Honors Biology Syllabus 2015-16 - Walton

INSTRUCTOR: Mr. Kneisley
Room 404
Phone: 485-7721 Ext. 1337
Email: jonathan.kneisley@wv.kyschools.us
PLANNING: 4th Period: 11:10-12:00
WVHS Web Site: http://www.wv.kyschools.us
COURSE DESCRIPTION: Biology is the study of life. As a class, we will progress through
topics of: science and technology, the cell (structures and functions) genetics, plants, basic
anatomical terms and concepts, animals and human systems. Biology is an End of Course Test
requirement for graduation from Walton-Verona High School and in the state of Kentucky. The
EOCT will be a portion of the teacher written exam. The EOCT will be administered online and
will account for 10% of the final grade in Biology. In addition to the EOC exam, Honors Biology
is a course that is designed to prepare students for the CLEP Test. This examination has an
additional fee of $ and if passed, counts as college credit for an introductory Biology course.
REQUIREMENTS: For this course, students are required to keep a binder that contains not
only the notes but, all daily formative assessments and returned quiz and test items. In addition
to these requirements, students will complete multiple online practice EOCT’s for Biology; these
assessments will all be recorded under the Content Knowledge category. Students are
encouraged to purchase the CLEP Biology study guide as well if their intention is to take this
EXPECTATIONS: Students are to be in their seats when the tardy bell rings, they are to be
prepared for the day’s instruction with: a writing utensil, paper and their binder. Being illprepared for class is not acceptable.
SAFETY: Students are to observe all lab safety rules in addition to the school rules while in
1. No food or drinks (including water and gum) while in class.
2. Maintain self-control and use good judgment
3. Respect others, their voice and, their property.
BRING YOUR OWN DEVICE: Students will be permitted to bring a personal laptop or tablet to
class on the days specified by Mr. Kneisley. Please note that cell phones are currently included
in the list of acceptable devices within the school policy. Personal devices will be confiscated if
used at inappropriate times or for purposes that do not coincide with the course. No personal
devices in class on Mondays. Remind 101 will be used to keep students and parents
apprised of any upcoming deadlines or changes. Text to this number to join: (859)3544147@mrknei
GRADING POLICY: A passing grade in Honors Biology is 70%. Late work will NOT be
accepted without an excused absence slip. Tests are typically worth 100 points, quizzes vary in
value. Labs and homework assignments will represent the work ethic portion of the student
grade. Assessments, tests and quizzes, will account for 60% of the course grade and the
remaining 40% will be based upon work ethic. Both grades will be visible through Infinite
Campus and the grades will be combined and average for the overall grade in Honors
Biology. The emphasis of the course is placed upon students understanding the material and
demonstrating their comprehension. The grading scale for an Honors course is 90-100 = A, 8089 = B and 70-79 = C. Grades are calculated numerically and rounded accordingly..
INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGY: This is a lecture and lab based class. Notes will be taken at
least one day a week, labs will correspond with the current material and assignments will
reinforce that material. Busy work will not be assigned and late work (without an excused
absence) will receive a grade of zero. Close-toed shoes must be worn on lab days or
participation will be prohibited and the resulting grade will be a zero.
TEXTS: While textbooks will not be issued, they are certainly available for overnight checkout
from time to time of in the case of illness. Labs, tests, quizzes and homework will all be based
upon the lecture/note material.
VOCABULARY: Honors Biology will introduce many students to words they have not
encountered previously. Students must comprehend, be able to spell and correctly use this
vocabulary. SPELLING COUNTS!!! It is strongly recommended that students maintain a
vocabulary/definition list in their binder and add to it every time new terminology is
introduced. Vocabulary quizzes are a weekly occurrence.
PROTOCOL: Students are to be seated when the bell rings. Once seated, you should stay
there unless the activities for the day require you to leave your seat. Bell work will be done on
Schoology.com and checked weekly..
RESTROOM POLICY: Students are permitted 5 bathroom passes per semester. You must
sign out to leave class for the restroom or any other reason; no exceptions.
COURTESY: My name is Mr. Kneisley and I will be addressed in that manner. In return, I will
refer to each of you by your preferred name.
WRITING POLICY: Unfortunately, I am not bilingual. All assignments and assessments must
be completed in English. Complete sentences begin with capital letters, end with punctuation
and make sense in between those two things. Also, complete sentences rarely begin with: Yes,
no or, because.
TEACHER RESPONSIBILITY: As the instructor, Mr. Kneisley will provide a safe learning
environment that gives every student the opportunity to do their best and to be challenged every
day. It is my pledge to do my best for you so that you may do the best for yourself.
HOME: ________________
WORK: __________________
CELL: _________________
STUDENT SIGNATURE: ________________________________________________