Mobile Ad Hoc Networks: Protocols and Security Issues Nitin H. Vaidya University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign © 2005 Nitin Vaidya 1 Notes Coverage not exhaustive. Only a few example schemes discussed Only selected features of various schemes are typically discussed. Not possible to cover all details in this tutorial Some protocol specs have changed over time, and the slides may not reflect the most current specifications Jargon used to discuss a scheme may occasionally differ from that used in the original papers Names in brackets, as in [Xyz00], refer to a document in the list of references Abbreviation MAC used to mean either Medium Access Control or Message Authentication Code – implied meaning should be clear from context 2 Time Constraint Given the half-day duration of this DSN 2005 tutorial, some of the slides in this set of 300+ slides will not be actually discussed during the presentation The slides are included in the handout as a reference for the attendees 3 Outline Introduction to ad hoc networks Selected routing protocols Selected MAC protocol mechanisms Security and misbehavior Key management in wireless ad hoc networks Secure communication in ad hoc networks MAC layer issues Network layer issues Related activities References 4 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) 5 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Formed by wireless hosts which may be mobile Without (necessarily) using a pre-existing infrastructure Routes between nodes may potentially contain multiple hops 6 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks May need to traverse multiple links to reach a destination B A C D 7 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANET) Mobility causes route changes A B C D 8 Why Ad Hoc Networks ? Ease of deployment Speed of deployment Decreased dependence on infrastructure 9 Many Applications Personal area networking cell phone, laptop, ear phone, wrist watch Military environments soldiers, tanks, planes Civilian environments taxi cab network meeting rooms sports stadiums boats, small aircraft Emergency operations search-and-rescue policing and fire fighting 10 Many Variations Fully Symmetric Environment all nodes have identical capabilities and responsibilities Asymmetric Capabilities transmission ranges and radios may differ battery life at different nodes may differ processing capacity may be different at different nodes speed of movement Asymmetric Responsibilities only some nodes may route packets some nodes may act as leaders of nearby nodes (e.g., cluster head) 11 Many Variations Traffic characteristics may differ in different ad hoc networks bit rate timeliness constraints reliability requirements unicast / multicast / geocast host-based addressing / content-based addressing / capability-based addressing May co-exist (and co-operate) with an infrastructurebased network 12 Many Variations Mobility pattern/characteristics may be different Application domain – – – – – people sitting at an airport lounge New York taxi cabs Kids playing Military movements personal area network speed predictability – direction of movement – pattern of movement uniformity (or lack thereof) of mobility characteristics among different nodes 13 Challenges Limited wireless transmission range Broadcast nature of the wireless medium Packet losses due to transmission errors Mobility-induced route changes Mobility-induced packet losses Battery constraints Potentially frequent network partitions Ease of snooping on wireless transmissions (security hazard) 14 Research on Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Variations in capabilities & responsibilities X Variations in traffic characteristics, mobility models, etc. X Performance criteria (e.g., throughput, energy, security) = Significant research activity 15 The Holy Grail A one-size-fits-all solution Perhaps using an adaptive/hybrid approach that can adapt to situation at hand Difficult problem Many solutions proposed trying to address a sub-space of the problem domain 16 Outline Introduction to ad hoc networks Selected routing and MAC protocols Key management in wireless ad hoc networks Secure communication in ad hoc networks Misbehavior at the MAC layer Misbehavior at the network layer Anomaly detection 17 Unicast Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 18 Why is Routing in MANET different ? Host mobility link failure/repair due to mobility may have different characteristics than those due to other causes Rate of link failure/repair may be high when nodes move fast New performance criteria may be used route stability despite mobility energy consumption 19 Unicast Routing Protocols Many protocols have been proposed Some have been invented specifically for MANET Others are adapted from previously proposed protocols for wired networks No single protocol works well in all environments some attempts made to develop adaptive protocols 20 Routing Protocols Proactive protocols Determine routes independent of traffic pattern Traditional link-state and distance-vector routing protocols are proactive Reactive protocols Maintain routes only if needed Hybrid protocols 21 Trade-Off Latency of route discovery Proactive protocols may have lower latency since routes are maintained at all times Reactive protocols may have higher latency because a route from X to Y may be found only when X attempts to send to Y Overhead of route discovery/maintenance Reactive protocols may have lower overhead since routes are determined only if needed Proactive protocols can (but not necessarily) result in higher overhead due to continuous route updating Which approach achieves a better trade-off depends 22 on the traffic and mobility patterns Reactive Routing Protocols 23 Routing Protocols Proactive protocols for ad hoc networks are often derived from link state or distance vector routing protocols But with some optimizations We will not discuss proactive protocols in detail Before discussing an example reactive protocol, let us consider “flooding” as a routing protocol 24 Flooding for Data Delivery Sender S broadcasts data packet P to all its neighbors Each node receiving P forwards P to its neighbors Sequence numbers used to avoid the possibility of forwarding the same packet more than once Packet P reaches destination D provided that D is reachable from sender S Node D does not forward the packet 25 Flooding for Data Delivery Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K D I N Represents a node that has received packet P Represents that connected nodes are within each other’s transmission range 26 Flooding for Data Delivery Y Broadcast transmission Z S E F B C M J A L G H K D I N Represents a node that receives packet P for the first time Represents transmission of packet P 27 Flooding for Data Delivery Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K D I N • Node H receives packet P from two neighbors: potential for collision 28 Flooding for Data Delivery Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K I D N • Node C receives packet P from G and H, but does not forward it again, because node C has already forwarded packet P once 29 Flooding for Data Delivery Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K I D N • Nodes J and K both broadcast packet P to node D • Since nodes J and K are hidden from each other, their transmissions may collide => Packet P may not be delivered to node D at all, despite the use of flooding 30 Flooding for Data Delivery Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K D I N • Node D does not forward packet P, because node D is the intended destination of packet P 31 Flooding for Data Delivery Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H • Flooding completed K I D N • Nodes unreachable from S do not receive packet P (e.g., node Z) • Nodes for which all paths from S go through the destination D also do not receive packet P (example: node N) 32 Flooding for Data Delivery Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K I • Flooding may deliver packets to too many nodes (in the worst case, all nodes reachable from sender may receive the packet) D N 33 Flooding for Data Delivery: Disadvantages Potentially, very high overhead Data packets may be delivered to too many nodes who do not need to receive them Potentially lower reliability of data delivery Flooding uses broadcasting -- hard to implement reliable broadcast delivery without significantly increasing overhead – Broadcasting in IEEE 802.11 MAC is unreliable In our example, nodes J and K may transmit to node D simultaneously, resulting in loss of the packet – in this case, destination would not receive the packet at all 34 Flooding of Control Packets Many protocols perform (potentially limited) flooding of control packets, instead of data packets The control packets are used to discover routes Discovered routes are subsequently used to send data packet(s) Overhead of control packet flooding is amortized over data packets transmitted between consecutive control packet floods Several protocols based on this (Examples: DSR, AODV) 35 Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) [Johnson96] When node S wants to send a packet to node D, but does not know a route to D, node S initiates a route discovery Source node S floods Route Request (RREQ) Each node appends own identifier when forwarding RREQ 36 Route Discovery in DSR Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K I D N Represents a node that has received RREQ for D from S 37 Route Discovery in DSR Y Broadcast transmission [S] S Z E F B C M J A L G H K I D N Represents transmission of RREQ [X,Y] Represents list of identifiers appended to RREQ 38 Route Discovery in DSR Y Z S E [S,E] F B C A M J [S,C] H G K I L D N • Node H receives packet RREQ from two neighbors: potential for collision 39 Route Discovery in DSR Y Z S E F B [S,E,F] C M J A L G H I [S,C,G] K D N • Node C receives RREQ from G and H, but does not forward it again, because node C has already forwarded RREQ once 40 Route Discovery in DSR Y Z S E [S,E,F,J] F B C M J A L G H K I D [S,C,G,K] • Nodes J and K both broadcast RREQ to node D • Since nodes J and K are hidden from each other, their transmissions may collide N 41 Route Discovery in DSR Y Z S E [S,E,F,J,M] F B C M J A L G H K D I • Node D does not forward RREQ, because node D is the intended target of the route discovery N 42 Route Discovery in DSR Destination D on receiving the first RREQ, sends a Route Reply (RREP) RREP is sent on a route obtained by reversing the route appended to received RREQ RREP includes the route from S to D on which RREQ was received by node D 43 Route Reply in DSR Y Z S E RREP [S,E,F,J,D] F B C M J A L G H K I Represents RREP control message D N 44 Route Reply in DSR Route Reply can be sent by reversing the route in Route Request (RREQ) only if links are guaranteed to be bi-directional To ensure this, RREQ should be forwarded only if it received on a link that is known to be bi-directional If unidirectional (asymmetric) links are allowed, then RREP may need a route discovery for S from node D Unless node D already knows a route to node S If a route discovery is initiated by D for a route to S, then the Route Reply is piggybacked on the Route Request from D. If IEEE 802.11 MAC is used to send data, then links have to be bi-directional (since Ack is used) 45 Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) Node S on receiving RREP, caches the route included in the RREP When node S sends a data packet to D, the entire route is included in the packet header hence the name source routing Intermediate nodes use the source route included in a packet to determine to whom a packet should be forwarded 46 Data Delivery in DSR Y DATA [S,E,F,J,D] S Z E F B C M J A L G H K I D N Packet header size grows with route length 47 When to Perform a Route Discovery When node S wants to send data to node D, but does not know a valid route node D 48 DSR Optimization: Route Caching Each node caches a new route it learns by any means When node S finds route [S,E,F,J,D] to node D, node S also learns route [S,E,F] to node F When node K receives Route Request [S,C,G] destined for node, node K learns route [K,G,C,S] to node S When node F forwards Route Reply RREP [S,E,F,J,D], node F learns route [F,J,D] to node D When node E forwards Data [S,E,F,J,D] it learns route [E,F,J,D] to node D A node may also learn a route when it overhears 49 Data packets Use of Route Caching When node S learns that a route to node D is broken, it uses another route from its local cache, if such a route to D exists in its cache. Otherwise, node S initiates route discovery by sending a route request Node X on receiving a Route Request for some node D can send a Route Reply if node X knows a route to node D Use of route cache can speed up route discovery can reduce propagation of route requests 50 Use of Route Caching [S,E,F,J,D] [E,F,J,D] S [F,J,D],[F,E,S] E F B [J,F,E,S] C J [C,S] A M L G H [G,C,S] D K I N Z [P,Q,R] Represents cached route at a node (DSR maintains the cached routes in a tree format) 51 Use of Route Caching: Can Speed up Route Discovery [S,E,F,J,D] [E,F,J,D] S [F,J,D],[F,E,S] E F B C [G,C,S] [C,S] A [J,F,E,S] M J L G H I [K,G,C,S] K D RREP N RREQ When node Z sends a route request for node C, node K sends back a route reply [Z,K,G,C] to node Z using a locally cached route Z 52 Use of Route Caching: Can Reduce Propagation of Route Requests [S,E,F,J,D] Y [E,F,J,D] S [F,J,D],[F,E,S] E F B C [G,C,S] [C,S] A [J,F,E,S] M J L G H I D [K,G,C,S] K RREP N RREQ Z Assume that there is no link between D and Z. Route Reply (RREP) from node K limits flooding of RREQ. In general, the reduction may be less dramatic. 53 Route Error (RERR) Y RERR [J-D] S Z E F B C M J A L G H K I D N J sends a route error to S along route J-F-E-S when its attempt to forward the data packet S (with route SEFJD) on J-D fails Nodes hearing RERR update their route cache to remove link J-D 54 Route Caching: Beware! Stale caches can adversely affect performance With passage of time and host mobility, cached routes may become invalid A sender host may try several stale routes (obtained from local cache, or replied from cache by other nodes), before finding a good route An illustration of the adverse impact on TCP will be discussed later in the tutorial [Holland99] 55 Dynamic Source Routing: Advantages Routes maintained only between nodes who need to communicate reduces overhead of route maintenance Route caching can further reduce route discovery overhead A single route discovery may yield many routes to the destination, due to intermediate nodes replying from local caches 56 Dynamic Source Routing: Disadvantages Packet header size grows with route length due to source routing Flood of route requests may potentially reach all nodes in the network Care must be taken to avoid collisions between route requests propagated by neighboring nodes insertion of random delays before forwarding RREQ Increased contention if too many route replies come back due to nodes replying using their local cache Route Reply Storm problem Reply storm may be eased by preventing a node from sending RREP if it hears another RREP with a shorter route 57 Dynamic Source Routing: Disadvantages An intermediate node may send Route Reply using a stale cached route, thus polluting other caches This problem can be eased if some mechanism to purge (potentially) invalid cached routes is incorporated. For some proposals for cache invalidation, see [Hu00Mobicom] Static timeouts Adaptive timeouts based on link stability 58 Reducing Route Discovery Overhead: Expanding Ring Search Route Requests are initially sent with small Time-to-Live (TTL) field, to limit their propagation If no Route Reply is received, then larger TTL tried 59 Reducing Route Discovery Overhead: Location-Aided Routing (LAR) [Ko98Mobicom] Exploits location information to limit scope of route request flood Location information may be obtained using GPS Expected Zone is determined as a region that is expected to hold the current location of the destination Expected region determined based on potentially old location information, and knowledge of the destination’s speed Route requests limited to a Request Zone that contains the Expected Zone and location of the sender node 60 Expected Zone in LAR X = last known location of node D, at time t0 Y = location of node D at current time t1, unknown to node S r = (t1 - t0) * estimate of D’s speed r X Y Expected Zone 61 Request Zone in LAR Network Space Request Zone r B A X Y S 62 LAR Only nodes within the request zone forward route requests Node A does not forward RREQ, but node B does (see previous slide) Request zone explicitly specified in the route request Each node must know its physical location to determine whether it is within the request zone 63 LAR Only nodes within the request zone forward route requests If route discovery using the smaller request zone fails to find a route, the sender initiates another route discovery (after a timeout) using a larger request zone the larger request zone may be the entire network Rest of route discovery protocol similar to DSR 64 Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector Routing (AODV) [Perkins99Wmcsa] DSR includes source routes in packet headers Resulting large headers can sometimes degrade performance particularly when data contents of a packet are small AODV attempts to improve on DSR by maintaining routing tables at the nodes, so that data packets do not have to contain routes AODV retains the desirable feature of DSR that routes are maintained only between nodes which need to communicate 65 AODV Route Requests (RREQ) are forwarded in a manner similar to DSR When a node re-broadcasts a Route Request, it sets up a reverse path pointing towards the source AODV assumes symmetric (bi-directional) links When the intended destination receives a Route Request, it replies by sending a Route Reply Route Reply travels along the reverse path set-up when Route Request is forwarded 66 Route Requests in AODV Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K I D N Represents a node that has received RREQ for D from S 67 Route Requests in AODV Y Broadcast transmission Z S E F B C M J A L G H K I D N Represents transmission of RREQ 68 Route Requests in AODV Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K D I N Represents links on Reverse Path 69 Reverse Path Setup in AODV Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K I D N • Node C receives RREQ from G and H, but does not forward it again, because node C has already forwarded RREQ once 70 Reverse Path Setup in AODV Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K I D N 71 Reverse Path Setup in AODV Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K D I • Node D does not forward RREQ, because node D is the intended target of the RREQ N 72 Route Reply in AODV Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K D I N Represents links on path taken by RREP 73 Route Reply in AODV An intermediate node (not the destination) may also send a Route Reply (RREP) provided that it knows a more recent path than the one previously known to sender S To determine whether the path known to an intermediate node is more recent, destination sequence numbers are used The likelihood that an intermediate node will send a Route Reply when using AODV not as high as DSR A new Route Request by node S for a destination is assigned a higher destination sequence number. An intermediate node which knows a route, but with a smaller sequence number, cannot send Route Reply 74 Forward Path Setup in AODV Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H K D I N Forward links are setup when RREP travels along the reverse path Represents a link on the forward path 75 Data Delivery in AODV Y DATA Z S E F B C M J A L G H K D I N Routing table entries used to forward data packet. Route is not included in packet header. 76 Summary: AODV Routes need not be included in packet headers Nodes maintain routing tables containing entries only for routes that are in active use At most one next-hop per destination maintained at each node DSR may maintain several routes for a single destination Unused routes expire even if topology does not change 77 Proactive Protocols 78 Proactive Protocols Most of the schemes discussed so far are reactive Proactive schemes based on distance-vector and link-state mechanisms have also been proposed 79 Link State Routing [Huitema95] Each node periodically floods status of its links Each node re-broadcasts link state information received from its neighbor Each node keeps track of link state information received from other nodes Each node uses above information to determine next hop to each destination 80 Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) [Jacquet00ietf,Jacquet99Inria] The overhead of flooding link state information is reduced by requiring fewer nodes to forward the information A broadcast from node X is only forwarded by its multipoint relays Multipoint relays of node X are its neighbors such that each two-hop neighbor of X is a one-hop neighbor of at least one multipoint relay of X Each node transmits its neighbor list in periodic beacons, so that all nodes can know their 2-hop neighbors, in order to choose the multipoint relays 81 Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) Nodes C and E are multipoint relays of node A F B A C G J E H K D Node that has broadcast state information from A 82 Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) Nodes C and E forward information received from A F B A C G J E H K D Node that has broadcast state information from A 83 Optimized Link State Routing (OLSR) Nodes E and K are multipoint relays for node H Node K forwards information received from H E has already forwarded the same information once F B A C G J E H K D Node that has broadcast state information from A 84 OLSR OLSR floods information through the multipoint relays The flooded itself is fir links connecting nodes to respective multipoint relays Routes used by OLSR only include multipoint relays as intermediate nodes 85 Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV) [Perkins94Sigcomm] Each node maintains a routing table which stores next hop towards each destination a cost metric for the path to each destination a destination sequence number that is created by the destination itself Sequence numbers used to avoid formation of loops Each node periodically forwards the routing table to its neighbors Each node increments and appends its sequence number when sending its local routing table This sequence number will be attached to route entries created for this node 86 Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV) Assume that node X receives routing information from Y about a route to node Z X Y Z Let S(X) and S(Y) denote the destination sequence number for node Z as stored at node X, and as sent by node Y with its routing table to node X, respectively 87 Destination-Sequenced Distance-Vector (DSDV) Node X takes the following steps: X Y Z If S(X) > S(Y), then X ignores the routing information received from Y If S(X) = S(Y), and cost of going through Y is smaller than the route known to X, then X sets Y as the next hop to Z If S(X) < S(Y), then X sets Y as the next hop to Z, and S(X) is updated to equal S(Y) 88 Unicast Routing Protocols MANY other protocols have been proposed Some use other metrics such as energy efficiency, load balancing, when choosing routes Hybrid protocols combine reactive and proactive features 89 Outline Introduction to ad hoc networks Selected routing protocols Selected MAC protocol mechanisms Security and misbehavior Key management in wireless ad hoc networks Secure communication in ad hoc networks MAC layer issues Network layer issues Related activities References 90 Medium Access Control Protocols 91 Medium Access Control Wireless channel is a shared medium Need access control mechanism to avoid interference MAC protocol design has been an active area of research for many years [Chandra00] 92 MAC: A Simple Classification Wireless MAC Centralized Distributed Guaranteed or controlled access Random access IEEE 802.11 93 Hidden Terminal Problem Node B can communicate with A and C both A and C cannot hear each other When A transmits to B, C cannot detect the transmission using the carrier sense mechanism If C transmits, collision will occur at node B A B C 94 MACA Solution for Hidden Terminal Problem [Karn90] When node A wants to send a packet to node B, node A first sends a Request-to-Send (RTS) to A On receiving RTS, node A responds by sending Clear-to-Send (CTS), provided node A is able to receive the packet When a node (such as C) overhears a CTS, it keeps quiet for the duration of the transfer Transfer duration is included in RTS and CTS both A B C 95 Reliability Wireless links are prone to errors. High packet loss rate detrimental to transport-layer performance. Mechanisms needed to reduce packet loss rate experienced by upper layers 96 A Simple Solution to Improve Reliability When node B receives a data packet from node A, node B sends an Acknowledgement (Ack). This approach adopted in many protocols [Bharghavan94,IEEE 802.11] If node A fails to receive an Ack, it will retransmit the packet A B C 97 IEEE 802.11 Wireless MAC Distributed and centralized MAC components Distributed Coordination Function (DCF) Point Coordination Function (PCF) DCF suitable for multi-hop ad hoc networking DCF is a Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol 98 IEEE 802.11 DCF Uses RTS-CTS exchange to avoid hidden terminal problem Any node overhearing a CTS cannot transmit for the duration of the transfer Uses ACK to achieve reliability Any node receiving the RTS cannot transmit for the duration of the transfer To prevent collision with ACK when it arrives at the sender When B is sending data to C, node A will keep quite A B C 99 Collision Avoidance CSMA/CA: Wireless MAC protocols often use collision avoidance techniques, in conjunction with a (physical or virtual) carrier sense mechanism Carrier sense: When a node wishes to transmit a packet, it first waits until the channel is idle. Collision avoidance: Nodes hearing RTS/CTS stay silent for specified duration. Once channel becomes idle, the node waits for a randomly chosen duration before attempting to transmit. 100 IEEE 802.11 RTS = Request-to-Send RTS A B C D E F Pretending a circular range 101 IEEE 802.11 RTS = Request-to-Send RTS A B C D E F NAV = 10 102 NAV = remaining duration to keep quiet IEEE 802.11 CTS = Clear-to-Send CTS A B C D E F 103 IEEE 802.11 CTS = Clear-to-Send CTS A B C D E F NAV = 8 104 IEEE 802.11 •DATA packet follows CTS. Successful data reception acknowledged using ACK. DATA A B C D E F 105 IEEE 802.11 ACK A B C D E F 106 IEEE 802.11 Reserved area (not necessarily circular in practice) ACK A B C D E F 107 Backoff Interval Backoff intervals used to reduce collision probability When transmitting a packet, choose a backoff interval in the range [0,cw] cw is contention window Count down the backoff interval when medium is idle Count-down is suspended if medium becomes busy When backoff interval reaches 0, transmit RTS 108 IEEE 802.11 DCF Example B1 = 25 B1 = 5 wait data data B2 = 20 cw = 31 wait B2 = 15 B2 = 10 B1 and B2 are backoff intervals at nodes 1 and 2 109 Backoff Interval The time spent counting down backoff intervals is a part of MAC overhead Choosing a large cw leads to large backoff intervals and can result in larger overhead Choosing a small cw leads to a larger number of collisions (when two nodes count down to 0 simultaneously) 110 Since the number of nodes attempting to transmit simultaneously may change with time, some mechanism to manage contention is needed IEEE 802.11 DCF: contention window cw is chosen dynamically depending on collision occurrence 111 Binary Exponential Backoff in DCF When a node fails to receive CTS in response to its RTS, it increases the contention window cw is doubled (up to an upper bound) When a node successfully completes a data transfer, it restores cw to Cwmin cw follows a sawtooth curve 112 Power Save in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode Time is divided into beacon intervals ATIM window Beacon interval Each beacon interval begins with an ATIM window ATIM = 113 Power Save in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode If host A has a packet to transmit to B, A must send an ATIM Request to B during an ATIM Window On receipt of ATIM Request from A, B will reply by sending an ATIM Ack, and stay up during the rest of the beacon interval If a host does not receive an ATIM Request during an ATIM window, and has no pending packets to transmit, it may sleep during rest of the beacon interval 114 Power Save in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode Node A ATIM Req ATIM Data Ack Ack Node B Node C Sleep 115 Power Save in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode Size of ATIM window and beacon interval affects performance [Woesner98] If ATIM window is too large, reduction in energy consumption reduced Energy consumed during ATIM window If ATIM window is too small, not enough time to send ATIM request 116 Power Save in IEEE 802.11 Ad Hoc Mode How to choose ATIM window dynamically? Based on observed load [Jung02infocom] How to synchronize hosts? If two hosts’ ATIM windows do not overlap in time, they cannot exchange ATIM requests Coordination requires that each host stay awake long enough (at least periodically) to discover out-of-sync neighbors [Tseng02infocom] ATIM ATIM 117 Impact on Upper Layers If each node uses the 802.11 power-save mechanism, each hop will require one beacon interval This delay could be intolerable Allow upper layers to dictate whether a node should enter the power save mode or not [Chen01mobicom] 118 Adaptive Modulation 119 Adaptive Modulation Channel conditions are time-varying Received signal-to-noise ratio changes with time A B 120 Adaptive Modulation Multi-rate radios are capable of transmitting at several rates, using different modulation schemes Choose modulation scheme as a function of channel conditions Modulation schemes provide a trade-off between throughput and range Throughput Distance 121 Adaptive Modulation If physical layer chooses the modulation scheme transparent to MAC MAC cannot know the time duration required for the transfer Must involve MAC protocol in deciding the modulation scheme Some implementations use a sender-based scheme for this purpose [Kamerman97] Receiver-based schemes can perform better 122 Sender-Based “Autorate Fallback” [Kamerman97] Probing mechanisms Sender decreases bit rate after X consecutive transmission attempts fail Sender increases bit rate after Y consecutive transmission attempt succeed 123 Autorate Fallback Advantage Can be implemented at the sender, without making any changes to the 802.11 standard specification Disadvantage Probing mechanism does not accurately detect channel state Channel state detected more accurately at the receiver Performance can suffer Since the sender will periodically try to send at a rate higher than optimal Also, when channel conditions improve, the rate is not increased immediately • • 124 Receiver-Based Autorate MAC [Holland01mobicom] Sender sends RTS containing its best rate estimate Receiver chooses best rate for the conditions and sends it in the CTS Sender transmits DATA packet at new rate Information in data packet header implicitly updates nodes that heard old rate 125 Receiver-Based Autorate MAC Protocol C A RTS (2 Mbps) B CTS (1 Mbps) Data (1 Mbps) D NAV updated using rate specified in the data packet 126 TCP Performance in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks 127 Performance of TCP Several factors affect TCP performance in MANET: Wireless transmission errors Multi-hop routes on shared wireless medium For instance, adjacent hops typically cannot transmit simultaneously Route failures due to mobility 128 This Tutorial This tutorial does not consider techniques to improve TCP performance in presence of transmission errors Please refer to the Tutorial on TCP for Wireless and Mobile Hosts presented by Vaidya at MobiCom 1999, Seattle The tutorial slides are presently available from (follow the link to Tutorials) [Montenegro00-RFC2757] discusses related issues 129 This Tutorial This tutorial considers impact of multi-hop routes and route failures due to mobility 130 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks May need to traverse multiple links to reach a destination 131 Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Mobility causes route changes 132 Throughput over Multi-Hop Wireless Paths [Gerla99] Connections over multiple hops are at a disadvantage compared to shorter connections, because they have to contend for wireless access at each hop 133 Impact of Multi-Hop Wireless Paths [Holland99] 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 TCP Throughtput (Kbps) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Number of hops TCP Throughput using 2 Mbps 802.11 MAC 134 Throughput Degradations with Increasing Number of Hops Packet transmission can occur on at most one hop among three consecutive hops Increasing the number of hops from 1 to 2, 3 results in increased delay, and decreased throughput Increasing number of hops beyond 3 allows simultaneous transmissions on more than one link, however, degradation continues due to contention between TCP Data and Acks traveling in opposite directions When number of hops is large enough, the throughput stabilizes due to effective pipelining 135 Ideal Throughput f(i) = fraction of time for which shortest path length between sender and destination is I T(i) = Throughput when path length is I From previous figure Ideal throughput = S f(i) * T(i) 136 Impact of Mobility TCP Throughput 2 m/s 10 m/s Ideal throughput (Kbps) 137 Impact of Mobility 20 m/s 30 m/s Ideal throughput 138 Throughput generally degrades with increasing speed … Ideal Average Throughput Over 50 runs Actual Speed (m/s) 139 But not always … 30 m/s 20 m/s Actual throughput Mobility pattern # 140 Why Does Throughput Degrade? mobility causes link breakage, resulting in route failure Route is repaired TCP sender times out. Starts sending packets again No throughput No throughput despite route repair TCP data and acks en route discarded 141 Why Does Throughput Degrade? mobility causes link breakage, resulting in route failure TCP sender times out. Backs off timer. Route is repaired TCP sender times out. Resumes sending No throughput No throughput despite route repair Larger route repair delays especially harmful TCP data and acks en route discarded 142 Why Does Throughput Improve? Low Speed Scenario C B D C D B A C D B A A 1.5 second route failure Route from A to D is broken for ~1.5 second. When TCP sender times after 1 second, route still broken. TCP times out after another 2 seconds, and only then resumes. 143 Why Does Throughput Improve? Higher (double) Speed Scenario C B D C D B A C D B A A 0.75 second route failure Route from A to D is broken for ~ 0.75 second. When TCP sender times after 1 second, route is repaired. 144 Why Does Throughput Improve? General Principle The previous two slides show a plausible cause for improved throughput TCP timeout interval somewhat (not entirely) independent of speed Network state at higher speed, when timeout occurs, may be more favorable than at lower speed Network state Link/route status Route caches Congestion 145 How to Improve Throughput (Bring Closer to Ideal) Network feedback Inform TCP of route failure by explicit message Let TCP know when route is repaired Probing Explicit notification Reduces repeated TCP timeouts and backoff 146 Performance Improvement With feedback Actual throughput Without network feedback Ideal throughput 2 m/s speed 147 Performance Improvement With feedback Actual throughput Without network feedback Ideal throughput 30 m/s speed 148 throughput as a fraction of ideal Performance with Explicit Notification [Holland99] 1 0.8 Base TCP 0.6 With explicit notification 0.4 0.2 0 2 10 20 30 mean speed (m/s) 149 Issues Network Feedback Network knows best (why packets are lost) + Network feedback beneficial - Need to modify transport & network layer to receive/send feedback Need mechanisms for information exchange between layers [Holland99] discusses alternatives for providing feedback (when routes break and repair) [Chandran98] also presents a feedback scheme 150 Impact of Caching Route caching has been suggested as a mechanism to reduce route discovery overhead [Broch98] Each node may cache one or more routes to a given destination When a route from S to D is detected as broken, node S may: Use another cached route from local cache, or Obtain a new route using cached route at another node 151 To Cache or Not to Cache Average speed (m/s) 152 Why Performance Degrades With Caching When a route is broken, route discovery returns a cached route from local cache or from a nearby node After a time-out, TCP sender transmits a packet on the new route. However, the cached route has also broken after it was cached timeout due to route failure timeout, cached timeout, second cached route is broken route also broken Another route discovery, and TCP time-out interval Process repeats until a good route is found 153 Issues To Cache or Not to Cache Caching can result in faster route “repair” Faster does not necessarily mean correct If incorrect repairs occur often enough, caching performs poorly Need mechanisms for determining when cached routes are stale 154 Caching and TCP performance Caching can reduce overhead of route discovery even if cache accuracy is not very high But if cache accuracy is not high enough, gains in routing overhead may be offset by loss of TCP performance due to multiple time-outs 155 TCP Performance Two factors result in degraded throughput in presence of mobility: Loss of throughput that occurs while waiting for TCP sender to timeout (as seen earlier) This factor can be mitigated by using explicit notifications and better route caching mechanisms Poor choice of congestion window and RTO values after a new route has been found How to choose cwnd and RTO after a route change? 156 Issues Window Size After Route Repair Same as before route break: may be too optimistic Same as startup: may be too conservative Better be conservative than overly optimistic Reset window to small value after route repair Let TCP figure out the suitable window size Impact low on paths with small delay-bw product 157 Issues RTO After Route Repair Same as before route break Same as TCP start-up (6 second) Another plausible approach: new RTO = function of old RTO, old route length, and new route length If new route long, this RTO may be too small, leading to timeouts May be too large May result in slow response to next packet loss Example: new RTO = old RTO * new route length / old route length Not evaluated yet Pitfall: RTT is not just a function of route length 158 Out-of-Order Packet Delivery Out-of-order (OOO) delivery may occur due to: Route changes Link layer retransmissions schemes that deliver OOO Significantly OOO delivery confuses TCP, triggering fast retransmit Potential solutions: Deterministically prefer one route over others, even if multiple routes are known Reduce OOO delivery by re-ordering received packets can result in unnecessary delay in presence of packet loss Turn off fast retransmit can result in poor performance in presence of congestion • • 159 Impact of Acknowledgements TCP Acks (and link layer acks) share the wireless bandwidth with TCP data packets Data and Acks travel in opposite directions In addition to bandwidth usage, acks require additional receive-send turnarounds, which also incur time penalty To reduce frequency of send-receive turnaround and contention between acks and data 160 Impact of Acks: Mitigation [Balakrishnan97] Piggybacking link layer acks with data Sending fewer TCP acks - ack every d-th packet (d may be chosen dynamically) • but need to use rate control at sender to reduce burstiness (for large d) Ack filtering - Gateway may drop an older ack in the queue, if a new ack arrives reduces number of acks that need to be delivered to the sender 161 Outline Introduction to ad hoc networks Selected routing protocols Selected MAC protocol mechanisms Security and misbehavior Key management in wireless ad hoc networks Secure communication in ad hoc networks MAC layer issues Network layer issues Related activities References 162 Security and Misbehavior 163 Issues Hosts may be misbehave or try to compromise security at all layers of the protocol stack 164 Transport Layer (End-to-End Communication) How to secure end-to-end communication? Need to know keys to be used for secure communication May want to anonymize the communication 165 Network Layer Misbehaving hosts may create many hazards May disrupt route discovery and maintenance: Force use of poor routes (e.g., long routes) Delay, drop, corrupt, misroute packets May degrade performance by making good routes look bad 166 MAC Layer Disobey protocol specifications for selfish gains Denial-of-service attacks 167 Scope of this Tutorial Overview of selected issues at various protocol layers Not an exhaustive survey of all relevant problems or solutions 168 Outline Introduction to ad hoc networks Selected routing and MAC protocols Key management in wireless ad hoc networks Secure communication in ad hoc networks Misbehavior at the MAC layer Misbehavior at the network layer Anomaly detection 169 Key Management 170 Key Management In “pure” ad hoc networks, access to infrastructure cannot be assumed Network may also become partitioned In “hybrid” networks, however, if access to infrastructure is typically available, traditional solutions can be extended with relative ease 171 Certification Authority Certification Authority (CA) has a public/private key pair, with public key known to all CA signs certificate binding public keys to other nodes A single CA may not be enough – unavailability of the CA (due to partitioning, failure or compromise) will make it difficult for nodes to obtain public keys of other hosts A compromised CA may sign erroneous certificates 172 Distributed Certification Authority [Zhou99] Use threshold cryptography to implement CA functionality jointly at n nodes. The n CA servers collectively have a public/private key pair Each CA only knows a part of the private key Can tolerate t compromised servers Threshold cryptography: (n,t+1) threshold cryptography scheme allows n parties to share the ability to perform a cryptographic operation (e.g., creating a digital signature) Any (t+1) parties can perform the operation jointly No t or fewer parties can perform the operation 173 Distributed Certification Authority [Zhou99] Each server knows public key of other servers, so that the servers can communicate with each other securely To sign a certificate, each server generates a partial signature for the certificate, and submits to a combiner To protect against a compromised combiner, use t+1 combiners 174 Self-Organized Public Key Management [Capkun03] Does not rely on availability of CA Nodes form a “Certificate Graph” each vertex represents a public key an edge from Ku to Kw exists if there is a certificate signed by the private key of node u that binds Kw to the identity of some node w. Ku (w,Kw)Pr Ku Kw 175 Self-Organized Public Key Management [Capkun03] Four steps of the management scheme Step 1: Each node creates its own private/public keys. Each node acts independently 176 Self-Organized Public Key Management Step 2: When a node u believes that key Kw belongs to node w, node u issues a public-key certificate in which Kw is bound to w by the signature of u u may believe this because u and w may have talked on a dedicated channel previously Each node also issues a self-signed certificate for its own key Step 3: Nodes periodically exchange certificates with other nodes they encounter Mobility allows faster dissemination of certificates through the network 177 Self-Organized Public Key Management Step 4: Each node forms a certificate graph using the certificates known to that node Authentication: When a node u wants to verify the authenticity of the public key Kv of node v, u tries to find a directed graph from Ku to Kv in the certificate graph. If such a path is found, the key is authentic. 178 Self-Organized Public Key Management Misbehaving hosts may issue incorrect certificates If there are mismatching certificates, indicates presence of a misbehaving host (unless one of the mismatching certificate has expired) Mismatching certificates may bind same public key for two different nodes, or same node to two different keys To resolve the mismatch, a “confidence” level may be calculated for each certificate chain that verifies each of the mismatching certificates Choose the certificate that can be verified with high confidence – else ignore both certificates 179 TESLA Broadcast Authentication [Perrig] How to verify authenticity of broadcast packets? Use Message Authentication Code (MAC) for each message, using a shared secret key But with broadcast, all receivers need to know the shared key, and any of them can then impersonate the sender Use digital signature with asymmetric cryptography Computationally expensive Use asymmetric cryptography to bootstrap symmetric cryptography solution TESLA 180 TESLA Uses one-way hash chains: Starting with initial value s0, use one-way function F to general a sequence of values s1 = F(s0), s2 = F(s1), … , sn = F(sn-1). Knowing an earlier value in the chain, a latter value can be determined, but not vice-versa Use the values in reverse order, starting from sn-1 Order of use opposite the order of generation Distribute sn to all nodes with verifiable authenticity Use digital signature (this is the “bootstrap” step) Nodes need to know the source’s public key 181 TESLA Messages sent during period i include Message Authentication Code (MAC) computed using another one-way function of si The key si is revealed after a key disclosure delay of d intervals On receiving a message in interval i, a node X waits for d-1 additional intervals for the key to be revealed) When si is revealed, node X can verify that si+1 = F(si) to determine authenticity of si 182 TESLA Authenticity of si can be determined so long as node X knows some sk with k>i Allows for loss of revealed keys during broadcast operation Once a key is revealed, anyone can try to impersonate the sender using that key To avoid this, TESLA assumes loose time synchronization Each receiver can place an upper bound on the sender’s clock The error needs to be small compared to key disclosure delay 183 TESLA If impersonator I receives key si from source S first, and sends a packet to R impersonating S, R will find the packet valid only if The packet timestamp is smaller than the upper bound R places on the time at S, and Now, the upper bound when S sends key si will be at least i+d (since the key is not released until interval i+d) So if R only accepts packets sent with timestamp i but received when the upper bound on S’s clock < i+d, there is no way an impersonator can pass above conditions (provided clock error small compared to d) I S R 184 TESLA Advantage: Use of asymmetric cryptography required only initially (to distribute initial key using signatures) Further communication uses MAC Disadvantage: Messages can only be authenticated after delay d 185 Outline Introduction to ad hoc networks Selected routing and MAC protocols Key management in wireless ad hoc networks Secure communication in ad hoc networks Misbehavior at the MAC layer Misbehavior at the network layer Anomaly detection 186 Secure Communication 187 Secure Communication With the previously discussed mechanisms for key distribution, it is possible to authenticate the assignment of a public key to a node This key can then be used for secure communication The public key can be used to set up a symmetric key between a given node pair as well TESLA provides a mechanism for broadcast authentication when a single source must broadcast packets to multiple receivers 188 Secure Communication Sometimes security requirement may include anonymity Availability of an authentic key is not enough to prevent traffic analysis We may want to hide the source or the destination of a packet, or simply the amount of traffic between a given pair of nodes 189 Traffic Analysis Traditional approaches for anonymous communication, for instance, based on MIX nodes or dummy traffic insertion, can be used in wireless ad hoc networks as well However, it is possible to develop new approaches considering the broadcast nature of the wireless channel 190 Mix Nodes [Chaum] Mix nodes can reorder packets from different flows, insert dummy packets, or delay packets, to reduce correlation between packets in and packets out G D C M1 B M3 M2 E F A 191 Mix Nodes Node A wants to send message M to node G. Node A chooses 2 Mix nodes (in general n mix nodes), say, M1 and M2 G D C M1 B M3 M2 E F A 192 Mix Nodes Node A transmits to M1 message K1(R1, K2(R2, M)) where Ki() denotes encryption using public key Ki of Mix i, and Ri is a random number G D C M1 B M3 M2 E F A 193 Mix Nodes M1 recovers K2(R2,M) and send to M2 G D C M1 B M3 M2 E F A 194 Mix Nodes M2 recovers M and sends to G G D C M1 B M3 M2 E F A 195 Mix Nodes If M is encrypted by a secret key, no one other than G or A can know M Since M1 and M2 “mix” traffic, observers cannot determine the source-destination pair without compromising M1 and M2 both 196 Alternative Mix Nodes Suppose A uses M2 and M3 Need to take fewer hops (not M1 and M2) Choice of mix nodes affects overhead G D C M1 B M3 M2 E F A 197 Mix Node Selection Intelligent selection of mix nodes can reduce overhead [Jiang04] With mobility, the choice of mix nodes may have to be modified to reduce cost However, change of mix selection has the potential for divulging more information 198 Traffic Mode Detection Consider a node pair A and D. Depending on the “mode” of operation, the traffic rate from A to D is either R1 or R2. To avoid detection of the mode, node A may always send at rate max (R1, R2) inserting dummy traffic if necessary [Venkatraman93] This is an end-to-end approach, since it can be implemented entirely at source & destination of a flow 199 Traffic Mode Detection Now consider two flow A-D and E-F Mode 1: A-D rate R1 E-F rate R2 Mode 2: A-D rate R2 E-F rate R1 End-to-end cover: A-D and E-F both at rate max (R1,R2) Link BC carries traffic 2*max (R1,R2) F Max(R1,R2) A B C D E Max(R1,R2) 2 * Max(R1,R2) 200 Traffic Mode Detection If we can encrypt link layer traffic in ad hoc networks, then a “link” cover mode can be used, such that each link carries fixed traffic independent of traffic mode Reduces resource usage F A B E C D Max(R1,R2) on each link except BC R1+ R2 on link BC 201 Traffic Mode Detection Insertion of dummy traffic on a per-link basis “cheaper” than end-to-end [Radosavljevic92,Jiang01] But need to take into account rates of different flows to determine suitable level of padding Also, need link layer encryption to disallow differentiation of different flows at the link layer 202 Traffic Mode Detection Mode 1: A-D rate R1 Mode 2: A-D rate R2 E-F rate R2 E-F rate R1 Need Max(R1,R2) on all links, since the two flows do not share links Node B transmits 2 * Max(R1,R2) traffic F A B E D 203 Traffic Mode Detection Node-level dummy packet insertion cheaper, if we can hide link-level receiver of the packets Without the dummy traffic, node B forwards traffic R1+R2 independent of the mode Node-level insertion: Maintain rates Max(R1,R2) at nodes A and E, and rate R1+R2 at node B F A B E D 204 Traffic Mode Detection Node B needs to be able to remove dummy packets Recipient of traffic from node B needs to be hidden Additional mechanisms can be designed for this [Jiang05] 205 Outline Introduction to ad hoc networks Selected routing protocols Selected MAC protocol mechanisms Security and misbehavior Key management in wireless ad hoc networks Secure communication in ad hoc networks MAC layer issues Network layer issues Related activities References 206 Misbehavior at the MAC Layer 207 MAC Layer Misbehavior Access Point Access Point Wireless channel Wireless channel A C D B Nodes are required to follow Medium Access Control (MAC) rules Misbehaving nodes may violate MAC rules 208 Example We will illustrate MAC layer misbehavior with example misbehaviors that can occur with IEEE 802.11 DCF protocol For ease of discussion, we sometimes refer to nodes communicating with an “access point”, but the discussion applies equally to nodes transmitting to any node in an ad hoc network acting as their receiver 209 Some Possible Misbehaviors Causing collisions with other hosts’ RTS or CTS [Raya] Those hosts will exponentially backoff on packet loss, giving free channel to the misbehaving host 210 Possible Misbehaviors: “Impatient” Transmitters Smaller backoff intervals [Kyasanur] Shorter Interframe Spacings [Raya] 211 “Impatient” Transmitters Backoff from biased distribution Example: Always select a small backoff value B1 = 1 B1 = 1 Misbehaving node Transmit Transmit Well-behaved node wait wait B2 = 20 B2 = 19 212 Impatient Transmitters We will discuss the case of hosts that choose “too small” backoff intervals But other cases of hosts waiting too little before talking can be handled analogously 213 Goals [Kyasanur03] Diagnose node misbehavior Catch misbehaving nodes Discourage misbehavior Punish misbehaving nodes 214 Potential Approaches Watch idle times on the channel to detect when hosts wait too little Design protocols that improve the ability to detect misbehavior Protocols that discourage misbehavior [Konorski] • Certain game-theoretic approaches 215 Passive Observation [Kyasanur03] (Conceptually Simplest Solution) 802.11 dictates that each host must be idle for a certain duration between transmissions The duration can be expressed as (K + v) where K is a constant, and v is chosen probabilistically from a certain distribution K due to inter-frame spacing v due to randomly chosen backoff intervals 216 Passive Observation The observer can measure the idle time on the channel and determine whether the idle time is drawn from the above distribution If the observed idle time is smaller than expected, then misbehavior can be detected [Kyasanur03] [Cagalj05] presents an implementation based on this approach 217 Passive Observation With this approach, a receiver can try to diagnose behavior of nodes trying to send packets to the receiver Access Point A Wireless channel 218 Issues Wireless channel introduces uncertainties Not all hosts see channel idle at the same time AP1 sees channel busy, but A sees it as idle AP 2 AP 1 A Wireless channel B Wireless channel 219 Issues Spatial channel variations bound the efficacy of misbehavior detection mechanisms Many existing proposals ignore channel variation when performing evaluations, making the evaluations less reliable 220 Issues Receiver does not know exact backoff value chosen by sender Sender chooses random backoff Hard to distinguish between maliciously chosen small values and a legitimate value 221 Potential Solution: Use long-term statistics [Kyasanur] Observe backoffs chosen by sender over multiple packets Selecting right observation interval difficult 222 An Alternative Approach Remove the non-determinism 223 An Alternative Approach Receiver provides backoff values to sender Receiver specifies backoff for next packet in ACK for current packet Modification does not significantly change 802.11 behavior Backoffs of different nodes still independent Uncertainty of sender’s backoff eliminated 224 Modifications to 802.11 B Sender S Receiver R • R provides backoff B to S in ACK B selected from [0,CWmin] • S uses B for backoff 225 Protocol steps Step 1: For each transmission: Detect deviations: Decide if sender backed off for less than required number of slots Penalize deviations: Penalty is added, if the sender appears to have deviated Goal: Identify and penalize suspected misbehavior Reacting to individual transmission makes it harder for the cheater to adapt to the protocol 226 Protocol steps Step 2: Based on last W transmissions: Diagnose misbehavior: Identify misbehaving nodes Goal: Identify misbehaving nodes with high probability Reduce impact of channel uncertainties Filter out misbehaving nodes from well-behaved nodes 227 Detecting deviations Backoff Sender S Receiver R Bobsr Receiver counts number of idle slots Bobsr Condition for detecting deviations: Bobsr < B (0 < <= 1) 228 Penalizing Misbehavior Actual backoff < B Sender S Receiver R Bobsr When Bobsr < B, penalty P added P proportional to B– Bobsr Total backoff assigned = B + P 229 Penalty Scheme issues Misbehaving sender has two options Ignore assigned penalty Easier to detect Follow assigned penalty No throughput gain With penalty, sender has to misbehave more for same throughput gain 230 Diagnosing Misbehavior Total deviation for last W packets used Deviation per packet is B – Bobsr If total deviation > THRESH then sender is designated as misbehaving Higher layers / administrator can be informed of misbehavior 231 Summary of Performance Results Persistent misbehavior detected with high accuracy Accuracy depends on channel conditions Accuracy not 100% due to channel variations • Accuracy increases with misbehavior 232 Variations – Multiple Observers In an ad hoc networks, a node can only diagnose, on its own, misbehavior by senders in its vicinity Potential for error due to channel variations Different hosts can cooperate to improve accuracy Open problem: How to cooperate? How to “merge” information to arrive at a diagnosis? 233 Other Approaches Game theory Incentive-based mechanisms 234 MAC Selfishness: Game-Theoretic Approach [MacKenzie] addresses selfish misbehavior in Aloha networks Nodes can choose arbitrary access probabilities Assign cost c for a transmission attempt • Utility of a successful transmission = 1-c • Utility of an unsuccessful transmission = -c • Utility of no attempt = 0 MacKenzie’s contribution is to show that there exists a Nash equilibrium strategy 235 MAC: Selfishness Others have also attempted game-theoretic solutions [Konorski,Cagalj05] Limitation: Game-theoretic solutions (so far) assume that all hosts see identical channel state Not realistic Limits usefulness of solutions 236 Incentive-Based Mechanisms [Zhong02] Use payment schemes, charging per packet Misbehaving hosts can get more throughput, but at a higher cost • This solution does not ensure fairness • Also, misbehaving node can achieve lower delay at no extra cost • This suggests that per-packet payment is not enough • Need to factor delay as well (harder) 237 Some Other MAC Layer Issues 238 MAC Layer Anonymous Broadcast How to broadcast anonymously at the MAC layer? To maintain anonymity from “external” attackers One possible solution: Encrypt the source address using secret key (attacker cannot determine the packet’s contents) Source may be encrypted, but the signal energy will be highest closest to the transmitter This may give away the identity of the source 239 MAC Layer Anonymous Broadcast Alternate (expensive) solution: Require all hosts in a “broadcast domain” to periodically broadcast packets Hosts may transmit dummy packets when no real packets need to be transmitted Observer cannot determine which hosts are sending real packets (due to encryption) Source cannot be determined uniquely, but overhead high 240 Link Layer Encryption Link layer encryption provides protection for wireless transmissions on a per-hop basis. Need mechanisms for agreeing on suitable keys for this purpose IEEE 802.11 specifies one such approach 241 Outline Introduction to ad hoc networks Selected routing protocols Selected MAC protocol mechanisms Security and misbehavior Key management in wireless ad hoc networks Secure communication in ad hoc networks MAC layer issues Network layer issues Related activities References 242 Network Layer Misbehavior 243 Network Layer Misbehavior Many potential misbehaviors have been identified in various papers We will discuss selected misbehaviors, and plausible solutions 244 Drop/Corrupt/Misroute A node “agrees” to join a route (for instance, by forwarding route request in DSR) but fails to forward packets correctly A node may do so to conserve energy, or to launch a denial-of-service attack, due to failure of some sort, or because of overload 245 Watchdog Approach [Marti] Verify whether a node has forwarded a packet or not B sends packet to C A B C D E 246 Watchdog Approach [Marti] Verify whether a node has forwarded a packet or not B can learn whether C has forwarded packet or not B can also know whether packet is tampered with if no per-link encryption C forwards packet to D A B C D E B overhears C Forwarding the packet 247 Watchdog Approach: Buffering & Failure Detection Forwarding by C may not be immediate: B must buffer packets for some time, and compare them with overheard packets • Buffered packet can be removed on a match If packet stays in buffer at B too long, a “failure tally” for node C is incremented If the failure rate is above a threshold, C is determined as misbehaving, and source node informed 248 Impact of Collisions If A transmits while C is forwarding to D, A will not know Failure tally at C is not reliable. Include a margin for such errors (which may be exploited by misbehaving hosts) C forwards packet to D A B C D E 249 Reliability of Reception Not Known Even if B sees the transmission from C, it cannot always tell whether D received the packet reliably Misbehaving C may reduce power such that B can receive from C, but D does not (provided path loss to D is higher) C forwards packet to D A B C D E 250 Channel Variations May Cause False Detection A If channel quality between B and C changes often, B may not overhear packets forwarded by C This will increase C’s failure tally at B May cause false misbehavior accusation B C D E 251 Malicious Reporting Host D may be a good node, but C may report that D is misbehaving Source cannot tell whether this report is accurate If the destination sends acknowledgement to source for the received packets, and if the forward-reverse routes are disjoint, this misbehavior (by C) may be caught 252 Collusion A If C forwards packets to D, but fails to report when D does not forward packets, the source node cannot determine who is misbehaving B C D E Collusion hard to detect in many other schemes as well 253 Misdirection of Packets A C forwards packets, but to the wrong node! With DSR, B knows the next hop after C, so this misbehavior may be detected With other hop-by-hop forwarding protocols, B cannot detect this B C D E F 254 Directional Transmissions A Directional transmissions make it difficult to use Watchdog Power control for improved capacity or energy efficiency can create difficulties as well B C D E B cannot hear C’s transmission to D 255 Watchdog + Pathrater [Marti] “Pathrater” is run by each node. Each node assigns a rating to each known node Previously unknown nodes assigned “neutral” rating of 0.5 Rating assigned to nodes suspected of misbehaving are set to large negative value Other nodes have positive ratings (between 0 and 0.8) Ratings of well-behaved nodes increase over time up to a maximum So a temporary misbehavior can be overcome by sustained good behavior Routes with larger cumulative node ratings preferred 256 Watchdog: Summary Can detect misbehaving hosts, although not always; false detection possible as well Misbehaving hosts not punished Effectively rewarded, by not sending any more traffic through them Potential modification: Punishment could be to not forward any traffic from the misbehaving hosts 257 Hosts Bearing Grudges: CONFIDANT Protocol [Buchegger] Motivated by “The Selfish Gene” by Dawkins (1976) Consider three types of birds “Suckers” – Birds that always groom parasites off other birds’ heads “Cheats” – Birds that never help other birds “Grudgers” – Birds that do not help known cheaters If bird population starts out with only suckers and cheats, both categories become extinct over time If bird population contains grudgers, eventually they dominate the population, and others become extinct 258 Hosts Bearing Grudges Applying the “grudgers” concept to ad hoc networks Each node determines whether its neighbor is misbehaving • Similar to the previous scheme A node ALARMs its “friends” when a misbehaving hosts is detected Each node maintains reputation ratings for other nodes that are reduced on receipt of ALARMs Ratings improve with time – a cheater can rehabilitate itself 259 Hosts Bearing Grudges: Issues How to decide on friends? What if “friends” cheat? 260 Hosts Bearing Grudges: Summary Reputation-based scheme Nodes prefer to route through & for nodes with higher reputation Interesting concept, but cannot circumvent the difficulties in diagnosing misbehavior accurately 261 Exploiting Path Redundancy [Xue04] Design routing algorithms that can deliver data despite misbehaving nodes “Tolerate” misbehavior by using disjoint routes Prefer routes that deliver packets at a higher “delivery ratio” 262 Exploiting Path Redundancy Alternate routes: AFGE, ABCDE, ABFGE, ABCGE E F A B G C D 263 Exploiting Path Redundancy Misbehaving host F drops packets Delivery ratio poor on routes AFGE, ABFGE, better on ABCDE, ABCGE E F A B G C D 264 Best-Effort Fault Tolerant Routing (BFTR) – Modified DSR [Xue04] The target of a route discovery is required to send multiple route replies (RREP) The source can discover multiple routes (all are deemed feasible initially) (1) The source chooses a feasible route based on the “shortest path” metric (2) The source uses this route until its delivery ratio falls below a threshold (making the route infeasible) (3) If existing route is deemed infeasible, go to (1) 265 BFTR: Issues A route may look infeasible due to temporary overload on that route The source may settle on a poorer (but feasible) route No direct mechanism to differentiate misbehavior from lower capacity routes This is both an advantage, and a potential shortcoming 266 Information Dispersal [Rabin89] Map the N bit information F to n pieces, each N/m in size, such that any m pieces suffice to reconstruct original information • Total size = n/m * N Divide information F into N/m sequences of length m S1 = (b1, …, bm) S2 = (bm+1, …, b2m) … 267 Information Dispersal Choose n vectors ai = (ai1, …, aim) Such that any set of m different vectors are linearly independent Let Fi = (ci1, ci2, …, ciN/m) 1<= i <= n where cik = ai . Sk Example: ci1 = ai.b1 + ai2.b2 + … + aim . bm 268 Information Dispersal [Rabin89] Given m pieces, say, F1, …, Fm, we can reconstruct F as follows Let A = (aij) 1<=i,j<= m A . Sk’ = (c11, c21, …, cm1)’ ’ denotes transpose Thus, knowing A and Fi= (ci1, ci2, …, ciN/m), we can recover S 269 Information Dispersal to Tolerate Misbehavior [Papadimitratos03] Choose n node-disjoint paths to send the n pieces of information Use a route rating scheme (based on delivery ratios) to select the routes Acknowledgements for received pieces are sent The missing pieces retransmitted on other routes Need to be able to detect whether packets are tampered with 270 Route Tampering Attack A node may make a route appear too long or too short by tampering with RREQ in DSR By making a route appear too long, the node may avoid the route from being used This would happen if the destination replies to multiple RREQ in DSR By making a route appear too short, the node may make the source use that route, and then drop data packets (denial of service) 271 Node Insertion Y Z [S,E] S E F B [S,E,P,Q,F] C M J A L G H K I D N 272 Node Deletion Y Z S E F B C M J A L G H I [S,C,G] D K [S,G,K] N 273 Route Tampering Attack Useful to allow detection of route tampering Solution: Protect route accumulated in RREQ from tampering Removal or insertion of nodes should both be detected 274 Ariadne [Hu]: Detecting Route Tampering Source-Destination S-D pairs share secret keys Ksd and Kds for each direction of communication One-way hash function H available MAC = Message Authentication Code (MAC) computed using MAC keys 275 Ariadne [Hu]: Detecting Route Tampering Let RREQ’ denote the RREQ that would have been sent in unmodified DSR Source S broadcasts RREQ = RREQ’,h0,[] where h0 = HMACKsd(RREQ’) When a node X receives an RREQ = (RREQ’, hi, [m list]) it broadcasts RREQ, mi+1 where RREQ = (RREQ’, hi+1, [m list]), mi+1 where hi+1 = H(X, hi) and mi+1=HMACKx(RREQ) 276 Ariadne If D receives an RREQ that came via route S, A, B, C, then D should have received h = H(C, H(B, H(A, HMACKsd(initial RREQ’)))) Knowing H and Ksd, and the node identifiers appended in the RREQ, D can verify accuracy of received h Relies on the inability to invert function H A mismatch indicates tampering with h or node list A match indicates that the h value corresponds to the node-list Not enough to know whether the node-list is accurate If no tampering detected in h, send RREP including node-list and m-list, and HMAC for this information 277 Ariadne Node D sends the RREP to node C (first node on reverse route) Node C forwards to the next node towards the source, but also appends its key Kc to the message One key used per route discovery (TESLA mechanism). S can verify authenticity of this key Alternate mechanisms: Use pair-wise shared secret keys, or signatures using authentic public keys Node S receives all the keys, and also the m-list in RREP S can verify that all m values in the m-list are accurate, in addition to the HMAC computed by D If all check out, then no tampering, else discard RREP 278 Ariadne If HMAC checks, then no one tampered with the node-list and m-list in the RREP If m-list checks, then the m values were computed by legitimate nodes when RREQ forwarded If all OK, accept RREP Use of m-list ensures that a host cannot tamper with the RREP Route in RREP is the route taken by RREQ and RREP 279 Ariadne: Issues Ensuring that RREQ and RREP follow the known route does not ensure that the nodes on the route will deliver packets correctly So this is not a sufficient solution (and some might argue, not necessary!) 280 Wormhole Attack [Hu] In this attack, the attacker makes a wireless “link” appear in the network when there isn’t one The attacker may achieve this by using an out-ofband channel, or a channel that cannot be detected by other hosts Not necessarily detrimental, since the additional link can improve performance But the attacker may cause the network to funnel traffic through this link, giving the attacker control on the fate of the traffic 281 Wormhole Attack [Hu] Host X can forward packets from F and E unaltered Hosts F and E will seem “adjacent” to each other E F A B X C D 282 Wormhole Attack [Hu] With DSR, RREQ via AFXE will likely arrive at E soonest The RREQ will contain route AFE When RREP from E reaches A, it will start using AFE The fact that AFE really is AFXE will not be detected E F A B X C D 283 Wormhole Attack [Hu] With DSR, RREQ via AFXE will likely arrive at E soonest The RREQ will contain route AFE When RREP from E reaches A, it will start using AFE The fact that AFE really is AFXE will not be detected E F A B X C D 284 Wormhole Attack [Hu] Subsequently when A sends data along AFE, node X will not forward the data to E E F A B X C D 285 Wormhole Attack: Issues Not that simple to launch an undetected wormhole attack If node F can “see” someone else sending packets with F specified as sender, the attack is detected Transmissions from X must be invisible to F E F A B X C D 286 Wormhole Attack: Issues Transmissions from X must be invisible to F Use directional transmissions at X to forward packets Difficult for X to guarantee that F will not see its transmissions (depends on beamforms, multipath) E F A B X C D 287 Wormhole Attack: Issues Transmissions from X must be invisible to F Out-of-band collusion between two attackers X and Y Difficult for Y to guarantee that F will not see its transmissions Y E F A B X C D 288 Wormhole Attack: Issues Timing: F may expect an “immediate ACK” In the absence of authentication, X can ACK packets to F without having delivered them to E With authentication, this is difficult E F A B X C D 289 Timing Issue Alternatively, the attacker must be able to forward bits as soon as it starts receiving them from F X transmits to E while receiving from F on the same channel If no delays introduced, E and F may not detect the attack E F A B X C D 290 Detected Attack If timing issue cannot be resolved by the attacker …. If X cannot deliver a timely ACK, the link E F will appear broken to E (because no ACK when expected) Thus, even though E appears to receive RREQ from F, it cannot deliver packets to F The attack will make the link F-E seem unidirectional (unreliable broadcast from F to E works, but not reliable unicast from E to F). Mechanisms to handle unidirectional links (“blacklist”) 291 can potentially suffice Other Detection Mechanisms: Geographical Leashes Geographical Leashes: Each transmission from a host should be allowed to propagate over a limited distance If E and F are too far, F should reject packets that seem to be transmitted by E, even if received reliably Need an estimate of distance between E and F (GPS locations + mobility during packet transmission) 292 Geographical Leashes [Hu] Difficulty: Packets may travel along non line-of-sight paths Hard to predict the actual “distance” traveled by the transmissions Difficulty: A related problem is that physically close hosts may not be able to communicate directly (because of obstacles) The attacker may still introduce a tunnel (wormhole) between these hosts However, the attacker needs the information that the two hosts cannot see each other – difficult to get this information 293 Temporal Leashes Assume tight clock synchronization (e.g., GPS) Sender timestamps the packet, and receiver determines the delay since the packet was sent If delay too large, reject the packet The timestamps must be protected by some authentication mechanism or signature 294 Wormhole Attack: Summary Not clear that this attack is easy to launch undetected • The attacker needs knowledge of propagation to be sure of avoiding detection Solutions dealing with unidirectional links may suffice in some cases 295 Anomaly Detection 296 Anomaly Detection Anomaly detection: Detect deviation from “normal” behavior Need to characterize “normal” Normal behavior hard to characterize accurately Need to be able to determine when observed behavior departs significantly from the norm Avoid false positives The MAC layer approach for detecting deviation from “normal” distribution of contention window parameters can be considered an “anomaly detection” scheme 297 Anomaly Detection in Ad Hoc Networks [Zhang00] Anomaly detection may also be useful at other layers, particularly, network layer How to characterize “normal” routing protocol behavior? Some of the routing mechanisms we discussed earlier do detect specific forms of abnormal behavior, but a more generic approach is desired Can we design a protocol-independent anomaly detection mechanism? Not clear 298 Anomaly Detection We limit our discussion here Wireless harder than wired networks due to spatial and temporal variations 299 Attacks on Sensor Networks Compromised sensors may provide erroneous sensor readings Need to protect from spurious data, by exploiting redundancy offered by dense sensor deployment Take “vote” among nearby sensors to determine appropriate value Nearby sensors (even if all good) may not yield identical readings The “vote” needs to account for this 300 Attacks on Sensor Networks Intruder may gain access to sensor data transmitted over wireless channel Use encryption How to set up keys at various sensors? Static assignment • Example: – Each sensor pre-loaded with a private key Dynamic assignment • Example: – Each sensor pre-loaded with a set of public-private key pairs – Adjacent sensors use a key that both are aware of 301 Outline Introduction to ad hoc networks Selected routing protocols Selected MAC protocol mechanisms Security and misbehavior Key management in wireless ad hoc networks Secure communication in ad hoc networks MAC layer issues Network layer issues Conclusion & Related activities References 302 Conclusions 303 Conclusion Security an important consideration for widespread deployment of wireless ad hoc networks We discussed a sampling of topics in security and misbehavior in ad hoc networks Some issues are similar to those in wired networks The differences from wired network arise due to Shared nature of the wireless channel with variations over space/time Inability to rely on access to “infrastructure” Ease of intrusion (relative to wired networks) 304 Conclusion A lot of interesting research ongoing One concern is that not all attacks are equally likely Attackers will typically go after the weakest feature Nevertheless an important area of research with potential for future applications 305 Related Standards Activities IETF MANET Working group IEEE 802.11 IEEE 802.16 306 Some Relevant Conferences/Workshops ACM Wireless Security Workshop (WiSe) – held at ACM MobiCom last few years Traditional security conferences (Security and Privacy, DSN, etc.) Networking conferences: ACM MobiCom, ACM MobiHoc, IEEE INFOCOM, etc. 307 Thanks! 308 References [Bharghavan94] MACAW: A Media Access Protocol for Wireless LANs, Vaduvur Bharghavan, Alan Demers, Scott Shenker, Lixia Zhang, SIGCOMM, 1994 [Buchegger] S. 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