Department of Human Resources

Department of Human Resources
OPSEU Job Description
Job Title:
Job Number:
Supervisor Title:
Engineering Assistant
Physical Resources Department
Project Managers
Last Reviewed:
December 14, 2010
Job Purpose
Provides design drafting services for Physical Resources Department. Responsible for
maintaining the CAD drawings data base and developing and enhancing a graphic data base in
VisionFM. Analyzing the space required for the functional needs expressed by the organization.
Responsible for the maintenance of the inventories and data on space and will produce reports
required by the Ministry and others. Analyzes existing space inventories in order to determine
the appropriate course of action and makes recommendations to the Physical Resources
management team.
Key Activities
1. Maintain, analyze and communicate information regarding University space inventory
database using VisionFM facilities management software;
• Analyze and interpret the space data in multiple context including to conform to
MTCU, COU and/or University standards;
• Create reports using the VisionFM software report writer, including ad-hoc report
writing to better-communicate data to requesting parties (MTCU, COU,
Management Team).
• Preparation and analysis of information for inclusion in comprehensive reporting as
required by MTCU, COU, Director of Institutional Analysis
• Evaluate the inventory of the current space and verify that the inventory is correct.
• Respond to requests for information about the inventory of existing and proposed
space, and prepare reports to communicate findings and recommendations.
• Develop and expand the scope of the VisionFM software to take advantage of the
full functionality available. Develop reporting to communicate all elements available
within the expanded scope.
• Act as a design resource person for space questions during the construction phase
of projects.
• Act as a resource person for the planning of the short term space needs for all
departments within the University
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• Interpret MTCU, COU standards and apply them to space planning projects
• Sits as Trent representative on COU Space Standards Committee
2. Drafting Design;
• Conduct on-site inspections to determine exact requirements
• Make recommendations on best use of space for proposed renovations
• Use CAD software to create working drawings that include architectural, electrical
and mechanical details
• Make recommendations with respect to flooring, furniture, finishes and ensure that
colour and quality standards are maintained
• Furniture selection – interior design consulting
• Contact, meet with and analyze quotes from contractors with respect to furnishings
and finishes.
3. Maintain CAD drawing database;
• Using CAD, update existing drawings to reflect renovations, and add new buildings
as they come on line
• Ensure, at all times, that CAD drawings interface accurately with the VisionFM
facilities management software
• Analyze and reconcile the CAD and VisionFM databases to ensure consistent and
accurate interface
4. Signage and Way Finding;
• Maintain the University way finding system.
• Responsible for design, drawing lay outs and engaging contractors.
• Ensures compliance with AODA standards with respect to signage
• Design room numbering/naming framework.
• Providing input to internal parties with respect to map development
• Supervision of sign contractor during production and installation.
• Obtaining quotes and processing payments
5. Graphics for Presentations;
• Using drawings software, create small and large-scale drawing and pictures for use
in presentations by a varied number of requesters
6. Records Storage/Management;
• Maintain hard copy architectural, mechanical and electrical drawing files and
related specification files.
• Maintain current inventory for carpeting, paint and other building product
Analytical Reasoning
Indicate degree of complexity or difficulty of thinking and reasoning required by the job. Provide a
relevant work example that is typical of roles and responsibilities of the job (i.e. not an occasional duty).
Decision Making
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Indicate the degree of freedom to exercise initiative or act independently in making day- to-day decisions.
Provide a relevant work example that is typical of roles and responsibilities of the job (i.e. not an
occasional duty).
Indicate the impact or consequence to the department or University of typical actions or decisions taken by
the job incumbent. Provide a relevant work example that is typical of roles and responsibilities of the job
(i.e. not an occasional duty).
Architectural Technician or Technologist Certificate required including formal training in
Experience Required
Over 1 year and up to 2 years.
Responsibility for the Work of Others
Direct Responsibility
Indirect Responsibility
Sign Contractors
Finishes Contractors
 Purchasing – Invoice problems
 Registrar’s Office/Institutional Analysis – classroom layouts and data
 Colleges and Departments – sign requests, renovation requests
 Conferences – Seating layouts for dining halls
 Science Facility Manager
 Faculty and staff
 Contractors
 Architects
 Ministry of Natural Resources
 Students
 Suppliers
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Motor/ Sensory Skills
Fine Motor Skills and Dexterity - Drafting and design requires accuracy, eye-hand
Keyboarding Skills - Data Entry
Gross Motor Skills - Filing large drawings in drawings room.
Visual Accuracy - Drafting design visual focus and accuracy, keyboarding
 Focus - Computer
 Concentration - Requires concentration when drafting, frequent interruptions
 Prolonged periods of sitting
 Walking to various points all over the campus to meet clients
Working Conditions
 Lack of Privacy - Open concept office
 Deadlines
 Hectic environment
Job Description Approved by Human Resources (as per Article 17.1):
Name (print):
Signatures - indicating that the job description has been read and understood:
Name (print):
Immediate Supervisor:
Name (print):
Department Head/ Dean:
Name (print):
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Last updated: November 17, 2010