Modern Nuclear Physics with STAR @ RHIC: Recreating the Creation of the Universe Rene Bellwied Wayne State University ( Lecture 1: Why and How ? Lecture 2: Bulk plasma matter ? (soft particle production) Lecture 3: Probing the plasma (via hard probes) 0.) global observables A.) particle production B.) particle spectra C.) particle flow D.) particle correlations Collective Radial Expansion From fits to p, K, p spectra: Slightly model dependent here: Blastwave model < r > increases continuously Tth saturates around AGS energy Strong collective radial expansion at RHIC high pressure high rescattering rate Thermalization likely Elliptic (anisotropic) Flow for a mid-peripheral collision Out-of-plane Flow – a strong indicator of collectivity Y dpt dy dφ dpt dy 2π 2v 2 cos ( 2φ) ...)In-plane Reaction d N d N 1 ( 1 2v1 cos (φ ) Flow 3 2 X plane Directed flow Dashed lines: hard sphere radii of nuclei Elliptic flow Re-interactions FLOW Re-interactions among what? Hadrons, partons or both? In other words, what equation of state? v2 measurements (Gyulassy’s proof of parton collectivity) System deformation in HBT Y Time X y2 x2 y2 x2 Time Final state eccentricity from v2 HBT with respect to reaction plane Lifetime and centrality dependence from (1520) / and K(892)/K G. Torrieri and J. Rafelski, Phys. Lett. B509 (2001) 239 Life time: K(892) = 4 fm/c (1520) = 13 fm/c Model Blast wave includes: fit of p,K,p (Tkin +) Tchem • Temperature ~ 6 fm/cat chemical freeze-out • Based Lifetime between t chemical thermal freeze-out on entropy: ~ (Tchand /Tkin – 1) R/ s • By comparing two particle ratios (no regeneration) does not change much with centrality results between : reduction is compensated by because slight T T= 160 MeV => velocity > 4 fm/c limit !!!) slower expansion in(lower peripheral = 0 fm/c => T= 110-130 MeV collisions. preliminary (1520)/ = 0.034 0.011 0.013 K*/K- = 0.20 0.03 at 0-10% most central Au+Au More resonance measurements are needed to verify the model and lifetimes Time scales according to STAR data initial state hadronic phase and freeze-out QGP and hydrodynamic expansion pre-equilibrium hadronization Balance CYM & LGTfunction (require flow) Resonance survival PCM & clust. hadronization NFD dN/dt Rout, Rside Rlong (and HBT wrt reaction plane) NFD & hadronic TM string & hadronic TM PCM & hadronic TM 1 fm/c 5 fm/c Chemical freeze out 10 fm/c 20 fm/c time Kinetic freeze out Summary: global observables Initial energy density high enough to produce a QGP 10 GeV/fm3 (model dependent) High gluon density dN/dy ~ 8001200 Proof for high density matter but not for QGP Summary of particle identified observables Statistical thermal models appear to work well at SPS and RHIC Chemical freeze-out is close to TC Hadrons appear to be born into equilibrium at RHIC (SPS) Shows that what we observe is consistent with thermalization Thermal freeze-out is common for all particles if radial flow is taken into account. T and T are correlated Fact that you derive T,T is no direct proof but it is consistent with thermalization Conclusion There is no “ “ in bulk matter properties However: So far all pieces point indeed to QGP formation - collective flow elliptic & radial - thermal behavior - high energy density - strange particle production enhancement Lecture 3 Probing the plasma ? Are we sensitive to its properties ? Can we find relevant probes ? Distinction between probe and medium We are producing ‘soft’ and ‘hard’ matter. An arbitrary distinction is coming from the applicability of pQCD which is generally set to pT > 2 GeV/c (hard). Below pT = 2GeV/c we expect thermal bulk matter production. Medium: The bulk of the particles; dominantly soft production and possibly exhibiting some phase. Probe: Particles whose production is calculable, measurable, and thermally incompatible with (distinct from) the medium (hard production) The Probes Gallery and its signatures Jet ‘Quenching’ charm/bottom dynamics J/Y & U direct photons CONTROL What is happening ? Two partons interact strongly (e.g. gluon fusion, gluon annihilation, quark scattering). The two resulting partons fragment into two jets. This reaction is governed by two calculable or normalizable functions: The initial parton distribution function The final parton fragmentation function Theorists have speculated that both of these functions could exhibit medium modifications in dense partonic matter Modification of PDF: Color Glass Condensate (CGC) Modification of FF: Jet Quenching What is a Jet? Jets arise from hard partonic collisions High pt partons fragment into a collimated spray of particles. z= pt/p1 Jt parton hadrons parton In general, the cone is not bisected by the thrust axis. Why is Jet Reconstruction Important? Observables from fully reconstructed jets compare directly with pQCD theory Reconstructed Et approximates parton p1 Reduces fragmentation function ambiguities z= pt/p1 Jt parton hadrons Full jet reconstruction is very difficult in AA because of large thermal background. parton Measure leading particle instead of full jet. Each jet has a leading particle that carries on average around 30% of the full jet energy. The reference: Two jet events in the STAR EMC in a p+p collision Neutral energy (which includes p0 decay photons) is measured with the STAR Electromagnetic Calorimeter In Au+Au collisions these jets only rise above the background for jet energies exceeding ~ 20 GeV. Besides two jet events also three jet events are seen in elementary collisions. In that case the 3rd jet is a gluon jet How do I calculate the pp yield ? pQCD Initial parton momentum fraction probabilities from parton distribution functions (PDF) parametrization: LO Glueck-Reya-Vogt (GRV98) Momentum fraction carried away by leading hadron from fragmentation functions (FF) parametrization: LO Binnewies-Kniehl-Kramer (BKK) Constant K-factor and parton kT broadening function to account for NLO corrections Parton distribution functions (hep-ex/0305109) Fragmentation functions for different baryons Bourelly & Soffer hep-ph/0305070 Does pQCD work in pp at RHIC ? p+p->p0 + X Thermallyshaped Soft Production “Well Calibrated” Hard pQCD approach for Ed3s/dp3 Point-like scattering process a+b→c+d (via vector gluon exchange) (Berman, Bjorken, Kogut 1971) 2 ds/dt ~ 1/s Ed3s/dp3 ~ pT-4 Constituent Interchange Model and quark-fusion model add other subprocesses (quarkmeson,quark-diquark scattering) n = 8 for pions, n = 12 for baryons Scattering hep-ex/0305013 S.S. Adler et al. The idea of jet quenching (Wang, Gyulassy) If the initial phase is a QGP then a jet traversing the dense matter and fragmenting should experience a different (larger) energy loss than in pp or cold nuclear matter Specifically: a jet should lose energy in the medium via gluon bremsstrahlung q/g jets as probe of hot medium schematic view of jet production Jets from hard scattered quarks observed via fast leading particles or azimuthal correlations between the leading particles hadrons leading particle q q hadrons leading particle However, before they create jets, the scattered quarks radiate energy (~ GeV/fm) in the colored medium decreases their momentum (fewer high pT particles) “kills” jet partner on other side Modification of fragmentation functions (e.g.hep-ph/0005044) Induced Gluon Radiation ~collinear gluons in cone “Softened” fragmentation Gyulassy et al., nucl-th/0302077 in jet ch n z : increases in jet : decreases Partonic vs. Hadronic Mechanisms Fragmentation: phadron z p parton Rcone Hottest Questions: Fragment inside/outside of medium? Partonic vs. hadronic model of final State interaction? A Better Question: To what degree do partonic and hadronic interactions contribute to quenching? Discussion only recently started! High pT hadrons in Au+Au The Suppression Factors Nuclear modificati on factor : 2 AA d N dpT dy RAA 2 NN TAA d s dpT dy Geometric modificati on factor : R geo AA Peripheral bin d N dpT dy N 2 Peripheral Central d N dpT dy N bin 2 Central Suppression of inclusive charged hadrons Central normalized to NN (130 GeV) Central/peripheral (200 GeV) Preliminary • Evidence for high pT hadron suppression in central collisions • Suppression factor ~constant for 6<pT<12 GeV/c Nuclear modifications to hard scattering Large enhancement effect at SPS and ISR Suppression at RHIC Are there ‘normal’ nuclear effects ? Nuclear Shadowing Nuclear modifications to the parton distribution function in cold nuclear matter, measured and parametrized in the ‘shadowing function’ (EKS98) Cronin effect Multiple initial state scatterings of partons in cold nuclei lead to high pt particle enhancement compared to pp reactions and to kT broadening. Parametrized through kT broadening functions, which also includes ‘random walk’ elastic scattering corrections. Past pA measurements (cold nuclear matter) P.B. Straub et al., PRL 68 (1992) Fermilab experiments measuring R (W / Be) for identified particles at s of 27.4 and 51.3 GeV. Interpretation: Cronin effect drives all R(AA) above unity. Then at high pt all R(AA) approach unity which is the QCD limit. Preliminary RHIC dA data: Interesting observation: Cronin effect seems to be mass 20% difference between and / or quark content dependent. Pions and Protons (e.g. increased probability of gluon rescattering in nuclear No difference matter relative tobetween quarks is attributed to stronger K- effect) Proton and Lambdas Gluon interaction in cold and hot matter Gluon interactions occur already in cold nuclear matter but the effects are different (A. Krzywicki et al., PLB 85,1979) In cold nuclear matter the triple-gluon coupling favors multiple gluon scattering, the fraction of gluon jets is enhanced at large pt, i.e.softening of gluon fragmentation function. Measurable by comparing K- (more gluon contribution) to K+ (more quark contribution) leading particles -> Gluon Filter In hot nuclear matter the gluon interaction via gluon bremsstrahlung is enhanced even further (estimate by X.N.Wang by comparing RHIC to HERA data: factor 15 from 0.5 GeV/fm to 7.3 GeV/fm) Does the gluon filter survive ? ( vs. ) Gluon bremsstrahlung E gluon density 33 Gyulassy-Levin-Vitev predictions Includes Cronin, Shadowing, and Quenching. Free parameter: initial gluon density. At SPS Cronin dominates but is still reduced by a factor 2 due to moderate jet quenching. Initial gluon density ~ 200 At RHIC jet quenching dominates, but as a f(pt) Cronin and quenching yield an almost constant RAA. Initial gluon density ~ 1000 At LHC hadronic fragments from energetic jets compensate the increasing jet quenching. Initial gluon density ~ 3000 Azimuthal high pt two particle correlations in Au+Au Au+Au peripheral ? Au+Au central Phys Rev Lett 90, 082302 Suppression of back-to-back correlations in central Au+Au Details on away-side suppression Peripheral Au + Au C2 (Au Au) C2 ( p p) A * (1 2v 22 cos(2 )) • Near-side well described • Away-side suppression in central collisions STAR Preliminary Preliminary near side Central Au + Au away side Away side hadrons are suppressed! Is suppression due to initial or final state ? Initial state? Final state? strong modification of Au wavefunction (gluon saturation) partonic energy loss in dense medium generated in collision Ultimate test: dA collisions Two ideas: initial or final state effect ? Initial state effect: gluon saturation Formation of new state of matter: Color Glass Condensate because of gluon saturation in Lorentz contracted nucleus at low x. Depends on parton packing factor. Structure functions will be modified. If gluon saturation is valid then pQCD is not valid ! Final state effect: jet quenching in medium Energy loss in medium due to gluon radiation (QGP signature). Fragmentation functions will be modified. Details of Color Glass Condensate model At RHIC: Qs2 = 2 GeV2, pt=4 GeV/c Summary: initial & final state effects The ultimate control experiment: d+Au Nucleusnucleus collision Proton/deuteron nucleus collision Collisions of small with large nuclei were always foreseen as necessary to quantify cold nuclear matter effects. Small + Large distinguishes all initial and final state effects. Predictions: if final state effect, then dA shows no jet suppression or back-to-back disappearance. If initial state effect, then the jet suppression effects will still be strong. Nuclear suppression factors in dA Cronin Effect: Multiple Collisions broaden high PT spectrum Striking difference of d+Au and Au+Au results. Enhancement instead of suppression due to Cronin effect in cold nuclear matter ? Centrality Dependence Au + Au Experiment Final Data d + Au Control Experiment Preliminary Data Dramatically different and opposite centrality evolution of Au+Au experiment from d+Au control. Jet Suppression is clearly a final state effect. dA azimuthal distributions pedestal and flow subtracted Suppression of the back-to-back correlation in central Au+Au is a final-state effect Is the CGC dead? NO. The arguments for gluon saturation are very solid theoretically. The results from mid-rapidity and high pT have certainly been proven to utilize a high enough x range that the gluon saturation effects are not significant. Nonetheless when probed at sufficiently low-x the Au wave function should exhibit saturation (fewer scattering centers). Collisions involving a low-x parton from Au and a highx parton from d, will be highly forward focussed: Prediction RAA<1 at high forward rapidity. RdAu at different rapidities Particle Identified Jets (leading hadrons): Strangeness pushing the boundaries preliminary preliminary Mass dependence of the transverse expansion, which is well described by thermal and hydrodynamics models Strange jet-like particles The v2 saturation and the the decrease in RAA appear to be loosely correlated for both KS and Λ. What physics is behind the pt scales of the saturation in v2 and the suppression in RAA. R(CP) for all strange hadrons! Two groups (2<pt<6GeV/c) - K0s, K, K*, mesons - , X, W baryons dependence on number of valence quarks limited to pt<6GeV/c ? hadron production from quark coalescence ? Elliptic flow moment (v2) for strange hadrons scaled with n(quarks) scaling seems to work (not for pions...) Parton recombination? STAR Preliminary Baryon excess at mid pt in central collisions The ‘intermediate’ pt region pT independence of pbar/p ratio. p/p ratio increases with pT to ~ 1 at pT ~ 3-4are GeV/c What thein central collisions. mechanism(s) at Suppression factors of p, pT? intermediate different to that of p, K0s in the intermediate pT region. Soft 0 2-3 GeV/c Fragmentation and quenching of jets 6-7 GeV/c ? pT Current theoretical models Soft + Quench Model M. Gyulassy et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 86 (2001) 2537 Two component model, soft production (hydro) at low pT, quenching of pQCD jets via gluon radiation at higher pT. Baryon junctions incorporated to explain large baryon yield at intermediate pT. Recombination R. J. Fries et. al., Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) 044902 Model assumes the recombination of two and three low pT partons to form hadrons from an exponential parton pT spectrum. High pT spectrum described by fragmentation once parton pT spectrum can be described by a power law. Requires a high phase space density of partons for method to work. Coalescence V. Greco et. al., Phys. Rev. C 68 (2003) 034904 Same as the recombination picture with the added assumption that thermal ‘QGP’ partons can coalesce with co-moving ‘pQCD’ partons from a mini-jet. /K0s - comparison with models • S+Q : magnitude turnover centrality yes yes yes • Reco : magnitude yes turnover yes low pT no • Coal : magnitude no turnover no low pT yes Require centrality dependent prediction from Recombination and Coalescence models. S+Q :: 200 GeV data - private Reco Phys. Rev. C68 044902communication (2003) S+Q GeV data - Phys. Rev. C65, 041902 Coal ::130 Phys. Rev. C68 034904 (2003) What is our present conclusion ? The interpretation of bulk properties in heavy ion systems is complex. We have indications of unusual behavior in rare, fast decoupling, and high momentum probes. Our system behaves like matter, not a collection of elementary particles, and we have the tools to study it. We could declare discovery of the QGP but we have more things to study and we don’t have the ‘smoking gun’ yet. Further exploration will take a few years, but the first steps were very exciting and very successful. Have we found the Quark Gluon Plasma at RHIC? We now know that Au+Au collisions generate a medium that is dense (pQCD theory: many times cold nuclear matter density) is dissipative exhibits strong collective behavior shows hints of thermalization and collectivity at very early stage This represents significant progress in our understanding of strongly interacting matter We have yet to show that: a.) dissipation and collective behavior both occur at the partonic stage b.) the system is deconfined and thermalized c.) a transition occurs: can we turn the effects off ? Not yet, there is still work to do Suggestions for further reading QCD: The Modern Theory of the Strong Interaction F. Wilczek, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 32 (1982) 177 Symmetry breaking and quark confinement Concepts of Particle Physics Vol I and II K. Gottfried and V.F. Weisskopf, Oxford University Press (1984) The Transition from Hadron Matter to Quark-Gluon Plasma H. Satz, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 35 (1985) 245 Introduction to High-Energy Heavy-Ion Collisions C.-Y. Wong, World Scientific (1994) The Search for the Quark-Gluon Plasma J. Harris and B. Muller, Ann. Rev. Nucl. Part. Sci. 46 (1996) 71