REVIEW OF RENEWABLE SOLAR ENERGY A Project Presented to the faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering California State University, Sacramento Submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE in Mechanical Engineering by Usha Kiranmayee Bhamidipati SUMMER 2012 REVIEW OF RENEWABLE SOLAR ENERGY A Project by Usha Kiranmayee Bhamidipati Approved by: __________________________________, Committee Chair Dr. Dongmei Zhou ___________________________ Date ii Student: Usha Kiranmayee Bhamidipati I certify that this student has met the requirements for format contained in the University format manual, and that this project is suitable for shelving in the Library and credit is to be awarded for the thesis. __________________________, Graduate Coordinator Dr. Akihiko Kumagai Department of Mechanical Engineering iii ___________________ Date Abstract of REVIEW OF RENEWABLE SOLAR ENERGY by Usha Bhamidipati The major challenge that our planet is facing today is the anthropogenic driven climate changes and its link to our global society’s present and future energy needs. Renewable energy sources are now widely regarded as an important energy source. This technology contributes to the reduction of environmental impact, improved energy security and creating new energy industries. Traditional Fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, coals are in great demand and are highly effective but at the same time they are damaging human health and environment. In terms of environment the traditional fossil fuels are facing a lot of pressure. The most serious challenge would perhaps be confronting the use of coal and natural gas while keeping in mind the greenhouse gas reduction target. It is now clear that in order to keep the levels of CO2 below 550 ppm, it cannot be achieved fundamentally on oil or coal based global economy. Renewable energies can provide sustainable energy services, based on the use of routinely available, indigenous resources. A transition to renewable-based energy systems is looking increasingly likely as their costs decline while the price of oil and gas continue to fluctuate. Renewable Energies are considered as a clean source of energy and optimal use of these resources minimizes environmental impacts, produces minimum secondary waste and is sustained iv based on current and future economic and social needs. Sun is a major source of all energies. The primary forms of Sun’s energy are heat and light. Sun energy is transformed and absorbed in different way these transformations result in renewable energies like biomass and wind energy. Renewable energy technologies provide an excellent opportunity for mitigation of greenhouse gas emission and reducing global warming through substituting conventional energy sources. Solar energy is the most abundant renewable energy source available and in most regions its availability is far in excess when compared to the current primary energy supply. Therefore solar energy acts as a key tool to reduce carbon emissions and providing a clean environment. The transition from a carbon –based energy system to renewable solar energy system involves some technological, scientific and socioeconomic barriers to the implementation of solar energy as a clean technology for the future. . This research serves a review on “Renewable Energy Sources” mainly focused on Solar Energy. It summarizes how the resources are used in energy production in terms of resource potential, existing capacity. It discusses the historical trends and future growth prospects of solar energy in terms of what has been done till now in that field of development and what is the research which is going on for the future. The project also provides comments on the importance, benefits, and the key scientific and technical challenges of Solar Energy Technology as well as the detailed description on the different technologies that are being used worldwide and a review on the future prospects of solar energy supply under various scenarios by 2020, 2030 and 2050. v The key concepts to this review are to develop a solid understanding of the multi facet technological, geopolitical, sociological, and the economic impacts of energy use and to provide insights into the solar energy development and usage _______________________, Committee Chair Dr. Dongmei Zhou _______________________ Date vi ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to express my deep gratitude to my advisor Dr. Dongmei Zhou for her encouragement and belief in me, for the uncountable number of hours spent sharing her knowledge and discussing various ideas, and for many useful comments and suggestions while examining my work. I would also like to express my thanks to faculty members of Mechanical Engineering Department California State University, Sacramento and its management who contributed in completing and helping me to finish this work in time and in comprehensive manner suitable to California State University formulated guidelines. To my husband Raghu, for being my sounding board several times: Thanks for letting me vent my frustrations and occasionally for solving my problems in doing so. I would also like to thank my Parents and all my family members who believed in me and for their continual support and encouragement in attaining my academic achievements. Usha Kiranmayee Bhamidipati M.S Mechanical Engineering Summer 2012 vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Acknowledgments....................................................................................................................... vii List of Tables ................................................................................................................................ x List of Figure ............................................................................................................................... xi Chapter 1. INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................... 1 1.1. Background .......................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 World’s Energy Supply......................................................................................................... 3 1.3. What is Renewable Energy? ................................................................................................ 3 1.4. Kinds of Renewable Energy ................................................................................................ 4 1.5. Renewable Energy Sources.................................................................................................. 4 1.6. Climate Change Scenario..................................................................................................... 6 1.7. Objective .............................................................................................................................. 7 2. SOLAR ENERGY .................................................................................................................... 8 2.1. Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 8 2.2 Significance of Resource: Historical, Present and Future ..................................................... 9 2.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Solar Energy ............................................................... 13 2.4. The Economics of Solar Energy ........................................................................................ 15 2.5. Summary ............................................................................................................................ 16 3. SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES ................................................................................... 17 viii 3.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 17 3.2. Passive and Active Systems ............................................................................................... 18 3.3 Thermal And Photovoltaic .................................................................................................. 21 3.3.1. Photovoltaic Cells ..................................................................................................... 21 3.3.2 Solar Thermal Energy ................................................................................................ 29 3.4. Concentrating and Non-Concentrating Technologies ........................................................ 32 3.4.1. Stationary or Non-Concentrating Technology .......................................................... 33 3.5. Summary ............................................................................................................................ 38 4. CONCENTRATED SOLAR THERMAL POWER ............................................................... 40 4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 40 4.2 Solar Radiation.................................................................................................................... 44 4.3 Direct Normal Insolation .................................................................................................... 46 4.4. Concentrated Solar Technologies ...................................................................................... 47 4.4.1 Parabolic Trough Collector Technology .................................................................... 49 4.4.2. Linear Fresnel Collector Technology ....................................................................... 62 4.4.3. Parabolic Dish Collector Technology ....................................................................... 67 4.4.4. Heliostat Field Collector Or Power Tower ............................................................... 71 4.5. Comparision of Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) Technologies ...................................... 75 4.6. Current Market Status CSP ................................................................................................ 77 ix 4.7. Applications ....................................................................................................................... 78 4.8 Summary ............................................................................................................................. 80 5. DIRECT STEAM GENERATION TECHNOLOGY............................................................. 82 5.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 82 5.2. Direct Solar Steam Generation [DISS] in Parabolic Trough Collectors ............................ 84 5.3. Comparison of DSG and Synthetic Oil Based Parabolic Trough Plant ............................ 87 5.4. Power Tower With Direct Steam Generation .................................................................... 89 5.5. Current Status of Direct Steam Generation....................................................................... 90 5.6. Energy Storage Technology for Direct Steam Generation ................................................ 91 5.7. Innovations and Improvement in DSG .............................................................................. 93 5.8. Summary ............................................................................................................................ 95 6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ............................................................................... 97 6.1 Conclusion .......................................................................................................................... 97 6.2 Future Work ...................................................................................................................... 100 References ................................................................................................................................. 102 LIST OF TABLES Tables Page x Table2.1. Yearly solar fluxes and Human energy Consumption.................................................10 Table3.1. Classifications of Solar Energy Technologies.............................................................18 Table3.2. Overall Comparison of Solar Energy Technologies…………………..…….…..…...37 Table4.1. Overall Comparison of Concentrated Solar Power Technologies…………………..76 LIST OF FIGURES Figures Page xi Figure 1.1: Types of Renewable Energy Sources...........................................................................05 Figure 2.1: Technical Potential of Renewable Energy Technologies.............................................11 Figure 2.2: Sun’s Position Vector...................................................................................................13 Figure 3.1: Solar Energy heating building with Trombe Wall.......................................................20 Figure 3.2: The Photovoltaic Cell...................................................................................................22 Figure 3.3: Types of PV Systems …..............................................................................................24 Figure 3.4: Total Installed Capacity of PV at Global Level...........................................................28 Figure 3.5: Box Type Solar Cooker................................................................................................31 Figure 3.6: Schematic Diagram of Solar water heater....................................................................32 Figure 3.7: Flat plate collectors typically mounted on the roof…..................................................34 Figure 3.8: Schematic Diagram of CPC collector.........................................................................34 Figure 3.9: Schematic Diagram of an Evacuated Tube Collector..................................................36 Figure 4.1: Main Components of a CSP System............................................................................41 Figure 4.2: CSP System Efficiency Variation with Operating Temperature.................................42 Figure 4.3: Levelized Electricity Cost (cents/kWh) Projections of CSP........................................44 Figure 4.4: Solar Irradiance variation within a day measured on a flat plate positioned horizontal and tracking the sun and direct normal irradiance (DNI)..........................45 Figure 4.5: The solar insolation (KWh/m2/day) on an optimally tilted surface during the worst month of the year...............................................................................................46 Figure 4.6: Line-Focusing Systems......................................................................…......................48 Figure 4.7: Point-Focusing Systems ..........................................................................…................48 Figure 4.8: Types of CSP Technology..................................................................…......................49 Figure 4.9: A Typical Parabolic Trough System. .......................................................…...............50 xii Figure 4.10: Schematic Diagram of Parabolic Trough Collector...................................................51 Figure 4.11: Typical Schematic Diagram of SEGS Plants............................................................52 Figure 4.12: Parabolic Trough at 30 MWe (net) SEGS Plant in Kramer Junction, CA................53 Figure 4.13: Typical Cost breakdown of a Parabolic Trough SEGS plant.....................................55 Figure 4.14: Parallel Sun Rays being concentrated onto the focal line of the collector.................56 Figure 4.15: Tracking of Sun rays by Parabolic Trough Collectors with a Collector axis oriented north south.................................................................................................57 Figure 4.16: Schematic Representation of Linear Fresnel Solar Collectors...................................62 Figure 4.17: The effect of storage on utility load during a typical day..........................................63 Figure 4.18: Schematic Diagram showing interleaving of mirrors in a CLFR with reduced shading between mirrors….………………………....…………….….…...64 Figure 4.19: Schematic diagram of inverted air cavity receiver.....................................................65 Figure 4.20: Wave platform structure for a CLFR system allows maximization of solar radiation collected from a given area……………………………...........................66 Figure 4.21: Schematic Diagram of Parabolic Dish Collector.......................................................68 Figure 4.22: Stirling Dish Systems at Sandia National Labs.........................................................69 Figure 4.23: Schematic Diagram of Heliostat Field Collector.......................................................72 Figure 5.1: Basic Concepts for the DISS in Parabolic Trough Collectors………...……..……....84 Figure 5.2: View of the PSA DISS solar field in Operation..........................................................86 Figure 5.3: Arrangement of the Solar Power Plant with DSG......................................................86 Figure 5.4: DSG in Power Tower with Saturated Steam Receiver................................................89 xiii Figure 5.5: Selected DSG Storage Options……………………....................................................92 xiv 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. BACKGROUND: Energy plays a vital role in today's life. Our work, leisure, our social, economic and physical welfare depends on sufficient supply of energy. Yet we take it for granted and now we have a worldwide demand for energy at an alarming rate. The traditionally used fossil fuels such as oil are ultimately limited and the gap between the energy needed to the energy available is will in not too distinct future, have to be met in increasingly from alternative primary energy sources. We must strive to make these more sustainable to avoid the negative impact of the global climate change, the growing risk of supply disruptions, price volatility and air pollution that are associated with today’s energy system. This calls for immediate actions to promote green house gas emissions free energy sources such as renewable energy source, alternative fuels for transport and to increase energy efficiency. The Simplest definition of renewable energy would be energy that comes from naturally replenished energy sources such as sunlight and wind. The main reason why the renewable energy is so closely connected to environment and ecology in eyes of many people is because it is environmental friendly and reduces the climate changes and Global warming unlike the traditional sources do. People usually refer to renewable energy as the antithesis to fossil fuels. The Fossil Fuels are being used since a long time while the renewable energies has just started developing and this is the main reason why renewable energy is still finding it hard to compete with fossil fuels. Renewable energy still needs to improve its cost-competitiveness, because most renewable energy sources still require subsidies to remain competitive with fossil fuels in term of costs (though it also has to be said that the prices of renewable energy technologies are constantly 2 dropping so it's only really a matter of time before renewable energy will become cost competitive with traditional fuels without subsidies.) Together with costs renewable energy will also need to improve its efficiency. For instance, average solar panels have efficiency of around 15% which means that lot of energy gets wasted and transferred into heat, instead of some other form of usable energy. However, there are many ongoing researches with the goal to improve efficiency of renewable energy technologies, some of which have been really promising, though we are yet to see some highly efficient and commercially viable renewable energy solution. Renewable energy sector could decide to choose a "sit and wait strategy" because fossil fuels will eventually become depleted and renewable energy would then remain as the best alternative to satisfy world's hunger for energy. But this would be a bad strategy for two reasons: energy security and climate change. Once fossil fuels become depleted renewable energy sector will have to be developed enough to replace coal, oil, and natural gas and this can be only done if renewable energy technologies continue with progress in years to come. By failing to further develop renewable energy technologies we would endanger our future energy security, and this is something world mustn't allow. Renewable energy is often considered as the best way to tackle global warming and climate change. The more renewable energy we use the less fossil fuel we burn, and less burning of fossil fuels means less carbon dioxide emissions and lesser impact to climate change. There are really plenty of reasons to choose renewable energy over fossil fuels but we must not forget that renewable energy is still not ready to completely replace fossil fuels. Some day it will be but not just yet. The most important thing to do right now is to further develop different 3 renewable energy technologies in order to ensure that once this day comes world wouldn't have to worry whether renewable energy will be able to deliver the goods or not. 1.2 WORLD’S ENERGY SUPPLY: The increase in greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere and the potential global warming and climatic change associated with it, represent one of the greatest environmental dangers of our time. The anthropogenic reasons of this impending change in the climate can for the greater part be put down to the use of energy and the combustion of fossil primary sources of energy and the emission of CO2 associated with this. Today, the world’s energy supply is based on the nonrenewable sources of energy: oil, coal, natural gas and uranium, which together cover about 82% of the global primary energy requirements. The remaining 18% divide approximately 2/3 into biomass and 1/3 into hydropower. The effective protection of the climate for future generations will demand at least a 50% reduction in the world-wide anthropogenic emission of greenhouse gases in the next 50 to 100 years. With due consideration to common population growth scenarios and assuming a simultaneity criterion for CO2 emissions from fossil fuels, one arrives at the demand for an average per-capita reduction in the yield in industrial countries of approximately 90%. This means 1/10 of the current per-capita yield of CO2.A reduction of CO2 emissions on the scale will require the conversion to a sustained supply of energy that is based on the use of renewable energy with a high share of direct solar energy use. 1.3. WHAT IS RENEWABLE ENERGY? [36] Renewable energies are the energy sources that come from natural resources such as sun, wind, rain which can naturally replenish. Most of these energies are directly derived from the sun such as the thermal, photochemical and photoelectric and some of them are derived indirectly like the 4 wind, hydropower and the photosynthesis energy stored in biomass and some from the natural movement and mechanism from the environment. This energy is environmental benign, they do not emit any toxic gases while being used and they do not try to deplete any natural resources. Renewable energy does not include energy resources derived from fossil fuels, waste products from fossil sources, or waste products from inorganic sources. Renewable energy flows involve natural phenomena such as sunlight, wind, tides, plant growth, and geothermal heat. Renewable energy is derived from natural processes that are replenished constantly. In its various forms, it derives directly from the sun, or from heat generated deep within the earth. 1.4. KINDS OF RENEWABLE ENERGY: Renewable energy is the energy which comes from the natural resources such as sunlight, wind, rain tides and geothermal heat which are renewable. Classifying an energy form as “renewable” encompasses a range of assumptions regarding the time scale. The implication is that the renewable energy is available continuously without depleting and degrading. For example solar energy is available for some time period every day virtually everywhere on the surface of the earth. There is a natural 24 hour diurnal cycle, as well as seasonal vibration due to the changes in the relative angle of our rotating earth tilted on its axis as it makes its yearly orbit around the sun. Due to these effects are the daily fluctuations that result because of the cloud cover. Other renewable types such as Biomass, Hydro Power and Wind Energy have analogous variations over different time scale. 1.5. RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES: The renewable energy sources play an important role in the sufficing the need for growing demand for energy resources of the world in the near future and they all are very cost efficient. The energy sources are divided into three categories: 1.Fossil fuels, 2. Renewable energy 5 resources, and 3. nuclear resources. Renewable energy sources are those which can be produced again and again, like solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, biomass, hydro power energy these are also often known as alternative sources of energy. Figure 1.1: Types of Renewable Energy Sources [32] As the renewable energy sources meet the energy requirements they have the potential to provide services with zero or no emissions any harmful gases. The development of these resources provide solutions for crucial tasks like energy reliability and solving problems of energy and water supply, increases the standard of living for a common man and also increase the level of employment and also as these energies are available everywhere it provides service in remote regions like the desserts and mountain areas. Harvesting the renewable energy in decentralized 6 manner is one of the options to meet the rural and small scale energy needs in a reliable, affordable and environmentally sustainable way. 1.6. CLIMATE CHANGE SCENARIO: Climate change is one of the primary concerns for humanity in the 21st century. It may affect health through a range of pathways, for example as a result of increased frequency and intensity of heat waves, reduction in cold related deaths, increased floods and droughts, changes in the distribution of vector-borne diseases and effects on the risk of disasters and malnutrition. The overall balance of effect on health is likely to be negative and populations in low income countries are likely to be particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects. The potentially most important environmental problem relating to energy is global climate change (global warming or the greenhouse effect). The increasing concentration of greenhouse gases such as CO2, CH4 , CFCs, halons, N2O, ozone, and peroxyacetylnitrate in the atmosphere is acting to trap heat radiated from Earth’s surface and is raising the surface temperature of Earth. Humankind is contributing with a great many economic activities to the increase atmospheric concentration of various greenhouse gases. Many scientific studies reveal that overall CO2 levels have increased 31% in the past 200 years, 20 Gt of Carbon added to environment since 1800 only due to deforestation and the concentration of methane gas which is responsible for ozone layer depletion has more than doubled since then. The global mean surface temperature has increased by 0.4–0.8 ◦C in the last century above the baseline of 14 ◦C. Increasing global temperature ultimately increases global mean sea levels at an average annual rate of 1–2mm over the last century. Arctic sea ice thinned by 40% and decreased in extent by 10–15% in summer since the 1950s. 7 Industry contributes directly and indirectly (through electricity consumption) about 37% of the global greenhouse gas emissions, of which over 80% is from energy use. Total energy-related emissions, which were 9.9 Gt CO2 in 2004, have grown by 65% since 1971 [26].There is ample scope to minimize emission of greenhouse gases if efficient utilization of renewable energy sources in actual energy meeting route is promoted 1.7. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of this project is to provide information on the role of Renewable energy sources in this growing demand for energy mainly focused on Solar Energy mainly summarizing how are the resources used in energy production in terms of resource potential, existing capacity, along with historical trends and future growth prospects. The outline of this project is to write a review about the importance, benefits, and the key scientific and technical challenges of Solar Energy Technology. The project mainly summarizes how the resources are used in energy production, So far what has been achieved in this field of development and what research is required in that field of development for future. A review on Direct Steam Generation (DSG) in parabolic trough collectors is a promising option for the improvement of the reliable CSP technology. This review mainly summarizes about what is DSG, The research review discusses all the latest research in the field along with feasibility features design and control concepts being used. To achieve the above mentioned objective a detailed review on solar energy and different technologies being used to produce electricity using the Sun’s energy and the advances taking place in this Field is being discussed and what future developments are required to make solar energy as the main energy source to produce electricity. 8 CHAPTER 2 SOLAR ENERGY [46] [33] [34] [17] [5] 2.1. INTRODUCTION: Sun is the vital source of life. It is vast, environmentally friendly and generally synchronous with daily energy demands. Meeting all future energy demands with solar energy is technically possible, but further technology development and cost reductions are required before this immense resource will be able to provide a significant portion of world’s energy needs reliably and at an acceptable cost. Throughout the human history, Sun energy has been used for household’s domestic purposes like cooking and heating. As Sun’s energy is everywhere and the ability to use it effectively over a range of scale makes solar energy the popular choice among other energies. The Sun’s energy incident on the earth is the intrinsic source for many forms of renewable energy (including wind, ocean thermal, and bio energy) and over a long time scales all of the fossil energy. Solar energy as well as secondary solar powered energy such as wind, biomass, wave power, hydropower account for major part of renewable energy but only a part of solar energy is being used. The Solar industry began developing during the years 1980 but the fossil fuels slowed the solar industry growth in 1990 as the cost of fossil fuel is still low. But in 2000 the world market for solar energy had a rapid growth due to the increasing cost and concerns for global climate changes of fossil fuels and also the improving technologies and lowering costs of solar energy itself. Solar energy is the most commonly used energy when compared to other energies, the resource is well understood, and conversion technologies have long and positive operational track records 9 still there are three barriers that prevent the widespread utilization of solar energy. First, while the solar energy is vast it requires significant surface area as it is not highly concentrated, second, In order to establish a large scale power plant the cost of producing energy in large scale is still costly compared to other energies. Third, the solar resource’s intermittency and cyclical nature pose challenges for integrating solar at a large scale into the existing energy infrastructure. Although there is nothing we can do about the nature of sun still the cost for utilization of sun’s energy can be achieved by using advanced technologies and improved manufacturing technique these will help in making solar energy be the major contributor in meeting the world’s energy needs. 2.2 SIGNIFICANCE OF RESOURCE: HISTORICAL, PRESENT AND FUTURE [33] The sun’s energy is being used by us right from moment the humans inhabit the earth for the purpose of lighting, drying food and heat water. Overall, the sun emits about 7,000 times more energy than is required for human consumption. Presently the total amount of solar energy consumed for human use is less than 1% of our entire energy requirements with a little more knowledge of the basic characteristics of Sun and on the utilization of solar radiation in different fields we could increase the contribution of solar power to world energy consumption. Technologies in these areas with a few under development and few that are available give an opportunity to contribute to the world’s energy needs. The most commonly used application of solar energy is light, heat and electricity. Today’s solar industry supplies reliable products to provide heat and electricity for residential, commercial, and industrial applications using simple equipment such as flat-plate collectors. Natural sunlight is increasingly utilized in modern building design; day-lighting can be successfully incorporated into almost any structure, even underground buildings. 10 Several solar electric power plants has been built in US and outside US using concentrating collector’s optics to achieve high temperature required to produce electricity. Currently photovoltaic cells are capable to do the job at an efficiency of 15to 20% but there are researches going on for cells that are work at an efficiency of 40-45%. Most of the applications are cost effective while cost for other application is drastically decreasing. A key issue about solar energy is its variability along with time it is not the same at all seasons and at all times therefore in order to accommodate the nation’s energy needs we need a solar energy system with adequate storage capacity or some other form of energy that gives a backup support. Although the market cost for these technologies are relatively high the desirable characteristics of solar energy like its synchronous with its demand, zero to low emission and water requirements and sun resources available makes looks promising for the energy needs in the future. Table 2.1 Yearly solar fluxes and Human energy Consumption [33] Yearly Solar fluxes & Human Energy Consumption Solar 3,850,000 EJ Wind 2,250 EJ Biomass 3,000 EJ Primary energy use (2005) 487 EJ Electricity (2005) 56.7 EJ 11 According to table 2.1 the total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 (EJ) per year. In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year. Photosynthesis captures approximately 3,000 EJ per year in biomass. The amount of solar energy reaching the surface of the planet is so vast that in one year it is about twice as much as will ever be obtained from all of the Earth's non-renewable resources of coal, oil, natural gas, and mined uranium combined. Figure 2.1: Technical Potential of Renewable Energy Technologies. [46] In mathematical terms the capture efficiency (η solar) of the solar collector can be represented as [33] η solar = useful energy recovered/ total solar flux incident on the collector x 100% 12 Recovering efficiency can be in two form- thermal energy (heat) and electrical energy (current x voltage). In thermal energy application the efficiency is ranging from 30-60% and in electrical energy application the efficiency is only about 8-15%. An operating variable that can influence the capture efficiency of the solar collector is the pointing error ψ which can be represented as Ψ = pointing error = € - β in degrees And α = collector tilt relative to the latitude = β – φ Where β = tilt angle of the collector in degrees from the horizontal Φ = latitude in degrees, € = pointing angle of the sun, θ = altitude angle in degrees ω = azimuth in degrees. The altitude angle θ and azimuth ω are defined as the angle of the sun above the horizon and the angle from true south, respectively. The hourly variation of the sun’s position are usually represented by the azimuth or hour angle, ω that varies about 15 degrees per hour and ranges from 0 to a maximum value that changes depending on the time of the year. The value of ω is zero at solar noon when the sun reaches its highest position in the sky for its specific location and reaches its maximum value when the sun sets below the horizon. The maximum value is less than 90 degrees in fall and winter months and greater than 90 during spring and summer months. Seasonal variations are usually given as a function of declination angle δ, which provides a qualitative measure of tilted earth’s position relative to the sun as the earth moves around the sun annually. Value of δ is zero at autumn and vernal equinoxes September 21 and March 21 13 respectively and in northern latitude +23.5 degrees and at summer solstice on june21 and -23.5 degrees at winter solstice on December 21. Figure 2.2: Sun's Position Vector [33] The sun’s position vector relative to the earth-center frame, in the earthcenter frame, CM, CE and CP represent three orthogonal axes from the center of the earth pointing towards meridian, east and Polaris, respectively. 2.3. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF SOLAR ENERGY: Advantages: Solar energy is a clean energy, environmentally does not require any depletion of any natural resources, it does not emit any harmful gases,and it does not leave any liquid or solid waste.keeping in mind sustainable development the direct and indirect advantages of Solar energy are as follows 1. No emissions of greenhouse (mainly CO2, NOx) or toxic gasses (SO2,particulates); 2. Reclamation of degraded land; 3. Reduction of transmission lines from electricity grids; 4. Improvement of quality of water resources; 14 5. Increase of regional/national energy independence; 6. Diversification and security of energy supply; 7. Acceleration of rural electrification in developing countries. Disadvantages: Although solar energy is considered to be a clean source and also considered as a infinite energy source when compared to fossil fuels, like any other energy solar energy has a few disadvantages too. 1. Though the solar energy systems do not emit any harmful gases during their operation their modules may contain chemical that might be exposed to environment during a fire. 2. Solar systems do not produce sound during their operation but during the construction time there might be some noise 3. There might be a little visual impact depending on the type of scheme and surroundings being used by the solar energy system. 4. One of the main disadvantages of solar energy is its initial cost of the equipment used to harness the sun energy. Solar energy is still a costly alternative when compared to readily available fossil fuels. 5. The solar energy technologies installation requires a large area for the system to be sufficient. 6. Pollution can be a disadvantage to solar panel; pollution can degrade the efficiency of photovoltaic Clouds also provide the same effect, as they can reduce the energy of the sun’s rays. This certain disadvantage is more of an issue with older solar components, as newer designs integrate technologies to overcome the worst of these effects. 7. Since not all the light from the sun is utilized by the solar panels therefore the solar panel have 40% efficiency rate which means 60% of sun’s energy is going waste. New 15 technologies are trying to increase the rate of efficiency of the solar panels from 40-80% and on the downside have increased the cost solar panels 2.4. THE ECONOMICS OF SOLAR ENERGY: [46] A new era for solar energy is rising which was once thought uneconomical with the new technologies rising and the price for traditional fuels are increasing. These wide variety of solar energy technologies try to compete with technologies in different energy markets, like the centralized power supply, distributed power generation, or off grid or stand alone applications. On the other hand, small-scale solar energy systems, which are part of distributed energy resources (DER) systems, compete with a number of other technologies. The traditional approach for comparing the cost of generating electricity from different technologies depends on levelized cost method. The levelized cost of the power plant is calculated as follows. (1) The LCOE methodology is an abstraction from reality and is used as a benchmarking or ranking tool to assess the cost-effectiveness of different energy generation technologies. Where OC is the overnight construction cost (or investment without accounting for interest payments during construction); OMC is the series of annualized operation and maintenance (O&M) costs; FC is the series of annualized fuel costs; CRF is the capital recovery factor; CF is the capacity factor; r is the discount rate and T is the economic life of the plant. 16 2.5. SUMMARY: It is clear from the above discussion that solar energy constitutes the most abundant renewable energy resources available in most of the regions throughout the world. Its potential is far in excess when compared to the total primary energy supply in those regions. Sun is the main source of solar energy. Most commonly used application of solar energy is light, heat and electricity. Today’s solar industry supplies reliable products to provide heat and electricity for residential, commercial and industrial applications using simple equipment. Natural sunlight is increasingly utilized in modern building design. Solar energy is environmentally friendly. It does not emit any harmful gases into the environment. It reduces transmission lines from electricity grids, improves quality of water resources and increases energy independence. However it also has some disadvantages. Even though solar energy does not emit harmful gases during their application their modules may emit chemicals which can be exposed to environment during fire. Although Solar energy is an expensive option when compared to other renewable energies as it requires huge investment cost when used in large scale and it requires huge maintenance cost when compared to conventional energy sources .Solar technologies like Concentrated solar power might require more land, still with more intense research and new developments in this field solar energy will be a better option compared to other technologies. Using solar energy to generate electricity is one of the greatest achievements by mankind, and is set for even greater things in the future. 17 CHAPTER 3 SOLAR ENERGY TECHNOLOGIES [11], [14], [16-18] [22] [28-29] [35] [51] 3.1. INTRODUCTION: Solar energy is being used by mankind since a long time, for example 2000 years back solar energy was used to extract salt from sea water. The Ancient greek used solar energy technology which is now widely used as paasive systems for heating and cooling the building. A number of technologies are being used to harness the sun energy for different purposes including heating, lighting drying, generating electricity using solar cells and solar collectors.Solar energy systems can be classified into two types:- solar thermal‖ applications that convert solar radiation to thermal energy, which can be directly used (e.g., solar hot water systems) or converted further into electricity (e.g., CSP); and applications that directly generate electricity from sunlight using the photovoltaic effect. In other sense any phenomenon that traces its origin to energy from the sun and harness it in a useful way directly or indirectly, this may include phenomenon such as wind and photosynthesis. However, for our purposes, we limit use of the term ―solar energy to sources of energy that can be directly attributed to the light of the sun or the heat that sunlight generates. As such, solar energy technologies can be arranged along the following continuum: 1) Passive and active; 2) Thermal and photovoltaic and 3) Concentrating and non-concentrating. 18 3.2. PASSIVE AND ACTIVE SYSTEMS: [35,51] The most simple and direct application of solar energy is directly converting solar energy into low temperature heat,temperature about 212 0F.In general two classes of technologies can be distinguished as Passive and Active Solar energies system. The table below shows classification of solar energy into active and passive systems and where they are used. Table 3.1. Classifications of Solar Energy Technologies Active Solar Photovoltaic Centralized(>200kW) Large-scale distributed (>20kW) Small-scale distributed (<20kW) Off-grid Applications Concentrating PV arrays (CPV) Utilityscale PV Commercial building PV Small commercial & Residential building PV Stand alone systems for remote applications, solar-home systems Passive solar Solar thermal Electric Non-electric Concentrating solar thermal (CSP) District water heating Commercial hot water systems Residential water heating systems Heating & cooling Day - lighting 3.2.1. Passive Energy: is more of a day to day usage purposes like heating, lighting,cooling. That is the building itself or some parts of it take advantageof the natural energy charecteristics and air created by the exposure to the sun. Passive systems are simple and have very less number of moving parts, no mechanical parts therefore requires very minimal maintenance. Passive solar 19 designs tries to optimise the amount of energy that can be derived directly from the sun, Similarly by taking good care in the consideration of building material and fabric can help to reduce the need for secondary heating ,ventilation and artificial lighting. There are three types of passive solar heating systems: 1. Direct Gain: this is the simplest and the basic form of passive solar. This can be achieved by facing all the window in the house facing the equator. The sunlight enters the room through the windows and hits the thermal surface (walls, floors) gets absorbs and stores the thermal heat. At night time the heat stored in the thermal mass convects and radiates into the room. 2. Indirect Gain: these systems have a thermal storage such as the trombe wall between the sunlight and the room. This wall store and releases the thermal heat to the room over a period of several hours. This way energy supplied to the room is more controllable when compared to the direct gain system. A Trombe wall is made up of heat absorbing material and painted dark. During the day this absorbing maaterial absorbs the sunlight and heat is radiated when the sun goes down. 20 Figure 3.1: Solar Energy heating building with Trombe Wall. [23] 3. Isolated Gain: the simplest type of isolated gain system is sunrooms. Heat is distributed into the house through ceiling and floor level fans, windows and vents. 3.2.2. Active Systems: Active solar energy technology refers to the harnessing of solar energy to store it or convert it for other applications. The only difference between active system and passive systems is that the active systems employ collectors to capture the sun’s energy and to transfer this thermal energy to a working fluid circulating which can be used immediately or store for later. 21 Active solar energy technologies reduce the use of fossil fuels for the sake of energy requirements and associated fuel costs. The basic benefit of active systems is that controls (usually electrical) can be used to maximize their effectiveness. The downside to active solar systems is that the external power sources can fail (probably rendering them useless), and the controls need maintenance. The two main applications of active solar sources are for homes/ buildings i.e., electricity, and heat. 3.3 THERMAL AND PHOTOVOLTAIC: [42, 46] Solar thermal and photovoltaic electricity generation are two promising technologies for climate compatible power with such enormous potential that, theoretically, they could cover much more than just the present worldwide demand for electricity consumption. Together both technologies can provide an important contribution to climate protection. Photovoltaic systems have advantages for low-power demand, stand-alone systems and building-integrated grid-connected systems. Solar thermal power plants are best operated in large grid-connected systems. 3.3.1. PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS: [52] (a). Introduction: Photovoltaic conversion is the direct conversion of sunlight to electricity this is called as photovoltaic effect this effect was first discovered in 1954 by Bell Telephone when he discovered that the Silicon an element found in sand when exposed to sunlight produces electricity. Since then the photovoltaic cells are being used to power up space satellites and also used in smaller devices like calculators, watches. Today they are being used to power up homes, building and businesses with individual PV systems. Utility companies are also using PV technology for large power stations. 22 Figure 3.2: The Photovoltaic Cell. [5] Traditional photovoltaic systems are typically made up of silicon and are proved to be very efficient and are flat plate. The Second generation PV systems also known as thin-film solar cells because they are made up of amorphous silicon, non-silicon material called cadmium telluride. Companies are also using PV technology for large power stations. The third generation of PV systems is using materials other than silicon, including solar in using conventional press technologies, solar dyes, and conductive plastics. Some new cells use conductive plastic lenses or mirrors to concentrate the sunlight on a small piece of PV material. Although the PV material is costly as we need only a small piece of this PV material which are highly efficient these are turning to be a cost effective system for utility and industry. The use of 23 concentrating collectors is limited to sunniest part of the country because the lenses must be pointed at the sun. Solar panels are used to power home and businesses typically hold up to 40 solar cells into a module. In general we need 20 to 30 solar panels to produce power for a house or business. These panels are fixed in an angle facing the south and are connected to a tracking device which follows the sun, and allow them to capture sunlight. A number of solar panels combined to create a solar array. For a large electric utility or industrial application a number of solar arrays are interconnected to form a large utility PV system. Photovoltaic systems are broadly classified into two types: stand alone and grid connected system. Stand alone systems are systems which are not connected to grid; In general the energy produced by this is matched by the energy required by the load. They come with an energy storage system usually the rechargeable battery support when there is no sunlight. Stand alone systems are generally used in areas that are not easily accessible and have no access to electricity. Stand alone system usually have a PV module or a module with batteries and charge controllers. An inverter can be used to change the direct current produced by the PV module into alternating current form which is required for normal appliances. On the other had grid systems are the systems which are connected to the public grid i.e., the PV module is connected to the local electric network. This means the electricity produced during the day can be immediately used or can be sold to the electricity supply companies in the evenings when solar energy is not available this system acts as an energy storage module and provides electricity. This kind of connection removes the dilemma by stand alone systems. They demand energy from grid when there is not enough power generation on the panels and feed in the power 24 to the grid when there is more than required power by the system. This trend is a concept called “net metering”. It is expected that grid connected systems are growing in the developed countries while the priority is given for the stand alone systems in developing and non-developed countries. Small PV power systems are wildly used in building industries where they can generate electricity for lights, water pumps, TVs, refrigerators and water heaters. There are also some villages called “solar village” that all the houses are operated by solar energy system. Although 20 years ago PVs were considered as a very expensive solar system the present cost is around 5000$ per kWe and there are good prospects for further reduction in the coming years. Figure 3.3: Types of PV Systems Photovoltaic technology is the highest of all the active solar technologies. It started in 1950 as an energy source for satellites but this application is considered to be highly insensitive in terms of cost wise, but this did help to create a solar photovoltaic industry in United States. This technology expanded since 1970 and for 15 years it maintained a steady growth of 15% shipments of PV’s. In the early 1990’s the off grid PV system like the home or village power systems accounted for 20% of the market while the grid connected systems accounted for 11% of 25 the market and the rest is for the stand alone applications like communication, leisure and so forth. 3.3.1. (b) ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF PV SYSTEMS [52] ADVANTAGES:- 1. It is clean and emission free technology as all they need is sunlight, they do not harm the air or water recourses as there are no harmful gases comes out of these systems, they do not deplete any natural resources. 2. It is quiet and unobtrusive system 3. For small scale PV plant the unwanted space on the rooftop is sufficient so that it won’t occupy any space 4. PV systems are originally developed for operation in space where repairs are nearly impossible or extremely expensive PV nearly powers every satellite circling the earth as they operate continuously with no maintenance. 5. A PV system can be constructed to any size based on energy requirements. Furthermore, the owner of a PV system can enlarge or move it if his or her energy needs change. For instance, homeowners can add modules every few years as their energy usage and financial resources grow. Ranchers can use mobile trailer-mounted pumping systems to water cattle as the cattle are rotated to different fields. DISADVANTAGES: 1. Some toxic chemicals, like cadmium and arsenic, are used in the PV production process. These environmental impacts are minor and can be easily controlled through recycling and proper disposal. 26 2. Solar energy is somewhat more expensive to produce than conventional sources of energy due in part to the cost of manufacturing PV devices and in part to the conversion efficiencies of the equipment. As the conversion efficiencies continue to increase and the manufacturing costs continue to come down, PV will become increasingly cost competitive with conventional fuels. 3. Solar power is a variable energy source, with energy production dependent on the sun. Solar facilities may produce no power at all some of the time, which could lead to an energy shortage if too much of a region's power come from solar power. (c). ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC TECHNOLOGY: - [52] The main concern about the occupational and health risk factor in the life cycle of a PV system is the toxic substances used to manufacture the PV. The risk can occur during manufacturing process. The list of chemicals in the final PV cell is different from the chemicals used to manufacture them, as solvents and acids for cleaning the semiconductors part or gases for depositing the thin film layers are not present in the final product. The properties of the material, some of which are toxic, flammable, concentration, frequency and duration of human exposure, it is also important to note that not-known interactions paths between components (for instance while operation of the PV system) exist and not all the interactions have been tested in the laboratory. From a life cycle approach, the impacts can occur during manufacturing, an accidental release may result in risk for the worker or communities in the nearby as a number of gases involved. The toxicity and explosive nature may create both physical and biological damages and also long periods of exposure to toxic gases could affect both workers and the general public. During use 27 and operation there is danger of potential human danger can occur from leaching of materials from a broken PV which is made up heavy material like cadmium and selenium are of main concern. During decommissioning Disposal of large quantities of modules to a single landfill presents potential risks for humans, communities and the environment as the leaching of chemicals can contaminate local ground and surface water. . Many of the chemicals found in electronic waste (e-waste) are also found in solar PV, including lead, flame retardants, cadmium, and chromium. The disposal of e-waste is becoming an escalating environmental and health problem in countries in West Africa, Asia and Latin America. This should be prevented in the case of PV systems. (d). CURRENT MARKET STATUS OF PV: [46] Over the last few decades the installation of solar energy is grown exponentially in a global level. As illustrated in the example given below in fig 7, the capacity of globally installed PV both offgrid and grid increased from 1.4GW in 2000 to approximately 40 GW in 2010 with an annual average growth rate around 49%, of which 85% grid connected and remaining 15% off grid. In the current phase the market is dominated by crystalline silicon based PV cells. And the remainder of the market is almost entirely consists of thin film technologies. 28 Figure 3. 4: Total Installed Capacity of PV at Global Level. [46] As shown in fig (b) many countries dominate the market of PV. Right now there are two types in the market grid connected and off grid connected. The recent trend is strong growth in the grid connected PV development of installation over 200kW, operating as centralized power plant. In the present market condition the off grid application has been overtaken by grid connected PV but still in a few countries like India and China are still in favor of off grid system. This trend could be a reflection of their large rural populations, with developing countries adopting an approach to solar PV that emphasizes PV to fulfill basic demands for electricity that are unmet by the conventional grid. (e). COMPARISON OF PV WITH OTHER ENERGY SOURCES: [14] If we compare present day PV technology with other energy options we see that PV has considerable low green house gas emissions than all the fossil fuel options, but in comparison with wind and nuclear energy the solar cells have relatively high green house gas emission especially when we install PV systems at lower irradiation regions. On the other hand we have 29 shown that there are good prospect if we reduce the green house gas emissions to a low value of 15g/kWh. Sustainability comprises of more than only greenhouse gas emission, using PV reduces the burdens for the future generation provided we cover the material loops by developing effective recycling processes. Also one should not forget that PV has a very large potential for application, larger than wind energy and probably also larger than nuclear and carbon storage. 3.3.2 SOLAR THERMAL ENERGY: [8], [41- 42] (a). Introduction: Solar thermal energy is an innovative technology to use sunlight to heat water and other heat transfer fluids to do variety of applications. The simple and most commonly used applications of solar thermal energy include solar water heating, swimming pool heating and agricultural drying. In the U.S solar pool, water and space heating are the major applications of thermal energy. Solar thermal energy is broadly classified into three types low, medium, and high temperature collectors. Low temperature collectors are generally flat plate used for heating swimming pool, the medium temperature collectors are also flat plate and are used more for residential and commercial places for heating water and air. The high temperature collectors are generally used for electricity production by harnessing the sunlight with the help of mirrors or lens. When compared to photovoltaic cells solar thermal energy is different and more efficient. Solar collectors are the key component of active solar-heating systems. Solar collectors gather the sun's energy, transform its radiation into heat, and then transfer that heat to water, solar fluid, or air. The solar thermal energy can be used in solar water-heating systems, solar pool heaters, and solar space-heating systems. There are several types of solar collectors: Flat-plate collectors, 30 Evacuated-tube collectors, Integral collector-storage systems. Residential and commercial building applications that require temperatures below 200°F typically use flat-plate collectors, whereas those requiring temperatures higher than 200°F use evacuated-tube collectors. 3.3.2. (b) Low Temperature Solar Applications: [36] As far as renewable energy sources is concerned solar thermal energy is the most abundant one and is available in both direct as well as indirect forms. The Sun emits energy at a rate of 3.8×1023 kW, of which, approximately 1.8×1014 kW is intercepted by the earth. There is vast scope to utilize available solar energy for thermal applications such as cooking, water heating, crop drying, etc. Solar cooking is the most direct and convenient application of solar energy. Solar energy is a promising option capable of being one of the leading energy sources for cooking. Various types of solar cookers are available, out of them box type solar cooker is widely used all over the world. A study was conducted in Costa Rica and in the world as a whole, and then compared the advantages and limitations of solar ovens with conventional firewood and electric stoves. The payback period of a common hot box type solar oven, even if used 6–8 months a year, is around 12–14 months, roughly 16.8 million tons of firewood can be saved and the emission of 38.4 million tons of carbon dioxide per year can also be prevented. 31 Figure 3.5: Box Type Solar Cooker. [36] Solar water heater of domestic size, suitable to satisfy most of the hot water needs of a family of four persons, offers significant protection to the environment and should be employed whenever possible in order to achieve a sustainable future. It is estimated that a domestic solar water heating system of 100 l per day capacity can mitigate around 1237 kg of CO2 emissions in a year at 50% capacity utilization and in hot and sunny region it is about 1410.5 kg. A schematic of solar water heater is illustrated in Figure. Solar-drying technology offers an alternative which can process the vegetables and fruits in clean, hygienic and sanitary conditions to national and international standards with zero energy costs. It saves energy, time, occupies less area, improves product quality, makes the process more efficient and protects the environment. 32 Figure3.6: Schematic Diagram of Solar water heater.[36] 3.4. CONCENTRATING AND NON-CONCENTRATING TECHNOLOGIES [22, 15] The final category in our continuum of solar energy technologies is concentrating vs. nonconcentrating technologies. The CSP technologies just discussed are a family of concentrating solar energy technologies that use mirrors or lenses to focus sunlight and thus increase the intensity of light in the focus area. In addition to CSP the principle of concentrating solar energy is applied to PV as well by using a dish collector to concentrate sunlight on a smaller cell area. A non-concentrating collector has the same area for intercepting and for absorbing solar radiation whereas a sun-tracking concentrating solar collector usually has concave reflecting surfaces to intercept and focus the sun’s beam radiation to a smaller receiving area, thereby increasing the radiation flux. Solar energy collectors are basically distinguished by their motion, i.e., stationary, single axis tracking and two-exes tracking, and by their operating temperature. A large number of solar collectors are available in the market. 33 3.4.1. STATIONARY OR NON-CONCENTRATING TECHNOLOGY: [20] (MEDIUM TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS) (a). Introduction: These collectors are fixed they do not track the sun. There are three types of collectors that fall in this category. Flat plate collectors Stationary compound parabolic collector Evacuated tube collector Flat Plate Collector: When radiation passes through the transparent cover and impinges on the blackened absorber surface of high absorptivity, a large portion of this energy is absorbed by the plate and then the rest is transferred to the storage unit for later use. The inside of the absorber plate and the side of the casing are properly insulated to reduce conduction losses. Flat plate collectors (FPC) are by far the most used type of collector. Flat-plate collectors are usually employed for low temperature applications up to 80°C. Flat plate collectors are permanently fixed in position and require no tracking of the sun. The collectors should be oriented directly towards the equator, facing south in the northern hemisphere and north in the southern. Flat-plate collectors have been built in a wide variety of designs and from many different materials. They have been used to heat fluids such as water, water plus antifreeze additive, or air. The collector should also have a long effective life, despite the adverse effects of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation, corrosion and clogging because of acidity, alkalinity or hardness of the heat transfer fluid, freezing of water, or deposition of dust or moisture on the glazing. 34 Figure 3.7: Flat plate collectors typically mounted on the roof Compound Parabolic Collectors (CPC): Compound parabolic collectors have the capability of reflecting to the absorber all of incident radiation within wide limits. The necessity of moving the concentrator to accommodate the changing of solar orientation can be eliminated by using the trough technology with two sections of a parabola facing each other; this can accept radiations coming from a wide range of angles. By using multiple internal reflections, any radiation that is entering the aperture, within the collector acceptance angle, finds its way to the absorber surface located at the bottom of the collector. The absorbers can be cylindrical or flat as shown in the figure 3.8. Figure 3.8: Schematic Diagram of CPC collector. [20] 35 These collectors are normally used as linear or trough type collectors. The orientation of the collector is related to the acceptance angle. Depending on this acceptance angle the collector can be stationary or tracking. Evacuated Tube Collectors: Evacuated heat pipe solar collectors (tubes) consist of a heat pipe inside a vacuum-sealed tube, Evacuated tube collectors have demonstrated that the combination of a selective surface and an effective convection suppressor can result in good performance at high temperatures. The vacuum envelope reduces convection and conduction losses, so the collectors can operate at higher temperatures (~150°C). Both direct and diffuse radiation can be collected A type of solar collector that can achieve high temperatures, in the range 170°F (77°C) to 350°F (177°C) and can, under the right set of circumstances, work very efficiently. Evacuatedtube collectors are, however, quite expensive, with unit area costs typically about twice that of flat-plate collectors. They are well-suited to commercial and industrial heating applications and also for cooling applications (by regenerating refrigeration cycles). They can also be an effective alternative to flat-plate collectors for domestic space heating, especially in regions where it is often cloudy. For domestic hot water heating, flat-plate collectors tend to offer a cheaper and a more reliable option. An evacuated-tube collector consists of parallel rows of glass tubes connected to a header pipe. Each tube has the air removed from it to eliminate heat loss through convection and radiation. 36 Figure 3.9: Schematic Diagram of an Evacuated Tube Collector [20] Another type of collector developed recently is the integrated compound parabolic collector (ICPC). This is an evacuated tube collector in which at the bottom part of the glass tube a reflective material is fixed. The collector combines the vacuum insulation and non-imaging stationary concentration into a single unit. For high temperature applications, a tracking ICPC may be used (b). Current Market Status Of Non-Electric/Non Concentrating Solar Thermal Technology: [54] The total area of installed solar collector is about 185GW by early 2010. Three types of solar collector are presently in market glazed, unglazed and evacuated. By the end of 2009, of the total installed capacity of 172.4 GW, 32% was glazed flat-plate collectors; 56% was evacuated tube collectors; 11% was unglazed collectors; and the remaining 1% was glazed and unglazed air collectors. The use of solar thermal non-electric technologies varies greatly in scale as well as type of technology preferred. For instance, the market in China, Taiwan, Japan and Europe is dominated by glazed flat-plate and evacuated tube water collectors. On the other hand, the North 37 American market is dominated by unglazed water collectors employed for applications such as heating swimming pools 3.2. Overall Comparision of Solar Energy Technologies Advantages of Solar Energy Technologies 1. It is quiet and clean energy Source. 2.occupies less space, 3.has a long life span of 20-25 years so can be used in space where repairs can be nearly impossible Disadvantages of Solar Energy Technologies 1. It consist of toxic materials like cadmium which might have a minor impact on the environment.2.they are expensive due in part of manufacturing cost and due the conversion efficiencies of the engines.3. it is a variable energy source as its energy production depends on Sun Current Market Future Status Prospective There are two types in the market grid connected and off grid connected. In the present market condition the off grid application has been overtaken by grid connected PV but still in a few countries like India and China are still in favor of off grid system. emphasis should be on developing costeffective Manufacturing technologies. work being done to improve cell efficiencies by concentrating sunlight and using multijunctions using nanotechnology to increase the range of places where solar PV can be used These applications Temperatur saves energy, e Solar time, occupies less area, Thermal improves Application product quality, makes the process more efficient and protects the environment These can operate only in the morning and might need a back up support to provide energy in the night time. These tend to be used traditionally in developing countries. Many technological advances have been made in design of ‘solar buildings’ in developed countries during the last two decades but again the level of technology is often high and Development in terms of solving some of the key issues includes cost reduction, higher quality, aesthetics and building integration. Photovoltai c Systems Low 38 Medium Built in a wide variety of Temperatur designs and e Solar from many different Thermal materials and a Application long effective life. s These are stationary and cannot track the sun therefore they need a backup support to provide energy in night times. expensive and out of reach for rural communities in developing countries Three types of solar collector are presently in market glazed, unglazed and evacuated, of which 32% was glazed flat-plate collectors, 56% was evacuated tube collectors; 11% was unglazed collectors and the 1% was glazed and unglazed air collectors Initial RD&D efforts will be directed towards the: control of heat loss; and maximization of energy collection. 3.5. SUMMARY: As discussed previously solar energy is the most abundant renewable energy resource available and in most of the regions its potential is far in excess compared to the current total primary energy supply. Solar energy technologies could help address energy access to rural and remote communities help improve long-term energy security and help greenhouse gas mitigation. Table 3.2 shows the overall comparison of these solar technologies discussing their advantages and disadvantages and their current and future market structure. The market for these technologies has been dramatically increased over the past few decades. The fundamental barrier to increase in the utilization of these solar technologies continues to be their cost. While the cost of energy from many solar energy technologies remains high compared to conventional energy technologies, the 39 cost trend of solar energy technologies demonstrates rapid declines in the recent past and the potential for significant declines in the near future. For instance the cost of PV declined over 80% during the last two decades. The emerging technology known as concentrating solar power, or CSP which has been discussed in next chapter, holds much promise for countries with plenty of sunshine and clear skies. Its electrical output matches well the shifting daily demand for electricity in places where air-conditioning systems are spreading. When backed up by thermal storage facilities and combustible fuel, it offers utilities electricity that can be dispatched when required, enabling it to be used for base, shoulder and peak loads. Continuation and expansion of existing supports would be necessary for several decades to enhance the further deployment of solar energy in both developed and developing countries, given current technologies and projections of their further improvements over the near few decades. The future projections for solar energy technologies are broadly optimistic. The market for solar energy technology is expected to grow significantly in the long-term as well as short-term. Further, despite its technical and economic limitations at present, it is expected that solar energy will play an important role in the transportation sector in the future. 40 CHAPTER 4 CONCENTRATED SOLAR THERMAL POWER (HIGH TEMPERATURE APPLICATIONS) [1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 20-21, 24-27, 34, 37-43, 49, 50, 54] 4.1 INTRODUCTION: Concentrated solar thermal energy is a power generation technology which harnesses sunlight using mirrors and lens, these mirrors collect sunlight and use this energy to heat the fluid and generate steam this steam is used to drive the turbine and generate power just like in a conventional power plant. For example a turbine fed from parabolic trough might require steam at 750K and reject heat into the atmosphere at 300K thus having an ideal thermal efficiency of about 60% with an intelligent management of heat waste the overall system efficiency of about 35% is feasible. The solar heat can be collected with different types of concentrating solar power technologies to produce high temperatures and generate steam to drive conventional power cycles like Rankine, Brayton and Stirling. During the day time while generating power the sun’s energy can be used and a part of it can be stored generally in a phase change medium such as molten salt. The stored heat can be used to generate power during the night time. A simple schematic diagram is shown below (Figure 4.1) which describes the main elements of a CSP 41 Figure 4.1: Main Components of CSP System [15] In general CSP are made up of different collectors, power cycles and different power storage systems. The market and application of CSP dictate the category of the system and its components, in general the CSP are categories according to the size of the system-low(<100 kW), medium(<10MW), and high(<10MW).CSP processes heat like any other conventional power plant as such that the plant efficiency depends on the operating temperatures of the system. Therefore, the useful energy produced will depend on the solar field collection and the power cycle efficiencies, as illustrated in Figure 4.2. The efficiency of a solar collector field is defined as the quotient of usable thermal energy versus received solar energy. The power generation subsystem efficiency is the ratio of net power out to the heat input 42 Figure4.2: CSP System Efficiency Variation with Operating Temperature. [15] CSP has been under investigation for several decades despite being a simple scheme of using mirrors and collecting heat which in turn is being used as a power to drive a turbine generating electricity this method involves several steps that can each be implemented in a number of different ways. The chosen execution method of every stage in solar thermal power production must be optimally matched to various technical, economic and environmental factors that may favor one approach over another. Extensive research is being carried out on the solar collector type, material and structures. The progress made in every aspect of CSP directs towards increasing the efficiency of power production, and also being affordable when compared to near future fossil fuel derived power. Unlike traditional power plants CSP provide an environmental friendly source of energy produces no emissions, and requires no fuel other than sunlight. About the only impact CSP plants have on 43 the environment is land use. Although the land used by CSP is greater than the fossil fuel, still both the plants use almost same amount of land because fossil fuels plants use additional land for mining and exploration as well as road building to reach the mines. Other benefits include low operating cost and the ability to produce power during high demand energy periods thus increasing our energy security. As they can store energy they can operate even in the night times and in the cloudy days too. When CSP is combined with a fossil plant forming a hybrid system they can operate round the clock regardless of any weather conditions. CSP technologies require a very large Direct Normal Incidence unlike PV systems that can use diffuse, scattered irradiance. The Solar Electricity Generation Plant in the southwest dessert of California has considerably high Direct Normal Incidence which makes impressive cost reduction. These parabolic trough power plants have been operating over three decades providing valuable data, in order to further reduce the Levelized electricity cost by more advanced concepts, improved plant operation and proper maintenance. 44 Figure 4.3: Levelized Electricity Cost (cents/kWh) Projections of CSP.[15] Because of rapid developments occurring both in technology and electricity market strategies. Because of rapid developments occur both in technology and electricity market strategies; CSP has the greatest potential of any single renewable energy area. It also has significant potential for further development and achieving low cost because of its guaranteed fuel supply (the sun). 4.2 SOLAR RADIATION: The potential to have a CSP plant in any geographical location is determined by its solar radiation characteristics. The power of electromagnetic radiation per unit area incident on a surface is called irradiance. When integrating irradiance over a certain time period it becomes solar irradiation. The solar radiation energy received on a given surface area over a course of a day is called solar insolation. Solar radiation consists of direct beam and diffuses scattered components. The term “global” solar radiation simply refers to the sum of these two components. The daily 45 variation of the different components depends upon meteorological and environmental factors (e.g. cloud cover, air pollution and Humidity) and the relative earth-sun geometry. Figure 4.4: Solar Irradiance variation within a day measured on a flat plate positioned horizontal and tracking the sun and direct normal irradiance (DNI). [15] The direct normal irradiance (DNI) is synonymous with the direct beam radiation and it is measured by tracking the sun throughout the sky. Figure 4.4 shows an example of the global solar radiation that is measured on a stationary two flat plate and a plate that is tracking the sun. The measured DNI is also included and its lower value can be attributed to the fact that it does not account for the diffuse radiation component. In CSP applications, the DNI is important in determining the available solar energy. It is also for this reason that the collectors are designed to track the sun throughout the day. Figure 4.5 shows the daily solar insolation on an optimally tilted surface during the worst month of the year around 46 the world. Regions represented by light and dark red colors are most suitable for CSP implementation. Figure 4.5: The solar insolation (kWh/m2/day) on an optimally tilted surface during the worst month of the year. [15] 4.3 DIRECT NORMAL INSOLATION: Extraterrestrial solar radiation follows a direct line from the sun to the Earth. Upon entering the earth’s atmosphere, some solar radiation is diffused by air, water molecules, and dust within the atmosphere. The direct normal insolation represents that portion of solar radiation reaching the surface of the Earth that has not been scattered or absorbed by the atmosphere. The adjective “normal” refers to the direct radiation as measured on a plane normal to its direction. For more practical purpose a time average of the direct insolation is considered over the course of the year. 47 This takes into account the absence of sunlight during the night, increased scattering in the morning and evening hours as well as the seasonal variations that take place. 4.4. CONCENTRATED SOLAR TECHNOLOGIES: [15] In a nutshell concentrating solar technologies are environmental friendly technology and has emerged as a promising technology for electricity generation.CSP plant produces electricity in a similar way to conventional power station the only difference is that CSP obtain their energy input by concentrating solar radiation and converting it to the high temperature steam or gas to drive a turbine, unlike PV cells or Flat plate solar thermal plant uses the diffuse part of solar irradiation which results from scattering of the direct sunlight by clouds, particles, or molecules in the air. The process of energy conversion consists of two parts: • The concentration of solar energy and converting it into usable thermal energy • The conversion of heat into electricity this is generally realized by a conventional steam turbine (Rankine cycle). Because of the apparent movement of the sun across the sky, conventional concentrating collectors must follow the sun's daily motion. There are two methods by which the sun's motion can be readily tracked a. Line-focusing systems or One Axis Tracking Mechanism: such as the parabolic trough collector (PTC) and linear Fresnel collector. These systems track the sun position in one dimension (one-axis-tracking), Line focus is less expensive, technically less difficult, but not as efficient as point focus. The basis for this technology is a parabola-shaped mirror, which rotates on a single axis throughout the day tracking the sun. 48 Figure 4.6: Line Focusing Systems: Left: Parabolic trough collector; Right: Linear Fresnel Collector [34] b. Point-focusing systems or Two Axis Tracking Mechanism: such as solar towers or solar dishes. These systems realize higher concentration ratios than line-focusing systems. Their mirrors track the sun position in two dimensions (two axis-tracking). Point focus technique requires a series of mirrors surrounding a central tower, also known as a power tower. The mirrors focus the sun’s rays onto a point on the tower, which then transfers the heat into more usable energy. Figure 4.7: Point Focusing Systems: Left: Solar Tower Plant PS10, 11 MW in Seville, Spain; 624 so-called heliostats, 120 m2 each, focus the sunlight onto a receiver on top of a 100 m high tower (Abgengoa, 2010); Right: Dish Stirling Prototype Plant of 10 kW each in Almeria, Spain; diameter 8.5m (DLR, 2010). [34] 49 The four main types of concentrating solar collectors are (1) Parabolic trough collectors; (2) Heliostat field collectors; (3) Linear Fresnel reflectors; and (4) Parabolic dish collectors. Figure 4.8: Types of CSP Technology. [15] 4.4.1 PARABOLIC TROUGH COLLECTOR TECHNOLOGY: [39] 4.4.1 (a) Introduction: Parabolic trough is the most proven and lowest cost solar plant available today; primarily because of the nine large commercial scale solar power plants that are being operated in California desert. Concentrating solar power (CSP) plants which produce electricity using the thermal energy collected from a series of concentrating solar collectors. This thermal energy drives a 50 conventional Rankine steam power cycle to produce electricity. Parabolic trough power plant consists of large fields of parabolic trough collectors, a heat transfer fluid/ steam generation system and optional thermal storage system and/ or a fossil fuel backup system. The parabolic shaped mirrors are constructed by forming a sheet of reflective material into parabola shape that concentrates incoming sunlight onto a central receiver tube at the focal line of the collector. The arrays of mirrors can be 100 meters (m) long or more, with the curved aperture of 5 m to 6 m. The collector field is made up of a large field of single-axis-tracking parabolic trough solar collectors. Parabolic trough collector technology design is modular in nature and comprises of many parallels rows of collectors generally set in north south horizontal axis. As shown in Figure 4.9 Figure 4.9: A Typical Parabolic Trough System. [55] Each solar collector has a parabolic shaped reflector that focuses the sun radiation directly on to the heat collection element that runs through the focal line of each trough. The collectors track the sun from east to west just to make sure that the sun is continuously focused on the linear receiver. 51 The receiver comprises the absorber tube 70 mm diameters which is coated with black chrome or a selective ceramic material/metal (cermets) surface coating inside an evacuated glass envelope as shown in Figure 4.10. The absorber tube is generally a coated stainless steel tube, with a spectrally selective coating that absorbs the solar (short wave) irradiation well, but emits very little infrared (long wave) radiation. This helps to reduce heat loss. Evacuated glass tubes are used because they help to reduce heat losses. The focused radiant energy is absorbed through the heat collecting element and transferred to heat transfer fluid which is either water or liquids like synthetic oil such as a mixture of biphenyl and diphenyl oxide that is pumped through each HCE tube. The heated HTF is pumped back to the power plant, where it becomes the thermal resource for steam generation in the power cycle Figure 4.10: Schematic Diagram of Parabolic Trough Collector. [20] Within the power cycle portion of the plant, the hot HTF is piped through a series of counter flow heat exchangers that transfer the thermal energy from the HTF to a feed water stream to produce superheated steam. This steam serves as the working fluid in a conventional Rankine power cycle. Steam is condensed at the bottom of the cycle through a water cooled condenser and pumped back through a series of feed water heaters to the cycle’s steam generator. The heat 52 absorbed by the condenser water is rejected to the environment through an induced draft cooling tower. Figure 4.11: Typical Schematic Diagram of SEGS Plant. [39] Nine Solar Electric Generating Systems (SEGS) were built in the Mojave Desert in southern California between 1984 and 1990. The first two SEGS plants (SEGS I and SEGS II) were built in Daggett, CA, between 1984 and 1985, and are rated at 14 [MWe] and 30 [MWe], respectively. A power park of five SEGS plants (SEGS III through VII), rated at 30 [MWe] each, was then assembled in Kramer Junction, CA, between 1986 and 1988. The final two SEGS plants (SEGS VIII and IX) are each rated at 80 [MWe] and were built in Harper Lake, CA, between 1989 and 1990. All nine SEGS plants were designed, built, and sold by Luz International. All of the SEGS plants are still in operation today and, collectively, they generate a combined peak power of 354 [MW]. A portion 53 of the solar field for one 30 MWe SEGS plant is shown in figure below. The SEGS plants also include an ancillary natural gas fired boiler, which may be used to supplement solar steam production (up to 25%). The levelized cost of electricity from the SEGS plants was estimated at $0.14/kWh in 2002. Figure 4.12: Parabolic Trough at 30MWe (net) SEGS Plant in Kramer Junction, CA. [55] The existing parabolic trough plant has been designed to use solar energy as a primary source of energy source to produce electricity. Given sufficient solar input, the plants can operate at full rated power using solar energy alone. During the summer times the plant operates on 10-12 hr/day on soar energy in order to achieve the full rated electric output during the cloudy days or nighttimes the plant have been designed as hybrid solar/fossil plants i.e., a backup fossil fired capability can be used to supplement the solar output during the days with low solar radiation. In 54 addition, thermal storage can be integrated into the plant design to allow solar energy to be stored and dispatched when power is required. The parabolic trough produces power based on conventional Rankine cycle which is widely used for steam power cycle. The cycle collects the superheated steam from the parabolic trough field this superheated vapor expands to lower pressure values in the steam turbine that drives the generator to produce electricity. The turbine exhaust steam is then condensed and recycled as the feed water for the superheated steam generation to begin the cycle again. The SEGS system experiences show that the plant’s conversion from solar compared to the efficiency of fossil fuels but when we compare both the technologies the operating and maintenance cost for SEGS plant are negligible due to the absence of any fuel costs, thus making the LEC largely electric efficiency ranges from 10-14% which is less when depend on capitol costs. The figure 4.13 shows the major breakdown of investment on a typical parabolic trough plant that operates on Rankine Cycle. We can see that the majority of the initial investments are associated to the solar field. But in recent time much progress has been made recently with the introduction of lightweight space frame structure designs and the development of efficient highly reflective film13, such as ReflecTechTM and 3M’s new solar mirror film. 55 Figure 4.13: Typical Cost breakdown of a Parabolic Trough SEGS plant. [15] The heat transfer fluid (HTF) system moves the heat from the solar field to the power block and it requires an HTF with the following properties: high temperature operation with high thermal stability, good heat transfer properties, low energy transportation losses, low vapor pressure, low freeze point, low hazard properties, good material compatibility, low hydrogen permeability of the steel pipe and economical product and maintenance costs. As a result, synthetic organic HTFs are most suitable for the parabolic trough plants. The last of the major components is the power block, which consists of a conventional steam turbine based system, the costs of which are well established and a number of new players from China and India have made the prices quite competitive. Any significant reduction in the cost of any of these three major components will result in a lower LEC for CSP systems One important advantage of solar thermal power plants is that they can operate with other means of water heating and thus a hybrid system can ensure security of supply. During periods of insufficient irradiance, a parallel burner can be used to produce steam. Climatecompatible fuels such as biomass or h y d r o g e n p r o d u c e d b y r e n e w a b l e e n e r g y can also fire this parallel burner. 56 4 . 4 . 1 . (b) Working Principle of Parabolic Trough Technology: [ 5 4 ] The reflecting surface of parabolic trough collectors, also called linear imaging concentrators, has a parabolic cross section. The curve of a parabola is such that light travelling parallel to the axis of a parabolic mirror will be reflected to a single focal point from any place along the curve. Because the sun is so far away, as shown in the figure 4.14 all direct solar beams (i.e., excluding diffuse) are essentially parallel so if the parabola is facing the sun, the sunlight is concentrated at the focal point. A parabolic trough extends the parabolic shape to three dimensions along a single direction, creating a focal line along which the absorber tube is run. Figure 4.14: Parallel Sun Rays being concentrated onto the focal line of the collector. [54] Parabolic trough collectors like other solar concentrating systems have to track the sun. The troughs are normally designed to track the sun along one axis oriented in the north-south or eastwest direction as shown in figure 4.15. As parabolic troughs use only direct radiation, cloudy skies become a more critical factor than when using flat-plate collectors, which can also use 57 diffuse sunlight. Periodic cleaning of mirrors also is essential to assure an adequate parabolic trough field performance. Figure 4.15: Tracking of Sun rays by Parabolic Trough Collectors with a Collector axis oriented north south. [54] 4.4.1. (c) Solar Collector Technology: a.) Luz Collectors: The Luz International LTD., established in 1979, designed three generations of parabolic trough collectors LS-1, LS-2, LS-3 installed in SEGS plant. The first two generations LS-1 and LS2 consist of similar assemblies mounted on a structure of similar length the structure is based on a rigid structural support tube, called the torque tube which supports the steel tubes to which the parabolic troughs are connected. In the LS-3, the torque tube is replaced by a metal lattice framework, the aperture width is 14% wider than the LS-2 and collector length is doubled. Changes were made in the pedestal and reflector supports, and the collectors are positioned by a hydraulic control system instead of the mechanical gear and cable system used in the LS-2. LS-3 collector design makes use not only of previous Luz power plant experience (SEGS-I to SEGSVI), but also mass production, cost and performance requirements. However, SEGS plant operating experience shows that any benefit to cost has been clearly offset by associated performance and maintenance issues. 58 The Heat Transfer Element is made up of stainless steel with a special coating sealed in a vacuum tight glass tube. The outer tube is low-iron glass (max. 0.015%) and has an anti-reflective coating on both sides to maximize solar transmission. Hydrogen traps, often referred to as passive vacuum pumps, are installed in the vacuum cavity to absorb the hydrogen which migrates slowly across the steel tube. The selective coating material used in LS1 and LS2 is made up of black chrome where as for LS3 a new ceramic metal layer is used. The glass is given its parabolic shape by heating it on accurate parabolic moulds in special ovens. Ceramic pads are cemented with a special adhesive to the back of the reflectors for mounting to the support structure. In 1991 Luz filed for bankruptcy and in 1992, Solel Belgium (nowadays Solel Solar Systems Ltd.) purchased Luz manufacturing assets, providing a reserve for the Luz collector technology and key collector components. Before the demise of Luz, the company had designed a fourth generation collector, the LS-4, with the intention of studying DSG inside the absorber tubes. The LS-4 collector had a 10.5-m aperture width (almost double the LS-3), 49 m total length and absorber outer diameter of 0.114 m. Working fluid temperature and pressure foreseen were 400 °C and 10 MPa, respectively. Two special features were that the absorber tube was tilted 8° and did not move, because at that time, no ball joints were able to work at such pressures (d). Option Of Thermal Energy Storage Systems For Parabolic Trough Collectors: One main advantage of solar thermal power plants over other renewable power technologies, such as photovoltaic and wind energy converters, is the option of energy storage. Unlike the storage of electric energy, thermal energy storage is practically and economically feasible already today, even in large-scale applications. Solar thermal power plants can be equipped with thermal energy storage with a full-load storage capacity in the range of several hours. 59 Usually, the storage is filled during the day, and emptied again after sunset, so that electricity is still produced even after sunset. This allows for plant operation in concordance with load requirements from the grid, because in many countries there is an electricity demand peak after sunset. During such demand peaks, electricity prices are usually far higher than base-load prices, creating a very important added value of CSP and storage. Various thermal storage technologies are in principle feasible for solar thermal power plants, based on different physical mechanisms (such as sensible heat storage, latent heat storage, and chemical energy storage), and by applying different types of storage materials (such as molten salt, oil, sand, and concrete). The storage material needs to be cheap, because large quantities are required. It should also be noted that different heat transfer fluids (HTFs) used in the solar field require and allow different storage options. Thermal storage is in principle applicable not only to parabolic trough power plants, but also to the other CSP technologies. However, the only power plants that are in operation today using thermal storage are the Andasol power plants shown in Figure. The Andasol plants use a two-tank molten salt storage; the working principle is it stores heat by heating up a medium (sensible heat storage).When loading the storage, the hot heat-transfer fluid, coming from the solar field, passes through a heat exchanger and heats up the molten salt. In turn, the storage is unloaded by transferring the heat from the salt back to the heat-transfer fluid. Many operation strategies are feasible for the operation of the plant and the storage. The most common one is to feed primarily the turbine directly with the heat from the solar field. Whenever excess solar heat is available, it is stored. Other options may also aim at storing the solar energy from the morning hours instead of directly converting it into electricity, and thereby using the storage for shifting rather than for maximizing the plant’s operational hours. 60 (e). System Applications, Benefits and Impacts of Parabolic Trough Technology: [39] 1. The primary application for parabolic trough power plants is large scale grid connected power application in the 30 to 300 MW range. Because the technology can be easily hybridized with fossil fuels, the plant can be designed to provide film peaking to intermediate load power. The plants are a good match for applications where the solar radiation resources correlate closely with the peak electric power demands in the region 2. The domestic market opportunity for parabolic trough plants is in the south western deserts where the best DNI solar resource exists. These regions also have peak power demands that could benefit from parabolic trough technologies. All of the existing Luz-developed SEGS projects were developed as independent power projects and were enabled through special tax incentives and power purchase agreements such as the California SO-2 and SO-4 contracts. However, with utility restructuring, and an increased focus on global warming and other environmental issues, many new opportunities such as renewable portfolio standards and the development of solar enterprise zones may encourage the development of new trough plants. 3. With the high demand for new power generation in many developing countries, the next deployment of parabolic troughs could be abroad. Many arid regions in developing countries are ideally suited for parabolic trough technologies. India, Egypt, Morocco, Mexico, Brazil, Crete (Greece), and Tibet (China) have expressed interest in trough technology power plants. Benefits of PTR: 1. The parabolic trough technology is the only one which generates electricity at the lowest cost sources available. They are backed by considerable valuable operating experience. This will be the least cost solar option for another few more years until other technologies are developed. 61 2. Trough plants generate their peak output during sunny periods when air conditioning loads are at their peak. Integrated natural gas hybridization and thermal storage have allowed the plants to provide firm power even during non-solar and cloudy periods. 3. Trough plants reduce operation of higher-cost, cycling fossil generation that would be needed to meet peak power demands during sunny afternoons at times when the most photochemical smog, which is aggravated by NOx emissions from power plants, is produced. 4. Construction of trough technology has a huge positive impact on today’s economy most of the part are local made. Also the trough plant requires very less labor during construction and operation. Impacts: 1. The HTF used is Monsanto Therminol VP-1 although it is considered to be non hazardous in US but it is considered to hazardous in California. In additions to the liquid spills, few vapor emissions during normal operations. 2. Water availability can be significant issue in arid regions which is best suited for trough plants. Another issue is the waste water coming out of the plant. This water coming out of the plants as it must be sent to the evaporation pond. 3. Parabolic trough plants require a significant amount of land that typically cannot be used concurrently for other uses. Parabolic troughs require the land to be graded level. One opportunity to minimize the development of undisturbed lands is to use parcels of marginal and fallow agricultural land instead. 4. Solar fossil hybrid plants do operate with fossil fuels during some periods. During this time the plant will generate emissions consistent with fuel consumption. 62 4.4.2. LINEAR FRESNEL COLLECTOR TECHNOLOGY: This is a single axis tracking technology but differs from a parabolic trough in that the absorber is fixed in space above the mirror field and the reflector is composed of many long row segments which focus collectively on an elevated long tower receiver running parallel to the reflector rotational axis. The first such array was a small one built by Francia (1961), but since then little was done until the last few years when development began on two LFR designs in Australia and Belgium. Fresnel lenses are used as solar collectors where the reflector is composed of many long rows of flat mirrors, which concentrate beam radiation directly on the receiver located at meters height running parallel to the axis of rotation. Linear Fresnel collectors follow the same principles of parabolic trough technology, but replace the curved mirrors with long parallel lines of flat or slightly curved shape mirrors. A representation of an element of an LFR collector field is shown in Figure 4.16 shown below. Figure 4.16: Schematic Representation of Linear Fresnel Solar Collectors. [20] 63 In the field of CSP applications Fresnel collectors are one of the best choices because of its advantages such as small volume, light weight, mass production with low cost. These were first discovered in 1822 by Augustin Jean Fresnel, the early Fresnel lens is first made up of glass. Glass is an attractive option when lenses are to be used at high temperatures or when they are used for glazing. Figure 4.17: The effect of storage on utility load during a typical day. [15] However polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) which is a light-weight, clear, and stable polymer with optical characteristics nearly same as that of glass, serves as a suitable material for the manufacturing of Fresnel lenses. Modern plastics, new molding techniques, and computercontrolled diamond turning machines have improved the quality of Fresnel lenses and have opened new horizons for the design of Fresnel lenses for solar energy concentration applications. Fresnel lenses can be pressure-molded, injection-molded, cut, or extruded from a variety of plastics and the production costs for large outputs are considerably low [50]. The main advantage of Linear Fresnel is its lower investment and operational costs. The flat plate mirrors are cheaper and easier to produce when compared to parabolic trough technology (which will be discussed later) and are readily available. The structure has a low profile with mirrors over 64 one or two meters above the ground this means that the plant can operate in strong winds. It can be a viable solution because of it light weight and simple collector structure. Although the technology is much simpler and a cost effective option it is not been tested enough to determine its viability as an alternative to parabolic trough [40]. The main difficulty of Linear Fresnel reflector technology is avoidance of shading of incoming solar radiation and blocking of reflected solar radiation by adjacent reflector. Blocking can be removed by increasing the height of the absorber towers, but this increases cost. Compact linear Fresnel reflector (CLFR) technology has been recently developed at Sydney University in Australia. This is in effect a second type of solution for the Fresnel reflector field problem which has been overlooked until recently. Figure 4.18: Schematic Diagram showing interleaving of mirrors in a CLFR with reduced shading between mirrors. [20] The classical LFR model has only one receiver and therefore there is no choice given for the direction or orientation of the reflector. Therefore if the linear absorbers are close enough, each reflector will have an option of directing reflectors solar radiation to at least two absorbers. This 65 provides the means for much more densely packed arrays, because patterns of alternating reflector orientation can be such that closely packed reflectors can be positioned without shading and blocking. The arrangement minimizes beam blocking by adjacent reflectors and allows high reflector densities and low tower heights to be used. Close spacing of reflectors also reduces land usage. The avoidance of large reflector spacing and tower heights is an important cost issue when the cost of ground preparation, array substructure cost, tower structure cost, steam line thermal losses and steam line cost are considered [27]. For commercial power production (greater than 1 MW scale), it is very reasonable to have multiple receivers, and thus the CLFR design is very useful without incurring extra costs, especially in areas where land is limited. A very useful addition to the CLFR design is the inverted cavity receiver attached to the planner array of boiling tubes as shown in the figure [4.19]. This structure allows the plant operation using direct steam generation process (which will be discussed later), this design consideration of inverted cavity receiver indicates that this design bypasses the receiver thermal uniformity challenges faced by the parabolic trough direct steam generation technology. Figure 4.19: Schematic diagram of inverted air cavity receiver. [14] 66 Linear Fresnel collectors seem to be more open for redesign and adaptation to local conditions. Local content is probably higher than for the parabolic trough due to the simpler components. All commercial Fresnel collectors use pressurized water / steam as an environmentally friendly heattransfer fluid. A power plant with direct steam generation thus requires fewer heat exchangers than the one using HTF thermal oil. Another innovative design to further limit wasted solar radiation in a CLFR with a purpose of blocking or shading while maximizing the field layout density this design proposes the reformation of platform on which reflectors are resting into a wave form as shown in figure 4.20 Figure4.20: Wave platform structure for a CLFR system allows maximization of solar radiation collected from a given area. [4] To summarize LFR technology offers many advantages of parabolic trough collectors systems while incurring smaller reflector costs. It too can be easily coupled to direct steam generation as well as molten salts for thermal energy transport. The costs is further reduced due to central receiver regime it incorporates , but tags on the challenge of maximizing the amount solar radiation that can be collected. Innovation in receiver design and reflector organization has made LFR relatively inexpensive in comparison with other CSP technologies. It readily couples to thermal storage methods and numerous applications 67 4.4.3. PARABOLIC DISH COLLECTOR TECHNOLOGY: (a) Introduction: This is a point focus collector that tracks the sun in two axes, concentrating solar energy onto a receiver located at a focal point of the dish. The dish structure fully tracks the sun and sends it to the thermal receiver. The receiver absorbs solar radiation and converts it into thermal energy in a circulating fluid. This thermal energy can either be directly converted into electricity using a generator that is directly converted to receiver or it can be transported to power conversion system in order to increase the efficiency of this design they must have dual tracking mechanisms so that the dish aperture is always normal to the incoming solar radiation. Parabolic dish technology can achieve very high temperatures up to 15000c because the receivers are distributed throughout the collector field just like the parabolic trough collector. The greatest challenge faced by distributed dish systems is developing a power conversion system which is low capital and maintenance cost, long life, high efficiency and automatic operations. Several different engine have been used such as Gas turbine, reciprocating steam engine, organic Rankine engine have been used. But in recent year Stirling engine is often being used for these applications as its performance is better at temperatures below 9500c. At high temperatures combined cycle gas turbines must be used to achieve higher efficiency. 68 Figure4.21: Schematic Diagram of Parabolic Dish Collector. [20] Due to its high concentration ratio the dish technology can also be used for concentrated photovoltaic’s the large solar flux concentrated on a small area can produce enough power to reduce the high capital investment required. These PV cells are very costly yet they are very heat resistant and perform better under high concentration ratio. Adding such PV cells to the dish collector technology is fairly simple, and can give results that are comparable to or better compared to heat engine systems, with much longer lifetime. The Dish Stirling systems have highest efficiency when compared to other solar power generation systems by converting nearly 31.25% of direct normal incident solar radiation into electricity after taking into account of parasitic power losses. Therefore Dish Stirling is better compared to parabolic trough in producing electricity at much cheaper rates and higher efficiencies. As the Dish Stirling systems are modular they can be assembled into plants ranging for a kilowatt to 10 MW plant. Dish Stirling systems are applicable in areas where there is high direct normal irradiance the so called sun belt areas like Mexico, Australia, Africa etc., 69 Figure4.22: Stirling Dish Systems at Sandia National Labs. (Optics .org website) Parabolic dish collectors are high cost devices; they are large mirrors with concavity to effectively concentrate solar radiation. They are also very heavy and their tracking systems must be very sensitive and finely tuned. In order to reduce the high collector cost an approximate Parabolic dish with small mirrors can be manufactured. These small mirror arrangements approximate a parabolic collector in a relatively inexpensive way. Presently there are two types of Dish Stirling systems in market: the Euro Dish from SchlaichBergermann und Partner (SBP) and the Sun Catcher Dish Stirling system developed by Stirling Energy System. A refined design of Sun Catcher Dish Stirling system that is being used in commercial scale deployments started in 2010. Innovation in parabolic dish reflector technology has promoted this highly efficient yet expensive technology towards the goal of being reasonably affordable. Novel improvements in reflector structure and collector design continue to boost the thermal efficiency of this concentrated solar power scheme. The use of a Stirling engine at a PDC’s focus helps alleviate the losses and costs associated with heat transport. However, this regime does not comply with thermal storage in a simple manner, a significant issue in the scope of year-round power production. A possible solution for this problem can be using a electrochemical battery that can provide power after sunset. 70 (b) System Application, Benefits and Impacts: Dish Stirling has high efficiency, low cost, versatility and hybrid operations. Due to its versatility and hybrid operations it is used in wide range of applications with high power ranges from megawatts to gigawatt. Their ability to be quickly installed, their inherent modularity, and their minimal environmental impact make them a good candidate for new peaking power installations. Although these systems do not have cost effective storage systems, their ability to work with fossil fuels and bio derived fuels makes them more dispatchable. The Dish Stirling systems can be used individually to stand alone applications, although there power ranges and modularity is ideal for standalone applications there are a few challenges in maintenance and operation in remote environments. In addition, to enable operation until the system can become self sustaining, energy storage (e.g., a battery like those used in a diesel generator set) with its associated cost and reliability issues is needed. Therefore, it is likely that significant entry in stand-alone markets will occur after the technology has had an opportunity to mature in utility and village-power markets. The Dish Stirling is well suited for intermediate applications as well. Because the Dish systems use a heat engine the ability to use fossil fuels is possible. The use of the same power conversion equipment, including the engine, generator, wiring, and switch gear, etc., means that only the addition of a fossil fuel combustor is required to enable a hybrid capability. For Dish/Brayton systems addition of a hybrid capability is straightforward. For dish/Stirling systems, on the other hand, addition of a hybrid capability is a challenge. The external, high temperature, isothermal heat addition required for Stirling engines is in many ways easier to integrate with solar heat than it is with the heat of combustion. The Dish Stirling has very minimal impact on environments. It has been known for being quiet, relative to internal combustion gasoline and diesel engines, and even the highly recuperated 71 Brayton engines are reported to be relatively quiet. The biggest source of noise is the cooling fan of the radiator. Emissions from dish/engine systems are also quite low. Other than the potential for spilling small amounts of engine Oil or coolant or gearbox grease, these systems produce no effluent when operating with solar energy. Even when operating with a fossil fuel, the steady flow combustion systems used in both Stirling and Brayton systems result in extremely low emission levels. 4.4.4. HELIOSTAT FIELD COLLECTOR OR POWER TOWER: (a). Introduction: The most recent CSP technology to emerge into commercial utility was the heliostat field collector design. This design is incorporated in a very few locations around the world because of its expensive, powerful design. The 10MW solar one and solar two are the first HFC plants to be built. The heliostat field collector design features a large array of flat mirrors distributed around the central receiver mounted on a solar tower. The major components of this design are heliostat field, the heliostat controls, the receiver, the storage system and the heat engine system which drives the generator. This design must ensure that the radiation is delivered to the receiver at the desired flux density at the minimum cost. Several receivers have been considered and the cylindrical receiver has advantage when used with Rankine cycle engines. Cavity receivers with large tower are height to heliostat field area ratios are used for higher temperatures required for the operation of Brayton cycle turbines. Each heliostat is on a two-axis tracking mount, and has a surface area ranging from 50 to 150m2. Using slightly concave mirror segments on heliostats can increase the solar flux they reflect, though this elevates manufacturing costs. Every heliostat is individually oriented to reflect incident light directly on to the central receiving unit. Mounting the receiver on a tall tower decreases the distance mirrors must be placed from one another to avoid shading. A fluid 72 circulating in a closed-loop system passes through the central receiver, absorbing thermal energy for power production and storage. An advantage of HFC’s is the large amount of radiation focused on a single receiver which minimizes heat loses and simplifies heat transport and storage requirements. Power production is often implemented by steam and turbine generators. The single-receiver scheme provides for uncomplicated integration with fossil-fuel power generators. Figure4.23: Schematic Diagram of Heliostat Field Collector. [20] As the collectors represent the largest cost in the system an efficient heat engine is required to obtain maximum conversion of the collected energy. Several thermodynamics cycles can be considered like, Brayton or sterling gas cycle engines operated at the inlet temperature of 80010000c which provides high engine efficiencies. But are limited for low gas heat transfer coefficient and by practical constrains on collector design imposed by the requirements of very high temperatures. 73 The integration of a solar reformer with a heliostat field array was proposed in2002.Solar reforming of methane with steam or CO2 is an efficient chemical heat storage method. The Syngas produced can be converted into electricity using a gas turbine or combined cycle. The suggested reformer rests on the ground, and has a collector mounted above it. A solar reflector tower is used to concentrate solar flux from heliostats on to the ground reformer. In this fashion, the power producing unit can be separated from the concentrator field entirely. Power tower systems currently under development use either nitrate salt or air as the heat transfer medium. In the USA, the Solar One plant in Barstow, CA was originally a water/steam plant and is now converted to Solar Two, a nitrate salt system. The use of nitrate salt for storage allows the plant to avoid tripping off line during cloudy periods and also allow the delivery of power after sunset. The heliostat system consists of 1818 individually oriented reflectors, each consisting of 12 concave panels with a total area of 39.13 m2, for a total array of 71 100 m2. The reflective material is back-silvered glass. The receiver is a single pass superheated boiler, generally cylindrical in shape, 13.7 m high, 7 m in diameter, with the top 90 m above the ground. It is an assembly of 24 panels, each 0.9 m wide and 13.7 m long. Six of the panels on the south side, which receives the least radiation, are used as feed-water pre-heaters and the balance are used as boilers. The panels are coated with a non-selective flat black paint which was heat cured in place with solar radiation. The receiver was designed to produce 50 900 kg/h of steam at 516 8C with absorbing surface operating at a maximum temperature of 620 0C. Heliostat field collector technology has greatly improved over the last few decades, and continues to draw much attention as a suitable scheme for large solar thermal plants. The exceedingly high temperatures at which they operates it grant HFC plants excellent efficiencies, while allowing them to be coupled to a variety of applications. The high capital investment necessary for the 74 construction of HFC systems is an obstacle, however, and further technological advancements in efficiency must be accompanied by low cost materials and storage schemes for this CSP method to become more economical Recent research and development efforts have focused on polymer reflectors and stretchedmembrane heliostats. A stretched-membrane heliostat consists of a metal ring, across which two thin metal membranes are stretched. A focus control system adjusts the curvature of the front membrane, which is laminated with a silvered-polymer reflector, usually by adjusting the pressure (a very slight vacuum) in the plenum between the two membranes. Stretched-membrane heliostats are potentially much cheaper than glass/metal heliostats because they weigh less and have fewer parts. (B). System Application, Benefits and Impacts: [52] As non-polluting energy sources become more favored, molten-salt power towers will have a high value because the thermal energy storage allows the plant to be dispatchable. Consequently, the value of power is worth more because a power tower plant can deliver energy during peak load times when it is more valuable. Energy storage also allows power tower plants to be designed and built with a range of annual capacity factors (20 to 65%). Combining high capacity factors and the fact that energy storage will allow power to be brought onto the grid in a controlled manner (i.e., by reducing electrical transients thus increasing the stability of the overall utility grid), total market penetration should be much higher than an intermittent solar technology without storage. The availability of an inexpensive and efficient energy storage system may give power towers a competitive advantage. Thermal-energy storage in the power tower allows electricity to be dispatched to the grid when demand for power is the highest, thus increasing the monetary value 75 of the electricity. Much like hydro plants, power towers with salt storage are considered to be a dispatchable rather than an intermittent renewable energy power plant. One possible concern with the technology is the relatively high amount of land and water usage. This may become an important issue from a practical and environmental viewpoint since these plants are typically deployed within desert areas that often lack water and have fragile landscapes. No hazardous gaseous or liquid emissions are released during operation of the solar power tower plant. If a salt spill occurs, the salt will freeze before significant contamination of the soil occurs. Salt is picked up with a shovel and can be recycled if necessary. If the power tower is hybridized with a conventional fossil plant, emissions will be released from the non-solar portion of the plant. 4.5. COMPARISION OF CONCENTRATED SOLAR POWER (CSP) TECHNOLOGIES: [49] CSP technologies differ in a significant way from each other. Not only in terms of technical and economical but also in terms of reliability, maturity and operational experience. Parabolic troughs are the most widely commercially deployed CSP plant, but are not so matured and improvement in performance and cost reduction are expected. Most of the parabolic trough collectors currently used do not have thermal energy storage and only generates electricity during daylights hours. Most CSP projects currently under construction or development are based on parabolic trough technology, as it is the most mature technology and shows the lowest development risk. Solar tower and linear Fresnel systems are only beginning to develop and there is a significant potential to reduce prices and improve efficiency especially solar tower. However parabolic trough systems are more promising with longer operational experience of utility-size plants; represent a less flexible, but low-risk option today. There is increased interest in solar towers using high temperature molten salt or other alternatives for synthetic oil as the HTF and storage 76 medium due to the potential for cost reduction, higher efficiency and extended energy storage opportunities. This appears to be the most promising CSP technology for the future. While the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) of parabolic trough systems does not tend to decline with higher capacity factors, the LCOE of solar towers tends to decrease as the capacity factor increases. This is mainly due to the significantly lower specific cost (up to three times lower) of the molten-salt energy storage in Solar Tower plants. CSP technologies offer a great opportunity for local manufacturing, which can stimulate local economic development, including job creation. It is estimated that solar towers can offer more local opportunities than trough systems. In the longer term, the ability to achieve higher operating temperatures may give tower technologies efficiency and cost advantage versus parabolic troughs if new thermal cycle technologies can be integrated with the power tower heat source. While utility-scale photovoltaic systems are on a trajectory to achieve lower energy costs, the CSP cases presented here have capacity factors 2-3 times greater than utility-scale PV systems. The advantage thermal energy storage offers for reliability and dispatch flexibility is expected to allow these CSP technologies to maintain a competitive edge with respect to PV systems. While these factors are minor at low penetration, they become essential for renewable energy systems to achieve higher grid penetration. Table 4.1: Overall Comparision of Concentrated Solar Power Technologies: Advantages Disadvantages Current Future Work Status Parabolic Trough commercially available, with 4500 GW-h operational experience, lower temperatures restrict output to moderate steam qualities commercial size 80 MW e units, total 354 MW e operating; designs for Applicati ons Cost reduction and greater efficiencies, expansion of location grid connected plants, process heat 77 Linear Fresnel Dish Stirling hybrid concept proven, storage capability through temperature limits of oil integration with combined cycles It is simpler and less expensive. Fluid temperatures are relatively low compared to other technologies very high conversion efficiencies, modularity, hybrid operation in development fossil back-up not yet proven, storage a problem, high cost an issue, development has reached prototype stage capital cost projections not yet proven; heliostats require very high tracking accuracy; air receiver has reached prototype stage; promising salt receiver system not yet proven A 177 MW Linear Fresnel solar power plant is scheduled to begin operations soon in California. Test and demo units: stand-alone systems 50 kWe and farms 5 MWe; commercial status about 1998. Test and demo units; maximum 10 MWe; commercial status about 1999; designs for integration with combined cycles. Power Tower good long-term perspective for high efficiencies and storage through high temperatures, hybrid operation possible. possibilities and uses, electricity generation throughout the clock Are still in the demonstration phase and not yet reached the commercial market steam powered electricity generatio n Study towards system hybridization, system amortization , Thermal storage system stand alone applicatio ns or small power systems Development towards advanced receivers for heating air efficiently. Efforts should be put in making this option a more cheaper option than conventional sources grid connected plants, high temperatu re process heat 4.6. CURRENT MARKET STATUS CSP: [46] The CSP market first emerged in the early 1980s but lost pace in the absence of government support in the United States. However, a recent strong revival of this market is evident with 14.5 78 GW in various stages of development across 20 countries and 740 MW of added CSP capacity between 2007 and 2010 While many regions of the world, for instance, Southwestern United States, Spain, Algeria, Morocco, South Africa, Israel, India and China, provide suitable conditions for the deployment of CSP, market activity is mainly concentrated in Southwestern United States and Spain, both of which are supported with favorable policies, investment tax credits and feed-in tariffs. Currently, several projects around the world are either under construction, in the planning stages, or undergoing feasibility studies6 and the market is expected to keep growing at a significant pace. 4.7. APPLICATIONS: [4] Concentrated solar power provides large variety of application in addition to the main objective of electricity generations for which solar thermal energy can be harnessed. Industrial heat processes, chemical production, salt-water desalination, heating and cooling are just a few examples of the plethora of available applications that can be implemented using CSP technologies. Some technologies require specific CSP design while some others can be coupled to theses designs. In regions of the world where clean drinking water is scarce also have an abundance of solar radiation, makes this CSP application worthwhile. Processes like Desalination are generally done by evaporating salt-water to leave salt behind, then condensing salt free vapor back into its liquid state. The process of heating large amounts of water for drinking and agricultural purposes requires immense amount of energy. Concentrating solar radiation and converting it to heat is an efficient method by which this process can be achieved using emissionfree, renewable energy. The large amount of thermal energy that can be harvested using solar concentrators makes them a lucrative option for integration with industrial heat processes. A substantial fraction of these processes run below 300 0C, an operational temperature achievable by most solar concentrator 79 regimes. Solar power can be utilized for temperature control of buildings, providing both heating and cooling mechanisms. A cascade of mini-dish collector and gas micro-turbine produces electricity that drives a mechanical chiller, with turbine heat rejection running absorption chiller. A special feature of this system is that energy can be stored compactly as ice. The compactness of the solar mini-dish system is conducive for small-scale ultra-high-performance solar cooling systems. The utilization of Fresnel lenses was also suggested for lighting and temperature control of buildings. A collection system using a Fresnel lens concentrator and a solar receiver generally absorbs between 60% and 80% of incoming radiation. The remaining solar flux can be distributed in the interior space for illumination and heating needs. On days when solar radiation is high, this provides cooling of interior spaces as well as brightness control. During low solar intensity periods, the absorber can be shifted off-focus to permit 100% of light to be distributed around the interior. The receiver can be of PV type, thermal type or a hybrid of the two, and will collect solar energy for heat and/or electricity generation. A parabolic trough collector system was constructed to study the potential of this CSP regime in solar heating and cooling. A great deal of work has also been done to develop small-scale, solar powered food (fruit, vegetables and nuts) dryers that can be built with local materials. However, the existing dryer designs are suited to cloudless, dry environments and they dry too slowly in hazy situations, typical of many tropical developing countries. Excessively slow drying allows product degradation caused by microbial decay, insects and naturally occurring enzymes. Some existing designs are also expensive and relatively inefficient, and have low capacity. Adding a solar concentrating surface increases the heat output of solar devices operating in cloudy or hazy conditions. With indirect solar dryers this can be accomplished by adding glazed concentrated solar panels to the system. 80 Concentrating solar panels can be used to inexpensively increase the heat output for indirect dryers. Additionally, they can be used to focus a greater light flux onto the drying zone in direct dryers, allowing them to operate in low-insolation environments. The reflective surfaces can be as sophisticated as precision-machined, polished surfaces or as simple as cardboard covered in aluminum foil. The development of a multitude of CSP applications is beneficial in many regards; such applications help turn many carbon emitting industrial processes into ‘clean’ ones, conserve large amounts of electricity that would otherwise be used up and promote a general environmentally friendly approach to energy consumption for both industries and individuals. Furthermore, the growing number of these applications aids CSP technologies in taking root, increasing the demand for solar thermal power and advancing it into world markets. 4.8 SUMMARY: Concentrating solar thermal power (CSP) is a proven technology, which has significant potential for further development and achieving low cost. Concentrating solar power (CSP) is thermal solar power that uses a means of magnifying or concentrating the effective radiation from the sun onto a receiving device that collects the power so that it can be used directly as thermal energy or used to generate electricity. CSP is the most developed of the solar technologies and is on the verge of being competitive with conventional power plants. CSP technologies relatively low cost and ability to deliver power during periods of peak demand mean that it has the potential to be a major contributor to our electrical power needs. The solar resource for generating power from concentrating solar power systems is plentiful. It is clear from the above discussion that a large variety of collectors have been developed over the period of time, which can be used in variety of applications depending from the temperature variation. Some areas in the field of solar energy are fully developed and needs less attention like 81 the flat plate collectors and parabolic collectors but still a lot of research is required in this field to make it one of the major source of energy production at the lowest cost available. Although photovoltaic is projected to have a lower cost than concentrated solar power in the medium to long term, concentrated solar power will play a vital role in utility scale installations due to its storage capabilities and other benefits to utilities and societies. Trough technologies are being implemented first and will have technical improvements and cost reductions while other CSP technologies are still under development. These technologies will suffer from slower ramping and scale, but should become competitive at the utility scale within the next decade. In the 21st century the concentrating solar power around the world has seen a rapid increase of interest from governments and industry as well as from other groups than the environmental organizations. New areas of expertise are developing and work opportunities are increasing, promising a sustainable labor market ahead. The commercializing of the CSP technology will give incitements to solutions and improvements of the challenges that are faced by the market today including solar collectors and control systems, storage solutions and its media to more flexible and durable power block integration. In chapter 5 we discuss about direct steam generation technology which is still under development stage helps to drive down the investment costs and also the size of the plant by eliminating the need for expensive heat transfer fluids and heat exchangers respectively. This can be promising technology as DSG allows the solar field to operate at higher temperatures, resulting in higher power cycle efficiencies. Furthermore, since hazardous HTFs are removed from the balance, DSG presents a lower environmental risk. Additionally, because heat can be stored without HTFs and heat exchangers, steam accumulators can be employed when they become commercially viable, enabling the storage capacity of parabolic trough plants to be expanded. 82 CHAPTER 5 DIRECT STEAM GENERATION TECHNOLOGY [55-61] 5.1. INTRODUCTION: Parabolic trough power plants are currently the most commercially applied systems for CSP power generation. To improve their cost effectiveness, one focus of research is the development of processes with other heat transfer fluids than the currently used synthetic oil. One option is the utilization of water/steam in the solar field, the so-called direct steam generation (DSG). Several previous studies show the economic potential of DSG technology. Analyses’ results showed that live steam parameters of up to 500 0C and 120 bars are most promising and could lead to a reduction of the levelized electricity cost (LEC) of about 11%. Current parabolic trough solar thermal power plants connected to the electricity grid are using synthetic oil as heat transfer fluid in the collectors. The main disadvantage of this technology is the maximum power block inlet temperature, which is limited to the oil upper working temperature in order to guarantee this fluid thermal stability. Although there are some alternatives, like the use of molten salts in the parabolic trough collector, none of them have been scaled to a commercial size. Besides that, all these options, called heat transfer fluid (HTF) technologies, require a heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) between the solar field and the power block, which introduces additional heat losses and pressure drops in the global efficiency. Direct steam generation is considered a very promising option to increase the efficiency of parabolic trough systems, not only because there is no need for heat exchanger between the solar field and power block. 83 Direct steam generation in the absorber pipes of parabolic trough collectors, the so called DSG process can significantly reduce the cost of electricity produced by solar thermal power plants using this type of solar collector. Nevertheless, implementation of the DSG technology is subject to the successful investigation of those technical constraints and possible problems that could exist in a commercial DSG plant. Replacement of the oil by direct steam generation results in lower investment and operating costs, as well as reduced environmental risk and fire hazard in case of leaks. Simultaneously, the performance can be improved by avoiding the thermodynamic losses associated with the oil–water/steam heat exchanger of the SEGS plants. In combination with further improvements of the collector field and overall system integration, a 26% reduction in the electricity cost seems to be achievable. The direct steam generation in the parabolic trough collectors is a feasible improvement of this reliable technology. Direct steam generation is considered a very promising option to increase the efficiency of parabolic trough systems, not only because there is no need of a heat exchanger between the solar field and the power block , but also owing to the higher temperatures that can be attained in the collector receivers. This last reason is especially important at present, when new commercial absorber tubes, for working at higher temperatures, have been developed. At present, there are two projects to develop pre-commercial demonstration plants based on DSG technology, they all to be implemented in the southern of Spain. Net electrical power of these plants will be 3 MWe (Zarza et al., 2008) and 5 MWe (Eck et al., 2008), respectively. The analysis presented in this paper is referred to a 50 MWe net DSG power plant. It has been selected this power because it is a relevant size for commercial projects. 84 5.2. DIRECT SOLAR STEAM GENERATION [DISS] IN PARABOLIC TROUGH COLLECTORS: [56] The feasibility of the direct steam generation technology was demonstrated within the DISS project funded by European Union. The DISS parabolic-trough solar plant is the leading DSG test facility in the world. Three different operating concepts have been studied, namely the oncetrough mode, the recirculation mode and the injection mode of operation, as shown in figure given below. Figure 5.1: Basic Concepts for the DISS in Parabolic Trough Collectors. [56] In the once-through process, high temperature gradients can be avoided by tilting the collectors. Feed water is preheated, evaporated, and converted into superheated steam as it circulates from the inlet to the outlet of the long rows of solar collectors. The main advantage is its simplicity, while the main technical problem is to control the superheated steam parameters at the solar field outlet under solar radiation transients. 85 In the injection process, the collectors are horizontal and small amounts of water are injected along the row of collectors. High temperature gradients may be avoided by keeping the mass flow in the absorber pipes above a threshold level. The main advantage of this process is that the parameters of the superheated steam at the solar field outlet are easy to control. On the other hand, the injection system is more complex and costs more. The third option, recirculation, is the most conservative. In this case, there is a water-steam separator at the end of the evaporating section. The inlet feed-water flow rate is much higher than that of the steam to be produced by the system. Only a fraction of this water is converted into steam as it circulates through the collectors of the evaporating section. The steam is separated from the water by the separator, and the remaining water is sent back into the solar field inlet by a recirculation pump. The excess water in the evaporating section makes stratification impossible. This type of system can be controlled well, but the excess water that has to be recirculated and the pump necessary for it increases system parasitic loads and costs. So, each process has advantages and disadvantages when compared to each other, and they have to be experimentally evaluated to find out which process is the best for a commercial DSG power plant. 86 Figure 5.2: View of the PSA DISS solar field in Operation. [58] Figure 5.2 is a picture of the DISS facility in operation. The absorber pipes are at the focal line illuminated by the concentrated solar radiation reflected by the mirrors Figure5.3: Arrangement of the Solar Power Plant with DSG.. 1. Parabolic trough field; 2. Pump and flow meter; 3. Steam trap and Separator; 4. Steam motor; 5. Electric Generator; 6. Valve for the recirculation Process 87 Figure 5.3 shows a typical SEGS plant with DSG the figure describes the arrangement of the power block for electricity generation using the recirculation process. In this figure, the parabolic trough field had an orientation east west. A flow control valve was used at the input of the first parabolic trough concentrator in order to control the quantity of water in the inlet. The increase in quality of steam was carried out mainly in the last two modules. In the early hours of morning water steam flow recirculates in the first three modules until it reaches almost the condition of saturated steam. When this condition is reached the valve which goes to the steam motor is open. When the system is working under this condition the water is extracted in the steam trap is recirculated by the opening the appropriate valve. Additionally a water steam separator and traps are used before the injection of steam at the engine in order to supply only saturated steam or superheated steam to reduce the probability of damage when clouds were present or low insolation was available. A thermocouple and pressure transducer is also used to measure the type of steam injected to the engine as the steam motor needs only 93kg h-1 of steam. 5.3. COMPARISON OF DSG AND SYNTHETIC OIL BASED PARABOLIC TROUGH PLANT: [61] Solar energy can play a fundamental role in the near future to replace fossil-fuel plants for stationary applications. Reducing fossil-fuel consumption is necessary because of reservoir depletion and environmental concerns related to rising CO2 concentration in the atmosphere. Renewable energy and—for regions with high solar radiation solar energy can play a fundamental role to move from a carbon economy to a green economy. Among solar energy conversion systems, concentrating solar energy is a very promising technology because it can decouple the solar energy source from electricity production due to storage systems. Today, this feature is not 88 possible for photovoltaic plants because systems for storing electrical energy are not economically competitive. For solar thermal power plants, parabolic trough technology the heat-transfer fluid (HTF), which collects and transfers the solar thermal energy to the power block, is synthetic oil (Therminol VP1). With this system the two primary issues hindering the diffusion of this technology is the cost of the solar field and relative performance of steam cycle due to the temperature limits with the synthetic oil. Previously the receiver’s thermal stability was limited to 400 0c but today receivers can handle up to 5800c. Based on these limitations different technologies have been investigated in which DSG is one. The main advantage of DSG technology is in the direct cycle configuration steam is directly generated in the solar field thus avoiding the use of boilers. Besides this advantages there are other advantages for this technology are (i) solar field constant temperature in the evaporation section with benefits for solar thermal efficiency, (ii) receiver maximum temperature coincident with the steam-cycle temperature, and (iii) reduced solar field recirculation pump consumption. There are a few more advantages that make DSG more preferable like DSG concept is environment friendly and it avoids usage of flammable & environmental hazard materials, The DSG allows significant reductions of the total investment costs and levelized electricity cost. With DSG a higher operating temperature will be achievable. There are a few drawbacks to this technology which are (i) high volumetric flow in the solar field, (ii) superheating section composed of several short loops placed in parallel, and (iii) storage issues (i.e. no commercially available storage for steam), with negative effects during transient conditions. The last aspect is important from an operations perspective. 89 5.4. POWER TOWER WITH DIRECT STEAM GENERATION [62] Examples of saturated steam Power Towers are PS10 and PS20 in Spain. PS10 is an 11 MW DSG Power Tower plant that started operating in 2007 at Solúcar Solar Park, at Sancùlar la Mayor in Seville. The steel drum has a pressure above the system steam pressure to ensure boiling of the water into steam when opening the valves. The higher pressure the thicker the steel drums have to be, therefore to optimize the drum material is important. Figure 5.4: DSG in Power Tower with a Saturated Steam Receiver. [62] The PS10 plant presented by Solúcar Solar S.A (2006) has 624 Heliostats; each heliostat of 121 m2 is tracking the sun in two axis. The heliostats are curve shaped arranged in 35 circular rows around the tower .The receiver has a slant range where the focal point is at a distance equal to the slant range. The solar receiver is of cavity type, formed by four vertical panels of 5.4 m width x 12 m height. Each panel has the heat exchange surface of about 260m2. These panels are arranged 90 into a semi-cylinder of 7 m of radius. The receiver is basically a forced circulation radiant boiler with low ratio of steam at the outlet, in order to ensure wet inner walls in the tubes. Feed water around 50 ˚C vaporizes at 250 ˚C and 40 bars. During operation at full load, absorber panels will receive about 55 MWT of concentrated solar radiation with peaks of 650 kW/m2. Thermal storage comprises four pressurized steel tanks with a thermal capacity of 20 MW·h, equivalent to an effective operational capacity of 50 minutes at 50% turbine workload, and also provides controlled temperature conditions during the steam turbine start/stop-cycles. Natural gas back-up is used to power production of 12-15 % of PS10’s capacity. PS20 has the same design as PS10 but has the twice the capacity. The number of heliostats are 1 255 and the height of the tower is 165 m. 5.5. CURRENT STATUS OF DIRECT STEAM GENERATION: [60] The research activities in the field of direct steam generation in parabolic troughs have been started since the middle of 90’s. After theoretical analysis and testing various operation strategies a 700m demonstration loop was installed on the Plataforma Solar Almeria (Spain). Here the different operation strategies were first tested and evaluated. Also the concept functionality is also proven here. Today the test loop is used for component development, like high temperature absorbers tubes and steam separators as well as the development of operation and control strategies to optimize the dynamic behavior of the DSG in parabolic troughs. A first step towards a demonstration plant was taken with the pre-engineering of a 5MWel DSG plant in the project INDITEP. This pre-design is now used as base for a 3 MW demonstration plant, which was built by a Spanish Consortium at the Plataforma Solar de Almeria on March 2011. Another consortium aiming at the development of commercial parabolic trough plant with DSG has already started with the development of components for 500 °C application (e.g. 91 absorber tubes, storage system, flexible tube connections). The next steps will be the demonstration and qualification of the components at the Litoral steam power plant in Carboneras and afterwards the erection of a stand-alone demonstration plant with 5 MW. Along with this project, basic designs and operation strategies for 50 MW DSG power plants are developed. To enlarge the operation time range and the flexibility of the power plant another essential component for commercial DSG power plants is an integrated thermal storage system. In several projects the development and demonstration of such a storage system is pursued. Most promising is a modular storage system based on a high temperature concrete for sensible heat storage and on a phase changing material for latent heat storage. This modular concept is now tested in pilot storage systems 5.6. ENERGY STORAGE TECHNOLOGY FOR DIRECT STEAM GENERATION: [61] A big advantage of solar thermal power plants is that they can store energy in the form of heat. This means that the facilities can produce power to meet demand during cloudy weather or at night. Direct solar steam generation requires storage technologies that are adapted to suit this new technique. An important requirement for these technologies is that they efficiently store the large amount of energy released during the condensation of steam, a process that occurs at constant temperature. In the pilot facility now in operation, this challenge is met using a combined storage system with storage units for both sensible and latent heat. The main cost driver of the reference DSG plant is the storage system. Due to the characteristics of the DSG concept, Phase change Material [PCM} storage seems the only reasonable way for evaporation/condensation storage, i.e. charging and discharging with two-phase flow media. The main configuration changes are therefore limited to the sensible part or to the different usage of the PCM storage system. 92 Figure 5.5: Selected DSG Storage Option. [61] Figure 5.5 shows three options of storage systems for direct steam generation in which figure 5.5 (a) is an option of concrete storage for sensible parts the main advantages for this is it does not require any additional parts like pump and the disadvantage is that the achievable outlet temperature during discharge depends on the remaining ‘fill level’ or the energy still useable in the storage, respectively. In figure 5.5 [b] it is the reference storage system which uses three sensible tanks with a buffer tank the main advantage of this is it has good controllability over the process and constant outlet temperatures are available throughout discharge. The disadvantage of this system is it requires lot of additional items and three tanks might increase the total investment cost of the system. Option c (figure 5.5c) is the currently favored design for a high temperature system. PCM storage is not only used for condensation/evaporation, but also for sub-cooling/preheating. The de/superheating of the steam are performed by a two-tank molten salt system. This system has not been demonstrated so far, but its operation is not supposed to cause any problems in a modular 93 PCM storage design. Compared to the oil system’s storage, the specific investment of this twotank variant differs due to two main effects. First, it is reduced due to the higher temperature difference. Second, it is increased by the use of more expensive material for the hot storage tank and heat exchangers. Compared to the three-tank option, option c offers high reduction potential as the specific investment for the PCM system also decreases, while the absolute size of the system is expected to be the same. 5.7. INNOVATIONS AND IMPROVEMENT IN DSG: [59]: Typically, the technical innovations considered show are made to improve the performance of the system and helps in reducing the total investment cost; they have an impact on more than one of the input parameters of the model. Specific innovations and associated parameter sets for the parabolic trough DSG system are as follows: 1. Up scaling of Power Block to 47 MW: by using more sophisticated steam cycle and steam turbine increases the system efficiency from 26%-38.5%, As a result of the increased cycle efficiency, the total reflective area is reduced significantly. 2. Thin Glass Mirrors: The usage of thin glass mirrors instead of the sagged float glass mirrors leaves the mean reflectivity unchanged at 0.88 or gives a slightly increased value of 0.89 pessimistic and optimistic values. The specific investment costs for the solar field are reduced to 90/95%. 3. Multilayer Plastics and innovative Structure: for the usage of these parabolic trough components it is assumed that the specific investment costs for the solar field may be reduced to 70/90% of the reference value _133 € /m2 /171 € /m2_ while the technical parameters are not modified compared to the reference plant. 94 4. Dust-Repellent Mirrors: Dust-repellent mirrors will leave the mean reflectivity unchanged at 0.88 or increase it to 0.91 to account for lower soiling. Additionally, these mirrors need less manpower for field cleaning. Thus, the specific number of persons is reduced from 0.03 to 0.02/0.025 persons per 1000 m2 of aperture. 5. Advanced Storage: Although no storage was considered for the aforementioned types of DSG parabolic trough plants, there are recent research projects dealing with storage options for steam. This storage could probably be a combination of phase change material for the latent heat and a concrete storage for the sensible heat. Assuming that this storage type would be available in a commercial scale, 3 h full-load storage is added. The solar field size is increased to deliver excess thermal energy for storage charging, and specific costs of 20/30 € /kWh for the storage are assumed. 6. Increased Solar Field Outlet Temperature: Higher live steam temperatures are desirable for better Rankine cycle performance. For direct steam generation, the temperature is not limited by thermal degradation of the fluid, but the selective absorber coatings may be the limiting factor for this technology. Assuming that a durable absorber is available without additional costs, the steam temperature at field outlet is increased from 411°C to 450/480°C. At the same time, the design efficiency of the power block is increased to 39.5/41.5%. Since the mathematical model calculates the thermal losses of the solar field depending on the mean fluid temperature, these losses are increasing. 7. Reduced Parasitic: Parasitic energy consumption, especially for pumping, is an important item and could be reduced through the usage of improved tube joints and water/steam separators. Therefore, the factor for solar field parasitic is decreased from 0.009 kW/m2 to 0.004/0.006 kW/m2 of aperture. 95 Not only the impact of the individual measures, but also the combination of them, is an important figure. Therefore, all above-mentioned measures were combined and the resulting cost reduction was calculated. In particular, combination means that the high average reflectivity of the dust repellent mirrors has been used together with the low costs of multilayer plastics and innovative structures. 5.8. SUMMARY: Direct steam generation drives down the investment costs and also the size of the plant by eliminating the need for expensive heat transfer fluids, reducing efficiency losses and heat exchanges. The cost and thermodynamic disadvantages of using the synthetic oils and heat exchangers impact negatively on the Plant and, with accumulated Parabolic Trough capacity set to rise to around 2,250 MW by 2020 (Global CSP Industry Report 2010–2011), several companies are examining whether Direct Steam Generation could boost Parabolic Trough Plant competitiveness. The technical feasibility of DSG in parabolic trough plants has been demonstrated in the DISS loop. The overall plant configuration is simple and environment friendly. Alongside molten salts; DSG is the most promising solution for driving down costs in the near future. DSG allows the solar field to operate at higher temperatures, resulting in higher power cycle efficiencies and lower fluid pumping parasitic. Furthermore, since hazardous HTFs are removed from the balance, DSG presents a lower environmental risk. Additionally, because heat can be stored without HTFs and heat exchangers, steam accumulators can be employed when they become commercially viable, enabling the storage capacity of parabolic trough plants to be expanded. Considering these advantages, it is highly probable that this technology will be fully ready for commercialization in the near term. But Research suggests that a number of technical issues still 96 need to be addressed. The two of the main problems for this technology are the controllability of the two-phase water/steam flow and the temperature gradients inside the absorber tubes. Strong transients in solar radiation can make it difficult to maintain steam temperature because a minimum feed flow rate must be guaranteed in the solar field to avoid high temperature gradients when radiation levels recover. Furthermore, absorber tubes are subject to higher pressures when DSG is employed. As R&D brings down the cost and as experience of operating and maintaining these systems accumulates, it will gradually become established due to the higher temperatures, improved efficiencies and greater outputs that can be achieved. 97 CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK 6.1 CONCLUSION: From the above discussion it is clear sun is the most abundant, clean energy resource that can replace fossil fuels and meet world’s energy demands. Presently only a part of solar energy is being harnessed but more research and much effort can be put in order to harness more energy from sun. Though a lot is being done still more effort has to be put in to harness solar energy in the right way. Both political and economical players involvement are required in order to produce energy in large scale using solar energy technologies but these technologies still require further development in conversion efficiency and reducing the cost for manufacturing. More research effort is required in order to overcome these barriers and to find more innovative technologies. A wide variety of solar technologies have the potential to become a large component of the future energy portfolio. Direct production of chemicals fuels, and particularly hydrogen, from solar energy is a promising alternative to using fossil fuels for the development of a sustainable carbon-free fuel economy. Thermo-chemical and biological conversion processes are promising technologies with potential for high efficiency. However, only a few thermo-chemical processes have been investigated to date and biological systems require more understating of genetics and biological conversion to become efficient and stable. Solar energy has a large potential to be a major fraction of a future carbon-free energy portfolio, but technological advances and breakthroughs are necessary to overcome low conversion efficiency and high cost of presently available systems. 98 Solar energy is broadly classified into two types Passive and Active Energy. Passive technologies are used for indoor lighting and heating of buildings and water for domestic use. Also, various active technologies are used to convert solar energy into various energy carriers for further utilization. Active solar energy is further divided into Photovoltaic and Solar Thermal energy. Photovoltaic directly convert energy into electricity. These devices use inorganic or organic semiconductor materials that absorb photons with energy greater than their band gap to promote energy carriers into their conduction band. In the last few years, photovoltaic technologies have experienced an astonishing evolution that led to the increase of the efficiency of crystal-silicon solar cells up to 25% and of thin-film devices up to 19%. Recently, nano-technology, innovative deposition and growth techniques, and novel materials opened routes for reaching higher performances and for developing very low-cost devices such as organic-based PVs. Although these technologies face comparable fundamental issues related to the steps involved in the conversion of energy into electricity. Both fundamental research and technical development are critical requirements for these technologies to become more efficient, stable, and reliable. Solar thermal technologies convert the energy of direct light into thermal energy using concentrator devices. The simple and most commonly used applications of solar thermal energy include solar water heating, swimming pool heating and agricultural drying. Solar thermal energy is broadly classified into three types, namely low, medium, and high temperature collectors. Low temperature collectors plate used for heating swimming pool, the medium temperature collectors are used more for residential and commercial places for heating water and air. The high temperature collectors are generally used for electricity production by harnessing the sunlight 99 with the help of mirrors or lens. When compared to photovoltaic cells solar thermal energy is different and more efficient. Concentrated Solar Power or the high temperature solar thermal technology is the most developed of the solar technologies and is on the verge of being competitive with conventional power plants. CSP technologies have relatively low cost and ability to deliver power during periods of peak demand meaning that it has the potential to be a major contributor to our electrical power needs. The solar resource for generating power from concentrating solar power systems is plentiful. Their ability to overcome the intermittency problem using hybridization and thermal storage renders these technologies particularly suitable for large-scale electricity production. The concept is technically simple and sustainable and the potential lies both in the electricity generation sector and in the industrial processing sector. A large variety of collectors have been developed over the period of time, which can be used in variety of applications depending from the temperature variation. Trough technologies are being implemented first and will have technical improvements and cost reductions while other CSP technologies are still under development. It is evident that direct steam generation is the most promising solution for driving down costs in the near future. Direct steam generation drives down the investment costs and also the size of the plant by eliminating the need for expensive heat transfer fluids, reducing efficiency losses and heat exchanges. DSG allows the solar field to operate at higher temperatures, resulting in higher power cycle efficiencies and lower fluid pumping parasitic. These advantages makes direct steam generation is highly probable that this technology will be fully ready for commercialization in the near term. But there are few technical difficulties that can be overcome with further research this 100 technology can become established due to the higher temperatures, improved efficiencies and greater outputs that can be achieved. It is believed that solar energy has a large potential to be a major fraction of a future carbon-free energy portfolio, but technological advances and breakthroughs are necessary to overcome low conversion efficiency and high cost of presently available systems. However, there is still much to do and even though the technology has been largely demonstrated. This challenge can only be met by deepening collaborative work and by strengthening the Research Area in this field. 6.2 FUTURE WORK: In the near future, we will be forced to lay more emphasis on the research and development of alternative energy sources. Our current rate of fossil fuel usage will lead to an energy crisis this century. In order to survive the energy crisis many energy industry are inventing new ways to extract energy from renewable sources. While the rate of development is slow, mainstream awareness and government pressures are growing. In the 21st century, solar energy has become a small part of our daily life. From solar heated swimming pools to solar powered home. Yet many wonder if small applications will be all solar power is capable of handling. Certainly, the difficulties of large solar plants are many, although many experts continue to insist that the future of solar energy is quite bright. The key issue that we are facing regarding the future of solar energy is the space requirement for solar power plants. A solar plant is comprised of thousands of solar panels and requires large place to accommodate these panels along with other equipment. Because of this, solar plants require a consistently sunny area and a considerable amount of space. Currently, the one of the largest solar power stations in the world covers more than 10 square miles (16.9 km squared) and creates enough power to run about 200,000 homes. In addition to this the other problems related 101 to solar energy is to make its technologies. Therefore on resolving these two issues solar energy can be very beneficial for our near future. One encouraging factor about the future of solar energy is that many of the world's greatest innovators are choosing to focus their considerable talent and funds on improving alternative energy technology. One of the challenges is the task of making solar energy an economical solution to the growing power needs of the world. Although there are many reasons to believe that the future of solar energy is bright and coming soon, the answer really lies in the hands of the world's citizens. In a world largely governed by economics and politics, what ordinary citizens choose to buy and support will dictate the trends of the future. By installing solar panels, donating to research organizations involved in alternative energies, majoring in science or engineering, and voting for measures that give money to alternative energy development, anyone can influence the future of solar energy. 102 REFERENCES 1. Abbas, M., Bousaad, B., (2011). 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