Chapter 7
Stress and
Well-Being at
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Learning Outcomes
 Define stress, distress, and strain
 Compare four different approaches to stress
 Explain the psychophysiology of the stress response
 Identify work and nonwork causes of stress
 Describe the consequences of stress
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Learning Outcomes
 Discuss individual factors that influence a person’s
response to stress and strain
 Identify the stages and elements of preventive
stress management for individuals and
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Learning Outcome
Define stress, distress, and strain
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What Is Stress?
 Unconscious preparation to fight or flee that a
person experiences when faced with any demand
 Stressor: Person or event that triggers the stress
 Distress or strain: Adverse psychological, physical,
behavioral, and organizational consequences that
may arise as a result of stressful events
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Learning Outcome
Compare four different approaches to stress
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4 Approaches to Stress
 Homeostatic/medical approach
 Stress occurs when an external, environmental
demand upsets an individual’s natural steady-state
 Homeostasis: Steady state of bodily functioning and
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Cognitive Appraisal
 Individuals differ in their appraisal of events and
 Perception and cognitive appraisal determines what
is stressful
 Culture affects the perception of stress
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Cognitive Appraisal
Problem-focused coping emphasizes managing
the stressor
Emotion-focused coping emphasizes managing
your response
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Person-Environment Fit
 Confusing and conflicting expectations of a person
in a social role create stress
 Person-environment fit occurs when one’s skills and
abilities match a clearly defined set of role
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 Stress results from the discrepancy between the
idealized self (ego-ideal) and the real self-image
 Ego-ideal: Embodiment of a person’s perfect self
 Self-image: How a person sees himself or herself,
both positively and negatively
 Discrepancy between the two elements of
personality is directly proportional to the amount of
stress experienced
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Learning Outcome
Explain the psychophysiology of the stress
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The Stress Response
Release of chemical messengers
Activation of sympathetic nervous
and endocrine system
Triggering of mind-body changes that
prepare the person for fight or flight
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Beyond the Book:
Stress Check
 How often do the following happen to you? Always (3), often (2), sometimes
(1), or never (0)? Rate each statement on a scale from 0 to 3, as honestly as
you can and without spending too much time on any one statement.
 Am I Overstressed?
1. I have to make important snap judgments and decisions.
2. I am not consulted about what happens on my job or in my classes.
3. I feel I am underpaid.
4. I feel that no matter how hard I work, the system will mess it up.
5. I do not get along with some of my coworkers or fellow students.
6. I do not trust my superiors at work or my professors at school.
7. The paperwork burden on my job or at school is getting to me.
8. I feel people outside the job or the university do not respect what I do.
 Record your score as the sum of your responses.
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Beyond the Book:
Stress Check
How often do the following happen to you? Always (3), often (2), sometimes (1), or
never (0)? Rate each statement on a scale from 0 to 3, as honestly as you can and
without spending too much time on any one statement.
Am I Angry?
1. I feel that people around me make too many irritating mistakes.
2. I feel annoyed because I do good work or perform well in school, but no one appreciates it.
3. When people make me angry, I tell them off.
4. When I am angry, I say things I know will hurt people.
5. I lose my temper easily.
6. I feel like striking out at someone who angers me.
7. When a coworker or fellow student makes a mistake, I tell him or her about it.
8. I cannot stand being criticized in public.
Record your score as the sum of your responses, and add it to your score from the
previous section.
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Beyond the Book:
Stress Check
 To find your level of anger and potential for aggressive behavior, add your
scores from both quiz parts.
 40–48: The red flag is waving, and you had better pay attention. You are in
the danger zone. You need guidance from a counselor or mental health
professional, and you should be getting it now.
 30–39: The yellow flag is up. Your stress and anger levels are too high, and
you are feeling increasingly hostile. You are still in control, but it would not
take much to trigger a violent flare of temper.
 10–29: Relax, you are in the broad normal range. Like most people, you get
angry occasionally, but usually with some justification. Sometimes you
take overt action, but you are not likely to be unreasonably or
excessively aggressive.
 0–9: Congratulations! You are in great shape. Your stress and anger are well
under control, giving you a laid-back personality not prone to violence.
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Learning Outcome
Identify work and nonwork causes of stress
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Table 7.1 - Work and Nonwork
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Table 7.1 - Work and Nonwork
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Learning Outcome
Describe the consequences of stress
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Positive Stress
 Some stressful activities enhance a person’s ability
to manage stressful situations
 Stress can provide a needed energy boost
 Yerkes-Dodson law - Indicates that stress leads to
improved performance up to an optimum point
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Figure 7.1 - Yerkes-Dodson Law
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Individual Distress
Medical illness
• Heart disease, strokes, peptic ulcers, headaches, and
Behavioral problems
• Substance abuse, violence, accidents
Work-related psychological disorders
• Depression, burnout, psychosomatic disorders
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Organizational Distress
 Participation problem: Cost associated with
absenteeism, tardiness, strikes and work stoppages,
and turnover
 Performance decrement: Cost resulting from poor
quality or low quantity of production, grievances,
and unscheduled machine downtime and repair
 Compensation award: Organizational cost resulting
from court awards for job distress
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Beyond the Book:
Stressed-out in Europe
 Recent European studies on worker stress show
disturbing trends:
 Companies in the United Kingdom lose 13.7 million
working days per year due to stress, causing £28.3
billion ($47.4 billion) in productivity losses.
 More than 25% of workers in the UK describe their
mental health as moderate or poor.
 So far in 2009, 25 employees of France Telecom have
committed suicide.
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Learning Outcome
Discuss individual factors that influence a
person’s response to stress and strain
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Individual Differences
 Achilles’ heel phenomenon - Person breaks down at
his or her weakest point
 Extraversion and neuroticism affect the stress-strain
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Gender Effects
 Sexual harassment is a source of stress for working
 Males are more vulnerable at an earlier age to fatal
health problems
 Women are more vulnerable to nonfatal but longterm health problems
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Type A Behavior Patterns
 Complex of personality and behavioral
 Competitiveness
 Time urgency
 Social status insecurity
 Aggression
 Hostility
 Quest for achievements
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Personality Hardiness
 Personality characterized by challenge,
commitment, and control
 Is resistant to distress
 Coping strategies
 Transformational coping: Way of managing stressful
events by changing them into less subjectively
stressful events
 Regressive coping - Passive avoidance of events and
decreased interaction with the environment
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 Healthy, secure, interdependent pattern of behavior
related to how people form and maintain
supportive attachments with others
 Counterdependence: Unhealthy, insecure pattern
of behavior that leads to separation in relationships
with other people
 Overdependence: Unhealthy, insecure pattern of
behavior that leads to preoccupied attempts to
achieve security through relationships
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Learning Outcome
Identify the stages and elements of
preventive stress management for individuals
and organizations
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Preventative Stress Management
 Requires people and organizations to take joint
responsibility for:
 Promoting health
 Preventing distress and strain
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Preventative Stress Management
Primary prevention
• Reduces, modifies, or eliminates the demand or
Secondary prevention
• Alters or modifies the individual’s or the organization’s
response to a demand or stressor
Tertiary prevention
• Heals individual or organizational symptoms of
distress and strain
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Figure 7.2 - Framework for
Preventative Stress Maintenance
SOURCE: J. D. Quick, R. S. Horn, and J. C. Quick, “Health Consequences of Stress,” Journal of Organizational Behavior Management 8, No. 2 (Fall
1986): 21. Reprinted by permission of (Taylor & Francis Ltd, http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals).
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Beyond the Book:
Non-effective Stress Relief Techniques
 Staff at a Nova Scotia prison tried to relieve their
work stress by taunting and abusing inmates.
 Various companies sell “relaxation” drinks that
promise to help consumers unwind. One of them
appears to evoke the effects of marijuana.
 Some employees gossip about a co-worker to
express their negative attitudes about them.
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Organizational Stress Prevention
 Job redesign - Increased worker control reduces
distress and strain without reducing productivity
 Goal setting - Increases task motivation while
reducing role conflict and ambiguity
 Role negotiation - Allows individuals to modify their
work roles
 Social support systems - Team building provides
social support
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Figure 7.3 - Job Strain Model
SOURCE: Republished with permission of ABC-CLIO Inc., from Work Stress: Health Care Systems in the Workplace, J. C. Quick, R. S. Bhagat, J. E.
Dalton, and J. D. Quick. © 1987; permission conveyed through Copyright Clearance Center, Inc.
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Figure 7.4 - Social Support at Work
and Home
SOURCE: J. C. Quick, J. D. Quick, D. L. Nelson, and J. J. Hurrell, Jr., Preventive Stress Management in Organizations (Washington, D.C.:
American Psychological Association, 1997), 198. Reprinted with permission.
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Individual Preventive Stress
Opening up
Leisure time
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Comprehensive Health Promotion
 Aimed at establishing a strong and resistant host by
teaching individual prevention and lifestyle change
 Physical fitness and exercise programs characterize
corporate health promotion programs
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The Upside of Anger
 Separately assess the stressors affecting Terry and
Denny. View Part I for Terry and Part II for Denny.
 Are Terry and Denny having a distress or eustress
response? Give examples of behavior in the film
sequences to support your observations.
 Review the section, “The Consequences of Stress.”
What consequences do you observe or predict for
Terry and Denny?
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Modern Shed
 How might being an outside contractor add stress
to Scott Pearl’s job?
 How does Scott Pearl’s person-environment fit
affect his responses to stressors?
 Is Scott Pearl’s goal setting an example of primary,
secondary, or tertiary preventive stress
management? Explain.
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