From Intensity to Flux ¯ Fsurf = 2p 1 òò ò ¯ I surf (m, f, l )m dm df d l l f =0 m =0 • ϕ integral: Azimuthal Symmetry in longwave. (A little more complicated in shortwave) • μ integral: We’ll replace intensities with monochomatic flux and work at a single zenith angle . This is often called the “Diffusivity Approximation” • λ integral: This is one is a pain. We can either do it explicitly (lineby-line) or use various approximations. We’ll discuss this later. • Really 4 integrals, as the intensity term contains an integral over the emission from each atmospheric level z !! Diffusivity Approximation (μ integral) (aka 2-stream Approximation) • We define an effective angle approximately correct: such that the “flux transmittance” is • For ANY τ(z1,z2), can find a value of need to find a general one. such that the equation is exact. But we • Typical values are 1/2 to 2/3. Typical flux errors are 1-3%. • With this approximation plus using azimuthal symmetry, we get flux equations that look exactly like intensity equations: F (l ) = ¯ surf where TOA ò z=0 p B(z)WF¯(z)dz Key Assumptions for pure radiative equilibrium • Each layer in atmosphere in pure radiation balance: Flux in = Flux Out for each thin layer. Same for surface. • Diffusivity/2-stream approximation (including azimuthal average): Can ignore angular integral and use one specific direction (typically theta = 48 deg). • For us, we’ll further assume: • Atmosphere does not absorb solar • All solar absorbed by surface only • In the longwave, “Graybody approximation” Gas absorption is independent of wavelength. (Gets around the wavelength integral!) • Manabe & Strickland (1964) relaxed the latter set of assumptions and calculated pure Rad. Eq. temperature profiles for real gas behavior, including some Shortwave absorption in the atmosphere. • The basic behavior will be qualitatively correct. Revisiting the Radiative Transfer Equation OLR=Fup(TOA)=Fsol Fsol = So (1-)/4 T1 T2 Ts4 * T3 Ts Basic Question: what temperature profile is required to sustain an energy balance (i.e. a radiative equilibrium) at the TOA, surface and for each layer of atmosphere)? Methodology • Write Radiation balance for every layer and surface. • Apply BC’s at TOA and surface. • Make assumption about absorption coefficient vs. altitude. Solution to the Gray-Gas Model Discontinuity at surface, FSOL/2 FSO 0 L F F * T4 FSOL 2 A “tropopause” (skin) temperature for our simple model 1 Tstrat 1 æ FSOL ö 4 æ 239 2 ö 4 =ç ÷ »ç ÷ = 214K è 2s ø è 5.68´10-8 ø Solutions to the Gray Gas Model This reduces to: Hypothesize that: (z)h2o(z) (which decays exponentially in height) FSOL æ 3 * -z H ö s T ( z) = ç t e +1÷ ø 2 è2 4 (z) *exp(-z/H) Scale height of H2O, ~2.3 km Gray body model for the atmospheric temperature profile: 6.5 K/km lapse rate Temperature profiles from pure radiative equilibrium: