Insight on Best Practices of Qaulity Customer Service . Welcome to your Insurance Community University Audio All of you are currently on mute Un-mute your own system Telephone Option Select Telephone on your screen Dial in the PIN number so that your number becomes active Microphone and/or Speaker Option . You can use this option if you have 2a Participation & Chat Window You will receive information from the monitor via the ‘Chat’ window. Please locate window in the control panel Q & A is welcomed during the presentation and at the end of the presentation You will find the question box on your control panel Write your question in that box and send it to the presenter/organizer The presenter will take those questions in the order submitted . 3 DOI Requirements When you see a slide with the hand up symbol, touch the “hand” icon on your control panel Click ONCE only If you do not raise your hand, the monitor will be in contact with you in the chat box If you are in a group, the designated proctor is responsible to make certain you are all in attendance at all times = Hand is down . 4 Polling Throughout the class we will be conducting periodic polls We need 100% participation on the polls The polls are intended to check participation but also to create discussion topics throughout the presentation . 5 Forms To Complete for CE After class ends Return attendance form Proctors – return your form to email address Email address is in chat window or in email sent to you today . 6 DOI Requirements We will file your hours with the DOI after the completion of this webinar and we have received the attendance form. You have 48 hours to return the form You will be sent a Certificate of Attendance/Completion by email. Please retain this for your records for five years. . 7 Internet Disruption If the presenter looses internet connection STAY ON THE LINE The administrators will communicate with you . Internet Failure If the internet fails and all participants are kicked off line by Go To Training or other source then the seminar will be terminated You will receive instructions by email as to how we will proceed This is a precautionary notice, only . 9 This class is being recorded Available in the University This course is approved for CE in CA Only . Disclaimer Insurance forms and endorsements vary based on insurance company; changes in edition dates; regulations; court decisions; and state jurisdiction. This instructional materials provided by Insight is intended as a general guideline and any interpretations provided by the instructor or the creator(s) of this material do not modify or revise insurance policy language. In providing these materials, the authors assume neither liability nor responsibility to any person or business with respect to any loss that is alleged to be caused directly or indirectly as a result of the instructional materials provided. Copyright 2010 – 2013 All Rights Reserved . 11 Your Instructor Today Casey Roberts, CIC, AFIS, ACSR President, Laurus Insurance Consulting . Polling Question #1 When was the last time you got “superior” customer service? 13 . When you think of superior service, what company comes to mind? . “Welcome to Nordstrom” Seattle, Washington based clothing retailer Nordstrom has a distinct aversion to voluminous employee policies. Here, almost in its entirety is Nordstrom’s employee handbook: . “Welcome to Nordstrom Handbook” We’re glad to have you with our Company. Our number-one goal is to provide outstanding customer service. Set both your personal and professional goals high. We have great confidence in your ability to achieve them. . Who do you think is the Best Airlines? . When you think of superior service, what company comes to mind? . Southwest Airlines Many companies find it useful to attempt to gauge the creativity of employees before they are hired. Before they may be considered for hire applicants to Southwest Airlines in Dallas must provide a satisfactory answer to the question…. . Southwest Airlines “Tell me how you recently used your sense of humor in a work environment”? . When was the last time you received “memorably” bad customer service? . Polling Question #2 What did you do when you last good terrible service? 22 . Bad Service What did you do about it? Did you tell them about your experience? Did you “blog” or comment on their website? Did you tell your friends? Would you give them a second chance? . Topics To Be Discussed The customer and today’s economy Thinking like the “customer” Goals of providing the highest Quality Customer Service Creating a Quality Organization Tips and Tricks in providing quality service . The Customer and Today’s Economy . The Customer and Today’s Economy Customers have always been cost conscientious but now many are becoming more “desperate” and looking for different solutions. “Money”—cost of insurance has become more of a driver then before . Why do Customers Leave!/wpcontent/uploads/2011/03/lost-customers1.png . Polling Question #3 When you lose a customer; what is the primary reason for leaving your agency? 28 . Not Meeting Expectations And you don’t even know why Bad Service Loses Business 4% of your customers will complain if they received bad service and will complain directly to you but will tell 20 people about bad service. 96% just take a walk--you don’t have a clue what you did wrong. . The Customer has never been more important then they are today Focus MUST be on customer retention Our current customer is our best “new” sale by upselling, cross selling We have to treat our “old” customer like they were our “new” customer Focusing on the lifetime value of a customer It is the overall income from the customer base that allows us to survive . The Customer has never been more important then they are today Service—exceptional service—has become a major differentiator in keeping our customer. Focusing on Improving the customer experience Making interactions as effortless as possible People don’t have time to waste People don’t have the patience and are more easily frustrated Reducing customer frustration increases customer loyalty . . Thinking like the “Customer” We call them “insureds” and that is the BIG mistake They are customers! . There are a lot of opportunities for disappointment Claims Department Passed off to the various levels of service providers from account manager, CSR, accounting Initial Contact is with salesperson who creates the expectations, makes the promises and then passes them OFF . Thinking like the “Customer” What do they want? Availability Courtesy Friendly Attitude Care and Understanding • They want someone to answer the phone • They want to be able to talk to “someone” • They want to be treated nicely • This often fails at the first point of contact, the person that answers the phone • They want to feel like someone cares about the fact they need something done • AND listens to them and takes the time to understand what they need . Thinking like the “Customer” What do they want? Undivided Attention Competent Follow Through • They want you to treat them like they are your ONLY customer at that moment • They don’t want to be put on hold, transferred • They “expect” you to be knowledgeable—that is what they were promised • If you don’t have the answer then make sure you find it and don’t “fake” it if you don’t know. Honesty is the best policy • Do what you say you are going to do • Do it when you said you would do it • Do it right the FIRST time . Thinking like the “Customer” Various ways we interact with our customers Every method has to be “satisfying” to our customer In Person Telephone Voice Mail Mail Email Website NOTE: What about the “person” who first answers the phone—the first impression . Characteristics of Quality Customer Service Promise only what you can deliver Then Deliver more than you promised . Ask Yourself some basic questions “The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence” 1. Am I offering a better product or service than my competitors? 2. Am I selling a less expensive product or service than my competitors? 3. Am I offering customer service that is better then my competitors? 4. Am I offering value added services that are not offered by my competitors? . Ask Yourself some basic questions “The Nordstrom Way to Customer Service Excellence” . Customer Service If you don’t provide quality customer service Someone Else Will!! . Three Levels of Service Exceptional Basic Satisfactory Satisfactory Exceed Basic . Polling Question #4 How would you rate your agency’s level of service. (don’t be shy—tell the truth!) 43 . Basic Skills for Providing Quality Customer Service Communication Skills Customers do not always clearly state their needs or expectations Listen to the Customer Problem Solving Skills Our customers call us when they have a problem This is the moment that matters Planning Skills Going beyond the basics or crisis Helping them to plan, anticipate and control (RM) . Basic Customer Service Basic--Expected features / services Not a HIGH level of Satisfaction if met BUT Very High level of Dissatisfaction if not met Most business fail at this level Examples No one answering phone No one speaks English Constantly leaving messages, emails not answered Not getting the order straight (Taco Bell) . Basic Customer Service The sad truth is that EVEN basic quality customer service stands out today because it is so rare. There is actually someone in the store to wait on you You are actually talking to a person and NOT a message machine . Satisfactory Customer Service You actually satisfied your client You did what they told you to do like sending out the Certificate on time and correctly. You did not go beyond what was satisfying but did not disappoint them either Do it right the first time—it makes a big difference Don’t make promises you can’t keep . Satisfactory Customer Service Do what you say you’re going to do Do it when you say you’re going to do it Do it right the first time Get it done on time . Exceptional Customer Service Meet all first two levels Features not requested – unknown Sell the “relationship” not the product (insurance) . Exceptional Customer Service Provide your customers with choices and ideas they may never have thought of as solutions Use the tricks of the trade such as Remembering their names and calling them by their name Remembering their stories and ask them how things are going Act like you want to spend time with them to the extent they want that interaction . Exceptional Customer Service They are calling you for a reason and often times it is a problem Problems are Disguised Opportunities. Use problems as opportunities to show how great you really are. Every customer contact is a chance to demonstrate knowledge and care . Exceptional Customer Service Customer service MUST be consistent It only takes one bad experience—one “bad” employee to erase all the good experiences that you have worked so hard to create. And YOU know who that person is!!! . Polling Question #5 Have you ever had someone work with you that ended up losing an account because of his/her behavior? 53 . Satisfying Customers Commit energy and resources to that end All staff members commit and participate Hire, train and motivate Use technology to benefit customers Standards are set very high Constant customer feedback . Goals of Providing The Highest Quality Customer Service? . Goals 1. To build a new customer base while retaining those customers that already exist. 2. The average businesses spends six times more time and money in attracting new customers than it does to keep the old ones. 3. When was the last time you “rang the bell” because your renewed an account—isn’t that just as important . Goals 4. To service all of our customers better and smarter. (Personal and Commercial) 5. To know what customers really need and expect from us. 6. To be prepared to recognize and meet the changing needs of those customers. 7. We need to make the client to WANT TO DO BUSINESS WITH US. . Goals “Romancing your Client” Nordstrom 1. Create an inviting place—in person, online and on the phone (every once in a while they do show up) 2. Provide your customers with choices---of products, services, and service channels 3. Sell the relationship: Service your customers through your products and expertise . Goals Energize your employees Nordstrom 4. Hire nice, motivated people (Hire the smile—train the skill) 5. Empower employees to take ownership 6. Sustain the people on the frontlines through a culture of support and incentive 7. Celebrate Company heroes through recognition and praise . Creating a Quality Organization . One For All--Teamwork (Acronym) Nancy Singer, CEO of American Bank Corporation Together Everyone Achieves More With Recognition and Knowledge . Leadership Management must set the tone Customer service must be a priority Determine objectives Develop performance benchmarks Create incentives Establish management unit ◦ Train ◦ Monitor work habits ◦ Exam work flow and procedures . Motivate Employees Establish leadership that models excellence in service Promote top-down rewards and two-way communication Clearly define quality customer service goals Have procedures to meet those goals . Motivate Employees Select only quality employees and train them to fulfill their potential Bring them into the “psychology of success” in your firm Recognize exemplary work Encourage employees to make suggestions Evaluate all of them. . Hiring Customer-Focused Employees Define the job requirements & technical competencies needed Favor potential over agency experience Go beyond surface impressions Use behavioral Interviewing . Desirable Customer Focused Traits Conscientious Secure Agreeable Problem Solvers Outgoing Flexible . Customer-Focused Employees Will see every customer contact as important Will use every contact as an information gathering opportunity Will look for ways to “partner” with the customer Will strive to achieve service standards Will offer creative ideas to improve service . Refocusing Your Employees Test and reassign Provide training Set standards Nurture “customer-focused” behavior . Polling Question #6 Do you feel that you are appreciated on your job? 69 . Tips for Providing Recognition Confer appreciation publicly Give praise effectively Don’t forget how much “little” rewards can mean . Customer Feedback Implement well-designed customer response databases Regularly obtain client and employee feedback on products and services Train employees to effectively handle input from clients . Customer Feedback Continually measure quality and customer satisfaction Use quarterly employee focus groups, annual client surveys and follow-up questionnaires to clients after a claim. Focus on clients’ désires, expectations, product satisfaction and service satisfaction . Customer Feedback Choose 10 customer annually Ask for candid feedback Set up specific questions Survey former clients Look for trends Maintain a lost client file and reconnect periodically . Customer Feedback Make it easy for clients to contact you. Emphasize use of manager’s e-mail addresses in all client communication so customers can “fire off missives in the heat of the moment” to address service, personnel, products or billing Monitor who is looking at your web site and determine which pages they use most, why and how to better serve visitors . Measure Customer satisfaction Quarterly staff focus groups Annually customers Personal contact Surveys Customer expectations Performance Satisfaction . Invest in Infrastructure Technology used to enhance (not avoid) User friendly Create immediate response Technical support must be readily available . Professionalism Understand company products and match with customer needs Establish specific training program ◦ Soft skills ◦ Technical skills Proposals for new business should clearly explain coverage Publish a booklet that thoroughly explains coverage available Update website with product information . Some Tips and Tricks To help you provide Exceptional Customer Service Ask your client’s how you are doing? . “The only way to know how customers see your business is to look at it through their eyes” How to Win Customers and Keep Them A young boy entered a drugstore phone booth and the druggist overheard the following conversations: “Hello, is this the Smith residence?...I would like to apply for the opening you have for a gardener…What’s that, you already have a gardener?...Is he a good gardener?...Are you perfectly satisfied with all of his work?...Do you plan on keeping him?.. I see, well thanks anyway. . “The only way to know how customers see your business is to look at it through their eyes” How to Win Customers and Keep Them As he left the booth the druggist remarked, “Johnny, I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation I know it’s none of my business, but aren’t you the Smith’s gardener?” To which Johnny replied, “That’s right. I just called to find out how I’m doing.” . Telephone Tips Answer Phone! (Smile—Mirror) Be Active Listener Don’t Jump to Conclusions Never Say You are with Another Customer Ask - Can I Do More? Post Telephone Manner Checklist . Making Customers Feel Welcome “If I pick up the phone, I accept the responsibility to ensure the caller is satisfied no matter what the issues.” Michael Ramyundo, President MCR Marketing . An Easy Test to check how you are doing Call from an outside phone and ask for something you know won’t be easy to supply. Check for # of times you are put on hold # of times you are transferred # of people who say, “I’m not sure we can do that # of people who explain why their day is going badly # of people who say, “No you can’t have that” From: Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service by Chip Bell and Ron Zempke . An Easy Test to check how you are doing # times you have to ask to speak to someone in charge # times you have to repeat yourself You might be very surprised looking in from the outside ! From: Managing Knock Your Socks Off Service by Chip Bell and Ron Zempke . Voice Mail Tips - Receiving Calls Don’t hide behind it Inform callers why you are unable to take calls State when you will pick up messages & return calls Tell callers how to reach a live person & to bypass greeting . Voice Mail Tips - Receiving Calls Encourage callers to leave detailed messages Change greeting often to reflect your schedule Check frequently for messages & act on each in timely manner . Written Correspondence Tips Use easily understood language Be clear & keep it simple Be prompt Be accurate Tell customer the reasons for actions / put things in context Give the customer information Use customer friendly format . Sending Email Be brief – one screen Tell the story in the subject line Make sure to attach attachments! Avoid all caps Follow rules for written correspondence Retain same boundaries as in face-to-face communications . Receiving Email Respond in timely manner Touch it once Follow the FIFO rule (First In First Out) Use auto responder if out of office & not able to check messages . Questionnaires Follow Important Rules Keep them short Make them simple Make them easy to use Make them relevant Make them “fun” Provide incentives Measure agency performance against what is important to customer . Sample Language for a Questionnaire To Determine Customer Satisfaction Thanks for the opportunity of serving you. It’s very important to us that we are providing you with the best service possible which means You’re the only one who can tell us whether we have been successful or not. We value your comments and want to hear about the things we do right and the things we need to improve. Please take just a few minutes to answer a few important questions. 91 . Sample Language for a Questionnaire To Determine Customer Satisfaction Using a scale of 1-4 (1-Excellent, 2-Good, 3-Average, 4-Poor) How would you rate our service on an overall basis? Was your most recent contact with our office satisfactory? How would you rate our timeliness in delivering your services? . Sample Language for a Questionnaire To Determine Customer Satisfaction Did we provide pleasant and professional responses to your inquiries and needs? Are there any areas for improvement? Please explain any problem which remains unresolved. Would you tell someone else to use our services? . Sample Language for a Questionnaire To Determine Customer Satisfaction If any member of our staff has been especially helpful, please let us know who they are and how they were helpful so that we may acknowledge their efforts. . Handling The Hostile Client . Customer Complaints Train Employees to deal with hostile or upset customers Listen actively Allow venting without interrupting Acknowledge their feelings Offer and/or ask for possible course of action . Customer Complaints Tell what you intend to do Involve management, if necessary Give time frame Offer a point of contact Follow through on all promises Follow up with a status report . Customer Complaints If you made a mistake that caused the problem, say so! If a complaint is unjustified, avoid arguing or assigning blame. When handling customer problems, be consistent in your actions. . Great Customer Service It all starts with YOU . Reference Materials Habits of Highly Effective Leaders (tapes) Stephen Covey Delivering Knock Your Socks Off Service Kristen Anderson Managing Your Mouth Robert Genua The CSR’s Desk Reference Standard Publishing How To Say It Rosalie Maggio 100 . Upcoming CE Classes 1/14 Commercial Property - 5 Key Issues 1/16 Homeowners – 5 Key Issues 1/22 Understanding Entities and Insurance (1 hour) 1/23 Commercial General Liability – 5 Key Issues The 2014 Calendar is NOW published on the Community Website. Visit the Community TODAY at: 101 .