What’s Happening Today? • • • • • National Weather Satellite Atmospheric circulation Radar Temperature/Wind Profile http://www.atmos.illinois.edu/weather/tree/viewer.pl?launch/sfcslp 2 Module 3: Winter & Spring Storms • Goals. Understand: – how large-scale weather systems are organized – that atmosphere constantly striving to maintain balance between forces both in the vertical and horizontal directions • However, solar heating tends to create unbalanced conditions • Nearly all severe weather is a reflection of the atmosphere’s response to restore balance Today: – Terrain effects on weather – Weather and the Great Salt Lake • Review: April 2 • Exam: APRIL 7 Recognizing terrain’s role in the forecast process • Planetary scale – mean ridge and trough positions • Synoptic scale – cyclogenesis and anticyclogenesis – fronts • Mesoscale – Dynamically & thermally driven circulations – Orographic precipitation processes • Local scale – Impacts of local surface inhomogeneities Why is Terrain So Important? If the earth were greatly reduced in size while maintaining its shape, it would be smoother than a billiard ball. (Earth radius = 6371 km; Everest = 8.850 km) However, the atmosphere is also shallow (scale height ~8.5 km) so mountains are a significant fraction of atmosphere’s depth And: Stability gives the atmosphere a resistance to vertical displacements The lower atmosphere can be rich in water vapor so that slight ascent brings the air to saturation Example: flow around a 500-m mountain (<< 8.5 km) might lead to 1) broad horizontal excursions, 2) downslope windstorm on lee side, and 3) torrential orographic rain on windward side. Schematic cross-section of prevailing southerly synoptic flow, northerly surface flow down The gully, and easterly flow likely drainage flow from Flint Hills. Numbers identify the Sonic anemometers on the E-W transect. E is to the right and N into the paper. What is a mountain? • Definition is subjective – Roderick Peattie. Mountain Geography (1936) Mountains are 1) impressive, 2) enter into the imagination of people living in their shadow, and 3) have individuality. • Traditional definition: elevation increase above surroundings > 300 m MSL • Objective definitions are difficult: – Elevation (insufficient criterion, e.g., Great Plains) – Local relief (Grand Canyon?, incised into plateau) – Steepness of slope – The amount of land in slopes Mountains of the western US Whiteman (2000) Western U.S. Terrain (high- dark; low-light) Roughness (dark) Review:Effect on Precipitation Average Annual Precipitation http://www.prism.oregonstate.edu/normals/ Western U.S. Terrain (high- dark; low-light) How does orography affect fronts? • Movement – Low-level blocking and channeling of the winds may retard or accelerate a front, resulting in a distortion of its “shape” • Creation or destruction of the front • Terrain may interact with flows and contribute to their formation or destruction • In some cases, entire lower portion of a front may not be able to cross a mountain ridge or range, leaving only an upperlevel front Flow splitting around an isolated mountain range Convergence zones often form on the back side of isolated barriers (Ex: Puget Sound convergence zone) Whiteman (2000) Terrain channeling Steenburgh and Blazek (2001) • Terrain-parallel jet may develop in post-frontal environment • Contributes to development of frontal nose Frontal movement up and over a mountain barrier Whiteman (2000) Tax Day Storm: April 15, 2002 Maximum Temperature: Monday. April 15. 2002 Tax-Day Storm (15 April 2002): Todd Foisy. April 15, 2002 • Extensive damage ($4M+) from high winds > 35 m / s • Record lowest SLP (982mb) at Salt Lake City (SLC) • Ushered in an extended period of cold/wet weather • 5-10 year event • Max temperature change with cold front 16 C / hr • Prefrontal blowing dust visibility < 1 km, closed roads, • Rained mud, brownish/orange-colored snow (J. Shafer) Bagley. Salt Lake Tribune Building blocks for orographic storms • Large-scale weather (e.g., cyclones and fronts) – Determines the airmass characteristics, including wind speed, wind direction, stability, and humidity • Dynamics of air motion over and around the mountains – Determines depth and intensity of the orographic ascent • Cloud and precipitation microphysics – Determines if condensation will lead to precipitation Drainage Basins and Lakes 21 Gunnison Bay Bear River Bay SPRR causeway Great Salt Lake Utah Fremont Is. Gilbert Bay Farmington Antelope Is.Bay Salt Lake Valley Motivation for Studying the Great Salt Lake • Level, salinity, & temperature of the lake respond to regional weather and climate • Ecological impacts (brine shrimp cysts, bird populations) • Lake contributes to the development of lake breezes/fronts and lake-effect snow storms • Need for weather information over the lake for protection of nearby population as well as boaters on the lake • As climate changes, how will lake, lake ecosystems, and nearby weather evolve? • Health effects of mercury and other pollutations 24 …And we have our own Pirates! • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NNdxBLn O3-k • The Salty Adventures of Jim and Barbados, a 10-episode webseries • https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLxjka n5ClxJwRrJ8q6rCHZOGLtVJI18CI • http://www.chickenwingmedia.com/ 25 Lake Level- Net Difference between Basin Precipitation & Evaporation Annual Snow Total OSU/WRCC Photo: D. Judd LEVEL (m) Lake Level NOW YEAR 27 Monthly Departure From Normal (meters) 28 29 20 March 2015 http://www.sltrib.com/home/2107813-155/great-salt-lake-at-near-record-low 30 Gunnison Bay Bear River Bay SPRR causeway Great Salt Lake Utah Fremont Is. Gilbert Bay Farmington Antelope Is.Bay Salt Lake Valley Variations in Lake Level $80 million 1987-1989 2004 2.73 million acre-feet Hat Island D. Judd 34 35 Weather/lake interactions As lake level decreases… • Salinity increases • Length of the lake remains relatively unchanged but width decreases significantly • Lake temperature responds faster to atmospheric forcing All of these factors potentially influence characteristics of lake breezes and lake effect snowstorms 38 Thermally-Driven Flows • Complex interactions between winds generated by temperature contrasts between mountains and valleys and between lake surface and surrounding desert soils • Nighttime: down valley (towards lake) since lake and valleys relatively warm • Daytime: up valley (away from lake) since lake and valleys relatively cool • Thermally-driven flows controlled by larger-scale atmospheric conditions 39 Night: 2ºC Day: 25ºC Night: 10ºC Day: 15ºC 12 – 15º C October 17 2000 Ingredients Required for Lake-Effect Snowstorm Despite its relatively small size, the Great Salt Lake produces snowbands similar to those observed over the Great Lakes – Lift: A mechanism to lift air parcels must be present (e.g., winds from opposing sides of the lake converging in the center of the lake) – Instability: Lake must be much warmer than air at mountain crest level (by 17oC or more). Likely when cold northerly/northwesterly winds blow across the lake. – Moisture: There must be sufficient moisture in the air approaching the lake for clouds to form when the air is lifted. Evaporation from the lake is insufficient to generate appreciable snowfall Steenburgh et al. (2000), Steenburgh (2003) Lake effect storms likely contribute only 5% of the snowfall in the Cottonwood Canyons… Satellite Image of Lake-Effect Snowbands https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TWwhNp uSKLE 43 Wind parallel ba Shore parallel When/Where around the Great Lakes? Ingredients Required for Lake-Effect Snowstorm Despite its small size, the Great Salt Lake produces snowbands similar to those observed over the Great Lakes – Lift: A mechanism to lift air parcels must be present (e.g., winds from opposing sides of the lake converging in the center of the lake) – Instability: Lake must be very much warmer than air at mountain crest level (by 17oC or more). Likely when cold northerly/northwesterly winds blow across the lake. Lake temperature of 7oC and 700 mb temperature of -10oC – Moisture: There must be sufficient moisture in the air approaching the lake for clouds to form when the air is lifted. Evaporation from the lake is insufficient to generate appreciable snowfall Lake Effect Snow Bands Solitary midlake band Alta SLC SLC Alta 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 Precip rate (SWE/h) 0.2 48 Great Salt Lake-Effect Snow Influenced by Mountains and Lake… 49 Summary • The Great Salt Lake responds to regional weather and climate • Changes in lake state in turn affect local weather and climate • Future climate of region and future states of lake remain unclear: – Warmer temperature leading to changes in seasonality of snow melt and mix of rain vs. snow – Global GCMs and downscaling approaches provide mixed signals for precipitation in region • Terminal lakes around the world are sensitive to ongoing and future land use policies Summary Lake effect snowstorm needs LIM (lift, instability, moisture) For good Salt Lake/Cottonwood lake-effect storm: – winds out of the northwest along the primary lake axis – Relatively warm lake temperature relative to temperature at mountain crest – Enough moisture flowing from upstream of the lake over the lake (in other words, the lake is not the moisture source) Lake effect snowstorms don’t explain the “greatest snow on earth” but may enhance Cottonwood snow totals during some storms Impact of lake-effect snowstorms on snow totals in Cottonwood Canyons is perhaps 5-10% of total for season Summary • Mountains provide a means to lift air leading to the formation of clouds and precipitation • Mountains distort the progression of fronts causing them to be slowed down in some areas and sped up in others