Benjamin Wood Math 007 Professor Winkler 15 May 2013 Historically Significant Puzzles and Problems There has been an assortment of mathematical puzzles and problems that has had a great impact on history, for a variety of reasons. The effect of these puzzles ranges from the development of probability, to the invention of graph theory, to the determination of the value of pi. My fascination with historical puzzles and problems lies in that they pull my love of history into the field of puzzles, and, through these puzzles’ solutions, one can examine the historical impact that they had on the world. To qualify for this category, the puzzle or problem must be relatively old, for a simple reason. Historical significance and import necessitates age because the puzzle’s effects must be measurable and quantifiable today. One must be able to see just how far reaching its effects were, and analyze it from an objective point of view. Objectivity and comprehensive analysis demands the time for history to play out in completion. Generally, this category also necessitates that the puzzle has a definite solution, because it is often these solutions that have led to great changes and revolutions in ways of thought. That being said, some of the most provocative and revealing puzzles are those still bereft of solutions. 2 The first of these provocative puzzles is Ostomachion by Archimedes, circa 250 BC. Meaning literally “bone-fight” in its Greek form, presumably denoting what it was made from, Ostomachion is the basis for “tile” games and initiated a great deal of research into the field of combinatorics. In this “game,” there are fourteen unique pieces arranged in a square. The goal of the original game was to find out how many different arrangements of the fourteen pieces can be made that still form a square of this size. This puzzle embodies combinatorics, or the study of finite discrete structures, because that exactly is the question at hand. Often considered the first true combinatorics puzzle, it was not until 2003 that a definite solution for Ostomachion was arrived at. This solution came at the hands of Bill Cutler, who is now a retired mathematician and systems analyst. He proved, through the use of fractional area analysis, that there are 536 distinct, non-reflected solutions, and when considering reflections of pieces, there are 17,152 solutions. The 536 distinct ones are shown below, with the highlighted text representing the most often seen representation of the puzzle (the image above). The puzzle was finally solved when the area of the puzzle was 3 analyzed and divided so that each piece contained a multiple of 1/48 of the total area. I personally never would have thought to do this, but that is why I am not an expert mathematician. It takes a special sort of mind to view a puzzle from a new angle and understand what to do from there. From this starting point, the distinct fractional pieces could be arranged in different ways to come to the final answer. While this solution is surely fascinating, the problem itself is more important in the overall metaphorical picture. In this case, the problem itself is more important in a historical context simply because it is one of the first mathematical puzzles on record. It has remained a subject of interest throughout history, as is evident from its translation into many languages, including German and ancient Arabic, from which our modern understanding of it arises. That we still know what this puzzle is over two millennia later is a testament to its importance in history. 4 A millennia and a half later, we come to one of the first examples of geometric growth: the famous Sissa’s Reward problem. Often known as the wheat on the chessboard problem, this problem was apparently first described by Ibn Khallikan in 1256 AD, and reads as follows: there was a Persian King who offered Sessa a reward of his choice for inventing the chessboard, and Sessa requested one grain of wheat on the first tile of the chessboard, two on the second, four on the third, and so on for all 64 tiles. The King, not knowing any better, agreed, and ended up owing Sessa 18,446,774,073,709,551,615 grains of wheat. To put this number in perspective, this amount of wheat would weigh approximately 4x10^14 kilograms. A simpler way to view this solution is This puzzle’s significance lies in its contribution to the early study of geometric growth. Its answer is far higher than most would intuitively expect, even if they were expecting a large number. It must be noted that the date 1256 AD is not definitive, and some estimates place this tale as first appearing earlier, closer to the turn of the millennia in the epic poem Shahnameh. Ramifications of this problem extend beyond just introducing graph theory, also serving to introduce the concepts of exponents and zero powers. From this problem also stemmed an interesting expression based on exponential growth. The “second half of the chessboard” phrase refers to the point where it becomes economically unfeasible to continue doing something in a business. This makes sense in the context of this puzzle 5 because the second half of the chessboard contains more than two billion times as much as the first half, and so its impact is much larger in the overall outcome. While a coined phrase itself is trivial, its existence and use is suggestive of the influence of the problem, and the weight it bears on the historical stage. Next is one of the most famous and far-reaching mathematical puzzles in history, the Konigsberg Bridges puzzle. The Konigsberg Bridges involves two sides of a river and two islands: It questions whether, given this formation, it is possible to cross all seven bridges once while at the same time returning to the starting point. It turns out that this is not possible, and this was proven to be so in 1736 by the legendary Leonhard Euler while he was working in St. Petersburg. It is not possible to travel across all bridges just once and end up at the start because each island or shore must have only two or four bridges, with sets of two needed for the trip there and complementary return. In this case, each has three, and so therein lies the failing. Interestingly, solutions to these types of problems are today known as Eulerian Paths in his honor. This puzzle is so exceptionally famous because it inspired Euler to develop a great deal of what we know today as graph theory. Graph theory is the study of the relationships and connections between different locations, or “points” on a graph. The correlation between the Konigsberg Bridges 6 problem and graph theory can be seen when the combination of land features and bridges are viewed as points on a graph field that then are connected. Graph theory today is used heavily in mathematics, computer science, and to model many different types of physical systems and flows. Solely for the development of graph theory, the Konigsberg Bridges problem will go down as one of the most significant mathematical puzzles of history. Its ramifications are very far reaching when you consider how essential graph theory is to things we take for granted every day, like computer programming. As computer-driven technology becomes even more prevalent than it is today, the importance of the Konigsberg Bridges problem will grow with it. Another puzzle that, without a doubt, falls into the historically significant category is the “15 puzzle,” as it is commonly known. It states that there is a four by four square of slide-able tiles, numbered 1-15 in order (from left to right and top to bottom), with the final slot being empty to allow the movement of the rest, one at a time. The interesting question posed was whether or not it was possible to return to this position, if you started from the perfectly ordered set as seen to the right, but with the 14 and 15 tiles being in reversed places. Sam Lloyd devised this task, with a $1000 reward for whoever could solve it. This whole situation is thought provoking because Sam Lloyd was not the inventor, even though 7 he claimed to be. The true inventor was a postmaster by the name of Noyes Palmer Chapman, who came up with it in 1874. Sam Lloyd further discredited himself by posing this task, because it essentially was a publicity stunt to try to win him support as the “true inventor.” It was discrediting because switching the 14 and 15 was proven impossible over a decade before he posed this question. This conflict of ownership is intriguing because it sheds light on the world of mathematical puzzles, and how much they meant even one hundred odd years ago. It does not truly matter who invented the puzzle at the end of the day, because what matters is the puzzle’s effect on math and history as a whole, but it is nonetheless interesting. This puzzle proved to be important because it paved the way for the study of permutations and the algorithms of moves. Additionally, this system is exactly the same for the puzzle where one must “fix” a sliding jig that contains a picture in it. As a child, I did hundreds of these sliding puzzles, except I did 5x5 versions, to the point where I knew the algorithm to solve them no matter what they looked like. What is engrossing, however, is that there are situations among these boards that are truly impossible to solve or create from a previously solved board; the 14-15 switch, for example. Interestingly, chess master and savant Bobby Fischer was exceptionally talented at solving these sliding puzzles, and was known to do so in about 30 seconds. The Rubik’s Cube will go down as one of the most significant mathematical puzzles in history due largely to its addictive quality and incredible popularity. It has affected entire generations and there are few in the developed world who do not know what one is. With estimates today ranging well over 300 million sold 8 worldwide, this is no surprise. Invented in 1974 by Ernö Rubik, it took off in 80s and is still massively popular today. The effect of the Rubik’s Cube extends beyond the direct affect the cube itself had, due to its massive popularity and associations with puzzles of all sorts. Through its popularity, the Rubik’s Cube invited a great increase in attention into the realm of mathematical puzzles, which is not something that happens very often. I learned how to solve a Rubik’s Cube in high school because I found it so fascinating, and thought it was deeply impressive to watch people solve them. The cube itself consists of 3 x 3 x 3 smaller cubes that are colored so that, when correctly configured, all sides are a solid color. As such, there are six distinct colors. All told, there are 43,252,003,274,489,856,000 different arrangements, yet only one initial configuration. The Rubik’s cube is important mathematically because it brought group math to the fore, along with the processes that make up algorithms. I personally learned how to solve a Rubik’s cube using algorithms, not brute trial and error and comprehensive understanding, which is something that I wish I had. The Rubik’s cube’s interesting nature arises because, following simple algorithms, all 43 quintillion configurations can be returned to the one original arrangement, and in a short period of time as well. After discussing these problems and their significance at length, it is equally important to consider what separates them from the rest. What separates them from the average puzzle that is made today, and will be forgotten in five or ten years? To this answer I respond that a puzzle must have several qualities in particular, yet still at the end of the day, who can say for sure? There is an element of luck to puzzle preservation that goes along with history itself. 9 There is a common theme to the puzzles that I have grouped into the category of historically significant, and it is this theme that causes a puzzle to last through time. This theme is the physicality of each of these problems. Each one, barring the Konigsberg Bridges problem, can be created or bought and played with at ones leisure. Even the Konigsberg Bridges problem can just be drawn on a piece of paper. For many, myself included, the best way to learn and think is hands-on. The ability to manipulate a puzzle physically lends much to its appeal and life expectancy because it appeals to a larger crowd. Additionally, the “15 puzzle,” Konigsberg puzzle, Ostomachion, and the Rubik’s Cube can all be solved (or partially solved in the case of Ostomachion) without any formal education. Their simplicity and basis in logic and comprehensive thinking allows their solutions to be found through thought alone. Math knowledge, however, plays a definitive roll in solving them and analyzing them more completely. For problems like Ostomachion and the Rubik’s Cube, combinatorics is necessary to finding the total number of solutions or variations. This application of math is another facet that adds depth to these problems, and through depth, prolongs their lives. I say that chance is involved because there is always the chance that a puzzle will get skipped over; it might be brilliant, but not appreciated. Puzzles thrive on popularity. To gain mainstream fame and prominence, a puzzle must extend beyond outside of the confines of the puzzle community to reach the greater population. There is always the chance that a puzzle will die before its adolescence for a variety of reasons, like if the creator dies, or less drastically but of equal importance, if the 10 puzzle originated in an uncommon language or place. To earn a place on the historical podium a puzzle must have the characteristics above, and it must enchant all types of people, but it also must by chance originate among the best of circumstances. 11 Works Cited Bell, Tim. "Königsberg Bridge Problem." The Konigsberg Bridge Problem. University of Caterbury, 3 Nov. 1999. Web. 16 May 2013. "Combinatorics." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., n.d. Web. 16 May 2013. "Graph theory." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., n.d. Web. 16 May 2013. "Ostomachion." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., n.d. Web. 16 May 2013. O'Connor, J. J., and E. F. Robertson. "Mathematical Games and Recreations." Mathematical Games. St. Andrews, May 1996. Web. 16 May 2013. Pickover, Cliff. "Ten of the Greatest: Maths Puzzles." Mail Online. DailyMail, 18 June 2010. Web. 16 May 2013. Pitici, Mircia. "Archimedes’ Stomachion." Untitled Document. University of Cornell, Sept. 2008. Web. 16 May 2013.