Politic of Brazil
Brazil has a good politic. Brazil’s policy occours in a context of a federal
presidential repersentative democratic republic . Excutive power is exercised by
the goverment. The legislative power is granted both the goverment and both
houses of congress. The Judiciay is independent of the executive and the
Brazil is divided into 26 states and one federal dustrict. The Brazilian president Luis
Inacio Lula da Silva.
History of Brazil
The traditional periodozation divides the history of brazil in four general periods:
The pre-colonial (1500)
Colonial Brazil (between 1500 and 1822)
The Empire (1822-1889)
The Republic (from 1889 to the present day)
As most of the historians the descubridor of Brazil was the sapanish Vicente Yaney
Pinzon the one notice each the day 26 of july of the year 1500.Brazil was part of a
colonial empire of Portugal.
Brazil was a colony of Portugal. On September 7,1882,the country declared it’s
independence an became a constional monarchy, the Empire of Brazil. A military
coup in 1889 established a republican system Since then, Brazil has been nominally
a democratic republic.
Datas of Brazil
Capital city: Brasilia.
Coin the Real.
Form of government:
presidential federal Republic
Official language: Portuguese
States: 26
President: Luis Ignacio Lula da Silva
Population: 191.480.630 (2010)
Brazil ubication
Brazil is in the east coast of South America, close to the Atlantic Ocean. Brazil has an
area of eight millions five hundred eleven thousand nine hundred sixty five (8.511.965)
kilometers square. Is the fifth biggest country in the world by his extension.
Brazil limits with .: To the North borders with Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname
and French Guiana; to the South with Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay; on the East by
the Atlantic; Ocean and West Bolivia and Peru.
The wheather of brazil can change according to the
altitude and latitude.
Brazil is a hot and wet country. But in some places of
brazil the wheather it can be frozen, like in the sierra
Santa Catarina that every year in winter snows(but in
small quantities).
The dominant climate is subtropical and temperate
where frosts are common. The seasons are well
defined and the RAINS generally have large amount in
the year.
Culture of Brazil
The Music of Brazil reflects the diverse culture of the Brazilian nation.
Some of the musical popular original kinds of Brazil more acquaintances are the Petty
thief, the Samba, the Bossa Nova and the Popular Brazilian Music.
The cinema of Brazil began during the change of 19th century the XXth, but it took little
time before be consolidating as a popular form of entertainment. The cinematographic
industry of Brazil has happened in periods of summit and decline, a reflection of his
dependence of the financing and state incentives.
Brazilian literature, considering its development based on the Portuguese language, is
part of the cultural spectrum lusfono. Emerged from the literary activity encouraged by
the discovery of Brazil in the sixteenth century.Pretty initially linked to the metropolitan
literature, initially gained independence, especially during the nineteenth century
romnticos movements and realistic.
Culture of Brazil
Brazil is a multicultural country.
River of janeiro is a cultural place of national and world scope.
There they find some of the museums the most important of the country:
National museum of fine arts,
Museum of contemporary art of niterió,
Indigenous museum,
Museum of modern art,
Museum of the football, between others.
Culture of Brazil
There are a lot of cultureon
Brazil for example: theater,
literature, movies and
Fauna and Flora
Amazon Rainforest, the largest tropical forest in the world.
Brazil's large territory comprises different ecosystems, such as the Amazon Rainforest, recognized as having the
greatest biological diversity in the world, with the Atlantic Forest and the Cerrado, sustaining the greatest biodiversity. In
the south, the Araucaria pine forest grows under temperate conditions
The Macaw is a typical animal of Brazil. The country has one of the world's most diverse populations of birds and
The rich wildlife of Brazil reflects the variety of natural habitats. Much of it, however, remains largely undocumented, and
new species are regularly found.[citation needed] Scientists estimate that the total number of plant and animal species in
Brazil could approach four million.
Larger mammals include pumas, jaguars, ocelots, rare bush dogs, and foxes; peccaries, tapirs, anteaters, sloths,
opossums, and armadillos are abundant. Deer are plentiful in the south, and many species of New World monkeys are
found in the northern rain forests. Concern for the environment has grown in response to global interest in environmental
The natural heritage of Brazil is severely threatened by cattle ranching and agriculture, logging, mining, resettlement, oil
and gas extraction, over-fishing, wildlife trade, dams and infrastructure, water contamination, climate change, fire, and
invasive species. In many areas of the country, the natural environment is threatened by development. Construction of
highways has opened up previously remote areas for agriculture and settlement; dams have flooded valleys and
inundated wildlife habitats; and mines have scarred and polluted the landscape.
The Amazonas
river, is located in
southamérica , is
de largest river,
and has the largest
area of our planet.
This river has 6.800
The Jaú National Park is the
biggest reserve in the world.
Is located in the selva amazónica
in the estate of Amazonas. This
place has got an area of 23.778,9
kilometers square.
The estatue of Cristo Redentor is
located at 709 meters above
sea level, and is in the city of Río
de Janeiro, in the top of cerro del
Corcovado. Has a high of 38
meters. Was inaugurated de 12
of October of 1931, then of five
years of construction.This is the
higest statue of the Cristo
Redentor realised in the world.
Something else...
Brazil is one of the countries that receive tourists in Latin America.
Brazil has stood out as a tourist market each year, showing a steady
increase in the volume of foreign tourists visiting the country, mainly
from the devaluation of the Real in 1999. Thus, in 1992, Brazil received
1 million 600 thousand visitors. In 1999, there were 5 million 100
thousand people visited the country. In 2007, Brazil received nearly 18
million foreign tourists.
Sports in Brazil
In brazil play a lot of sports .
The sport more famous is football. . Another sports are: basketball, the hunt,
extreme sports, car racing, climb, surf, fishing, racing horse, etcetera. Brazil is
one of the country not down in the world cap.
Pico da
highest place
of brazil
Iguazú falls
Snow in São Joaquim, Santa
The capital city
of Brazil, Brasilia
The National Congress of Brazil.