Comments on Corrosion R&D Needs for DCLL B.A. Pint and P.F. Tortorelli Presented by S.J. Zinkle Oak Ridge National Laboratory US ITER-TBM Meeting Idaho Falls, ID August 10-12, 2005 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1 Compatibility in the DCLL system will likely involve multiple materials • In-vessel TBM – ferritic/martensitic steel, SiC FCI • External piping – Ni-base superalloy? • Tritium processing – Refractory alloy??, tritium permeation barrier materials?? • Heat exchanger – Material options?? OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 2 Liquid Metal Compatibility is Controlled by several mechanisms • Dissolution – Numerous phenomena can affect mass transfer across metal-liquid interface, J=k (C0-C) • Laminar vs. turbulent flow (including magnetic field effects) • Solubility temperature dependence • Impurity and interstitial transfer – Very important for refractory metals (and BCC metals in general) • Alloying between the liquid metal and solid – Typically eliminated early on in selection process (showstopper) • Compound reduction – Often most relevant for ceramics (e.g., SiC insert) • The last three mechanisms can be roughly evaluated using low-cost capsule experiments; the 1st mechanism requires flowing loop tests OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 3 There are two major contributors to dissolution mass transfer J=k (C0-C) • Static isothermal mechanisms – Capsule tests can provide initial data on solubilities (infinite dilution steady-state approximation) • Flowing, nonisothermal mechanisms – Rate-controlling steps include surface reaction, liquid-phase diffusion through boundary layer, and solid state diffusion OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 4 Eventually, Compatibility Issues Need To be Examined Under Dynamic, DT Conditions Ji = k(Csol,i – Ci) Constant driving force for dissolution Positive results from isothermal capsule experiments may not be reproduced under these conditions OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 5 Current knowledge of candidate materials for DCLL system is largely limited to static capsule tests • Substantial experimental database on ferritic steel compatibility with flowing Pb-Li – Comprehensive analysis of existing data is needed • Database for other materials generally does not include information for nonisothermal flowing systems and effects of magnetic fields • Very little is known about potential stress corrosion cracking mechanisms OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 6 Concluding remarks • Need to establish reference design (materials, operating conditions) asap • Near-term compatibility R&D activities would focus on analysis of existing compatibility for ferritic/martensitic steel with flowing Pb-Li – Also continue limited number of static capsule tests on candidate piping materials (possibility to avoid coatings or ceramic inserts) • Medium-term activities would be centered on flowing loop experiments – Thermal convection loop – Other loops? • Scoping experiments on stress-corrosion cracking should also be initiated in the near- to medium-term OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 7 Chemical Analyses of the Pb-Li Revealed Little Reaction With SiC after 1000h Li (at.%) Si (ppma) C (ppma) O (ppma) N (ppma) Start n.d. <40 <170 1270 <40 800˚C 1000h 17.5% <30 1850 4090 100 1100°C 1000h 16.3% <30 1160 3550 90 1100˚C 2000h 16.0% 185 1025 7890 200 No significant mass gains after any capsule test Si detected after 2,000h at 1100°C, still less than Kleykamp PbLi not analyzed yet for 5,000h 800°C or 1,000h 1200°C OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 8 Specialized Capsule Experiments Have Been Used For SiC Exposures In Pb-17Li 800 and 1000˚C, 1000 h OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 9 Negligible Change In Specimen Mass Before Or After Cleaning Was Observed OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 10 Corrosion-Resistant Metallic Coatings for Pb-17Li • At highest temperatures at and near first wall, SiC flow channel inserts can provide protection • Ducting behind this more likely to be made of conventional steels • Pb-17Li is quite corrosive toward certain ferrous and Ni-based alloys at temperatures above 450°C • One possible solution to ducting protection is corrosion-resistant aluminized coatings on strong conventional alloys: aluminide surface layers should be stable in Pb-17Li (Hubberstey et al., Glasbrenner et al.) OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 11 Al-Containing (Al2O3-forming) Alloys Showed Significantly Reduced Mass Losses In Pb-17Li Capsule test: 1000 h, 700˚C, Pb-17Li Specimen Capsule Mass Change (mg/cm2) 316 SS 316 SS -0.7 316 SS Fe -5.7 316 SS Mo -3.8 ODS FeCrAl Mo -0.2 Fe-28Al-2Cr+Zr Mo -0.2 Ni-42.5Al Mo -0.1 0.25 m *no preoxidation of specimens OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 12 316 SS Results Can Be Understood Based On Fundamental Dissolution Driving Force Ji = k(Csol,i – Ci) • Dissolution continues until saturation is reached • For specimens of 316 SS, saturation is reached sooner in a 316 SS capsule because both are contributing solute (mainly Ni) • Fe or Mo capsules are relatively inert OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 13 Surface Morphology Of Exposed Stainless Steel Was Consistent With Dissolution 1 m 316SS in Mo Capsule, 1000 h, 700˚C, Pb-17Li OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 14 Examination Of Cross Sections Confirmed Some Dissolution Had Occurred in Stainless Steel 10 m 1000 h, 700˚C, Pb-17Li OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 2 m 15 Nickel Depletion Was Observed in Stainless Steel Counts 1000 h, 700˚C, Pb-17Li 10 m OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Counts Energy, ev Ni Energy, ev 16 Aluminide-Formers Showed Little Mass Loss And Tended To From Stable, Protective Al-Rich Layers 1000 h, 700˚C, Pb-17Li 2 m Ni-42.5Al in Mo Capsule 2 m ODS-FeCrAl in Mo Capsule OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 17 Qualitative Analysis Indicated These Surface Layer Were Rich in Al and O (Likely Al2O3) Surface Layer Al Counts Subsurface Alloy O Fe Energy, ev ODS-FeCrAl in Mo Capsule 1000 h, 700˚C, Pb-17Li Energy, ev OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 18 Example Cycle Efficiency as a Function of Interface FS/Pb17Li Temperature -the max. η~38.8%, Tmax,FS<<550oC for an interface FS/LiPb temperature of 475 oC; -the max. η~41.5%, Tmax,FS<<563oC for an interface FS/LiPb temperature of 510 oC. 0.44 Cycle Efficiency For a fixed maximum neutron wall loading ~4.7 MW/m2, 0.45 TLiPb,out=700oC;Tmax,FW=800 oC Tave,FW=700 oC; Ppump/Pthermal << 0.05 0.43 0.42 0.41 0.4 0.39 0.38 0.37 0.36 475 490 510 530 550 Max. Interface FS/LiPb Temperature, oC OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 19