Record of Learner Achievement Unit: Ofqual Unit Reference Number: Unit Review Date: Understand the Role of Marketing and Advertising in Live Events and Promotion L3 CV2 K/601/6321 31/12/2016 LEARNING OUTCOMES ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The learner will: The learner can: 1. Understand the role of advertising and marketing 1.1. Describe key campaign production processes, including television, press, print, on-line and digital 1.2. Describe key topics to be addressed within an advertising proposal 1.3. Explain the importance of reach, frequency and impact in achieving advertising objectives, and the relative advantages and limitations in these respects of the main advertising media types 1.4. Describe how to identify potential risks in relation to the achievement of objectives 1.5. Explain the importance of consulting with colleagues and other stakeholders during the development of the proposals and how to do this effectively 1.6. Explain how to develop measures and methods for monitoring and evaluating performance against the advertising strategy EVIDENCE LOCATION 1|P a g e V1 – March 2015 Record of Learner Achievement 2. Understand advertising and marketing in relation to the sector and particular organisation 2.1. Describe the market in which the organisation works, its products/services and two key market developments in the organisation’s sector 2.2. Describe the organisation’s advertising objectives and strategy, and their fit within its overall marketing strategy 2.3. Describe the organisation’s target customer base (both internal and external) in terms of: media habits needs and expectations 2.4. List at least two actual and potential competitors to the organisation, and describe the key features of their advertising strategies 2.5. Describe the regulatory, ethical and code of practice requirements and their impact upon advertising practice in the organisation’s sector Assessment Requirements Learners will need to carry out research, but will also need to spend some time in the marketing and advertising department of this sector. Evidence may be in the form of a written report or presentation. A witness testimony from a member of the marketing and advertising department of their organisations will provide supplementary evidence. Professional discussion can be used to ensure learners have a good understanding of the unit criteria. Learning Outcome 1 1.1 Production processes: artist interviews (TV and radio), sponsorship, traditional methods (leaflets, posters, billboards), new methods (web pages, social internet). 1.2 Key topics: client information/needs, target market, advertising strategy. 1.3 Advantages and limitations: cost, reach, audience, frequency, timing, lead times, impact. 1.4 Potential risks: current or future events which could have a potentially negative impact on achievement of objective:(low ticket sales, cancellation of the event, public support, rising expenditure. 1.5 Importance of consulting: timing of marketing events, economic factors, additional support needed, venue problems(local disputes), artists continued popularity. 2|P a g e V1 – March 2015 Record of Learner Achievement 1.6 Measures and methods: research, event plan action points, issues, communication with other bodies and groups, ticket sale reports, competitor analysis. Learning Outcome 2 2.1 Market: music events, sporting events, festivals, concerts. Products/services: live bands, retail, catering, sales. Market developments: digital events, community arts, live exhibitions. 2.2 Objectives: target audience, sales maximisation marketing budget limits, limitations on the type of promotions, free advertising, local and national press releases. 2.3 Target customer base: type of customer by age, gender, lifestyle, locality. Media habits: type of products consumed by the target audience, when and how they buy them. 2.4 Competitors: local competition, national competition, like for like organisations, similar organisations, new organisations, identical and substitute products. 2.5 Regulatory, ethical and code of practice requirements: code of practice relevant to the industry, advertising standards; organisational ethical codes of conduct; legal, data protection, legislation affecting advertising. Impact upon advertising practice: restrictions, legal, decent, honest and truthful, ethical, fair, accessible. Final Tutor Feedback (Strengths and Areas for Improvement): Learner Submission Disclaimer I declare that this is an original piece of work and that all of the work is my own unless referenced. Assessor Disclaimer I confirm that this learner’s work fully meets all the assessment criteria listed above at the correct level and that any specified evidence requirements have been addressed. Assessor Learner Date 3|P a g e V1 – March 2015