collected research into a
The group must be completely
committed to collecting valid
________ and willing to accept the
This means not allowing
preconceived notions to override
collected results.
• CHANGE is inevitable!
Collecting Valid Data
Define parameters
What’s the purpose?
Who will be included in the sample and why?
How many samples are needed? (the more
the better)
Design effective questions
Open ended
Multiple choice
Scaled or Ranged
Answers must be difference making
Using Collected Data
Final Presentation must PROVE that
your research guided the creation.
Data becomes invalid if:
• The creation steers the research
• Data is ignored
• Sample group is irrelevant or too small
• Test group results are ignored or
engineered to be all positive:
“This is the greatest game EVER!!! Don’t
change ANYTHING!”
Evaluating Data Correctly
Implies willingness to:
• Change
• Throw out previous ideas
• Start OVER
• Find BEST solution, not YOUR solution.
Project Managers:
Lead Meetings According to Agenda
• Define the need
• Analyze the problem
What are the symptoms
What is the cause
• Establish Criteria
What must any solution do or not do
• Brainstorm Solutions
All ideas are possible and lead to better ideas
Lead Survey Creation
• At least 15 questions, Raw data due Tuesday
• At least 50 samples (name, age, gender)
• Charted/graphed when put in portfolio
Assign ALL Due Dates by end of Tuesday
“Bringing Something to the Table”
Tuesday Feb. 15, 2011
Analyze the benefits/drawbacks of four categories of
personalities and how each affects group
EVERYONE has something to offer.
“ALMOST everyone will surprise you… if
you just wait long enough.” –Pausch
(True, but your team needs you NOW)
Hartman Personality Profile
Complete the test on your own
Total you’re A’s, B’s, C’s, and D’s
What color are you?
Read about your color in the packet
If you have a TIE, pick the one that
is MOST like you, based on the
Group Presentation
Get in groups based on your personality
You have 4 minutes to prepare a summary
that represents your personality group
• What does your color “bring to the table?”
• What are the potential drawbacks of your
• What makes your color unique?
Block Day
February 16 and 17, 2011
Group Roles and Stages
Obj: Compose a functioning set of group
norms that demonstrates an individual
commitment to group success.
What you will be learning:
How to make sure your Apprentice
Project group is functioning NORMally
(get it? NORMally? By using group
• Notes, group activity, team time.
Group Roles and Stages
Effective Groups, whether they are
public or private, social or task, or
voluntary or involuntary have one
thing in common:
• They ALL have established NORMS.
Norm: __________, rules, and
___________ that determine
individual _____________ within the
group. The norms help members
Factors for Success
Cohesion: all group members share
the SAME desire to achieve the
______ ________.
Communication: when everyone is in
the loop, respect and ______ _____
is fostered.
Creativity: bring your ________ to
the table and use them. All group
members must be “all in” or the
group will not reach its potential.
Control: Internal ________ must be
Group Problem Solving
D_____ the problem
E_____ criteria: a workable set of
standards (Your “Non-negotiables”)
A_____ the problem: break into small
B_______: explore all ideas
E_______: test each solution
Know them, Use them!
EACH group needs to be able to prove
these steps on a daily basis.
Group Roles
Task oriented people ask: “What
does the end result need to look
Process oriented people ask: “What’s
the best way to achieve the end
• Process oriented are more people
oriented, while Task are more focused
on results.
• Which are you?
• Initiator
• Information
• Evaluator
• Coordinator
• Information
• Encourager
• Harmonizer
• Opinion Seeker
• Goal Setter
• Follower
Negative Roles:
Blocker, Recognition Seeker, Dominator,
and the Avoider.
Groups function at any of FOUR
levels. They can move up and down
the levels as things get better or
Not much gets done
Nobody knows their place or jobs
Conflict is AVOIDED
2. S______________
• Conflict is suppressed. The group would rather
perform at a lower level than step on members’
• Members resort to rules to solve conflict. No
rules? The group will fall apart.
3. N______________
• Roles and responsibilities are clear and
• Group appreciates the skill of ALL the members
• Willingness to change pre-conceived notions
• Group has worked HARD to get here and fights
to stay at this level.
• This is the target stage. Get here as fast as you
can and work hard to STAY HERE. Regression is
4. P____________
• Not all groups get here.
• Interdependence and flexibility
• Trust among ALL members
Write a list of at least 10 norms for your
group to follow. Then USE them daily.
• Attitudes to be shown every day
(how to show respect, how to brainstorm, how to
avoid “trigger words”- words that set others off or
cause distraction- language matters in group
• Expectations
(how to use time, how to keep to the topic, how to
participate, when to meet deadlines, how to handle
conflict, how to make it fun, etc.)
Discuss Project only after finishing rules.
Friday, February 18
Leadership Styles
A________________ Style:
• Rely on _________ and punishment to
influence employees
• Do not _______ employees
• Do not allow for employee ________
• _________do not respond to any other
leadership style
• There is limited _______in which to make a
• A manager’s ________is challenged by an
• New, _________ ___________ who do not
know which tasks to perform or which
procedures to follow
The autocratic leadership style should
not be used when:
• Employees become fearful, or resentful
• Employees expect to have their
• Employees begin depending on their
________ to make all their decisions
• There is low employee_________, high
turnover and absenteeism and work
2. B______________ Style
Everything must be done according
to ______________. If it isn’t
covered by the “book”, the manager
refers to the next level above him or
This manager is really more of a
police officer than a leader. He or she
enforces the__________.
Can be effective when
Employees are performing _____________
over and over.
Employees need to understand certain
___________ or procedures.
____________ is a main concern
Is Ineffective when
Employees lose their _________ in their jobs
and in their fellow workers.
Employees do only what is _________ of them
and no more.
Managers need to make __________ decisions
without resorting to higher authority
3. D__________ Leadership
The democratic manager keeps his
or her employees informed about
everything that affects their work
and shares __________
________and problem solving
The leader is a “coach” who has the
final say, but gathers information
from staff members _________
making a decision.
Democratic Leadership fosters
• T_________
• T_________ S__________
• H________ M___________
Typically the democratic leader:
• Develops plans to help employees
___________ their own performance
• Allows employees to establish_________
• Encourages employees to grow on the job
and be__________
• Recognizes and encourages
Why Do Leadership Styles Matter
to ME???
We all respond differently.
• Some respond to the “drill sergeant”,
others respond to freedom and the
resultant accountability.
Because it’s time to elect one that
fits your style.
• Get in groups and elect a leader.
• Discuss Rubric.
Tuesday, October 12
Demonstrate skills for assuming
productive roles in groups.
In Groups:
1. Each person needs to read the
2. Group Discussion:
1. Talk about the role of each person in the
2. Discuss the roles your group needs to
3. Managers: write the roles on the
participation sheet and hold team
accountable to their role.
Tuesday, Feb. 22
-Get It Right-
Same Format, except:
Speaker Names in
where each
speaker begins
their portion
Each speaker’s
quote typed into
outline with
Same Format, except:
ALL speakers
must have one
quote with a
SOURCE (your
Everyone must
participate in the
Sample Outline
Format (Don’t Copy!)
II. Speech Body
I. Introduction
A. Why we need a game that
A. Att. Getter:
_______ (Johnny)
[notes] (all of us)
1. gap in market
2. public demand
B. Thesis: (Fred)
“Survey result…”
C. Preview: (Sally)
B. The Specifics
1. Main Point
1. Overview (Fred)
2. Rules (Jill)
2. Main Point
“Survey result…”
3. Main Point
C. Marketability (Sally)
1. Public Opinion
“test result…”
2. Reasons it will be the
best seller
III. Conclusion (all)
3/23,24: Motivational Speaking
Support your understanding of the motivated
sequence by: investigating an organization that can
effectively address your chosen concern.
Definition of Persuasion:
• “Finding and using all available means
to ____________; ________________
an audience to DO something” –Aristotle
• What does “all available means” mean?
By All Available Means
3 categories of persuasive appeal
• Ethos: ____________of the author
• Pathos: _____________ ploys to
• Logos: ____________ and reason
Write an example of each, based on
a commercial you have seen
4 Keys to Consider When Creating
an Argument
Attitude of the recipient
• Favorable? Neutral? Hostile?
Approach should vary based on attitudes
Values of the recipient
• Similar to yours? Different?
• Moral center; life guidelines- Same as you?
• How important is the issue initially to them?
• How knowledgeable are they about subject?
• How does audience view YOU? Trustworthy?
• Do you handle research respectfully and THOROUGHLY?
What’s Hard About Motivation?
Status Quo = current situation
• Even if its not good, people still resist change.
• Change is uncomfortable
• Requires us to admit we are WRONG
• Requires energy to act.
Your job is to motivate; not just to say we
SHOULD do something, but actually get off our
lazy rears and DO IT.
How is providing motivation difficult for THIS
Motivated Sequence
Use this when organizing any
____________ speech or argument.
Outline for this speech:
Introduction stays the same
Conclusion stays the same
Body focuses on use of___________ and
argument formation.
The following goes in Roman Numeral
TWO of your outline.
II. Motivated Sequence
A. Need (Why the Status Quo
NEEDS to change)
1. Describe Status Quo in detail
a. (b,c,d,….)
2. Describe the effects
(HARMS) of the Status Quo in detail
a. (b,c,d,….)
3. Describe NPO
*LOTS of research can and
should be used in Step A.
B. Satisfaction (my PLAN to satisfy
the need I addressed in step A).
*Give a DETAILED account of
ALL the necessary steps of enacting
your plan*
C. Visualization (The PROOF my
plan is the BEST way to achieve the
goal of solving the problem).
Support your understanding of the second
stage of the motivated sequence by:
investigating an organization that can
effectively address your chosen concern.
PLAN: Your plan to fix the ______.
List the ________ that your audience needs to take
in order to ___________ the need.
What does it look like? What all is involved? There
should be a lot of detail in this step.
Idea vs. Action
How do you get from the IDEA to the
(discuss ideas to raise money-how could those be actions? What steps are
What EXACTLY is it you want to do?
IS IT PROFITABLE??? (Avoid events for the sake of having fun)
What materials do you need?
Where are you getting them from?
Do you need permission?
Do you need volunteers? Who is organizing them?
Who is handling/keeping money?
Are you advertising? How? Where?
What are the relevant dates of prep and action?
You need security at an event, How do you plan to PAY FOR IT?
Public Service Announcement
Create a video (PSA) that shows the
school all the components of the
This should be a stand alone piece:
• If viewed by the school will they
understand their role and involvement
to ACT?
Justify the selected research
collected by the group.
Group Research: categorize the statistics
and quotes into the 3 parts of the
motivated sequence
Discuss the amount of research needed
and how to use it (where will the information offer support? Does it support
the plan? Etc.)
Challenge: 4 sources for the
problem and proof