Solutions Worksheet: Solute, Solvent, and Types of Solutions

Solutions from A to Z
Here are situations involving real solutions. Read through them
with a classmate. For each situation,
1. Identify the type of solution ( solid in a liquid, liquid in a liquid,
etc.). Enter this information in Table 1.
2. Identify the solvent and solute in each solution. Enter this information in Table 2.
(a) Fish breathe oxygen, which is everywhere in the water.
(b) Vinegar is made up of 5g of liquid acetic acid and 100 g of
(c) A clear mixture of
baking soda and water
often helps an upset
·- --- ------
(d) Brass is an alloy that can
be made by mixing 65
parts of molten copper
With 35 parts of molten zinc.
(e) Liquid varsol will easily remove paint from your hands.
(f) Antifreeze used in a car radiator is a mixture of the liquid
ethylene glycol, and water. The ethylene glycol is present
in the greater quantity.
(g) On a windy day, snow and ice disappear into thin air without
Sugar, lemon juice, and water make up lemonade.
(i) Alcohol is a good lock de-icer,
since it can dissolve water
Drops frozen in the keyhole.·
G) Open a bottle of pop: gas
suddenly appears
everywhere and rises
to the top.
(k) A few drops of food coloring can change the color of water.
Pulp mills discharge a gas which spreads through the air, so
that it can be smelt miles away.
(m) When it rains, any sulphur dioxide there is in the air mixes
with rainwater, forming "acid rain".
(n) Minerals in the ground can be dissolved by acid rain.
(o) Rain falling on the earth mixes with carbon dioxide from
decaying plants and the roots of plants. The result is the
formation of a weak acid.
Water from lakes and
streams is continually
evaporating into
the air.
Clear ocean water contains a considerable amount of sodium
chloride and potassium chloride (both are types of salt). '
(s) Air is made up of almost four parts of nitrogen gas to one
part of oxygen gas.
(t) A bit of table salt in water makes an antiseptic for cuts.
An Alka-Seltzer tablet ·added to water fizzes, then
becomes clear. The solution tastes a little salty.
(v) Runoff water from farms and
forests contains insecticides.
(w) There are traces of DDT in
ocean water, even in the Arctic and Antarctic.
(x) If iodine crystals are dropped into a dry, warm container, a
purple vapor suddenly appears and spreads evenly through the
air in the container.
(y) When foods are boiled, some of their valuable vitamins are
lost in the process.
(z) Gold jewelry usually has some copper in it, to make it
stronger and less expensive.