MINUTES OF THE MEETING of the Parish Council, held at the Parish Hall, Oxhey Drive, on
Wednesday 1st February 2012
Mrs P E M King - Chairperson
Ms. A Bakshi, Mrs D Day, Mr P Gordon, Mrs P Hames, Mrs J King,
Mr S King, Mr B O’Brien, Mr P Ray, Mrs A Scarth, Mr W Waite,
Sgt. Luke Mitchell
Michele Fundrey
APOLOGIES: Apologies for absence were received from:
Councillors: Mr E Bishop, Mr B Jukes, Mr D Wilkinson
The minutes were approved and signed as a correct and true record by the Chairperson.
Sgt. Mitchell advised that he had 2 new PC’s on the team, they are PC Kim Boot and PC
Sue Desmond who will be covering Northwick Ward, this now makes a total of 7 PC’s.
PCSO Mike Robinson has left the Police. There is a new team called Scorpion who are
dealing with burglaries across Three Rivers District.
Catalytic convertors are still being stolen from vans, but in particular Mercedes vans.
There are still cars being broken into due to the owners leaving personal items on
display. Crime has increased by 10% in Ashridge Ward, with house burglaries
increasing from 3 last year to 17 this year. Carpenders Park crime is up due to house
burglaries many of which are being carried out during the day. Oxhey Hall crime is
Sgt. Mitchell advised that that a letter drop had been carried out in Carpenders Park to
all those residents not currently enrolled on OWL, advising them about the SmartWater
system and how to enrol on OWL. Currently 60% of residents from Carpenders Park are
on the OWL mailing list.
Sgt. Mitchell requested permission to place a Police newsletter on the Parish
noticeboard - this has been agreed to.
Street lights are being switched off from 12 midnight to 6am on most residential roads
with the exception of shopping areas, main roads and areas that the Police have advised
are high risk areas. Due to the crime at the Highlands the street lights will remain
switched on during the dark hours.
Chairperson Cllr. P King advised that street lights outside the sheltered housing are
being switched off even though she had asked for them to be left on for the safety of the
residents (trip hazard on the pavements etc). Sgt. Mitchell advised that the Police were
only allowed to request that lights remained on for areas of crime and therefore this
request did not come under this category. From the Police point of view, if the street
lights are switched off and burglaries/car thefts are taking place the criminals would have
to use torches to see what they were doing and therefore they would be easier to see by
Sgt. Mitchell reported that Jordans land is up for sale. TRDC Planning Department have
contacted the Estate Agents selling the property to advise them that they cannot
advertise that the land comes with mobile homes as this is due to planning restrictions.
It was also reported that Nathan Jordan has been charged with careless driving.
Sgt. Mitchell advised that ANPR cameras were being installed at Grimsdyke, Watford
Road and by the Prince of Wales pub. These cameras are very useful in detecting
criminals coming in to the area.
Sgt. Mitchell was thanked for his time and left the meeting.
Minute 52.1 - Market
The Clerks report was considered and Members decided that, due to the
decision by the TRDC Executive Committee on 30th January 2012 to go ahead
with the redevelopment of South Oxhey, the cost involved in relocating the
market to the Parade would be too substantial given that the market would only
be sited there for a couple of years, if that. Concerns were raised in relation to
the cost of Tony York (Market Manager) and the fact that Tony spends very little
time on a Thursday managing the Market. The Clerk advised that she was
happy to manage the market herself as there were only a few stalls. Cllr. Scarth
raised concerns for the Clerk’s safety when collecting the rents, therefore it was
decided that the traders are to pay their rents at the office. The Clerk is to
compile a report on the best way for the Parish to manage the market
Minute 52.2 - Plaque
The Clerk advised that the Members would need to a make a decision on the
type and size of the plaque required in order to apply for funding from the Locality
Budget. It was decided by the Members that David Reidy is to choose the
plaque and wording. Cllr.Gordon felt that the the plaque should be funded from
the Parish’s grant budget and not from the County Councillors Locality Budget.
All Members agreed with this but due to the Clerk’s workload at present, the
Clerk is to request that David Reidy liaises with the house owners in relation to
the wording and the type of plaque required. A grant of up to £150 will be
awarded for the plaque but the Members would like to see the wording before the
plaque is ordered.
RESOLVED that £150 maximum is awarded for the plaque.
Minute 54.3 – South Oxhey Initiative (SOI)
The Members were advised that the Executive Committee voted for the
redevelopment of South Oxhey to go ahead. The Clerk reported that she was
surprised that Cllr. Ann Shaw did not ask for a show of hands at the meeting.
Chairperson Cllr. P King advised that at the Steering Committee the vote was not
minuted i.e yes/no/abstentions. Cllr. P Hames advised that the Steering
Committee was not open to the public but Councillors could attend the meeting
(but not sit on the committee).
It was felt that the SOI Steering Committee should be open to the public as their
decisions which involves the residents and shopkeepers should be transparent.
Minute 53.2 – Standards Committee
The Clerk reported that imminent abolition of the Standards Committee was
discussed at the Executive Committee and she felt that the discussions had not
moved on since she attended the Standards Committee in October 2011. Cllr. P
Hames suggested that the new Code of Conduct should be along the lines of the
pocket Code of Conduct given to Councillors. It was decided to wait and see
what the Monitoring Officer drafts. The Clerk advised that the Standards
Committee will be abolished from March 2012.
CORRESPONDENCE for consideration
Agenda Item 6.1.1 – TRDC LDF
The contents were noted. Clerk to write to TRDC advising that the Parish
Council object to any erosion of greenbelt. In the meantime, the Councillors are
to email the Clerk with any further comments before the deadline of 3rd March
Agenda Item 6.1.2 – HCC – Footpath No. 17
The Clerk advised that the land is owned by 3 different owners and the letter
refers to the piece of land owned by Network Rail. There were no comments, but
it was requested that the bridleway is finished to the same high standard as the
rest of the path.
Agenda Item 6.1.3 – NALC - Freedom of Information
Further to the ICO’s publication regarding official information held in private email
accounts, the Clerk suggested that the Councillors have their own Parish email
account. Not all Councillors agreed with this as in some case this would mean
that District/Parish Councillors could end up with, in some cases, 4 different
email accounts. It was decided to wait until the website had been set up and
then review the situation.
The Clerk advised that she had tried to contact Parishcouncil.Net several times
via email and telephone regarding the progress of the website but to no avail. It
was decided to speak to Futurelink regarding the website if the Clerk had no joy
in contacting Parishcouncil.net as such a lack of communication is very worrying
As we were discussing NALC, Cllr. Steve King advised that 4 larger Parish
Councils have resigned from the services of HAPTC. The reason for this is that
NALC have refused to show their accounts, the 4 larger councils felt that NALC
should be transparent particularly as it is electorate money that pays for their
fees. Therefore, to pull out of using NALC services the larger councils had to
resign from HAPTC as they are affiliated to NALC. The Clerk does not agree
with the action of the larger councils and felt that the councils should be
supporting HAPTC who will clearly now lose a large amount of income. The
Clerk advised that she would not be recommending resigning from HAPTC, as
she has found them to be very helpful in the past. All the local council and legal
information is filtered from NACL to HAPTC to the Council. The cost of being a
member of HAPTC is far greater than the NALC Membership.
RESOLVED at 9.25 to continue the meeting for 20 minutes
Agenda item 6.2.1 – Kebbell House
Chairperson Cllr. Pam King reported to the meeting that she went to the open
day regarding the planned building of new residential flats on the Kebbell House
land. Cllr.P King queried the flooding problems in Carpenders Park but it
appeared that the professionals involved were not concerned. Cllr. P Hames
advised that she had seen the Flooding Report which stated that flooding was
not a big problem and that they had carried out all the required reports. There
had been a suggestion that warden flats, shops and gym be built but it appears
that residents were not interested in these type of units. Cllr. P King advised that
45% of the units have to be affordable housing. The plans that have been
passed by TRDC are for a low rise block. There is also the possibility of
demolishing the Community Hall and rebuilding a one new.
Agenda item 8.1 – Schedule of Accounts
The Schedule of accounts was approved.
The Clerk advised that the Interim Internal Audit had taken place, but the report
was currently awaited.
The Clerk reported that she had been absent from work due to illness and she
was very late in carrying out the payroll, she requested permission from
Chairperson Cllr. P King and Vice Chairperson Cllr. D Wilkinson to pay the
salaries by BACS. Both Councillors agreed to this but to ensure that security
measures were in place. Transfers were made from the current account to the
respective accounts with the Chairperson witnessing the transfers. The Clerk
reported that all paperwork associated with the transfers had been filed in the
appropriate file for inspection if required. The Clerk advised that all 3 employees
found this much easier than going to the bank to pay in their cheques, and from
the Clerk’s point of view it was less time consuming and allowed for the salaries
to be done later in month. The Clerk explained that a a majority of Councils pay
their employees this way. It was agreed that the Clerk look into how other
Councils securely pay their employees by BACS in lieu of having two signatures
on the cheques.
Agenda item 8.2 – Review of Internal Auditor
A review of the Internal Audit Procedures took place and the Members agreed
the following:1.
The Auditor is independent.
The Auditor is competent.
The Auditor has a satisfactory relationship with the Clerk and Councillors.
The Audit planning is satisfactory.
The scope is satisfactory.
Reporting is satisfactory.
RESOLVED that the Council is happy that the Audit Procedures are effective.
Agenda item 8.3 – Review of Financial & Management Risk Assessment
The Members considered the draft Financial & Management Risk Assessment
and approved it contents.
RESOLVED that the Financial & Management Risk Assessment for the period
1.2.12 to 31.1.13 be approved.
Agenda item 8.4 – Pottery Teacher Training
The Clerk reported that the Pottery Teacher (Lydia Nicholson) enquired as to
whether the Parish would pay for pottery throwing training (£85.00). The
Members felt that it would not be appropriate to pay for any training requested by
Lydia as she was self employed and not an employee of the Parish Council,
therefore she should be paying for her own training fees. It was also noted that
Lydia holds pottery classes for other organisations.
RESOLVED that Lydia Nicholson is to pay for her own training fees indefinitely.
Agenda item 8.5 – Welcome to South Oxhey Sign
The Clerk explained that there are 2 “Welcome to Oxhey Hall” signs on Prestwick
Road. Therefore we would need purchase 2 “Welcome to South Oxhey” signs
at a cost of £250.00 each. The signs will be erected onto the back of the Oxhey
Hall signs. Further signs to be placed on other roads into South Oxhey would be
considered in the new financial year.
RESOLVED that 2 Welcome to South Oxhey signs be purchased.
RESOLVED at 9.45 to continue the meeting for 15 minutes.
Agenda item 8.7 – AGM Meeting 7th March 2012
The Clerk & Chairperson advised that they would be attending a Boundary
Review Meeting at TRDC at 6.00pm on the same evening of the AGM. The
meeting at TRDC is due to finish at 7.30pm and the Chairperson and the Clerk
will make their way back to the hall for the AGM. Therefore the AGM Meeting will
commence at 8.00pm with the Full Council Meeting commence at 8.30pm.
Agenda item 8.8 – No. 2 Bus
Chairperson Cllr. Pam King advised the meeting that she had been told by
residents that Arriva were considering stopping the No. 2 bus. In the meantime
the Clerk spoke to Arriva Customer Services, who advised her that the Garston
Station had confirmed that the No. 2 bus was under review by Head Office. It
was felt that if the No. 2 was abolished it would have a detrimental effect on the
South Oxhey community as many residents do not have cars and residents use
the bus to get to Watford for school, work, hospital and shopping. It would mean
that large parts of South Oxhey would be cut off and people will lose their jobs.
Whilst the redevelopment of South Oxhey is taking place many of the shops will
not be operating which would mean that residents will most certainly have to go
to Watford Town to do their shopping. The Clerk to write a strong letter to the
Chief Executive of Arriva opposing any decision to abolish this service.
Agenda item 8.9 – Notice board locations
Due to the large amount of items on the agenda and the lateness of the evening
it was decided to defer this item to the next meeting.
Agenda item – 8.10 – Dog Bin Emptying
The Clerk advised that the dog bin company mentioned in previous minutes (TBS
Hygiene) have given a further discount on the cost. They previously quoted
£2.40+vat per bin. A further discount brings down the cost to £2.20+vat per bin.
The Clerk advised that this was a good price and TBS would collect any rubbish
surrounding the bins, report monthly on usage and disinfect the bins yearly. The
Clerk has been very unhappy with the service offered by Watford Borough
Council and in particular the fact that they will not collect any bags left at the
bottom of the bins. The Members agreed with the Clerk and felt that for a few
pence extra we would receive a much better service with a cleaner environment.
RESOLVED to cease the contract with Watford Borough Council and go ahead
with TBS Hygiene for the emptying of dog bins at a cost of £2.20+vat per bin.
61.10 Agenda item 8.11 – The Mead Hedge
The Clerk advised that she has received a response from Barry Livesey of
Highway Boundaries and Land Charges. Barry has researched the matter, with
some difficulty. It appears the land that the play area is sited on is registered
under Title No. P4642 and the registered owner is Thomas Reginald Dion
Kebbell of Grange Wood, Oxhey Lane, Watford and obviously the School is
registered to HCC. Barry’s advice is that the adjoining owners cut their
respective side of the hedge unless a different arrangement has been agreed.
The Clerk is to make an appointment for her and the Chairperson at the
Solicitors to check the box of deeds that are held and ascertain whether a past
agreement has been made.
The above has caused some confusion as Three Rivers District Council
confirmed recently that they owned the land.
61.11 Agenda item 8.12 – Parks Generally
The Clerk reported that she had written to Chris Hope TRDC, in his reply he has
advised that he was not aware of the parks being involved in the South Oxhey
Initiative (SOI). Cllr. S King quoted a reference to the Clerk (SOI Plan T
O’Rourke 2011 Page 35 (Plan) Area Parameters 5 & 6 Play Area Enhancement
(showing green dots which are the parks). The Clerk to contact Alan Head
TRDC to ascertain whether or not the parks are involved in the SOI. It was
decided not to seek any funding to update the parks until we can ascertain the
future of the parks.
RESOLVED at 10.00pm to continue for 5 minutes.
61.12 Agenda item 8.13 – Events Committee Minutes
It was agreed to go ahead with the order for the Lunch Club Mugs – Chairperson
to choose the best one. Pauline can go ahead and order the coins with Watford
Rural Parish Council embossed on them at a cost of 80p each. These coins are
for the children who attend the schools in the Parish. Decision to be made on
which Councillors will be presenting the coins to the children in the schools
nearer the time.
RESOLVED to purchase 30 Golden Jubilee Mugs for the Lunch Club Members
at a total cost of £125.00 incl VAT and to purchase 1400 coins with Watford
Rural Parish Council engraving for the children attending the schools in the
Parish at a total cost of £1,220.08 inc VAT.
The Clerk advised that unfortunately the Police will not be opening the Police
Station as previously on the summer fun days.
It was confirmed that the Parish will not be holding a fireworks event or lighting a
beacon, although we will be holding the Summer Fun Day on the same weekend
– Saturday 2nd June 2012.
There being no further business to be discussed, the Chairperson closed the meeting at
Chairperson, 7th March 2012