Unit Title: Medicine and Vaccines Week: 2weeks/4days Project Lead the Way Lesson Plan Teacher: Related Arts Teacher Grade: 6-8 Lesson Title: Medical Technology STRANDS Standards for Technological Literacy LESSON OVERVIEW Summary of the task, challenge, investigation, career-related scenario, problem, or community link. What are the requirements to remain healthy? We know fresh air, water, sunshine, rest and sleep are vital for a healthy body. We understand the importance of proper nutrition and exercise. Sometimes, however, we have to depend on technology to keep us healthy. We need medicines to cure diseases or ease symptoms. Surgical techniques are sometimes necessary to repair injuries or remove cancers. Other devices, such as hearing aids, eyeglasses, and artificial body parts, are also part of medical technology. •Several types of technology affect our health and wellness either directly or indirectly. •Students will further their knowledge of medical technology by learning about vaccines, laparoscopic and robotic surgery, and medical and assistive robots. •Students will realize the importance of medical technology in eliminating diseases and illnesses, repairing or removing damaged body parts, and assisting humans with robots. •Students will investigate medical technology information about vaccines, surgeries, medical robots, and career opportunities. •Working cooperatively, students will present findings of their investigations to the rest of the class. •Students will debate the pros and cons of robots in the workplace. MOTIVATOR Hook for the week unit or supplemental resources used throughout the week. (PBL scenarios, video clips, websites, literature) Do you desire to remain healthy? Gradwell, John B., and Malcolm Welch. Technology Engineering Our World 7th edition. Tinley Park, IL: Goodheart-Willcox Company, 2012. Print. YouTube Video Clips: ”How Do Vaccines Prevent Illness?”, “Medical Robotics”, “da-Vinci Robot-Assisted Surgery”, “Olympic Athlete With No Legs”, “El-E the Robot”, and “Exoskeletons Walk Forward”. DAY Objectives (I can….) 1 I can explain how vaccines effect people’s lives and work to eliminate disease or illness. Materials & Resources Instructional Procedures YouTube Video Clip: “How Do Vaccines Prevent Illness? Appendix A EQ? Explain how vaccines work to eliminate disease or illness. PowerPoint “Medical Technology” Appendix B •Vocabulary-antibodies = special proteins developed by the body’s immune system to fight various diseases. Millions of Lives Saved With Medical Technology and Vaccines Hook: YouTube Video Clip: “How Do Vaccines Prevent Illness?” Write sentences to explain how a person becomes immunized against pathogens. “Medicine Teaching Strategy and Vaccines” Appendix C •Students will read the PowerPoint “Medical Technology” page 1, slides 1-9. •The teacher will present “Medicine and Vaccines” explaining vaccine, vaccination, and immunization. •Students will learn vaccines are safe, effective, prevent disease, and protect individuals and the community. Activity – students will work in small groups of two or three. Differentiated Instruction Assessment DI: Students will be in small groups working collaboratively to research common medicines and vaccines, and create a timeline showing common medicines and vaccines. One on one conferencing and discussion prompting to show understanding. Chunking of smaller parts of activity so that student(s) completes portion of activity, then another portion until whole is Performance Assessment Application: Completion of “Chronological Timeline” with medicine and vaccine investigation and presentation to the rest of the class. Formative Assessment: One on one conferencing and daily journal entry. •Students will research common medicines and vaccines. completed. •Students will create a chronological timeline by date and state the disease or illness each medicine or vaccine is associated with. Students will also list the person who discovered the medicine or vaccine if possible. Summarizing Strategy •Students will write a journal entry or reflection citing evidence of learning about the importance of vaccinations. •Exit Ticket – Students will explain how unvaccinated people still benefit from vaccines. 2 I can explain how medical technology and “laparoscopic” surgery effects patient’s lives and society. YouTube Video Clips: “Medical Robotics” Appendix D and “da-Vinci Robot Assisted Surgery” Appendix E PowerPoint “Medical Technology” Appendix B Essential? Explain how medical technology and minimally invasive surgery helps patients to recover more quickly. Is there a better way to have needed SURGERY? Hook: YouTube Video Clips: “Medical Robotics”, and “da-Vinci Robot-Assisted Surgery” •Vocabulary-laparoscopic surgery = surgery performed through small incisions in the abdomen. Write sentences to explain how laparoscopic surgery is minimally invasive. Teaching Strategy •Students will read the PowerPoint “Medical Technology” page 2-4, slides 10-32. Activity – students will work in small groups of two or three. •Students will investigate laparoscopic and robotic surgeries now replacing traditional surgery methods. Students will compare or contrast surgery time, incisions used, hospital stay time, and healing time. DI: Students will be in small groups working collaboratively to investigate laparoscopic and robotic surgery. One on one conferencing and discussion prompting to show understanding. Chunking of smaller parts of activity so that student(s) completes portion of activity, then another portion until whole is completed. Performance Assessment Application: Completion of a “Persuasive Commercial” for a local hospital to convince patients to use their facility for a needed surgery. Formative Assessment: One on one conferencing and daily journal entry. •Students will write a persuasive commercial for a local hospital to convince people needing surgery to choose their hospital because of a surgeon’s ability to perform laparoscopy or robotic surgery and the hospital facility having laparoscopic or robotic devices. Summarizing Strategy •Students will write a journal entry or reflection citing evidence of learning about the benefits of minimally invasive or robotic surgery. •Exit Ticket – Students will explain how people recover more quickly with laparoscopic surgery. 3 I can explain how prosthetic devices can effect athlete’s lives and sporting competitions. YouTube Video Clip: “Olympic Athlete With No Legs” Appendix F Essential? Explain why you believe prosthetic devices can or cannot give an unfair advantage in sporting competitions. PowerPoint “Medical Technology” Appendix B YouTube Video Clip: “Olympic Athlete With No Legs” Can Prosthetic Devices Give Athletes An Unfair Sporting Event Advantage? Hook: •Vocabulary- implants = mechanical body replacement parts; transplants = living organs, usually from a human donor, that replace faulty organs. Write sentences to explain the difference between an implant and a transplant. Teaching Strategy •Students will read the PowerPoint “Medical Technology” page 3-4, slides 20-31. Activity – students will work in small groups of two or three. •Students will search online to find information about the controversy of using prosthetics in sporting events. •Students will write a persuasive paragraph for or against allowing people with DI: Students will be in small groups working collaboratively to search online to find information on the controversy of unfair advantages in sporting events due to prosthetic devices. One on one conferencing and discussion prompting to show understanding. Chunking of smaller parts of activity so that student(s) completes portion of activity, then Performance Assessment Application: Completion of a “Persuasive Paragraph” for or against allowing people with prosthetic body parts to participate in sporting events. Formative Assessment: One on one conferencing and daily journal entry. prosthetic body parts to participate in sport competitions. •Students will present their paragraph before the rest of the class. another portion until whole is completed. Summarizing Strategy •Students will write a journal entry or reflection citing evidence of learning about the advantages and disadvantages of prosthetic devices. •Exit Ticket – Students will explain how medical technology works to provide people with prosthetic devices an opportunity to be successful in life. 4 I can explain how medical technology has improved people’s lives with robots. YouTube Video Clip: “EL-E the Robot” Appendix G and ”Exoskeletons Walk Forward” Appendix H PowerPoint “Medical Technology” Appendix B Essential? Explain how medical technology has improved people’s lives with robots. What Do We Use Robots For? Hook: YouTube Video Clip: “El-E the Robot”, and “Exoskeletons Walk Forward”. Vocabulary-telemedicine = the practice of using the Internet and other communication devices to transmit medical data between patients and medical organizations. Write sentences to explain how telemedicine improves at-home care. Teaching Strategy •Students will read the PowerPoint “Medical Technology” page 2-4, slides 14-19. •Students will choose one type of robot to investigate: medical robot, assistive robot, telerobot, rescue robot, and robots of the future. •Students will work in small groups of two or three to research and present to the class information about the use of their chosen robot in today’s society. The presentation should include the following information. 1. What task does the robot perform? What human function or task does this DI: Students will be in small groups working collaboratively to search online to find information on a specific type of robot. One on one conferencing and discussion prompting to show understanding. Chunking of smaller parts of activity so that student(s) completes portion of activity, then another portion until whole is completed. Performance Assessment Application: Completion of robot investigation and presentation to the class. Formative Assessment: One on one conferencing and daily journal entry. robot simulate? 2. Where is the robot used? What is its work envelope (how many degrees of freedom or flexible joints does it have)? 3. Is the robotic end effector multi-functional? If so, what other tasks can it perform? 4. How is the robot taught to perform its task? 5. What sensors does the robot have and how does the robot use these sensors? 6. Name some advantages and disadvantages of using a robot to complete this task? 7. Describe the impact that this robot has had or could have on its intended audience. 8. What type of jobs/careers can this robot create to provide employment for people? 9. Predict and explain how this robot may be altered to perform more or different tasks in the future. Summarizing Strategy •Students will write a journal entry or reflection citing evidence of learning about how medical technology has improved people’s lives using robots. •Exit Ticket – Students will explain what they think about “giving up” control to a machine. 5 I can explain how to use medical technology and send a vaccine around the world to those with an epidemic emergency. Activity “Helping Save Lives Around The World” Appendix I Essential? Explain the best way to send vaccines to those around the world with an epidemic emergency. Helping Save Lives Around The World Hook: Vocabulary-vaccines = weakened or dead pathogens that are introduced to the human body to stimulate an immune response. Write sentences to explain how world-wide vaccinations can eliminate diseases. Teaching Strategy Activity “Helping Save Lives Around The World” DI: Students will be in small groups working collaboratively to search online to find information on U.S. Postal Service with international shipping. Students will research packaging capabilities and mailing cost. One Performance Assessment Application: Completion of vaccine shipment activity. Formative Assessment: One on one conferencing and daily journal entry. •Students will work in groups of three or four. •Students will be “a pharmaceutical company”. •Students will plan a shipment of vaccine to Cairo, Egypt. The vaccine must be protected and shipped as a liquid, and requires a box or container 2 inches x 10 inches x 10 inches for each 100 vials of vaccine. A total of 1,000 vials will need to be shipped. Each vial will contain 10 milliliters or 1/3 oz. and weigh about 2.5 ounces including the weight of the vial. Each dose of vaccine is .1 ml. Each packaging container required will weigh about 14 lbs. •Students must calculate the total weight (in pounds) of 100 vials of vaccine and the packaging container combined to know what price to pay per mailing container for mailing to Cairo, Egypt. •Students will research packaging capabilities and mailing cost. •Students must check the US Postal Service and the price list for Priority Mail Express International. •Students must have a written request for authorization to mail a noninfectious biological substance. (Must write needed label.) •Student must insure each package for $2,000 in value. •Students must write a detailed report of all steps necessary and include final cost being paid for shipping and total number of packages and vaccines being sent to Cairo, Egypt. Summarizing Strategy •Students will write a journal entry or reflection citing evidence of learning about how medical technology can save lives around the world by sending vaccines to those with an epidemic emergency. •Exit Ticket- Students will explain how sending vaccines around the world can on one conferencing and discussion prompting to show understanding. Chunking of smaller parts of activity so that student(s) completes portion of activity, then another portion until whole is completed. also protect us at home. STANDARDS Identify what you want to teach. Reference State, Common Core, ACT College Readiness Standards and/or State Competencies. Standards for Technological Literacy Standard 1 Students will develop an understanding of the characteristics and scope of technology. Standard 2 Students will develop an understanding of the core concepts of technology. Standard 3 Students will develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and the connections between technology and other fields of study. Standard 4 Students will develop an understanding of the cultural, social, economic, and political effects of technology. Standard 5 Students will develop an understanding of the effects of technology on the environment. Standard 6 Students will develop an understanding of the role of society in the development and use of technology. Standard 7 Students will develop an understanding of the influence of technology on history. Standard 8 Students will develop an understanding of the attributes of design. Standard 9 Students will develop an understanding of engineering design. Standard 10 Students will develop an understanding of the role of troubleshooting, research and development, invention and innovation, and experimentation in problem solving. Student 11 Students will develop abilities to apply the design process. Standard 13 Students will develop the abilities to assess the impact of products and systems. Standard 14 Students will develop an understanding of and be able to select and use medical technologies.