Chapter 5 review

Chapter 5 Review
1. Agent of socialization composed of people of roughly equal age and social characteristics:
2. Agent of socialization that usually becomes important in adolescence and early childhood:
3. Allows us to anticipate what others expect of us and to see ourselves through the eyes of
4. An unchanging, biologically inherited behavior pattern is:
5. Debate concerning the importance of heredity versus the environment in the development of
6. First agent of socialization that people usually encounter:
7. Influence on an individual’s personality determined by the presence and number of brothers
and sisters:
8. Interactive process by which we develop an image of ourselves based on how we imagine we
appear to others:
9. Interactive process through which people learn the basic skills, values, beliefs, and behavior
patterns of society:
10. Involves a break with past experiences and the learning of new values and norms:
11. Look at the cases of Anna, Isabelle, and Genie on pages 104-105 in textbook- what else is
important for normal social development in children?
12. Most important agent of socialization in almost every society:
13. Our conscious awareness of possessing a distinct identity that separates us from other
members of society:
14. Read the section about the Ik of Uganda on page 103- what affected the change in personality
and behavior of this group?
15. Setting in which people are isolated from the rest of society for a set period of time and are
subject to the control of others:
16. The part of the identity that is aware of the expectations and attitudes of society is the:
17. The specific individuals, groups, and institutions that provide the situations in which
socialization can occur are called:
18. The sum of the total of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values characteristic of an individual
is called:
19. This is a kind of agent of socialization that uses extracurricular activities to train people for life
in the larger world:
20. This term that refers to those people that are very important and influential in a person’s life:
21. Type of agent of socialization that includes television, newspapers, magazines, and films:
22. Unsocialized, spontaneous, self-interested components of our personalities: